The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, November 04, 1943, Page 4, Image 4

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page fovi
needed in the war effort. Meanwhile
; gathered his green tomatoes and as take the place ot the supply cut off
War Production Board ignores its
they ripened slowly in the warmth of by Japan’s capture of the southwest
responsibility for the mix-up and
the < house hi* better half continued Pacific islands and Italy’s partner­
* <.se«t uhi is a mm isws
goes merrily on its way bringing in
tier preserving almost into winter ship with Germany in their effort to
imports of hemp and sisal from other
r eee ived p l en t y -dominat e th e re st of the wor l d , With.
(Taken from The Sentinel of Friday, lie has promised to furnish the of sunshine during their growing
cash loss to the government.
period and artificial heat tends to Harbor imports of hemp and sisal to
H. A. YOUNO, Editor
November 2, 1923)
doughnuts to go with the cider.
bring out their ruddy color and im-
One Year8™*™^.^*1?...... .82 00* The steamship. Elizabeth, which
Secretary of the Interior Harold
denness that threatened to disrupt-
proves their taste.
has lost his “indispensable”
Six Months.....
American industry and war produc­
-ncisco and Bandon without a mis- of the M. E. Church South here four
man to the navy. Abe Portas, as- -
, Three Months. ._______ „______
The victory* of Dewey’s forces orj tion board sought to avert this calam­ sistant secretary of the interior, who
No subscription taken unless'paid, came near meeting the fate years ago, passed through Coquille
ter in advance. This rule is impdra which has befallen so many good Wednesday on his way to Marshfield. Tuesday of this week was the triumph ity by promoting an expansion pro­ has caused so many sleepless nights
of good government over bad and gram for hemp preduction.
boats before, last evening when she
to the owners of private utilities in
Commodity' Credit corporation and
ran onto the north jetty at Bandon
William McCormick, aged 20, was makes one wish it could be said: “As
the Pacific northwest, has finally
Entered at the CoqulUe Postoffice
donned a uniform despite ^’Hottest”
I about six o'clock.. The impact did crushed to death under a log at tjie New York goei, so goes the nation.”
Second Class Mail Matter.
upon and the fdrmer announced a
not khock a hole in her hull and at McCarty brothers logging'camp near
Harold's announcement of his irre-
guuranty of $30 to $50 a ton for
1 eight o'clock this morning she was Fairview Wednesday afternoon.
hemp straw. DPC followed with ah placibility.
floated off and towed into the Bandon
offer to finance the erection of 42
The school census recently made at
It’s Chysanthemum season.
hemp mills at a cost of $360,000 for (
Bergen's for choite flowers.
The white coat the painters are ap­ tween four and twenty years of age.
urged to produce the seed and agri­
plying to the new hotel is making it This beat Marshfield's enrollment of
adjustment administration
| a finer looking building every day 1478.
rushed men into the corn belt where
they succeeded in signing up 20,000
The City Bakery here has been
be proud.
farmers to grow hemp. At the top
bought by Nosier and Huntington, the
price of $50 k ton the hemp crop
A special n^ws writer for the daily
When School Clerk Sanford com­ former so long a well-known school
promised returns of $200 an acre and
press recently said that he had posi­ pleted his checking up of this year’s teacher in the upper valley at Bridge
khe farmers regarded this an op­
tive information that F. D. R. would ' school census he found there were and Myrtle Point?.
portunity they could not afford to
not run for a fourth term, that his 663 children of school age in the dis­
health would not permit another trict, of Whom 372 are girls and 291
Chas. E. Evland began his duties
But now, with greatly increased
four years as chief executive and are boys.
yesterday morning as tender of the
Nothing new to say.
Washington, D. Cw Nov. 4—There imports qf hemp from Central and
Coquille river bridge here.
Any- lingering doubts • as to the
Next week is “Apple Week” and
correctness of that statement were i the boys of the Junior Chamber of
Honolulu, Oct. 12—Among the pas­ the repeal of the Chinese exclusion of a possible supply from Italy, war
dispelled Tuesday night when results Commerce ire going to give it some sengers who arrived on the steamer act.
Congressional speakers have production board has lost it* enthu­
Bring it in and we’ll take
of the off-year elections began to ¡prominence here in Coquille by pro- Lurline from Seattle, October 12th, said the law originally was a mistaken siasm for the domestic product and
come in. That New York lieutenant- | viding several gallons of cider for the were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Von Pegert, one and even President Roosevelt both CCC and DPC stand to be left
care of it for you.
governor decision in which Tom weekly meeting of the Commercial of Coquille, and Mr. and Mrs. G. T. criticized the passage of the exclusion holding the • bag if they make good
Dewey’s candidate defeated Roose­ Club Wednesday evening. F. G. Les- Schroeder, of Florence, Oregon.
tact. The truth is that John Sutter
| was the cause of bringing’Chinese to two mills have been completed so far
velt’s and the mayoralty race in Phil­
adelphia where the president’s friend
( was hurled to the sharks, then at a this county when gold was found in and only a few others are scheduled
There for completion this year, so Defense
was defeated, did not do his “health”
future meeting the General would ! his millrace back in 1848.
any good nor did it boost “home i
{only need to double the strength of came a demand for cheep labor and Plant Corporation may be able to
'»onk morale” in Nude Deal circles
i the chains to overcome the illusive the Chinese were imported. They pull out of the venture with the min­
in Washington.
came as contract labor. The resent­ imum of loss. But Commodity Credit
I Phantom.
Even Superman has fallen down ment against the Chinese was really Corporation is obligated to see that
Sunday morning we saw a new
lately, showing human failings when resentment against the Jabor con- the farmers do not suffer loss, al­
kind of rainbow—thanks to the little he was unable to see through leaden r tractors who werç bringing them in though their product may not be
Along with the acceleration of the■
' black spiders so prevalent at this i walls or to detect instantly the im- to do hard work for little pay. The
action of our troops on the battle- j
season of the year. They had covered ; poster who passed for Lois Lane. If American workmen went on a.ram­
fronts, is the increasing volume of,
pcstwar idea, which are coming from Il’wn "lth myrl*d’
’ilv*r |
1 we are to have supernatural heroes, page as the Chinese were depressing
Sir nation’s leaders. Now is the time I
«r“n «rM* ? btene<
let them play their part unimpeded the scale of wages and consequently
Old Springs
. .
b . I. «with dew in the bright sunshine and
the standard of living. A handful
by human weaknesses.
for all Americans to study carefully
? A.
$3.50 to $12.50
| the slanting rays of the sun at our
--- New Style
The Dogpatch residents go to the of rice, a few cents a day and a guar­
the views of these men and women,
I back were reflected in a band of other extreme and only a genius anty that their bones would be sent
for it may not be too long before we
$115.00 to $150.00
rainbow colors that lay across the could conjure up such sub-normal back to China if they died in' the
shall be leaning on them as we make
webs of silver and moved forward i
beings. In their fabulous doings a United States was the total compen­
important decisions.
as we walked.
modern fairy tale is unfolding daily sation of the aliens. Notwithstand­
Governor Leverett Saltonstall of
In fqymer years we have delighted
$7.95 to $12.50
with queer, distorted humans as the ing the assertion of President Roose­
Massachusetts, in an article in the
Bought, Sold.
Sold, Traded
in the frosted appearance of the lawn
actors instead of the gnomes and velt, enactment of the exclusion law
Washington News Digest, has this to
when every spear of grass was a tent 'elves of former fanciful tales.
was not a mistake.
say of the postwar picture:
! pole for spider webs which criss-
It is funny how congress can back
There is one comic-strip character
“The average citizen will look to
$17.50 to $40.00
I crossed the yard in a va it .ntr.cate
the postwar world to provide him
who conforms to our own way of liv-» up and reverse itself. Early this year
pattern of silver on green but this,
ing. For over twenty years a typical there were at Ellis Island 1,000 Chin­
with a. job. Jobe are the basis for
Cash Paid for Any Kind or Amount of
fall was the first time we had seen I
al) home and family life. They are
American boy has grown up before ese who had deserted from British
a rainbow on the ground, ending at
symbols of the best type of democ­ I
our eyes iron* the day he was left as ships because they were poorly paid
our very feet.
a'foundling on his Uncle Walt’s door­ by the British skippers, harshly treat­
step to the present when he is ed and were being sent into danger­
“While the retooling from war to
Psychology teaches that we see fighting in foreign lands to keep the ous zones. The British wanted these
peace is in progress, the citizen will
expect his government to take up the what we expect to see and, especially, war from the borders of his own crewmen back, so to please the British
slack of unemployment.
But the do we hear what we are accustomed country. The fortunes of Skeesix are skippers the house of representatives
citizen will look to private industry to hearing; that is, the new impres- followed as closely as if he were a passed a bill (H. R. 2076) forcing
these Chinese to return to British
as the main source of jobs.
This sions of our senses are co-related with real flesh and blood hero.
Thus when the
means a challenge to all individuals past experiences.
We call them “funnnies” but these ships, and there was no voice raised
and groups to exercise the same ini­ radio said the Russians were fight- serials have long since passed from then to speak of the brave Chinese
tiative and imagination in creating ing for Three-Boy-Roads, a look at slap-stick comedy to sustained drama allies as has been done in the argu­
ment over repeal of the exclusion act.
tools and new machines in times of the map made it plain the town of and occasional tragedy.
contention was Krivoi Rog.
When this bill reached the senate
peace as we do in war.
“This country has been built from
The relations between England last July it was given an amendment
Those, who predict a return of the and the United States are receiving that took the sting out and saved the
the bottom up and not from the top
down. Let us keep it so! The in­ bootlegger if the new, stiffer federal a great deal of attention in the press Chinese ship-jumpers from being put
dividual citizen wants to feel that he taxes are adopted for alcoholic li­ lately. One Britisher is reported as in the class of runaway slaves of the
is the moat important consideration quors, forget one thing—the ration- pointing to the inconsistency of pre- pre-civii war days.
ing of sugar,
sugar. Just how the moon- vailing viewpoints in this country. who a few short months ago voted to
in his government’s mind.' I»
With regard to centralization of shiner could operate without sugar He said it in well-turned English turn the Chinese sailors over to the
power in the federal government, is not- clear. Indeed, some people phrases but the gist was: “Well, make British have since been loudest in
think the danger of home-brew is the up your mind—you can’t expect us the Remand for repeal of the exclu-
Governor Saltonstall continues:
“Local and state government are only reason for sugar continuing on to liquidate' our empire and at the sion act as an evidence of their high
close to the people. They always the rationed list.
same time be a strong ally in after- regard for the Chinese people.
' hâve been and always will be. The
the-war problems. fl
very best kind of government is the
While we follow the tribulations of
Lack of co-operation between gov-
old town meeting wheer a man could the comic-strip characters with more
Our friends in other sections of emment agencies, supplemented by
blow off steam once a year. When or less batedabreath, one side of our the country may be surprised to know the confusion incident of the changing
peace is declared, Washington must brain views them with a detached that Oregon housewives are still can- fortunes of war, will mean financial
again become the bridge of our Ship criticism. For instance, if the Phan­ ning tomatoes, although the calendar loss to-many farmers unless the gov-
of State—not all the gun turrets, en­ tom, as stated at the time, exerted says it is November. To be sure there ernment is prepared to put up. the
gine room, and galley combined. The every ounce of his strength to burst was quite a frost Sunday night but cash and write off as a bad lnvest-
most effective help which Americans the bonds that bound him when he I the provident gardener had already ment its effort to produce hemp to
have known from 1620 to 1943 is
help to help themselves. People in­
evitably become fed up with the mis­
takes of a tremendous, administra­
tive Bureaucracy, constantly interfer­
ing with individual actions.”
rhe Sentinel
• • •••••••••
Fragments of Fact
and Fancy
• ••••••»
M&W Auto Service
Oak Tables
Kitchen Stools
New Chests
Daveno & Chair
Brooks Used Furniture, Phone 119L
c Í
Vehicle Registration Down
One Per Cent The Past Year
Motor vehicle registration in Ore­
gon at the ehd of September this year
amounted to 410,238 vehicles, a de­
crease of about one per cen* from
the registration of 417,503 vehicles a
year ago. according to Secretary of
State Bob Farrell.
Of the 410,238 vehicles registered in
the state, 329,196, or about 80 per
cent, were private passenger cars..
Increases were shown in the num­
ber of trucks and buses registered in
the state, Farrell said. Trucks totaled
42,834, an increase of three per cent.
Buses totaled 1,118 which is an in-
crease of 27 per cent over the bus
registration a year ago.
Registration fees for the first nine
months of the year totaled $3,338,-
987.68, compared to $3,300,542.02 a
year ago.
Hortons wish to inform th«r cus­
tomers, that due to the book quota
they now have their full allotment of
Holiday books in stock. Buy now or
use the I.ay-away Plan.
See Schroeder’s Jewelry Store in
Coquille for Diamonds and Watch