The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, November 04, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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■ ------------------------------------------------- •T shining example of it a couple of
1 It is good that FDIC recognize the
years ago
The very day that the
danger of over-regulation. The banks
should be quick to take advantage of
By R. ]T. Moore
deer season opened a large fire was
' this opportunity to resume their pro-
started on open range—a grass and
By R. M. Harrison
The parents of a soldier stationed , per place in the national economy.
brush fire and one that for a while
in the Aleutians let me read a letter
I threatened big timber. And the m.n
- ............. ■— -
J _
(continued from last week)
' men once more, but to no avail, as fr om him l e lHng ho w much WT~ai- i An interesting natural phenomenon
thia fire was not a
Even though the deer season was
Reaching the cabin, Jimmie saw Moore was very much reconciled to
of the past year at the Bandon saw­ opened late this year, it was opened hunter, but a farmer, for he made
above the door a sign, done in char­ his fate, and would answer by say­ paid me the very fine compliment of mill was the unexpected behavior of' over the protests of timber interests, this remark to me: “Well, that fire
coal, with the words, “Silas Moore, ing that some day there would be praising my column. I am therefor sugar pine lumber piled for drying in 1 and as we understand, over the pro­ across from my ranch will be laid to
from Bangor Maine," at which the plenty of white men in that country. thinking of buying a new hat of larger .the shipping yard.
tests of army officials as well, not to the deer hunters. It should have been
man pointed, and said: “That is my
In his rambling along the beaches,
Pine mills have to dip their sugar | mention the annual howl that is al­ started sooner but I figured that if
The letter was well ' written,
name, and the place where I came Jimmie had often noticed the ruby
pine to prevent bluing in the pile. A ' ways apparent from certain Forestry I touched it off before the season
from and after we are done wjth the sand, but thought very Hille of it. sprinkled with a spicy wit, and'very fudgus attacks the green lumber caus- service officials. However Governor opened they might trace it to me, but
task before us, I will give you the as it was of no value to him, and even ‘nter«rtlng
ing a blue
stain ....
unless checked by a Snell backed up th? game commis- they will Iky it on the deer hunters."
story of my life, how I came here, if it were pure gold. It would make <theuce?ior- « ‘«dicated a surprising- fungicide
------- ---------------
!sion and stood by the deer hunters He admitted that he had set it him­
and why J am staying here, but flrat little difference, as he could not eat YX
,, , .__ ...___v . .. _
As the quantity of sugur pine lum- and ip spite of pressure being brought self and figured the deer hunters
lere w
at HUIldoI1 would not warrant the to bear from many sources, the s?a- would get the blame. And this is
let us go in and enjoy some food and it. Jimmie had seen and talked with 1 la ei n e c ima e.
warmth from the fire.”
a few white men, who had strayed a sugges ion o ome sl<-' ness un er jeXpen«of dipping, it was piled with- son was officially opened a* schedu- only one case. There are many more
LX,“TTlt. °Ut “ny «reen from the ! led. But this fact did not soothe the such as this that occur in the state
On entering the cabin, Jimmie saw into that region, and this had made
After reading that letter and learn-:(aw
that the woman was a native, tall, him become more and more home­
each hunting season—fires that ace
slender, and handsome, with a luxur­ sick, but because of his timid nature,
It stood in the piles for several and so they proceeded to make it just i
the door of the deer hunter.
ious growth of very black and shiny he was afraid to venture beyond the
months while the sea breezes swept as tough as possible on the poor deer He is unjustly accused of setting fires,
: trace of self-pity dVer the tribula­ i through it and the salty mist from
hair, hanging in two long braids doyn sight of his dreary home.
hunter by making it necessary that a he is looked upon as a fire-bug out­
In the winter of 1842-43, a malady j tions brought by today’s attempt to : the surf drifted over it on stormy permit must be .obtained in order to law in many circles. But take it all
in front of her, while her raiment was
of a beautifully beaded bluckskin of of a fatal nature broke out among do business fades. into nothingness, ' days.
I hunt or camp in most of the best in all the average deer hunter is a
no ldea what a real I
the rarest tan. On entering the room, the natives, and in its ravages struck
When it was dry enough for ship­ hunting areas in Coos county. It man who loves the wilderness and is
petty beefing over ment it was taken down with misgiv­
Silas Moore, spoke to his wife, in her the Moore home, taking both Moore hardsh.p ta.
simply meant that the deer hunters the last person on earth to ever
own language, whereupon the woman and his wife, and although Jimmie|tbe ,lirnay excuses for abi*n- ings as to its condition. A heavy per­ who were figuring on going into these ' think of starting « fire that would de-
liowed gracefully, and motioned to was stricken to the point of death. tee*wn’ the complaint, over rationing centage of blued boards was fully ext j restricted areas must burn a lot of un- stroy the home of the wild game that
Jimmie to be seated. On a crude, but he recovered, but he was for some an tax deductions look pretty cheap pected. But to the astonishment of j necessary gas and waste a lot of rub­ ,he loves to stalk.
well arranged table before him, Jim­ time in a very bad condition. In the and "lean wben compared to what a the crew, the lumber came but about ber running down fire wardens in
Governor Earl Snell showed a lot
mie could see samples of the table­ spring of 1843, when he was com- , man haa to go throu«h “n an Aleutian as bright as if it had been kiln dried. order to obtain a fire permit, if they of common sense in not proclaiming
ware of the primitive man, and al­ pletely recovered, he made his way j f0*1’,
There was only slight- bluing and this wished to pull off their scheduled the season closed—he is a sportsman
came out in the planing.
himself and he knows the sort of men
though the food was of an unknown
| first morning hunt of the «eason.
he fell in with some explorers, whol* look these
*»uarely ‘n the
variety to him, it was suFely quite ac­
A plausible theory for this behavior ' A lot of hunters no doubt had who make. up the ranks of Oregon
were sailing back around to the east- i j eye when
*h*n they
tbey come
cwne home and say,
“*• is that the salt air of the coast acts
planned on faring forth into the woods sportsmen—good, clean men, lovers
I truthfully, that you gave them every-
. After the meal, Moore asked Jim­ ern seaboard.
as a fungicide by coating the lumber at the first crack of dawn on the or nature, and not a bunch of outlaws
After a long and uneventful voyage,
mie to sit by the fire and rest, while
| with a thin layer of salt before Hie opening morning, so it was necessary as some people would like to lead us
(when they faced death to save your i fungus can attack. The cool sea air is that they spend valuable time, gas, to believe.
he would go and summon help for Jimmie finally landed at his old home
skin from Jap and Germqp.
the occasion, and stepping from the town which, after his several years
i not conducive to rapid fungus growth etc., in order to round up the fire
door, Moore blew a shrill blast on a of absence, had not changed very
| and also induces slow drying,
| warden the day before, or go to
, endured the trifling hardship of
whistle, and in a very few minutes much. His relatives and friends gave
Maybe we can use this experience Marshfield in order to obtain a fire Skipper ran a sandy on the mail man.
weather, food shortages, gas short- J to work up a trade in sea-water with permit, or a permit to hunt in a cer-
several of the natives were there. The him a grand reception, and after get­
Now we go to town every day
| ages and the like, to keep your place —------ ........
the Pine mills. They might be per- tain country.
storm had subsided to some extent, ting his story of seeing the ruby sand,
To get our papers and letters,
’ in
And once again it was demonstra-
but there was still a cold bleak wind,
Pi7X7 77.*". ¿77 'the Patented fungicides get hard to ' ted that the deer hunter was looked In the good old-fashioned way.
and the sea was still rolling in high which he had seen in that far-away j
Since Skipper ran his sandy on the
land of the «fling sun, a new fever
*lth, ke?£ing
. We Bandonians can guarantee upon in the light of a careless cuss or
combing billows, but Moore and Jim­
mail man,
mie with the help of the natives, soon of adventure broke out among the '
a downright firebug. Close obser­ He won’t come to our door.
had the bodies, such as they could home folks, which raged into another everything powble to Increase the ’from Father Pacific. It is one com­ vance and association with deer Now we don’t have mail delivered.
attempt to reach that promised land Production of the industrial unit in modity which OPA does not regulate. hunters over a priod of many years
find, laid away, and were salvaging
To our house any more.
and reap its golden hwwest.
Iwhlch you have worked? Have you
has taught us that they are careful.
the part of the cargo of supplies
—H. R. f
The enthusiasm of this fevor ebbed
The quiet drive for the enactment considerate sportsmen, men who real-
which had washed ashore, and by
of the 22nd Amendment to the Con- ,'lize the fact that the big woods is the
nightfall, had the situation well done and flowed throughout the country- !
Callin« card». 5u tur *1.00.
side until in the late 40’s, when gold hold-back for unnecessary luxuries? •titution, limiting the income-taxing home of our wildlife, that it is their
There are mighty few who can
power of the federal government to protection and should be guarded as f
Sitting before the cheerful fire on was sure enough found at Sutter's
mill in California, in 184«. and the truthfully answer these questions in a maximum of 25 per cent annually,' such, and without exception no hunter
the following evening, in the little
big rush was on. When the«
these smold- «*• ««irmativs.
affirmative. The love of the «1-
ti­ is gaining ground.
is going to set fire to the woods.
cabin, Jimmie learned the life story
ering embers broke
into flame an ' ! mighty dollar still looms large in the
The legislatures of 14 States have
n |t pointed out that there are al-
of his new found friend. Twen­ expedition wa/qtockly 7ormed.\nd ¡‘iv* * moat <>**•• The love of gold
ty - five long years before, Silas
passed resolutions asking the Con- Ways forest fires started during the
this time it was to be an overland
destroyed the souls of countless grass to inaugurate such an amend- | hunting season. This is true. But
Moore had sailed with his father
expedition, in order to avoid any ndlUons. It is still a potent power
★ ★
ment. It will take 32 states to make it i bow many of them can be traced to
on a crustng veyage arourvi1 the
more of such marine tragedfes, and/OT •v‘l “f*r centuries of human ex- mandatory.
Horn to the Pacific,
and while
1 the deer hunter?
after a great deal of planning and P«nence. It is stUl the chief cause of
Several senatoas have indicated that
sailing along that very coast, his plotting, a goodly sized caravan ot ! *b«nteeism, slat^erism, and lowered
See ms for photographs of
Homesteaders, stockmen, sheepmen,
I they will introduce a bill in Congress firebugs are awaiting the chance to
father’s vessel was caught in a very
covered wagons set their wheels roll- efficiency. For the possession of ¡covering this amendment. If ft passes
bad storm, and came ashore against
• Family Groups
ing toward the land of the setting i money U often like a strong wine. i both houses it must be ratified by the clear their ranges, so what better
the very, rocks on which the ill-fated
time could be picked for setting fires
It turns the heads of thoee unaccus­
• Service Men
Petrel had struck, and he, Silas, was
than during open deer season and the
Early in the spring of 1849, a com­ tomed to its use. It transforms their
It is likely that this question will blame saddled off on the deer
the only one to survive the tragedy
• Babies
of that dreadful night, of the long pany of about 100 hardy, resolute, ty, and industry into arrogance, care­ come before the next Oregon legis­ hunter?
lature. Mounting income taxes are
£ Copies of Pictures
lessness, and laziness.
We do not mean that all rangemen
making the people tax conscious.
Cast ashore as he was,.in an almost ing a number of the wivFs'and some
and homesteadrs are'of this ilk, but
dying condition, some of the Indians children, bade farewell to the sun- majority have resisted the temptation There is a strong trend towards the
we do know that many fires are
in that vi&nity found the lad, and rise end of freedom, and set their of money. But far too many have al­ return of primary taxing power to
by persons other than the
state and local bodies over which the
took him to their teepee where they
Among these hardy sons of the lowed themselves to be led astray. voter has immediate control. There deer hunter. For instance, we had a
cared for him until he was recovered,
Their dereliction will cause the death
is growing distrust of Washington’s
and then adopted him into the tribe, rock-bound coast of Maine was our
hero. Jimmie Morrison, who, bound
AJna®ricana b> ability to run things. The taxpayer
and gave him dominion over the
by the charm of th« great Pacific,
and 1 P™longing
the A war
by lack
. .,
. and
,. . hav«
. of ¡wants
closer control over expendl-
stream where they found him and uy me vii«« ---------------------------
. . oninnmnnt
the blue hills, along with
it. crystal
; equipment that
have been , t turp
hjg mofjey He don’t know the
later the tribal chieften, Flying Whale,
streams, glady risked his all, in his I ma e u
heads of
of the
the bureaus
bureaus in
li^ Washington,
gave his eldest daughter for his wife. determination
to bring civilization to I The fact tba‘
He dads- know-theman^ie elects to
The sad event in which the entire
tian post read and approved the phll- i
local office. In other words, he thinks
crew, including his father, whom he this beautiful land.
osophy set forth in this column is j
that our county roadmaster, Floyd
loved very dearly, as he was the only
about the finest compliment that |
heir, his mother having died when he across these wide roiling plains called could be paid. To merit their ap­ Robb, can make a thousand dollars
go further In road building than an
wt^ very young, were lost, made it
proval Is worth all of the time and i
engineer of the Federal Department
very hard for him to think of ever profound daring, as those who made effort used In its preparation.
of Roads and Highways can. And I
leaving the scene, and, too, there was the undertaking knew that a real
know where there's a hundred dol­
a lingering hope in his heart, that danger lurked at every turn of the
The Federal tJeposi t Insurance Cor lars that says Robb can do that very
his father would some day come back trail, but that indomintable spirit, so
to him from out of the depths of the indelibly stamped in the human portion comes forth with a stern ad- thing right here in Coos county. He
sea. and whenever any storm struck, mind, that the golden age is Just monition to the banks to proceed at can do it because he knows every mud
and strange sounds were heard from around the comer, overshadows all once with the making of “venture puddle from Lakeside to Powers and
the reef, Silas Moore was alWays on this and brings them to live in a for­ loans” needed for the establishment from Bandon to the Douglas county
and nurture of job-making new busi­ line.
the scene, in the hope that someone bidden paradise.
Days ran into weeks, weeks into nesses. The implication is that if the
Although there is good reason for
e had escaped the fury of the waves,
and that he could be there to give months, and miles and miles on end. banks don’t get busy on these loans, i passing the income-tax maximum
but the little caravan of covered wag- the federal government will. And if limitation measure, the question of
them aid.
A great deal of the cargo of sup­ ons, with its precious load moved on. the federal government does invade whether it can be done without af­
feld there will be precious little fecting servicing of the national debt
plies from the wrecked ship, had been as the faithful bovine, bent to the
mint first be decided. Nothing can
thrown ashore by the waves, and were creaking yokes, and the rumble of leit for the bank, to do.
7^, directive represents a com- !be done to depreciate the value of
stored in the little home, for use by the grinding wheel was measuring,
Jimmie and his friend. For several with uncertain accuracy, that long, plete reversal of policy on the part the people's savings Invested in war
«lays, the two men kept a close watch long trail, still growing longer, to of r D j c Heretofore they have bonds. The financial integrity of the
that dld, Treasury must be preserved* at all
to see if any of the missing bodies separate the« stout-hearted men and ral9ed caln wUh any
would drift onto the beach, and one women from the cheerful society of tbat very thing: Now they demand cost. While we would like to pass
done, or el«.
such a limitation measure, wo may
morning after a rather squally night, their fellow creatures, as if they were that Jt
The reason for this astonishing be prevented from doing so by the as­
the two men were walking down to instruments ordained to settle the
change of face Is hard to fathom. tronomical size of the patiooal debt.
the beach, when they saw an object wilderness.
(Continued next week)
There is always the possibility of poli­ | There has been too much throwing
lying directly in the mouth of the
stream, and on going near to it, they i |
tics being at the bottom of it. The around of the people’s money. Waste
abrupt about face in federal policy in and duplication will have to be eli­
saw that it was an oaken cask, or Local Group Receives
the past few months has certainly I minated and attention paid to the
small barrel, which they took back citation For War Work
een que
due to me
the rignt-nana
right-hand trend or
of coot of government function, regard­
_ 7
to the house and, on opening it, they I 1 .
7 7 .Kmn ca f
Probab‘y th. FDli less of whether the income-tax levy
Is limited or not. It is encouraging
lem was a givnt
.. 1 ’ .......................
is following the general pattern,
great auipievr
surprise. ,
which to them
whether the
,,n®’ J . 1“* ■ , rec* ve ’ c
®n or .
e I Another
theory _
is ____
that the
the service
service to the tax-payer to learn that this
______ _____
as it was not
t--- -----
wonderful work done by its workers , men are primarily interested in jobs' move to hold down future taxes has
liquor was from the Petrel, or from
.The rooms are open Tuesdays, Wed- and wgnt prlv,te. lndugtry
t0 furnish
__ _ _____
_____ «uch
* a good ’ start, . It is bound to in-
his father’s ship, the Seafoam.
nesdays and Fridays, at which time ¡them.
r don’t want . any ------
-------- .-----------
in popularity
with the passage
The little stream which flowed in­
' rummage selling goes on. Quantities CCC to come home to. They want of * time.
to the ocean at this place, had long
of beautiful knitted garments have
.......... ■ ....... J.. ,
real, honeat-to-goodnesa, he - jobs
been known to the Indians as Little
been sent from here to be forwarded ¡where they can feel they are doing
Waters, but from the discovery of
Insurance Specialist, F. R. Bull, s
to our fighting men in the Navy. Mrs.
something useful and getting places.
the liquor there, it got its name,
Bonnie Walker announces they now
And they are not interested in fancy
Whiskey Run, which name it bears
have on' hand a good supply of yarn
bonus schemes, the payment of which
until tijis day.'
and are in need of knitters.
will have to come out of their own
^Days lengthened into months, the
1 r,
pockets in taxes for of their
•r . .¿months mio. years, and Jimmie was „ k __ _
'«Ulf of fhe household of the New Type Begonia On Display
, Plant and flower lovers, especially wants to have thoee private jobs ready
Moores, as if he was a son, for his
experience was like that of his thoee to whom the lovely begonia' when the boys come home, If it
friend, which bound them to the varieties appeal, will be delighted to doesn't, it is*apt to be sent the way
scene where they had been thrown see a late development of a new va­ of all flesh the first time the boys ®et
riety which Bergen’s are displaying a chance at the voting booth.
from the jaws of an angry sea.
It is proper for the banka to make
An uneventful, monotonous life of for the first time in Coquille. Its
being stranded in a wilderness, was name is Bardzey Begonia and is a venture loans and to use good judg­
not in any way pleasing to Jimmie, hybrid between the tuberous and ment in handling them. Banks are
and he often begged Moors to give fibrous. The variety originated in supposed to Initiate and sustain pri­
up his vigil on that bleak coast, and Germany. It does not do so well in vate enterpriae through judicious use
go with him back to his native state. all parts of this country but this' of the people’s money. Otherwise,
Maine, where they could live as white section is particularly favorable. i what justification is there for a bank?
Pioneer Miners In Coos Black Sands
Timely Topics
Out-of-Doors Stuff
Coquille Studio