PAOÍÍu. —— PIANO Tuning and Technician. Call 185J. Tunin*;, repairing, de­ mothing, restringing and refelting. One Cent 6 Werd Each Insertio« Will be in Coquille for the month Ne Adv. lena than 25 tenta of November. G. Or Nelson, for­ merly with drUL at Marshfield for ten years. 42t2*s Have new and up-to-date equip­ ment and heavy pipe where needed. We carry a complete line of V- Fred C. Loe, Route 1, Marshfield. Belta for all makes of Refrigerators. 80t4«tf Washing Machines and other equip­ CLASSIFIED ; Norway News Items Mrs. Rufus Rylander received a telegram Monday from her son, Frank Trigg, who had just arrived at Mun«*. Indiana, where he will study mechanical engineering. J. F. Schroeder and brother, Frank . Schroeder, have jtist finished put­ ting a new shingle roof on the house occupied by the Henry Gasnerr ment. Wa>hcr Service Co., 365 W. PERMANENT WAVE 59c Do your Mrs. Mary Qhapman, of Gude, 16tfs own Permanent with Charm-Kurl Front, Coquille. Phone. Ore., and her sister, Mrs. Sarah Kit. Complete equipment, includ—i See “Spike” Lesiie.for the best in Wimer, of Grants Pass, who have ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy Liability, or other Insurance. Office, ; been visiting with their nephew and to do, absolutely harmless. Praised next door to Coquille Hospital, I family, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Halter, by thousands including June Lang, phone 5; residence phqne 95L. s of Norway, for the past month, left glamorous movie star. Money re­ i Thursday of last week on the bus funded if not satisfied. Barrow STOVES—Ranges, Coleman Oil Cir­ for Glide. See us Drug Company. 35110* I culators, now in stock. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Druliner and about New Stove Purchase Regula­ son, Douglas, and Mr. and Mrs. A. BARB WIRE—Three grades now in tions. J. A. Lamb Company. s _______ ____ R. Bennett and Mrs. Julia Leep at- stock. We suggest you buy your Kalsomining, tended the lecture given by Rev. actual requirements for next spring PAPERHANGING, Wood Finishing, Interior and Ex- Perry Oliver Hansen on China at the now while available. Don’t put it We buy cotton i Methodist church in Myrtle Point terior Painting. off until later on. J. A. Lamb Herbert E. Wood, 275 N. ' Monday evening. Mr. Hansen has rags. Company. * s tfs been a missionary in China for some Henry St. Phone 286. DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk­ fhr^y years. He stated that hr and en, Parts and Dairy Supplies. Get LOST—Last week-end, check book. | his family were living in Taian, with money enclosed, and Ever­ : China, when' the Japenese army at- them at Pacific Feed A Seed Co tfs sharp Lifetime Fountain Pen. Re­ , tacked and occupied the city back in STEP and Extension Ladders—Now ward for return to Hallock’s Dress 1937. Mr. Hansen says he and his In stock. Every home\ needs one. »hop. Its wife are hoping to return to their J. A. Lamb Company. s _ ____________________________ GOLD FISH—Just received a ship­ I : wotk among the Chinese when the FOR SALE — 300 Chickens — 100 war is over as they have a great in­ ment—FARR & ELWOOD. ’ White Leghorns, 1 yr. old; 200 New terest in the spiritual welfare of these • Hampshire Reds, 5H mos. old — FOR PLUMBING Repairs and Ser- i people. vice—call 2-L. J. A. Lamb Com­ *1.50 each. J. H. Kelley, north of Mrs. Nicolin Elznor left Thursday pany. tfs of last week for Portland to visit her Myrtle Burl on highway, back of I. O. O. F. cemetery, N q : 2. 41t2*s WANTED—To buy child’s used ex-j sisters. She will also visit with her press wpgon, or wheels suitable for grand daughter, Anita Tedsen, before GOOD SERVICE makes Good In­ building same. Write or see ( returning home. surance. I give servie*. -,. F. R. Miss Lura Morgan, of Bandon, was Frances Holmstrom, 590 N. rlall, Bull. s a Sunday overnight guest at the home ---------------------- <------------------------------- ••Coquille. of her Uncle, J. H. McCloskey, and DAIRY SUPPLIES—For McCormick Deering Milker Parts and Dairy FOR SALE—A few more laying hens,1 wife. pullets and corckerels, also various Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Boak came up Supplies—See us. J, A. Lamb Company. s incubators and brooders, also one from Bandon Sunday to 'visit Mix. Maytag Gas Wash Machine Motor, Book’s sister, Mrs. R. R. Rackleff, HOT WATER TANKS — Standard like new, 825.00. Inquire at 601 bringing her mother, Mrs Martha weight, extra heavy weight, 20 year ! North Taylor, Coquille, or Phone McNair, with them. The Boaks re­ I guaranteed tanks. FARR & EL­ 75L. Its turned home in the evening but WOOD. Mrs. McNair remained with Mrs. I WILL the party who picked up red Rackleff for a longer visit. FOR SALE—Philco Radio, 7 tube, Purse and ration books in Co­ Mrs. Russell Hank, of Norway, be- excellent condition. A bargain at quille Bakery Monday afternoon, '’ gan work last Thursday morning at $20. Call at 601 North Taylor or kindly mail them to Mrs. H. C. the Smith Wood-Products plant in phone 75L Coquille. it’s McKinney, McKinley Route, Co- 1 the Venetian blind department. were in the quille. The books all LOST—Monday evening, a No. 4 Ra­ Miss Sidney Yarbrough, whose It*» McKinney name.. tion book in Vera Salladay's name,’ parents have lately purcahsed the Pioneer Methodist Church J. F. Schroeder ranch, is also work­ Rev. Charles Goodwin Brown, ing for Smith Wood-Products. At • Pastor present she is staying with her aunt, 9:45—Sunday school hour. Teachers Mrs. W. A Warner, in Coquille and and rooms for every class. going to her work.-------- ----------- -—- rrwp^snuasy morntiif woiafip Mr. and Mrs. Z. C. Strang came up hour. “Christ the Power of God.’ Friday of last week and remained at 6:30 — Youth Fellowship hour. the home of her sister, Mrs Elizabeth Please note this change in hour. Lett, till Monday of this week. 7:30 — Sunday evening worship Mrs. Charles S»t. Sure, of Bandon, hour. Helpful song service,. uplift­ spent xthe day Fridey of last week ing organ music. A brief and helpful visiting Mrs. Erie J. Fowler. message by the pastor. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Breuer, of Myr­ 6:30—Sunday evening organization tle Point, drove over to Marshfield of the Junior Fellowship group. last Saturday, spending the night 7:30—Wednesday evening choir re­ with their daughter and husband, I hearsal hour. Help the church by Mr. and Mrs. Ben Daniels. Early Sun­ helping with the choir. day morning Mr. Breuer and Ben 7:30—Thursday evenings mid-week went up South Coos river deer hunt­ services. A continuance of the study ing, bagging one .eligible deet*. His of the prayers of Christ. brothet-in-law, A. R. Bennett, did No church prospers merely because the milking and chores Sunday morn­ it has names on its membership rec- ing. j ords. It must have consecrated mem­ Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Schroeder bers who give of their service as well came up from Ophir Sunday on their as their praise. way to Portland and Seattle on busi­ ness. They stopped at his parents, Church of Christ • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schroeder, leav­ East 4th & Coulter' ' ing the two older children, Leanna i Liston Parrish, Pastor T and Walter, with their grandparents ' Thursday 6:45. Church fellowship and the baby with her parents, Mr. njght. BaskeMdinner and fellowship and Mrs. Casper Gasner. Mr. and j about the tables, followed by a sea- Mrs. Adrian expect to be gone a :Ion oy teaching and prayer, week or ten days. j Sunday Mrs. Elizabeth Lett and Mr. and Bibie School 9:45. Clarence Flser, Mrs. Z. C. Strang were Sunday eve- 1Upt. Inspiration and study together, ning dinner guests of Mrs. Lett’s Morqing worship 11 o’clock. Lord’s daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. supper. Special music. Mrs. Hattie Emil Petersen. Menzies, who spent 40 years in India Mr. and Mrs. Guy Grant went out will speak. There will be a basket to Eugene Saturday, taking Mrs. dinner at noon, followed by an after­ Grant to the dentist. Mr. and Mrs. noon of missionary education begin­ Edwin Schroeder, of Myrtle Point, ning at 2:30. accompanied the Grants as far as Jr. and Intermediate C. E. will Roseburg, where they visited with a meet with the Young People at 6:15 cousin of Mrs. Schroeder's. They all for a missionary meeting. returned Sunday evening. Evening service 7:30. Mrs. Menzies The Pleasant Point Needle Club will again speak. met Wednesday of last week at the Monday 2:00 p. m. The women of home of Mrs. J. Lewellen Southmayd the church will discuss inissionary with the following named present: materials with Mrs. Mpnzies. Mrs. Frank Southmayd, Mrs. Mike Monday 7:30 Mrs. Menzies will Daniels and daughter, Mrs. Enno Dor­ bring another missionary message. na th, Mesdames R. W. Haughton, Don Wed., 7:30, Choir Practice Harold Simmons, Rufus Rylander, Farr, director. Guy Grant, R. R. Rackleff, Julia Leep, Lena Kellenberger, Russell First Church of Christ, Scientist Hank, Bert Claver, J. F. Schroeder, Coquille, Oregon Ellis Southmayd, A. R. Bennett and Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. the hostesses, Mrs. J. L. Southmayd. Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Mrs Enno Domath and Mrs Guy Subject for next Sunday, “Adam Grant were visitors of the club that day. The usual potluck dinner was and Fallen Man.’’ Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 enjoyed by all. ' Mr. and Mrs. * Harold Dick, of o’clock. Free public Reading Room at 255 Reedsport, left last Friday at 9:30 W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every a. m., arriving at her sister’s Mrs. Paul Bunch’s near Payette, Idaho, at day except Sunday and holidays from 10:45 p. m„ going by way of the 12:30 to 5:00 p. m. St. James* Episcopal Church The Rev. Robert L. Greene, Vicar Corner E. 3rd A Sta. Sunday, Oct. 31st 8:00, Holy Communion. 9:45, Church School. 11:00, Holy Communion with ser­ mon. Tuesday, Nov. 8 8:00 p. m.. Confirmation instruc­ tion. Wednesday, Nov. 9 10:00.a. m., Holy Communion. 3:00 p. m., Study class, under lead­ ership of the vicar. Thursday. Nov. 16 8:00 p. m., Evening Guild. The Assembly or Cad Second and Heath Sts. L. C. Persing, Pastor Sunday 9:45 Bring your boys and girls for an hour of profitable Bible Study. Sunday school superintendent, Ber­ tha Byrd. 11:00 Morning worship, pastor speaks on the subject, “Harvest Time.” 6:30 Christ Ambassadors; Arthur Hensley, president. 7:30 Evening evangelistic service, you will enjoy it. The pastor speaks. Monday: Fellowship in North Bend at opr church there. Morning, after­ noon and evening. Tuesday 7:30, Prayer meeting. Thursday 7:30, Choir practice, Aileen Wilson, director. Friday 7:30, Bible study. The Holy Name Catholic Church Mass at 9:30 a. m. every Sunday. Believe It or Not In Coquille Two specimens in the Sentinel win­ dow show the lavish mood of nature in Coos county. One of them is a cluster of green and ripe raspberries which were picked Saturday on Bill Barrow's place. The other is a double-header beet, one growing from the top of the other. This was brought in by Geo. B. Adams from his place on Spur­ geon Hill. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE on Front street. Finder please 'WANTED TO BUY OR RENT— ! STATE OF OREGON IN AND leave at Gilmore Service Station, small ranch on good road and near h FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS Front and Willard street^ lt*s town preferably. Must have fairly I ELLEN E. WILLIAMS SMITH, t Plaintiff. TAKEN—from Community Building , good house. Give complete descrip­ I* v8’ tion, including price, terms, etc.— CHARLES BALDWIN SMITH, Saturday evening, 6 small Vanity Defendant. Bag, containing a locker key. Fin- ! Address P. O. Box, 1941, Marsh­ 81 der is requested to at least return j field. 42t3s To Charles Baldwin Smith, the above key to high school office. lt*s' RANGE BOILERS—Fooler Porcetoifi! named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE BRICK — LIME — CEMENT—TILE, , ‘ Lined. Guaranteed 20 years. J. A. OF OREGON, You are hereby re­ quired to appear and answer the com­ Willamette highway and encounter­ all kinds of building materials.— Lamb Company. s Church of God plaint filed against you in the above ing very little snow. - FARR A ELWOOD. «__________________ . CEDAR SHINGLES—We have them. entitled suit, on or before Friday, the Comer of Henry & Seventh Sts. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond D. Soper 19th day of November, 1943, said FARR A ELWOOD. CARS Washed and Simonized. In­ Pastor, A. L. Perry date being after expiration of four came down from Tillamook, where quire after 4:00 p. m. or on Satur­ he has been working at the blimp All are invited to attend. If your weeks from the date of the first pub ­ FOUND—Last Saturday near Smith day at Gilmore Service Station, lication of this Summons, and if you plant on the highway, the top of fail so to appear and answer said base, to visit her parents, Mr. and child does not go to Sunday School Front anfi Willard. lt*s a 5 or 10 gal. milk can. Owner complaint or otherwise plead there­ Mrs. Bert Soper of Norway. The elsewhere, we urge you to send them, Sunday School, 10 a. m. can secure it at the Sentinel by to, for want thereof, the Plaintiff will two older children of the Edmond FOLDING CLOTHES Drying Racks— apply to the Court for relief prayed Sopers are staying with their grand ­ Preaching service 11 a. m. paying 35 cents for adv. s for in her complaint, to-wit: Shipment just arrived—FARR & parents and attending the Norway Young People’s meeting, 6:45 p. m. ELWOOD. BRING Your Tire Trouble, to Thorn- ! school. or better still bring them. FOR SALE—Oak Dresser, with plate The Norwlsy school children have ton’s, the most completely equipped heretofore existing between the Preaching service 7:30 p. m. shop in Southern Oregon. Only ex- I plaintiff and defendant, for the sole received their Red Cross tags. All glass mirtor; baby bed and mattress, Table and Benches for nook, good • perienced workmen. Best quality ! «re, ciutody and controlL of Dennis the children are members. They A All R“y ’Smlth* the IblnOT Child Of th* shape; One Breakfast Table. Phone materials and equipment used Al) , pIaintlff and defendant, and for such sent additional funds for equipping 123L. John S. Banders, 541 West work fully guaranteed. Thornton other relief as to the Court may seem Red Cross kits for the soldiers. 6th. lt*s ------- ------ " " -------------------------------- juri and equitable. Mr. Snd Mrs. J. F. Schroeder and AUTO PAINTING and Body Work. The grounds upon which said re- his brother, Albert, were Sunday Bring your car in—we can start lief is based in said Complaint is FOR SALE—“Farmers’ Bargains" —■ dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred work at once. Southwestern Motor "MS1. a"d inhuman treatment. Pups — Pigs — Horses — Cows — 1 This Summons is served upon you Yarbrough of Norway. Trailer — Hogs — Used Separa­ • | by publication thereof in the Coquille The NorWay school children gave tors—See FARR & ELWOOD’S ---------------------- ------------------------------- ¡Valley Sentinel, pursuant to an order la masked Hallowe’en basket social . ' of 4» —— Un —« Dal I X—— 1 RB X.- m Judge T.. i, of _ i FOR RENT — 2 Large Rooms, Fur- the Hon. M. King, “Swap Board.” tnr Light Tl«ht Housekeeping; -I |the Circuit CirCUit Court of COOS nished for Coos CoUntV. County, last Fridey evening, drawing a good on community crowd. Prizes were Stoves, Bed, Couch, Chairs and ^‘wth^a?’ of“ ited ^ and "nd entered “ SALE—on two, three and four roll October, 1943, and awarded to the two best costumed bundles of wallpaper, fifty per Table. J. E. Quick, 351 So. Henry, which order requires that the date cent reduction in price—at Gregg Coquille. tfs i of the first publication of said Sum- pupils. Little Arlene Thompson took shall ---------------------------- be on the 21st day ----------- of Oc- first prize as a Red Cross nurse and Hardware. 1 -------_■---------------- -r-—7------- ------- j . mons —----------- ------- ------------------------------- -------- For Refrigeration Service phone tober, 1943, the date of the last pub- Let* Keller took second. Mrs. Tom WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We------ »HopVY0W,' “ ‘ OT_res’idenTeri«8J,. -------““ ■ -- Detlefsen and Mrs. Thompson were NOTHING OVERLOOKED write Box 307, Coquille. O. H. day j ^ thur BERG. service all makes of washers. in charge of the fish pond. Various Washer Service Co. 365 West Garnier, authorized Frigidaire Attorney for Plaintiff I games were played, conducted by Don no matter how large and elaborate Front St. Phone 17. tfs Service. 27tfs Residence and P. O. Address | Schmidt, while Howard Hancock _.________________________ i__________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------- , 140t5 . Coquille. Oregon !had charge of Bing0 EmU the scale upon which the funeral Petersen HEATING STOVES—Wood and Coal ROLL ROOFING—108 sq. ft., tar. V'TIL' arrangements are to be made. That Stoves, stove pipe.— FARR & EL- nails, only $1.40.-Farr & Elwood. ( W-*^°™NTYOOURT OT THE auctioned off the lunch baskets, STATE OF OREGON IN AND which brought the goodly sum of Is our policy—that is our proud WOOD. ,------- - ---------------- - -----------——--------- ' 1 FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS $44.00, which will be applied on THIS WEEK 8 SPECIAL . jn the Matter of the Estate of claim after many years of experi­ WHEELBARROWS—We have them. schodl equipment. I have orders for several two and M. McKeown, Deceased. ence A conference with us will . Notice Sunday eveniqg diner^uests of Mr. FARR & ELWOOD. three bed-room houses. If you de­ Of Application and Hearing be to vour advantage. and Mrs. Martin Schmidt were Mr. sire a buyer for it It you desire to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That sell, list your property with me now. the ^indenigned. Leo*j“*Caa, ‘has and Mrs. Herman Detlefsen and Her­ The demand is good and prices are filed applii ilication and petition in the man Tedsen. _ ' >urt of the State of Oregon <______ ____________ Mrs. Henry Detlefesn ____________ was a visitor right. ~l have several new listing, of ^h^uTtiX'otTK at ‘he " 7% GAL. OIL CANS—This is an _________ ___________ ___ , -------------- » x... whjch application BDDlicati0_ i , Mrs. Elizabeth Lett and daughter, item that every fanner and logger ranches, some large, some small, but ! ! o ................. j m . McKeown, which Coquille Ilandon needs. Stock is limited, so Buy all priced right, and most of them recites that said M. McKeown has Mrs. Emil Petersen, helped Mrs. Iner ■ NOW. J. A. Lamb Company. a ' may be purchased on very easy terms. and unhe?rd. ir°7’ I Peterien c,n carn one da> last week. I09R If you are looking for a loan on ¡J a i e h * h " a dead" ***** USt PaBt ’ and Mrs’ LUlie Dement and Co" Steele. - — —-—7—:—;— t ---------- ■_ I If you are looking for a loan on he ig dead; WANTED—Lady to do Standing and home or farm of yours, tell me » Also Notice is. Hereby Given that of Myrtle Point, were Sunday after- Polishing of Myrtlewood Novelties, about it. - - I - have money ' available ------ ; a hearing will be held by the County , noon callers at the J. H. McCloskey’s, or man who can also run jig-saw. for that purpose. * Court “ County, Oregon, sit- Mrs. Elizabeth Lett called on Mrs. Wolf’s Myrtlewood Products, 795 J. S. Barton, Realtor, Coquille, Bark,ow and Mra Ida North Henry, Coquille. Phone Phone 21J. s sjduced ■ duced thereat concerning the alleged alleged 1 Myers Saturday of last week. High School .i—----- of the said —*-• M. •« McKeown, **-”■------- ’ Arline and Lonnie Kellenberger 23 IM. ‘ It’s ------ ------------------------- —--------------------- absence Credita ARE YOUR HENS LAYING? If not, and of the circumstances and dura- spent last week-end at the home of Given ELECTRIC WIRE—A limited supply ask us about our money back guar-^ ‘ tion of his absence, all provided their grandmother, Mrs. Lena Kellen- i in Section 19-1401, Oregon Compiled 105 W. 2nd - ' for sale without priority.—FARR & ante* to make them lay. FARR & Laws Annotated; which hearing will berger. ELWOOD. ELWOOD. be had at the hour of 10:00 o’clock Calling cards. SO ror Sl.OC A. M. on the 8th day of November, Calling caros. M> tor »1.00. * A WELL PLANNED SERVICE can do much in lessening the grief of the bereaved GANO FUNERAL HOME Phone 166 Coquille 19« So. Coulter St. County Residents can buy SUNDAY Oregon Journal r * ^Attention Ito Details i MISS INEZ ROVER WRECKER Phone 83 Night Phone 272X to Buy-LateModel Tracks, Pickupy and Cart. Southwestern Motors See Archie Bushnell at Southwestern Motors Chevrolet — Buick Coquille concerning said matter may present the same. This notice is made and given pui suant to an order pf the County C fourt oul . T m . It Is true, there 1s a saf* harm­ ; of Coos County, State of Oregon, duly I less medicated liquid called K leer ex that **rtee up pimples over flight. i made and entered on the 1st day of Many that they had a red tovfl I October, 1943, by the Honorable L. D. pimply report .race one night and surprised Felsheim, County Judge. their friends the next day with a clear complexion. There la so risk. Dated this 1st day of October, 1943. The flrst application must eonvlnoo Leo J. Cary, t yon or you get your money back. (Seal) Only »«e. Join the happy Kloor« Applicant. users Who are no longer embarrassed Attest: ...... T .j —- - with unsightly simplex Sold aad L. W. Oddy, rcconun«n4«d by County Clerk. BARROW DRUG COMPANY By G. Vaughan, Deputy while shopping in Coquille, at Tip Top, Brandon’s Boxy Fountain, Henninger’s Marked and Farmer’s Store on 10th St. NOBLE CHOWN1NG, Jr. Coquille Journal Agent r SCHROEDER BROS MORTUARIES, Inc .. NOTICE Oregonian Subscribers: Phase help year carrier by having your paper money ready at his flrat call. Remember he must pay Ms paper obligation before the 10th of the month. Thank you. The Oregonian Agency Lucille Donnelly Phone 141M Coquille, Oregon Dr. De La Rhue Eyesight Specialist K.ves Examined - Glasses Fitted Reception rooih jointly with Dr J. R Bunch l aird Halidins Phene 82-J Inet^ictor of Piano TWjn Classical and Modern Phone 29-L ’s Transfer Anywhere For Hire SAND AND GRAVEL S COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE Agents for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight Office Phone Farr * Hwood BWg W. Second St z ; y t n