and Mr«. Sibold are moving into their new home »this week. Mr. Wallace Is the owner of the meat market in the Henninger Market in Coquille. Mr. Oerding also sold the home of The large ranch owned by the Cap­ ital company of San Francisco, con­ Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Terrell, located sisting of 358.23 acres of land and on the^coast highway in the Sanford all buildings, was, sold by Geo. E. Heights district to Mr. and Mrs. Oerding to Thomas and Helen M. Soren Buus. Mr. Terrell while in Detlefsen. This property is located Coquille was on the police force and three miles northeast of Bandon and left for Portland some time ago to borders. on the Coquille river near go into defense work. Mr. Buus will Bullards. The ranch has been under begin making improvements on his lease from the Capital Co. to Floyd new place and expects to move soon Peterson, who will give up his lease thereafter. He is employed at South­ and the Detlefsens will lease it to new western Motors as foreman of the re­ parties in the near future. The Det­ pair department. | The total amount invoved in tbe lefsens operate a ranch between Co­ I quille and Myrtle Point and will con­ transactions was $21,900. i-taa ftta toal Bop bai Sells attt Ranch, Homes* ♦ _ Coquille Boys In Kenneth Winegar Listed As Missing Service Outstanding His parents here, Mr. and Mrs. w. W. Winegar, received word recently from the War Department that their son, Kenneth, who enlisted in the Army Air Corps in September prior to Pearl Harbor, was missing, follow- ing a bomber flight over Germany, The date was not given but from let- ters from Kenneth received since Mrs. Wineger thinks it must have been on that flight when 60 bombers were lost two or three weeks ago. Kenneth had been navigator on his ship for some tjme and had recently been made a Squadron navigator. Another son, Harold, who is now a seaman first class, has just completed his training at the San Diego base and is nov^ ready to take his avia­ tion trailing. Bob Collier A Second Lieutenant 'Í •I Robert Cottier, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Collier, writes them from Australia that he has graduated from his officers’ training and is now a second lieutenant and has received an assignment in the school. Lieu- tenant Collier left the Atlantic Coast the last of February, 1942. He was in New Guinea eight months and last spring cabled his mother he was being sent to Austrialla to attend officers’ school. ' • Marc Shelley, looking very trim in his Nuvy uniform and in splendid health, tyas been at home since last __ visiting _ Mrs. ___ _____ _____ Saturday, Shelley ’ and home folks. He left this morning for San Francisco, where his vessel, a destroyer, has been undergoing re- pairs for a couple of weeks. _ ___________ Marc is a carpenters mate second class and, during the year he has been in the Navy, has seen consid- erable action in the Pacific. His ves- sei’s last trip was a three months' voyage from this coast. He reports that George McDonald, formerly with the bank here and who was also here this week, is on the same destroyer that he is. Marc says he has encountered sev­ eral Coquille boys on his trips around the Pacific and says that without exception they are outstanding and fulfilling their, duties in protecting the United States and fighting the. sneak Japs in a most creditable man­ ner. He mentioned particularly Al­ vin Shaver, whom he encountered before the latter was sent up to Alas­ ka where he met death, some months ago in a pjane crash. tinue to live on that ranch for the present. In addition to the above sale, Mr. Oerding also completed the sale of three Coquille residences. The E. L. Peterson home at 590 Knowlton av­ enue was sold to Dr. and Mrs. T. De La Rhue. The doctor is redecorating the entire home and will move into It sopn. Mr. Peterson was formerly county judge and bought this lovely home from Weldon Kline and wheq Judge Peterson was appointed as head of the state agricultural depart­ ment he placed (he proqprty on the market. He now resides in Salem. Another home in Coquille located at 460 N. Taylor street and which was owned by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wallace was sold to Mr. and Mrs. W. , Hand-carved Myrtlewood for col­ H. Sibold, who already own a home next to their recent purchase. lectors at Harbison's. VALU Corporal Robert Irwin, son of Mrs. Iyal Pleith of the local post office force, came in Monday evening from the south for a few days’ visit with her. Corp. Irwin has been on active duty in the South Pacific for the past year and a half and during that time has seen a great deal of action which he does not talk about. He is home now on sick leave and will return to the hospital when he leaves here, with service in the South Seas all over for him. Wm. L. Ray An Aviation Cadet At A Kansas Field Several candidates, .were initiated at the two meetings of Beulah Chap­ ter, No. 6, O. E. S., last week, one of them at a special meeting held Friday nighty Mrs. Rudy Johnson was tha winner of the attendance award. Friendship night will be observed at the next regular meeting, Thurs­ day evening, Nov. 11. Members of Chadwick Lodge, No. 68, and all vis­ iting members will be special guests. Armistice Day, November 11 Have you bought your Christmas cards yet? It’s not too early. NorUins have a fine selection of Hallmark and Volland cards suitable for imprinting. Buy now. Time 2 o’clock Adm. 50c-(Inc. tax) NOT r RATIONED.' RATIONED» I Values ace NOT rationed — there are plenty oi Values to be had by ___ • — BEVERLY PEANUT BUTTER, 1 lb. jar 32e those vH are interested in jetting more for their food dollar—in HARVEST PICKLES, 1 qt. jar. 32c quality and quantity. In this ad are just a few of Safeway's Values. C rescent mustard , ib. jar 9c A-l SAUCE, 6 oz. bottle ............ 30c TABASCO PEPPERS, 3 oz. jar ......... 10c MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESS., pt. 26c WHY PAY MORE? CAMPBELL’S TOMATO • (3 Points Can) 25c A Mrs. Elwyn Nosier returned lait Saturday from San Bruno, Calif., I where she had visited Mr. Nosier for a week. Hs is now a ship's cook, second class, and had recently been transferred from Oakland. He is ex­ pecting a ship assignment soon. While there Mrs. Nosier exper­ ienced the earthquake, the worst in that section since 1934, but they were in the elevator of the hotel at the time and did not realize the shaking was an earthquake until they heard others talking about it. BLUE ROSE RICE.2 lb. pkg. 20c SOUP STOCK, 2 lb. pkg..... ............ 19c WHOLE GREEN PEAS, 2 lb. pkg..... 21c HOROWITZ NOODLES, 8 oz. pkg. 17c SOYA BEANS, 2 lb. pkg.................... 20c POP CORN, 2 lb. pkg.......................... 29c GIN SING NOODLES....................... 13c ROASTED PEANUTS, lb..... 29c OLEO SUNNY BANK Vitamins Added (5 points pkg.) CORN DEL MONTE CREAM STYLE (13 Points Can) 2»"‘ 34c No. 2 cans PEARS STANDARD (24 Points Can) CRISCO SPRY OR SNOWDRIFT (5 points lb.) 25c ^53 ft k No. 2'/, 1b. jar 3 OLD MILL VINEGAR, qt. bottle ..... 13c APPLE JUICE, 12 oz. bottle........... 16c TILLAMOOK CRAB, 16 Yt oz. ... . ... 41c WESTERN MATCHES, etn........ 23c LINDSAY SELECT OLIVES, pt. 19c HORSE RADISH, 4 oz. net.......... 12c SODA CRACKERS, 2 lbs............... 3b.... 29c PANCAKE FLOUR, 9 lb. bag.... 49c ROLLED OATS, 9 lb. bag............ 49c SHREDDED WHEAT NABISCO, 2 pkgs. 23c 62C GRO PUP DOG FOOD, lge. pkg............... 24c CREAM oF WHEAT, lge. pkg. ... 24c f COFFEE SUGAR BEET, 5-lb............... A\v>n Hickam Graduates From Navy Aviation Training School 10 “i Sack Alvin Elliott Hickam, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Henry Hickam, of North Heath Street, Coquille, was graduated recently from the Naval Training School for aviation located jpt the Naval Air Technical Training ^Center, Navy Pier in Chicago, Ill, Whole-Roast EDWARDS Lb. Pkg. • Nob Hill, lb. bag ... 25c • Airway, lb. bag 31c 61C (Use Stamp No. 29— Good for 5 lbs.) Royal Satin Shortening PORK & BEANS, Van Camps (21 pts.) 1 lb. 11 oz. can BAKED BEANS, B & M (14 pts.) No. 1 jar............. GREEN BEANS, Briar Gate (10 pts) No. 2 can SPINACH, Emerald Bay (10 pts) No. 2 •/, can......... TOMATOES, Gardenside (21 pts) No. 2^ can PEAS, Sugar Belle (18 pts) No.£ can with recognition as a “qualified striker" for a petty officer rating in his specialty. Assignment to the specialty school came after his recruit training apti­ tude tests indicated his avifttlon abili­ ty. Navy Pier’s school offers instruc­ tion for both aviation machinist's mates and aviation metalsmiths. (4 points per lb.) 24c FLOUR BREAD KITCHEN CRAFT ENRICHED Julia Lee Wright s Wheat or Enriched White 5 Lb. Sack 24Mi lb. Sack 1% lb. Loaf SILK TOILET TISSUE, 4 rolls ZEE NAPKINS, 3 pkgs. ZEE TOWELS, 2 pkgs............... SOIL OFF Liquid Cleanser, 1 qt. jar ... SAL SODA, Water Softener, 2 >4 lb. Pkg. KINDELSTYX, Starts Fires Easier SAFEWAY PRODUCE SAFEWAY MEATS % s I When Mrs. Anne Byers Mathts en­ listed in the Marine Corps recently it made seven members of her mother’s family now in Uncle Sam's service. The mother is Mrs. Chas. Arthur Byers of this city and the seven in­ clude her husband, three brothers and two brother-in-laws who are in the Jiavy. - Myrtle Point Friendship Night To Be Observed by O. E. S. Nov. 11 I SOUP Elwyn Nosier Expects Over Seas Assignment Soon Seven Of Her Family Are In The Armed Services VS. ■ JOÀJL Compare them! Wm. L. Ray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ray of Coquille, is one of a class of Aviation Cadets and students who recently arrived at the Strother Army Air Field in Kansas. After nine and one-half weeks' formation ■ and night flying in the heavier, faster Vultee Valiants there, he will go to an advanced Institution and then be awarded his silver pilot's wings in the final stage of training at another field. % Coquille Ladies! If you are really interested in LOW PRICES—you can be assured that Had Year and A Half Of Service in South Pacific a Football * , .... • Mrs. Fortier’s Nephew Killed In Action In Italy Mrs. W. H. Fortier has received word from her sister, Mrs. R. G. Whldden, who was recently a visitor here and whose home is in Calgary, that the latter's son, L/Cpl Guy Whldden. was killed in Italy, the words reaching them just after they returned to Calgary from Coquille. ■ I I 1.11 1 1 * *"** I Calling cards, ou tor 91.00. GRAPES. Tokays, lb. Thankscivin« it only S We have a complete CELERY, Utah Type, lb supply of seasonable I CRANBERRIES, Local, lb i weeks away. We are takins orders for Turkeys | fruita and vegetables in TOMATOES. lb; meet. COCOANUTS, lb. We invite your inspection Drop in and Grade A------ SIRLOIN STEAK ROUND STEAK BEEF ROAST * A----- ’ VEAL STEAK VEAL ftOAST LETTUCE, Loca.1 lb Lb 40c Lb. 4QC Lb. 27c * 30c Lb. 29c .HALIBUT lb 39c lOYSTERS, Pt. .............. ............ 65c SALMON, Ib. ___ __ :.............. 45c APPLES, Spitz, lb PEARS, lb............... BUY AN EXTRA WAR BOND WITH YOUR SAVINGS PRICES GOOD ALL WEEK------- SHOP EARLY! F /