The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, October 28, 1943, Page 9, Image 9

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Pioneer Methodist Church
! From Chino Field
J. Bev. Charles Goodwin Brown.
9:45 Sunday School hour. Gorden
Ashenfelter, acting superintendent.
11:00 Sunday morning worship
hour. Sermon subject, "The Prayer
Life of Jesus.”
7:00 Youth Fellowship hour. We
are beginning a special feature with
the month of November.' Learn all
about it this Sunday evening.
8i00 Sunday evening worship hour
Spe<4ft|.. njuak- for tois evening.
7:3b Wednesday evenings, choir re-
heaMul hibur.
Your service is of
profit. *boto far-the church and for
' you .
STOVES—Ranges, Coleman Oil Cir­
culators, now in stock.
See us
about New Stove Purchase Regula­
tions. J. A. Lamb Company.
7.30 Thursday mid-week services.
7:30 Monday, November 1st, Mrs.
i Perro O. Hanson will bring us a
i message directly from China. Don’t
'miss this opportunity to hear from
Not by words, but by deeds, do we
build the kingdom of God.
Mrs. Perry O. Hansen will appear
at the Methodist church on Monday,
Church of Christ.*
November 1, with a dynamic message
East 4th A Coulter
FOR RENT—Small office space in
direct from the fields or China. It
Liston Parrish, Pastor
room formerly used by C. I. O. in
has been said of Mrs. Perry, that she
Industrial Repair Co. building on
Thursday, 7:30 Bible Study and
is one of the most dynamic speakers
Hall street Inquire at Industrial
brought to the Oregon churches for a Prayer meeting.
Repair office.
• . -
Friday 8:45 Pot-luck dinner ' in
long time.
The meeting will begin promptly at honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harry, Who are
WANTED—All kinds of Used Fyr-
7:30 o’clock Monday evening. The leaving us. Everyone welcome.
•, niture;
dishes,* carpenter tools,
public is invited to attend.
No | Bible School 9:45. Clarence Fiaer,
small gas motors, pumps. Brooks
charges are being made, only a free­ Supt. The word of God will under­
gird in* the time of stress.
will offering will be received.
This is an opportunity to hear at i Morning worship 11 o’clock.
of will tracje for good boat or what first hand of the situation in China. Lord’s Supper and special music.
Message by the pastor.
have you? Phone E. G. Opperman,
FLOWER BULBS — Fall shipment
Jr. and Intermediate Cz E. 8:00.
It* To Hold Prayer Service For
just arrived. FARR A ELWOOD.’s
Young People’s C. E. 6:30.
Missionaries, Prisoners of Wur I
Evening service 7:30. Message by
A special prayer service for the* pastor on “Ignorance of God.”
health and safety of their mission­
Monday, 8:00, Board meteing.
aries, held as prisoners of war, will
Wed. 7:30, Choir Practice.
be conducted at the Coquille Seven to­ Farr, director.
day Adventist churcj> on Saturday,
WRIST WATCHES—We bave them.
October 30. While this is a special
day of prayer for interned mission­
aries. we also have sons who are pris­
oners of war, for whom we pray daily,
which should be included at this 1
time,” said Pastor H. D. Strever.'
Eighty-nine adults and twenty-eev- !
en children -members of Adventist 1
missionary families and parts of 1
families left in fields afar when toe
war broke—are still interned in Ger- 1
many. India, Japan, North Borneo, 1
China and the Philippines, Mr. Strev- 1
er said when announcing this special ‘
service. Among these, he said, there i.
are mission directors, physicians, i’
nurses, evangelists, teachers and sec- ’
Reports thus far indicate that three
of those restrained in China may pos- s
sibly be repatriated and returned on 1
the MS “Gripeholm," nowon her Sec­
ond trip. They are Rev, B. L. An- ’
derson, Amoy; Dr. C. L. Dales, Shang­
hai, and Mrs, D. D. Coffin, Cantea.
Pastor Strever says thaf the ser- '
vice here is part of a world-wide
prayer program that will be carried .
out in all Adventist churches this'
week. A growing anxiety and feeling
of concern for toe safety and welfare !
of their missionaries has prompted F
the Executive Committee of toe Gen­
eral Conference at Washington, D. C„
to recommend the devoting of the day
appointed for special prayer in their
“Let everyone pray daily that vic-,
tory may soon be gained by our
armies and our boys returned home,”'
says Pastor Strever.
District Superintendent T®
Speak At Nazarene Church Here
DAIRYMEN—We have a shipment of
milk strainers. FARR A EL­
5-ROOM HOUSE For Rent—Partly
furnished, 315 a mo. Inquire at
547 North Coulter, or see Raymond
WANTED to Buy—Good Used Heat­
er, wood or coal. Hugh Hudson,
310 East Fourth St., or call Mrs.
Hudson at Knife Hospital.
to Bey-LateMedcl
Trucks, Pickups
Nicht Phone 272X
Dr. E. E. Martin, district superin­
tendent of the North Pacific District
of the Church of Nazarene .from Port­
land, will be here Sunday evening,
Oct 31, and speak,to the congrega­
day of November, 1943.
tion at the local church at 7:45 o’clock.
Dr. Martin has been district su-
Attorney for Plaintiff
Residence and P. O. Address pei in ten dent of the North Pacific
Coquille. Oregon
district for nine years and has had
"»any years experience as pastor in
Idaho, in the east and also in Canada,
and it is expected his message will be
interesting and* helpful to ail who may
attend, it is stated by M. M. Short,
the local pastor.
Dr. Martin is making his annual
visit to toe local church and also la
beginning a district tour of the zone
groups. Next Tuesday night, he will I
be at Klamath Falls and Wednesday
at the Roseburg church and then will
go north through Oregon and Wash­
ington. Ho will be traveling with a i
group, including Mrs. Martin, Dr. Roy f
W. Smee, district superintendent of
the northern California district, and
Mrs. Homes, the district president of j
the Women’s Foreign Missionary So­
ciety, and Mrs. Y. E. Davis, of Cal- i
ifomla, who is a missionary to the
Mexican people to the south.
' 196 Be. Ceultor Bl
N mm 166
Coquille, Oregon
Benham’s Transfer