ns coounu 7Aun iiwtttt. OOQunxx. ougon . T hursday , O ctober M. IMS. ..1,| -'.'U Claire Gray, Dwsin Mitchell, Whitney, Johnnie Hayes, Tex rish and Jimmy .lofer.. C. H. S. Music And Other Notes ^Alaska Films Shown At Rotary Dinner Bridge Party Two very interesting The Coquille High School Music Mr and Mrs. Otto Zentner enter- Alagk> were ,hown Department is busily engaged in pre­ tained a group of friends at dinner Club luncheon at the hotel paring for a Christmas program to be and bridge last Friday evening- Mrs. nesday given in the Coquille High School I F. L. Greenough won high score and, Thev were sent bv Rai Gymnasium the afternoon of Decem­ Don Mclnery was second high. Others fUrmer resident of Coqu ber 22nd. The groups participating attending were Mr. and Mr.U. ®- were^w^by Fr«l BuU in the program will be the bend, ’ McClary, Mrs. Don Mclnery apd F. The not in Girls' Chorus and Boys' Quartet The I L - Greenough. I lhe mimon run in one of the public Is urged to remember the date. —————— streams in Alaska with 9 It*. Parents and friends will be invited . Calling cards. SS «or SIM. Mei th u. Junior Women Plan Dance \ ... ’. - . I _ Belle Knife Hospital to-attend the program. H. Withnell is ^7 *•*> helping Service men I r ito the fish. During one scene seven director. portals 1 John H. Eldred, Coquille, ehtered bears could be seen along the bank Coos and Curry County Education­ Free of charge. al Convention will be held at the i the hoapital last Thursday for medi- or fight out in the stream after the cal treatment. imk. Civilians with the money high school on November 1st. The Fifty cents plus five cents charged. uuwuu.. Ul ¡' On r ’ ' idj, y ’ Bt,bbie Jean ' d “ u « htcr The other film was Girls’ League, under direction of Mrs. ■ There’ll be prizes for best costumes Rose Stromquist, will act as assis- _ ot _ Mr - Bnd M"- R‘>bert Harns^un- j ghowed scenes and __ ,.™™. ______ _ __ — in — J around Falr- And for a dance beneath a pole. derwent an appendectomy; Norman banks during the annual Dog Derby tants. So come dressed as modern lads The Coquille High School Band, Wilson, of Sanford Heights, a ton- , w(th a very colorful parade and view and lassies, silectomy, and K. E. Oliver, of Myrtle o f the dog teams. under the direction of Mr. Wlthnell, Or in your favorite Dogpatch role. President Lundquist made the an- played at the Marshfield High School Point, a major operation. «UU.VU..U.M uic wavy On Saturday Al Ames, of this city, nuuncement that Wednesday’s lunch. auditorium <•» as p-n part U1 of the Navy x«y Day M embers volunteered to solicit Celebration. Connet of the submitted to a major operation, Jo-jaon would be the last one served at Celebration. Chief I norway, an au> appendec- . , the ine hotel noiei as the me management had naa for the War Chest. Jean Williams, Marshfield Recruiting Station had sepn sePh r ry, or Norway, Lena BeUe Belle Herker Herker, > of of th the been unablb unablb to to secure secure a a cook. cook. He charge program. It was ori- ton,y and and Lena * i , been i:_ was stamp chairman, reported that charge of of the the program. It was ori- tomy ginally intended that the 104th Cav- McKinley route, underwent a tonsil, stated ad- the Oregon Federatypn of Women’s stated that tnat the me secretary secretary would wouia aa- ivlse where the next meeting would Clubs is sponsoring a bond drive for alry Band would play. Due to other and adenoids operation. the naming of a bomber, the drive Robert Dyke, who fell on the street be held. arrangements the Cavalry Band i Rotarian guests present were Judge to start the first of November and to I last Sunday, broke a bone in bis arm could not play and Chief Connet is- and went to the hospital for treSt- Dal M. King, of Myrtle Point, and last through the month. sued an invitation for our band. The program was in charge of Lu- ! inent. The same day Mrs. C. S. J. B. Bedingfield and V. T. Torrey, 1t------------ i Danielson, who resides on the high- of Marshfield-North Bend. Leonard gille Walker. Articles on Courtesy i way between Lampa and Bear creek, M. Gardner, of Portland, was also a and Politeness were read by Mary Stevens. Mavis Tyrrell sang two ' suffered a broken ankle and tame to guest. ■ songs, “ Paper Doll” and “Somebody the hospital for treatment. . I . Loves Me,’ accompanied by Vi Robert Christenson underwent an » , Straight Ones—Ariel Crook, Junior. appendectomy on Monday. 'McBride. Group singing followed. Straight Twos—Vera Bishop, Jr.; Coffee and doughnuts were served. On Tuesday Dallas Clark and his Oct. 20—Eugene A. Hanken, of: Jack Buckles, Fr.; Wayne Chezem, siser, Mary, from Bandon underwent The following attended: Grace t Sunnyside, Wash., and Hilia S. Kan- Soph.; Mary Geaney, Fr.; Jeannie nasal operations. The same day Mrs. Wlthnell. Ardis Sherwood, Yvonne s^ - ~ vuSaCB, tola, of gvxa* Marshfield. Griggs, Jr.; Lindy Holverstott, Soph.; Mabel Schrader Coquille, entered for j Oct 21-John Orville Youngman, Kern, Jacqueline Van Kirk, Verylle s.vws, Ö,., mure, ...VI, 1 i treatment of an infected hand and of Bandon, and Lucille Irene Miller, Harrell, Ruth Creager, Jean Williams, Phyllis Litzenberger, Jr.; Evelyn Me- ' * John Marylou Culver, Doris Sayre, Marie John Emmett Emmett Devereux Devereux from the of Coquille. Kee, Sdph.; Bonita Miller, Fr.; Mil-! , Bear creek section had a tooth ex- Silverton, Gertrude Swinney Faye Oct. 22—James M. Sneddon and dred McCarthy. Jr.; Mary Lou New­ , traded at the hospital by Dr. J.. R. Waggoner, Helen Sinko, Mary Stev­ Virginia L. Wallace, both of Marsh­ ton, Sr.; Sandra Neff, Sr.; Laura Em­ Bunch. ens, Genevieve Robbins, Bernice field.. ily Ruble, Fr.; William Sage, Fr.; Dismissals the past week were Mrs. Oct. 23—Charlee Miller Spenser, of Virginia Sisson, Fr.; Shirley Snyder, I Ted Buck and baby last Friday, Mrs. IN THK COUNTY DOUBT OF THE Charleston, and Anita Rosina Kin- STATE OF OREGON IN AND Jr.; Florene Stornier, Fr.; Joe Stone, John B. O'Sullivan and Anna Arnett near, of Marshfield. They were mar­ FOR THK COUNTY OF COOS Jr.; Winifred Van Fleet, Sr. on Saturday, Mrs. Fred Christenson ried at the Pioneer parsonage here In i the Matter of the Estate Two Average, No Grade Below a on Sunday, and last evennig David John Kenneth Henninger, of last Saturday by Rev. Chas. G. Three— Dona Lou Bales, Sr.; Barbara Sharp and Violet Jean Evemden , Deceased. Brown. Notice of Final Aeeeant Barrows, Sr.; Jeanne Boyle, Sr.; Rob­ were dismissed. Oct. 29—Virgil Barkdoll and Agnes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That ert Clower, Fr.; Wallace Cross, Jr.; the undersigned has filed tierein her Sandine, both of Winchester Bay. Claire Gray, Jr,; Glen Knight, Fr.; George E. Oerding Skill Oct. 29—Stanley Estel Griffith, of final account as Administratrix of Ralph Meyers. Sr.; Leota Neely, the Estate of John Kenneth Hen­ North Bend, and Barbara Ann Barr, ninger, deceased, and that the above Soph.; Geraldine Oerding, Soph.; : Three Residence Properties Here entitled Court has set October 30th, The residence owned by Mr. and of Langley Prairies, British Columbia. 1943, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock Betty Preston, Jru Carmeiita Rey­ nolds, Fr.; Marianne Rackleff, Soph.; Mrs. Arve Sargent at 447 N. Coulter A. M., at the County Court room In Have you bought your Christinas Coquille, Oregon, as the time and Jeannette Stone, Sr.; Gerald Ulett st. wm sold by George E. Oerding Jr.; Waneta Wardrip, Jr.; Maurice this week to R. B. Harris and Louis cards yet? It’s not too early. Nortons place for hearing objections to such final account and the settlement of Holimon. Mr. Sargent is located in have a fine selection of Hallmark and said estate. Williams, Fr.; Ronald Williams, Jr. I Roseburg and the purchasers, owners Volland cards suitable for imprinting. Crystal Henninger, s 37t5 Administratrix of the City Cleaners, expect to move Buy now. into the newly purchased home as soon as the present tenants can find somewhere to move. Two more deals were also com­ Following is the honor roll of the pleted by Mr. Oerding as follows: Junior High school for the first six The home of Mrs. Addie M. Gou- weeks: thier, consisting of house and half 8x—Sally Bonney. 8Y—Marion Moore, Clinton Peart, acre of land on the Glen Aiken road Rose Marie Peart, Betty Preussler, was «old to Benham L. Sell, of Ban­ JoAnn Savage, Elizabeth Stelle, don. Mrs. Gouthier haa moved to Marshfield and -Mr. Sell is moving Laura Swanaon. into his new home next week. 7Y—Joyce Taylor. ——1 ’ The one-half acre of land and «Y—Wallace Liechty. Those receiving honorable mention house owned by M. F. Keller, a Port­ land investor, was sold to Mr. and for the first six weeks are: Mrs. W. B. Cotter. The piece is lo­ 8X—Roger Arnold, Carolyn Bor- gard. Bill Brown, Carol Gray, Neil cated on the Fairview road just out­ Haga, Shirley Hamilton, Anne Har­ side the city limits adjoining the ball bison, James Oden, Robert Oerding. park. The Cotters have fnoved from 8Y—Charles Hanna, Julius Jepson, Port Orford to make their future Maxine Roth, Dorothy West, Dorothy home in Coquille. RIIOUICII Thousands U RAY VITA DRUG CO. Good Rug WANTED 42S.M H. S. Honor Roll First Six Weeks Rebuilt Davenport BANGES AND CHAIR $1I5.M Has Old Springs New Padding and Covering Springs Rebuilt MATTRESSES Ranges GAS MOTORS HEATERS BED SPRINGS 915.00 to M0.00 We rebuild Heaters and Rani MGrriGgO Licenses Used Furniture, The Industrial Repair Co. of Coquille * MACHINING METALLIZING WELDING PRESSING BLACKSMITHING * Repairing Aids Victory PM m 48 “WALLY" ’ Rqg.mj Junior High School Honor Roll «First Notional Bank ; off Portlands Oregon Condensed Statement of Hoad Office and 40 Branches Williams, Preston Willis, Bonnie Zwicker. ’ 7X—Arthur Borgard, Lila Daniel­ son, Dorene Dykes, Robert Geaney, Ardis Cooper was last Wednesday Joan Hannan, Warren Jenkins, Hulda appointed administratrix of the $2000 Jones, Beverly McLarrin. estate left by her late husband, Thoa. 7Y—Waldo Brown, Beverly Davis, Cooper, who diyd Oct 12. Appraisers Virginia Huddle, JoAnn Mintonye, appointed were James Ferrey, Mat­ LeDonna Neely, Dora Ocheltree, thew D. Coy and J. B. Bedingfield. Betty Reynolds, Joe Sayre, Patricia Shaw, Clara Stonecypher, Wayne CHADWICK LODGE. A. F. A M. Timmons, Bill Vogt. A special communication of Chad­ 6X—Colleen Cbowning, Joanna Gormely, Mary Ann Roberts, Patricia | wick Lodge, No. M, will be held in Rust, Marilyn West; Jack Sisk, Bar- the lodge room next Tuesday Nov. 2, at 7:30 p. m. Work in the E. A. bara Sitter, Dick Harry. Visiting brothers invited. v R. C. Johnson, W. M. Sale Of Stamps and Bonds Probate Court Items At The Coquille High School Up to Friday, October 22, the Co­ quille High School student body had sold $1612.60 of stamps and U. S. bonds. The leaders in the sale are the Juniors with 87 per cent of that class buying. The other classes are I as follows: Seniors 74 per cent buy- 1 ing. Freshmen 67 per cent, and the; Sophomores with 39 per cent buying. Home room leaders in the sale were Miss Chapin’s Seniors’ roll room leading with a 100 per cent purchase for the first seven weeks; Miss Peter­ sen’s Juniors with 95 per cent; Mrs. Beyers’ Freshmen with 72 per cent; Mrs. Watson's Juniors with 65 per cent purchasing. 1 When the storm came a week Ago on Wednesday night and stopped signe 'Jbf the plans for that evening, especially the dance, one group of young people refused to give up. Instead they went to thq home of Jessie Sherwood ahd passed the eve­ ning pleasantly there,' mostly with • dancing. Before leaving for home re­ freshments were, served. Making up the party were Glenda Richardson, Dorothy Beagle, Jeanne Boyle, Vera Bishop, Phyllis Litzen- berger, Bud Meek, Ben Dement, f - ---------------------------- Insurance Specialist, F. R. Bull, Calling cards. 5u ror SIJX s 31,1942 O Cash on Hand A due from Banks $72,555,015.02 ; > $78307,798.52 United States Bonds, inch U.S. Government Agencies 134,843,935.54 226419351.94 $207398,950.16 $304,927,150.46 5,437,683.49 9343464.41 Loans and Discounts......... «.... 54,030,792.70 59465,586.29 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 300,000.00 AU Other Bonds................ • Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures.... 2,71036047 300400.00 2,729,516.61 Other Real Estate.................................... .. ...... 1.90 1.00 Customers’ Liability on Acceptances.... H 16414.24 —— ■ Interest Earned 666,921.99 687,913.38 Other 156,362.03 213,554.04 $270,717486.48 $377467386.19 LIABILITIIS Capital............rr... $4300,000.00 $ 4,500,000.00 ' Surplus...................... ............. 5,500400.00 Undivided Profits................ 2,671346.30 Reserves for Contingencies 1,456,075.54 12,827333.22 Reserves Allocated for Taxes, Interest, etc. 487,947.76 Acceptances................................. * 16,214.24 Interest Collected in Advance....................... 166,802.09 Other Liabilities............................................... 119^37.94 150,736.06 19^,740.44 Deposits (exclusive of reciprocal bank deposits) _257J>9935L23 362365,501.85 . TOTAL LIABILITIES................ .. $270>17486.48 $377467386.19 Place your order. MIMI8I IllltAl IIUOIIT INIUIANCI CORPORATION