Hospitalization For Farm Families - Arago Newtltems Townsend Club No. 1 •nd Mrs. Wm. McKinley and family. Mr. and Mrs. A R. Bennett and Mrs. Julia Leep spent Thursday eve­ ning of last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Druliner. This shortage of gas is causing neighbors to get better acquainted. Mrs. R. W. Haughton has been con­ >n this Mr. Jennings takes their dairy cream Ito Coquille each Friday and on his fined, to her bed a few days the past week. Point, return he stopped here, bringing 90 J. L. Souhtmayd helped Bill Ander­ Port- > pounds of previously ordered grapes, r. and thereby saving, as we’re requested to son fill silo Tuesday of this week. The heavy rains the past week has made y. do, quite a bit of gas. of the Mrs. Laura Brandon was a last silo filling rather difficult for many Walk- i Friday evening dinner guest of Mr of the farmers, some corn fields be­ ing inundated. i it the I and Mrs. Guy Grant Todd Mr. and Mrs. Casper Garner were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schmidt gave after-! visitors at the Walter Schroeder's a birthday party last Saturday eve­ ss and one day last week. ning for her son, Russell Smith, at ed by Mrs. Roy Robison took her grand­ his home, which place is known as Todd, son, Roy Hollands home Sunday, the Frank Schroeder ranch. Those tn and staying all night with her daughter, present were Mr. and Mrs. Don Misses! Mrs. Carl Holland, and returning Schmidt and family, • Mr. and Mrs. rcross,; Monday to Norway to her other Vernon Trigg, Mr. and Mrs. Herman s and ! daughter's ;home, Mrs. Harold Prib- Detlfesen, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Riv­ i Hal-1 ble’s, where she and Mr, Robison ers, Mr. and Mrs. Art July, Mr. and 1 Sell have been staying since leaving the Mrs. Fred Schmidt and family. The ogene Norway ranch Oct. IS. party enjoyed a fried chicken dinner W. W. Deyoe, of Myrtle Point, was with trimmings, topped off with r ration a Sunday evening dinner guest at the at the A. R. Bennett’s. p. m. 1 J. E. Rowton, a marine from San rough | Diego, Calif., has been home on leave Fish, to see his mother, Mrs. E. O. Rowton, rill be who was quite ill in the Knife Hos­ pital. He visited Wednesday of last *hurs- week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Harvey Gant before returning south, owing Joe Fry, of Norway, is a patient in 1. H. the Knife hospital. erner Mrs. Martin Schmidt, who left on They the bus Tuesday, Oct. 19, for Lfis ening Angeles, has returned, bringing her rs. O. I little grand daughter, Frances Kol- , stead, home with her for the winter, filler, Frances is attending the Norway Mar- school. Mrs. Schmidt visited with T. U. her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Koistead, bteth- with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Chas >sday. Smith and little girl, and with Don Point, Schmidt and family, while in Loe norn- Angeles. chool | Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gant were >f 29. j Fairview visitors last Sunday at the next home of her niece and family, Mr. and , and Mrs. B. E. Jones. Mrs. R. R. Rackleff attended the Ttll