TUB COQUHXR VALLRY SENTINEL. COQUILLE. OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBRE 4, IMS. iButie. Montana, and Claud Brown of Bandon; one mater, Mrs. Daisy Clin- Local REA System— ton, of Myrtle Point, and two brothers, John Myers, of Powers, and Ralph Observes Anniversary BY CONGRESSMAN HARRIS ELLSWORTH ■ Myers, of Springfield, and many rela­ The Coos Electric Cooperative, Co­ Washington, D. C., October 30— Ak protect the bauxite mines and miners. tives and fFtedds."^ Mrs. Myers Clin­ quille, this week enters its fourth year this is written, the official status of The army is, still there.' We are ton and Mr. and Mrs. Add Christen- of supplying electric service 40 the proposal to construct an alumina building ships frantically in order 1 sen, of Myrtle Point, an^ Claud farmers and other rural consumers from-clay plant in the Northwest is to get soldiers and supplies to the ■ Brown, of Bandon, went to Tacoma in this area. obscure. WPB’s Production Execu­ battle fronts, but 200 shiploads of to attend the funeral services. Citing the pogress of the Coopera­ Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller visited at. tive since its lines were first ener­ tive Committee which, in WPB is bauxite will be imported from South “the works," has now withdrawn its America this year on armed bauxite the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mason ! gized on November 4, 1940, Mana­ , previous order withholding permis- boats—and morg win come in next Sunday. ger R. J. Connarn recalled the sys­ ----- srorT to build the plants. That is the year'Ttx^only recently (October 1) I Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fairchield, Rich­ tem had only 232 consumers at the • way the statement from PEC reads. bauxite mining in Arkansas was cur­ ard and Billy and Rotha, of Scotts­ end of its first month of operation. However, it goes on to say that the tailed 65 per cent! They talk about burg, were week-end guests of Mr. Today the Cooperative furnishes elec­ plants (one in South Carolina, one manpower. The alumina to feed the and Mrs. Wm. Knabe. tric service to 822 consumers along Ladies Aid met Wednesday at the!202 ¿Leg’uf distribution Une’s'in’cw in Wyoming and one in the North-, Northwest aluminum reduction west) may be built providing they plants, forty per cent of the Nation's church for an all days meeting with j ! and Cùrry counties. do not require in their building, criti­ output of aluminum for war, must be a pot luck dinner at noon. Those I Farm members of the Cooperative cal materials or essential manpower. hauled 2600 miles constantly tying present were Mesdames O. H. Aasen, i have come to deffend more and more The manpower commission takes up 650 freight cars and requiring con­ 1 Albert Lillie, Albert Gulstrom, Ward Op electric ’equipment to save labor Evans, Tyrrell Woodward, Charles and'increase production of such vital an interesting position in the matter siderable train-crew manpower. GriffitH and Mary Anne, and Clarence foods as milk, eggs, poultry and following the PEC action. WMC We are throwing the manpower says, in effect, “We have nothing fur­ issue right back at them, and in def- 1 Butler. Some of the men came over meats, Mr. Connam said. The 314 ther to say about it—local interests in ' inite language, By not proceeding and worked, getting some of the wood j farms served by the Cooperative con- the Northwest declared at previous to develop alumina from clay in the cut and put in the basement. They ,3umed an average of 79 kilowatt , hearings on the subject that they J Northwest, they are wasting man­ were O. H. Aasen, Ward Evans, Geo. hours in August as compared with 74 «V> i { a year ago. had names and addresses of moft j power as follow^: An army in Guiana 1 GiHespie and Robert Munford. They — than enough available and non-es- numbering thousands of men; a fleet will meet again next Wednesday at The Cooperative encourages its • ; sential labor to proceed with plant of bauxite boats requiring hundreds: the church, all day. i members to make the best possible construction. So far as we are con­ of sailors and gun crews; hundreds ' Choir practice was held Friday eve­ i use of existing electrical equipment ' cerned, let them go ahead—that is nb of transcontinental bauxite trains. I ning at the home of Mrs. S. C. McAl­ and to build home-made devices. Mr. concern of ours.” ‘ In other words, have, by the way, mentioned these lister with the following attending; Connam said. The Cooperative has they seem to think that the bluff, if facts not only in giiscussing the mat­ Mesdames Stanley Halter, Albert Lil­ I plans for several home-made ap­ thdt is the proper word, of some Ore­ ter “down town,”'but in a gpeech on . lie, Albert Gulstrom, Ward Evans, pliances such as a chick brooder and Werner Plaep and Mrs. S. C. Me Al- I fruit and vegetable dehydrator which gon and Washington communities has the- floor of the House. * lister. They will meet this Friday I require few critical materials. Many been called. To my way of thinking ' there was no bluff about it. The lo- ! There is daily increasing pressur^i evening at 8 p. m. at the home of 1 of the electric devices saving a sub­ cation of the plant has not yet been on Congress from the people to re- Mrs. O. A. Aasen. stantial amount of labor are in the Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Watkins 16ft ¡farm home, including water systems, determined, but I am sure thqt suf-“ * adjust prices by law. Price control ficient manpower can be obtained at (was authorized for the duration under Tuesday for Seattle, Washington, washing machines, ranges, refrigera­ any one of the several possible loca­ the Price Control Act passed by Con- ! where Mr. Watkins will be for a tors and irons. / tions mentioned. gress, and therefore it is the function i short time. Miss Mary Watkins ac­ j The Cooperative’s program got un­ The “no critical materials” catch in of the Office of Price Administration companied them as far as Portland, derway on Novembei 6, 1939 when the the WPB grudging permission to (OPA). That is an administrative ! where she has been employed for build the alumina-from-clay plant is agency under the control and imme­ some. time. Miss Pamela Evans was an over­ far more dangerous to the actual re­ diate direction of the executive de­ alization of our hopes than the man­ partment—in other words, the Presi­ night guest at the home of Mr. and power problems. dent. Hq has the final decision under Mrs. Albert Lillie Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela the war .emergency setu0. Produced only from bauxite, as it That Is the way our system of gov­ and Maureen, and Mrs. Chester Will- is now, aluminum production is con­ ernment wosks. The Congress writes son and Chloe of Myrtle Point were trolled almost entirely by one com­ the basic laws and the executive at' Sunday dinner guests at the home of pany. This company owns the South tends to the administration of them. Mr. and,Mrs. Roy Mast of Allegany. John Damron, of Empire, visited at American deposits and it also owns There is another plan for meeting the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. all of the high grade bauxite deposits in the United States. But when the the fuel shortage situation in Oregon Watkins one day last week. B. B. Watkins and Mrs. Kennedy ■processes of obtaining alumina from and Washington coming up, I am told. clay are fully developed, there can be Once more assurance has been given Baker, of Bandon, came up from no aluminum monopoly. Aluminum- that fire-wOod will not be rationed, Bandon last Saturday and spent the bearing clays exist in many sections but the solid fuels administration in­ day visiting at the home of Mr. and of this country and in vast quantities. sists that the fuel situation in the Mrs. H. E. Watkins. Ward Evans was helping Ben Moo­ two states is critical and that some­ maw on his ranch Monday when the They talk about the shortage of thing must be done. It is about an manpower as a reason lot not con­ even bet that some form of subsidy team became frightened and ran The government away, breaking up the grain drill. structing the clay process plants. wk be devised. Nonsense. Two years ago we sent “economists'* have gone subsidy- No one was hurt, although Mr. Moo­ maw was thrown off the drill.' an afmy down to Dutch Guiana to minded in a big way. The regular monthly Missionary meeting will be held Tuesday after­ noon at the church with Mrs. Stanley Arago News Items Fairview News Halter and Mrs. Robert Fish as host­ Mrs. Mary Murray (Mary Myers esses for the afternoon. Students enjoyed a vacation from school Monday when teachers gath­ before being married) sister of Mrs. Rev. Charles G. Brown, of Coquille, ered in Coquille for Institute. School Daisy Clinton ef Myrtle Point, and conducted the regular Sunday morn­ of the late E. J. Myers of Arago, ing church service. Sunday school started again Tuesday. Mrs. Robert Holverstott enjoyed a passed away at her home in Tacoma, followed with an attendance of 25. visit with her mother, Mrs. Russell last Thursday, Oct. 28, after a short There was a special number by the Stillwell, of Portland, last week. Mr. illness. She had not been feeling very ladies' choir. There will be ser­ Stillwell went farther south on busi­ well, but. at the time of her death, vices again next Sunday, preaching at ness and picked up Mrs. Stillwell sb1) had been so much better and had 10 a. m. and Sunday school at 11 a. gone to town that day and had dinner m. The Sunday school voted to do­ Saturday on his way home. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kenyon and with her daughter, Mrs. Susie Kruse nate $10.00 to the Coos County War children returned to their home In of Portland, who was visiting her Chest fund. Eugene Thursday after attending mother at the time. They had gone Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela and home and Mrs. Muzray was taken Maureen, visited at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Kenyon’s father's funeral. The funeral of O. B. Dow was held suddenly ill and passed away in a Louise Carver and also at the home last Wednesday in Schroeder's fun­ short time. She had been visiting of Mr. and Mrs. Chestef Willson in eral home in Coquille. Many friends relatives and friends in Coos county Myrtle Point Saturday. and neighbors from Fairview attend­ only about a month ago. She was a Emmett Hammack, Marvin, Jimmy devoted Christian and one of God's qnd Shirley Anne, of Myrtle Point, ed. Mrs. John Beagle was called to noble women and was loved by all were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hillsboro last Wednesday by the se­ who knew her. She was past 80 years Nile Miller. of age and leaves to mourn her pass­ rious illness of her father. Clarence Mullins came in with two • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Warden returned ing, her daughter, Mrs. Susie Kruse, more bear the first of this week. There was no school Monday on to their home in Eugene last Sunday, of Portland, two sons, Tom Brown, of account of the Teacher's Institute. after spending the week here visiting Mr. and Mrs. • Sam Root, Merle, at the Henagin home. Their daugh­ Wednesday afternoon of last week ter, Bonnie, accompanied them. for their home in Eugene, after Larry, Bruce and Robert, of Broad­ Mr. .and Mrs. Ray Norris and Har­ spending a week in the valley visit­ bent, and Mrs. Bert DeMoss, of old Stack spent Sunday at the Chas. ing at the T. H. Benham and W. J. Brookings, were all Sunday guests Holverstott home. ! Wheeler homes. Ralph had the good of Mr. and Mrs. George Gillespie. The Arago pupils enjoyed a Hal­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kelley have luck to take back with them a lovely moved from the Neal home to their four-point buck, the first deer he lowe'en party at the school house last Friday afternoon.' new home in Coquille. ■ had ever killed. Mrs. Ida Myers was a Sunday din­ Mr. and Mrs. Perry Neal were at Extension club met Tuesday, Oct. their farm Sunday. They live in 26, at the Grange Hall. After the ner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane. Marshfield. business meeting, presided over by Mrs. Althea Harrah, of Coquille, vis­ Lorraine Norris has started work the chairman. Myrtle Holverstott, a ited her mother and father, Mr. and in Coquille at Smith Woods plant. planned lunch was served. At 1:30, Mrs. Frank Lane, Sunday afterhoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Schroeder of She is living in Coquille. Mrs. Dorothy Bishop talked on Saturday evening Dennis Buey is still confined to his “Building Morale.” Because of the Bandon were bed by a severe cold and sore throat. inability to procure a lawyer, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl. Mrs. J. D. Carl and grandson, He has been ill about two weeks. topic, “Women and Law,” will be Mary Helen Williams, of Reeds­ discussed at a later date. The next Douglas Carl, visited at the home of port, niece of Mrs. Harry Lindsay, meeting, in November, on "Meat Ex­ Mrs. Annie Lett in Myrtle Point last is spending several days at tbe Lind­ tenders?’ will be held at the home Thursday while Mr. Carl attended the say home. She came in Wednesday of the chairman, Myrtle Holverstott. Rotary club luncheon. Melden Carl has been helping with Those present at the last meeting of last week. Carl Hooker, of the U. S. Navy, weqp: Pamelia Hatcher, Kathleen the silo filling at the W. E. Cross has been in the valley visiting friends, Lir.dsay, Amy Richardson, Myrtle ranch several days the past week. also visiting in Coquille and Eugene. Holverstott, Audra Enlund, Roxy Mrs. Carl was helping her mother Fred and Gordon Dow left last Frye, June Butler, Emma Hall, Ann with the cooking for the crew. week for Monmouth to visit their Lynn, Nadine Wheeler and Dorothy If it is Insurance, see me. uncle and family, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Bishop. Committees appointed were I Kenison. Mrs. Dow accompanied as follows: Membership, Kathleen Bull. Lindsay; Finance, Pamelia Hatcher; them. . . NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mrs. rtJw movftl tb Coquille last Hospitality, Amy-Hieljardson; , War Notice is hereby given that the; week before her children left for Bonds, Frances Gaslin; Luncheons for I undersigned was on the 1st day of their respective homes after being the nfext three months, Emma Hall, November, 1943, duly appointed by j here for several days with her during Audra Enlund and Nadine Wheeler. 1 the County Court of Coos County, as Administrator of the Es- the last illness and for the funeral of The club voted to sponsor one or , ' Oregon, tate of Leona E. Foley, deceased; and more 4-H scholarships this year. ; all- persons having claims against their father, G. B. Dow. Visitors at the home Of Mr. and This will mean a trip to Corvallis said Estate are hereby required to !■ Mrs. Andy Parks last Sunday from next summer for some lucky students. present them to me, with proper vouchers attached and duly verified, | Marshfield were Mr. and Mrs. Nor- Kathleen Lindsay was appointed to at my office in Coauille, Oregon, ville Loftin, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lyons. be project leader on “Covering Um­ within six months from date of this Mrs. Parks served lunch in the eve­ brella.” This meeting was held at notice. Dated and published first time Nov. Bunker Hill and she was present With ning for their guests. .'4, 1943. Dorothy Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Zenor left 1 4215 O. C. Sanford, Administrator. Weekly Letter From Washington, D. C FAGE 8RVRN allot aUd first Marriage Licenses ----- -j the system. Construction started, after a contract had been let Oct. 30—Harold Ronning, of Rose­ on May 16, 1940, for the building of burg, and Bernice Flolo, of Klamath 84 miles of tine at a cost of")T2,866. Falls. REA has advanced the Cooperative a Nov. 2—Glen Gilbert and Thorei total of $261,505 on its construction M. Hollenbeck, both of Coquille. allotments ju of September 30, 1043. Nov. 3—Harold J. Ross, of powers, and Ell Man Y. Endicott, of Myrtle Card of Thanks Point. We wish to extend to our frjends, to the members of the Christian Wanted! Men And church and of the W. R. C. our sin­ Women Who Are cere thanks for their kindness and Hard Of Hearing sympathy and for the flowers at the service held for our mother, Mrs. A. To make tills simple, no risk hear­ ing test. If you are temporarily deaf­ N. Foley. ■ ened, bothered by ringing buzzing Mr and Mrs. G. W Haynes and noises due to hardened or coagu­ sons, Oapt and Mrs. L. E. Haynes and head lated wax (cerumen), iry the Ourine daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Patter­ Home Method tes* that so many say son, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Brown and has enabled them to, hear well again. You must hear better after making children. , this simple test or you get youimioney back at once. Ask about Ourine Ear Insurance Specialist, F. R. Bull. Drops today at Barrow f'-us Co. The Industrial RepairCo of Coquille ' Î ■ ' MACHINING METALLIZING WELDING PRESSING BLACKSMITHING “WALLY" Phone 4« Bea. 22EJ THOMAS America’s Top Comments STANDARD OIL CÓMPANY OF CALIFORNIA