TUB CO414LLE VALLEY SENTINEL. COQUILLE. OREGON, f AGÍ TWO ' Coos County Women Coquille Red Cross Notes Attend Convention THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4. IMS. Wayne Smith Heads ¡Parents Asked To Coos Co. 0. S. T. A. Visit The Schools Belle Knife Hospital Foor Year Old Has Birthday Party A six-pound baby girl was born Little Karla Schroeder celebrated to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fraley last Fri- her fourth birthday un Monday, Oct day. ar. stressing "wH* We regret to announce that Wayne Smith, principal 6f Coquille - Coquille schools i A party consisting of Mesdames O. Cecil Sharp underwent an ap­ eek. November her mother, Mrs. E. L. Schrasd« C. Sanford, George Chaney. Otto Coquille Red Cron will not hold its Junior High School, was elected American Education Week, November pendectomy last Friday and Betty j Two small guests from Myrtle Poin Zentnet, of Coquille; Mrs. Austin regular weekly meeting on friday president of Coos County Division of 7 to November 13, according to Bur were Keith and Mary Jo Schroeder. Peterson, recently returned from ~ State Teachers Association. ton W. Dunn, local school superin- Dodge of Myrtle Point and Mrs. Er­ this week on accounj ot our inability Oregon Portland, was admitted on Saturday High point of interest for the after­ nest Panter of Bandon, drove to Eu­ to secure materials from Coos County The election took place at the busi- tendent. On Sunday Mrs. Arlan Barklow, noon was a lovely birthday cake Parents are being urged to take gene last Friday to attend the 14th Chapter until that organization has-ness session of the Coos-Curry Re- of Bullards route, underwent a major i lighted brightly with it» four candles. annual convention of the second dis­ been granted a budget income. It gional Teachers Conference on Mon­ greater interest in the educational operation and a Langlois boy, Ted Children attending were Barbara life of their children and to visit trict of Oregon Federated Women’s te expected, however, that this ap- day this week, Brown, came in with a broken arm propriation will soon be forthcoming I Burdette Nicklaus, teacher in Pow- their schools to get first hand know­ Swindell, Nancy Ann Griggs, Sandra Club. A, appendectomy Was performed Storey, Coraleen Cochran, Sharon The meeting was held at the Hotel and that all work will be resumed as ers school, was elected as vice-presi- ledge of the manner in which they for Betty May Fish of Coquille on Cochran, Nancy Perrott, Marion Alice dent and Mrs. Laura Brandon, Nor- are conducted. Osborne. Three hostess clubs were usual,” says Mrs: B. D. Kesner. Monday, and Frederick Earl Good I Harris, Diana Schroeder and Gail “Mrs. Phil Albom, chairman of way teacher, as secretary-treasurer, The following is the text of a letter Eugene Fortnightly Club, Eugene man entered Tuesday for treatment which is being sent to parents of all Schroeder, also Mesdames Alton of an infected hand. Monthly Book Club and River Road knitting, has some yarn on hand for Resolutions and Objectives Schroedqp Ralph Cochran and Elton hut there is no nn more cut cut- ­ The resolutions aqd objectives re­ school pupils, soliciting their coop­ Woman's Club. Six counties were her knitters but A nine-pound baby girl was born and Henry Schroeder, of Myrtle represented: Binton, Coos, Douglas, out material for machine sewing at port was presented by Ben Hunting­ eration in activities of Amercan Ed- to Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Crump, of Co­ Point. Lane, Lincoln and Linn. Mrs. Ray present, although we can furnish ton, superintendent of the Bandon ucaton Week: quille, on Tuesday. She has not yet ------------------------- Puffer, of Corvallis and district presi­ some wool squares and yarn to those school. Other members were Dr. Ed­ been named. “ Education for Victory ” ' is the mund A. Cyckler, Riverton, and dent, presided over morning and af­ working on afghans. . Opal Buckles, of this city, under­ “We sincerely thank the following Wayne Smith, Coquille. The report watchword in the schools of America. ternoon sessions. Mrs. O. C. Sanford, went a minor operation yesterday and National Education Week, Novem ­ past state president of the Federa­ women for contributions of yam, was accepted by the teachers and Velita Batty an appendectomy last ber 7 to November 13, is a good time tion, was the luncheon speaker and wash cloths, needles and wool ma­ is given in detail below: evening. for all parents to give some serious Judge Dal M. King granted divorces terial: Mesdames Fred Houston, A. J. • gave an inspirational talk. Dismissals the past week were The resolutions ¿nd objectives thought to emergencies which are •¡in circuit court here Tuesday to the May and Dallas Clark last Saturday. The three objectives of the confer­ Sherwood, Bean, Dye and Robt. Har­ plaintiffs in the following cases: committee of the Coos county divi- facing our schools today. ence were, first, recruitment of bison. Mabel Schrader, Bobbie Jean Harris One hundred thousand teachers Dora Kudrna vs. John Kudina. Word has just been received from sions of the O. S. T. O. submit the nurses; second, recruitment of Waves, and Mrs. C. S. Danielson on Sunday: Deloris M. Glass vs. Clarence P. Wacs, etc.; third, “Buy a Bomber” Mrs. L. McGeorge\ production chair- following resolutions for your con- have left the class room to enter the Mrs. Jas. Rice on Tuesday, and Mrs. armed forces and industry since ' Glass. campaign for November. This last man- of Coos County Chapter, to the jideration: Ed Brown yesterday. - Pearl Harbor. Extra duties have Be it resolved— Luta Beebe vs. Roy Beebe. is an effort which was launched by effect that two of our attractive af­ !. Wm. C. Westmoreland vs. Gertrude been taken over by the schools in ghans are now on display in a win ­ That we heartily commend the the General Federation months ago, Watch Li’l Abner run at the Junior in which Oregon Federated Clubs dow of the Hub store and another State Association for its aggressive pre-induction training and other war | A. Westmoreland. Women’s dknce Saturday evening in emergency work. Many smaller | has been loaned a group in Millington action and Urge all personnel of the Carrie Barnes vs. Archie C. Barnes. have set a goal of $350,000 in bonds Elizabeth A. New vs. Guy V. New. the Coquille Community Building, s for this month. The Federation will to arouse more interes£among women school to consider it their privilege schools have closed their doors and larger ones are facing teacher short ­ ¡and duty tf become members qf their in this type of work. ” then receive the credit which will put professional organizations to the end age. the name of Oregon on the nose of a that the state organization may as­ ( Axis nations made use of the pow­ One club in Portland has Ju« tame re Club bomber. (___ ____ ..._____________ Continues To Meet sume a still more aggressive attitude. ers of education as one of their first pledged $75,000 for their quota. The Justamere club, organized I In turn we urge the O. S. T. A. to war activities. Education of Ameri­ Mrs. Chaney, who attended the meeting as a member of the state i manX years ago as a luncheon club, associate itself with those other ca's children cannot wait until the board, stated it was an enthusiastic members being a group of long-time; groups in the state with which it can | war is over. Teaching is war work meeting and pleasant in every way. friends, was this season faced with wcrk to the end that it may have just as surely as building bombers, / Mrs. Otto Zentner is a past president disbanding due to point rationing greater influence toward educational The consequences of teaching today will carry on in the years to come. and food restrictions. There are in advancement and increase the pro- DOROTHY GRAY DRY SKIN \ of the second district. Mrs. Ernest plus LOTION Panter is parliamentarian- for the or­ this club some locally famous cooks.1 fessional strength of our organization. Education plays a major role in * ganization. In spite of point ration­ Low point luncheons are within the ' TJhat Euducation Week be stressed building the future. STATIONERY It is our joint responsibility to see ing and general curtailments of food possibility of any cook but not con- ' to the point where the community is 60 sheets — 25 Envelopes supplies, it was stated the hotel ducive to the best hospitality. The, made aware of the fact that ' the that America's schools are kept at a high level of efficiency. group has decided for the present school is the social factor in the cdm- served a very fine luncheon. PETROPEL MINERAL OIL Tuesday, Noevmber 9, is parent season at least, to meet at two p. m. munity. 2 for.............. _..... -...... for sociability and to serve tea in the That teaching of the basic funda- visitation day in the Washington, Î Hallowe'en Party Li^oln Junior High, and High schools I Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ayres invited late afternoon. Mrs. J. A. Lamb and. mentals is the primary function of TOOTH BRUSHES a few in last Saturday evening for Mrs. H- A. Young will start the sea- ‘ our schools. And further, that those of Coquille. You are especially urged 2 for ..................... an informal Hallowe’en party. The son as hostesses today at the home fundamentals take precedence over, to fulfill,ydur part in National Edu- I FLOORBRITE LIQ. WAX i but provide for the specialized train- cation Week by coming to school mantel decorations were pumpkins of Mrs. Lamb. ■ 1 " ■ ■ [ ing that is apt to follow the public with your boy or girl on this day to 2 for........... .................. and candles and details at refresh­ witness a day of normal classroom ment time were in keeping. Both DOZEN MODESO procedure. contract rummy and hearts were O. C. Sanford was on Monday ap- pended in the various war activities played and added high score for both was won by Harold Withnell. Guests pointed administrator of the $1504,,uch as rationing, bond and stamp attending were: Mr. and Mrs. E. D. estate left by Leona E. Foley, who aale\and Purcha»^ salva«e drives, McCune, Mr. and Mrs. Lud Scharfey, diqd here last week. Appraisers ap­ ietc., be continued to an even greater Mr. and Mrs. Harold Withnell and pointed by the court were L. H. Haz­ degree as the occasion arises. That as a group we become more Mrs Tailant Greenough. A merger of the Western Union, ard, John Hale and C. A. Rietman. conscious of the fact that juvenile de- and the Postal was authorized some Remember—Norton’s for office. Harbison's myrtlewood for Christ­ lenquency is one of the major prob-« tim. ago by Congress. The stock­ Do to shortage in help we are running regular lc Sale Items school and home supplies. 37tfs mas gifts. s lems confronting the schools as is evi­ holders of both companies then also on Weekly Specials. Please watch this section weekly. denced by the increase in juvenile authorized the move. crime in Coos county as well as else­ The Wekt Coast Telephone Com- ! -’4-- where and that a co-operative effort pany has been operating as an agent We’re never just out between the school, home, church, for the Postal Telegraph Company, j The rates charged by us were rates II other organizations and juvenile - , , authorities must be forth-coming in established and filed by the Postal 1 order to alleviate this problem. Telegraph Company. The Western Union ia assuming the agreement and I Open Evenings until 8:06 all obligations formerly existing be- I Missionary From India To tween the Postal and the Telephone Speak At Church of Christ Company with the exception that all Mrs. Hattie Menzies, who spent forty telephone offices, controlled by the years in India, will be the guest of West Coast Telephone Company op­ ¡the Church of Christ, East 4th and erating along the Oregon Coast from Coulter streets, Sunday and Monday, Gardiner, Oregon, to Trinidad, Cali­ ’ Nov. 7 and 8. Mrs. Menzies and her fornia, where telegrams are accepted, , husband spent forty years as mis­ have been quoting and charging i sionaries fof the1 Disciples of Christ Union rates starting at midnight Oct. at their station at Pendra Road in 20. Routing of telegrams and all op- ' India. Mr. Menzies, who is deceased, erating procedures are to remain | I was decorated by the British govern­ otherwise unchanged. ment for his outstanding work in Considering geographical location , agriculture in the district. Mrs. t>t this district and the distrubution I Menzies will be accompanied by Mrs. of facilities, the rates to be charged Costumes Optional — Prizes for best men’s and ladies’ , E. F. Leake, secretary of the Ore- may in some instances appear in­ costumes. Also a door prize (gon Christian Women's Missionary consistent with charges formerly in Society. Admission 50c, plus 5c federal tax Service Men Free effect. The low rate charged, with in­ Mrs. Menzies will speak at the creased operating expenses was a i morning worship service at 11 o’clock. contributing cause for the merger. ; Following the service there will be a Where rates appear inconsistent the basket dinner in the dining hall of companies will make every effort to the church. At 2:30 o’clock Mrs. adjust such diffrenees just as soon as Menzies and Mrs. Leake will lead a ! possible. session on missionary education. Mrs. Menzies will then be the guest of the _. • . z* a-» C. E. following which she will speak ClTCUlt COUft COSCS at the evening service, Oct. 2(h—Cecil H. Hamm vs. Zelda i On Monday, at 2:00 o’clock, Mrs. Today you can't afford to take May be used as a Twin Bed Set dependable or needs recharg- . H. Hamm. Suit for divorce. chances with an old battery. Menzies and Mrs. Leake will present Ing. Our Protective Battery Complete with Springs and Mattresses missionary materials to the ladies of | Oct. 29—Virgil W. Ve^ysey vs. Pearl Fos if it fails, the car you need Service is absolutely FREE. the church. , Again at 7:45 Monday !VeyMy Su“ for divorce' for essential driving will bo Why not plan to use this serv­ ___ . y : Oct. 29—Fay Caran Chini vs. Louis night, Mrs. Menzies will speak. ice soon? tied up . . . possibly for days. ___ invited - I The public is cordially and i Chini. Suit for divorce. That's because emergency Oct. 30—Evelena Pettet vs. James urged to attend all of the meetings service is hard and costly to per pair I C. Pettet. Suit for divorce. with Mrs. Menzies. get. The smart thing to do is Oct. 30 — Home Owners Loan Cor ­ -------------------------- Matching Chests and Desks Available to let us take battery worry poration vs. Fred B. Hollister et al. off your mind. So bring in Nov. 2 — Charles Francis Smith vs. Complete Selection of your car. Well test your old Ruby A. Smith. Suit for divorce. A good crowd was out in spite of battery and tell you If it’s «till Davenos and Chain Nov. 3—Helen M. Cropper vs. Clyde the rain Tuesday evening. The club F. Cropper. Suit for divorce. Davenports and Chairs to opened the meeting with prayer and Nov. 3—Robert E. Mills vs. Mar­ flag salute. President Tilghman con­ garet E. Mills. Suit for divorce. Odd Davenos $£Ç.5O to $^Ç.5O ducted the business session. Twenty-five of us went to Myrtle I... . . ~ •* r» m n Swing Chairs Point Saturday evening to help the Wor,d Commun'»y Day To Be Floor Lamps Myrtle club put over their “pie j Observed Here November 11 Y th. older your Pariy ” ’ World Community Day will be ob- battery get« . . . A letter was read saying Robert served in Pioneer Methodist church ___ Also larai«? A MIW th« Quicker 1.'. Adams jrM.,jar«venfod .by. sicknesi Nov. 11, from 10 to HJU. All •ATTHV7 Mak. H a B. F. * quiCRor 44 ■ , . sa PICTURES MIRRORS ENb TABLES COFFEE from cjffliig' here last month. people are uniting this'daylo _ day "to wor worship Wh “ TOU aP ' qU ‘ L Door prizes was won by Lew Smith, and study. Theme for the day is, TABLES - LAMP TABLES - RUGS buy. Bui It with glass mate lor longer life. , On the program there were commun- “The Price of An Enduring Peace, »♦ DINETTE SETS - HASSOCKS - Etc. 'ity singing, readings, music and. This is open to every oae who I trick stunts. , wishes to come and we give you a Assorted vegetable salads will be hearty welcome. Come with us for served at next Tuesday’s meeting. this hour —Comittee of Women of —Press .Correspondent. , Coquille, „Council of Churches. *2 / Six Divorces' Granted Tuesday- Week End Specials $2 75c- 50c 35c 60c 3 Probate Court Items West'rn Union-Postal Merger In Effect 49c 51c 36c 61c 59c Just received — all new shades of Revlon Nail Polish and Lip Sticks Junior Women's Day Fuhrman’s Pharmacy Sadie Hawkins Day DANCE Community Building, Coquille DON’T «¿7^ Benefit Boys' and Girls' Club butïbw SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6 ■ ET YOU DOWN IF YOIR BATTERY IB OLIER THAR ITS GIARANTEE YOI HEER OIR FREE PROTECTIVE BATTERY SERVICE HOW! Just Arrived. BUNK SETS $66.50 Townsend Club No. 1 *10950 to >13950 SÇÇ.50 l|49-50 I I Reme.mbeA.1. s27'95 to >5250 $2000 to >3 750 Thornton Tire Service (When you think of Fornitore Think of Purkey) Don’t forget the Sadie'Hawkins See Schroeder’s Jewelry Store in Dance at the Coquille Community Coquille for Diamond« and Watch Building Saturday night. , s j straps. » -< m-. „„’s.rv.e. ■ Front Coquille, Tel 270 Br^dww C„^ «¿„„„„i f/U ?