The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, October 28, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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    PÀflK mr
Out-of-Doors SMt}
Weekly Leiter From Washington, 0. C.
Attend Conference
See “Spike* Leslie for the best io
Liability, or other Insurance. Office,
next door to Coquille Hospital,
phone 5; residence phone ML.
The public is cordially invited to
attend a part or all teachers’ pro­
The news that Wendell Willkie was
grams on November 1.,
This is a
scheduled to speak to the new Re­
meeting of the Regional Teachers’
publican members of Congress cre­
ated quite a litUe stir. We decided to season and at the date of this writingI Conference for Coos and Curry coun-
five hunters have gone to their deaths ties and will be held in the Coquille
include guests—permitting each 76- ~
Club member to bring only one guest, by guns in the hands of careless hunt­ High School Gymnasium beginning
said guest being a member of Con­ ers; the last death to date being that at 9 a. m. The doors of the assembly
gress. The meeting was jammed. It of a hunter who fell from a ijullet will close immediately at 9 a. m. in
is our custom to have a question pe­ fired at moving brush by a sixteen order to qvoid Interruptions of the
riod following the speech. Only club year old boy. He was the third victim skit by the Coquille teachers entitled,
In Essential Industry
i- “The Dizzy Life of a School Marm.”
members were permitted to ask ques­ of 15 and 16 year old youths this
The skit is being put on under the
tions—and they were amply pointed.! son.
'direction of Mrs. Ruth Beyers, Co­
I would list some, with their answers, j It is nice for young Americans to!direction
but as previously stated it was—off be able to hunt and to get out and quille High. The
the recordl I can state, however, that enjoy the clean out-of-doors, but It! again at 9:15.
Mr. Willkie did not at any time state has been demonstrated clearly this| Assembly speakers are as follows:
specifically that he is a candidate foe season that they most assuredly State Superintendent Rex Putnam;
ti)e presidency. In other words, it should be accompanied on deer hunt- 'Dr. Frank W. Parr, secretary of O/e-
Part • time Help Solicited
was not an announcement party— ing tripe by an older and An expert- | gon State Teachers' AMflaation; R. F.
but everyone obviously believes and enced companion and that it should - Hawk, principal of Vanport Schools;
understands that he is going to be a' be. drilled into their heads that a man 1 Dr. Frank W. Hart, Civil Aeronau-
I1.. —■■■■■■
in the brush in no way resembles a, tici administrator. In addition there
candidate for the nomination.
Wednesday morning, at the invi­ deer, that a man’s life is worth more will be, heading. the departments:
tation of the War Department con­ than all the deer in existence. They Miss Gertrude Roeski, asiiitant state
veyed to the members of the House should further be informed as to the supervisor, Home Economics; Miss
by Speaker Sam Raybum, the entire fact that only bucks with nothing lees jOy Hills, supervisor. Curriculum and
membership of the House of Repre­ than forked horns may be killed and ¡Publications; Dr. Siemens, Civil Aero-
sentatives assembled in the Audi­ that it is unlawful to kill any other! nautics Administration; Miss Tillie
torium of the Library of Congress ahd , sort of a deer only in certain areas | Schlumberger,
heard an “off the record” report on where does are permitted to be shot jScott-Foresman Co.; Mias Florence
' the war. The meeting began at 1:45 , by special tags.
and continued through until 11:30. | But'it isn’t always the kids that do State Department of Education; Mrs.
| We heard Secretary of War Stimson, | the shooting, more often it is excit­ Lillian Downey, education demon­
(General Marshall, Assistant Secretary | able men—men who are looking for a strator, D. C. Heath Co.; Harry
Patterson and several other top of­ deer, men who have “doer on tl.g Seymour, State 4-H Club Leader.
Dr. J. F. Cramer, who was at one
ficers speak, and we were shown sev­ brain” and who place the pleasure of
eral motion pictures of the war. One bagging a deer ahead of the life of a time principal of Coquille High
of the beet reels of pictures was the fellow being. Such men should be School end superintendent of Bandon
one now in the news reels showing the barred from the woods for all time.1 schools, and is now superintendent
low level bombing and machine-gun- | The man who shoots down another of Eugene schools, will be a guest
nlng at Wewak. The program was hunter by mistaking him for a deer|,t the meeting. Mr. Cramer is also
splendidly handled.
I think the i h“ committed an offense that should 1 president of the Board of Trustees
be punishable.
When the fact is of Oregon
members of the House now have a ------------
---------- * State
Teachers Association.
In order to relieve the congestion
complete picture and understanding token into consideration that only
of the war—how it is being fought, bucks may be shot in most districts during luncheon hour, two groups
where the fighting is taking place, and when ths woods are teeming with will be serving; namely the Rebekahs
what the results have been, what our hunters, one cannot imagine the na­ in tne I. O. O. F. Hall and the Mis-
progress is and why we will finally ture at a hunter who will shoot at any I sionary Society of the Methodist
The talk, illustrated with unidentified moving object or at church in Pioneer Hall..
The House voted Thursday to re­ win.
by the Chief of Army Intel­ moving brush.
peal the Chinese Exclusion Act and
In order to be permitted to drive
permit entrance of Chinese on a quota ligence, on the subject of enemy re­
automobile, any person must take
Actually this is simply a
friendly gesture to a valiant ally in that it dispelled any foolish optimism. an examination end demonstrate if
our desperate war. It will not let I The enemies are not impoverished he is qualified to do so, to the satis­
faction of the authorities. But an
H. C. Seymour, state 4-H Club
down the bars to immigration nor and ready to collapse.
- _ ________ _ ___
idiot may obtain a hunting license to Leader, Corvallis, will visit Coos
will it flood the country with Chinese
carry a high power rifle forth into the county to attend the Coos-Curry
as some opponents of repeal would
woods and endanger the lives of the County Teachers’ Regional Confer­
have us believe. No more than 10S
whole hunting fraternity.
Cock­ ence to be held next Munday at
Chinese will be admitted annually—
Visiting in the valley last Friday
and obviously none at all can cross and Saturday were Grandpa and eyed, half blind, nervous, excitable Coquille High School to conduct the
persons may obtain a hunting license departmental -4-H Club work.
the Pacific while the war is on.
Grandma Flitcroft. They were at the without a single question being asked
4-H Club work has been closely
The Chinese Exclusion Act issue L. E. Teeters home Friday night and
them aside from the questions re­ connected with the schools for several
had considerable political dynamite Saturday visited Mrs. Sanneland, who-
garding their age, the color of their years. It may be organized as a
in it. Apparently the leaders of both lives in their former home.
part of the school curriculum or en­
sides of the House did not want a rec­ went to Millington and Eastside Sat­ hair and their height.
Each season sees more hunters tak­ tirely separate. Teachers who are
ord vote on the question. Everyone urday to visit. From there they went
agreed that the bill would surely pass, to Lakeside and then home to Eugene. ing to the brush and each season sees not familiar with the 4-H Club pro­
more game violations out of season. gram will have an opportunity to
but there was no way to be certain
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Deadmond
how the record vote would look as to returned home Monday afternoon And there is a reason for this snd confer with Mr. Seymour at the con­
Collar »1
Dressy Styles
that is the fact that a lot of hunters ference.
Mrs. Dorothy E. Bishop,
party division. Neither party wanted from Portland, where they had gone
to appear as the party opposed to the to have Clarence enter the clinic but figure that they would rather get borne demonstration agent, and James
repeal—an election year being just found it ap busy it would be two or their buck out of season and chance F. Bishop, assistant county agent, will
Fitted dressmaker coats—slimly draped and Aj «ai­
paying a fine than they would to also attend the conference with or­
around the corner.
led to figure-flattering lines. Good-looking,
three weeks before he could go hunt in open season and take chances
ganization material for club leaders.
l practical enough to go with everything!
Consequently, by the simle parlia­ through it.
on being potted for a buck by some
Miss Maryolive Snarr, also of the
yon lining. Warmly interlined. Sizes 12 to 20.
mentary expedient at having a quo­
G. B. Dow passed away Thursday fool hunter.
State Club department, will visit
rum call (roll call of the House to morning at 8:45 at Keizer Hospital,
It is, indeed, a crying shame when Coos county, November 8 and 9, to
Sturdy Mater iel» ■ Styles
For Duration
wee if a quorum i> present, which is after being ill several months. The
a man's life is placed on a par with assist Mrs. Bishop in the organiza­
done when a member makes the funeral was held Wednesday after­
point that no quorum is present) an noon from Schroeder’s funeral home that of the life of a doer by a lot of tion of Home Economics 4-H Club
Go-with-everything styles, tailored enough for ■
automatic roll call on passage of the in Coquille. Several friends from the hunters—hunters who blaze away at project». Any community desirous
everyday wear, yet the luxurious fur collars are I
moving brush and kill men each sea­ of having assistance in the organi­
bill was avoided.
When the bill valley attended the funeral. Most of
son. And after they have killed
definitely dressy! Rugged fabrics. Lined with
sation of these clubs should contact
was up for final passage, the Speaker the children are home and Gordon,
brother hunter they tear
rayon. Warmly interlined. Sizes 12 to 20.
Mrs. Bishop immediately so an itin­
called a voice vote and declared the from the east, is on his way.
and moan long and loud,
erary can be arranged.
bill passed before any demand for a
L. A. Ryan hurt his hand Monday fails to bring back the slain one and
record vote—a vote by “yeas” and evening. He was unable to work
a kind-hearted coroner's jury ex­
“nays” -could be made.
onerates the weeping, remorseful
Several former residents were no­ hunter, and within a week some other
Three times this week I attended ticed “moving” in the valley Mon­ hunter does the same thing over
meetings that were billed as “strictly day afternoon to camp to hunt. The again—kills a man by mistaking him
off the record? Being fairly large elk season opened last week.
for a deer.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Zenor and
meetings, I doubt very much, how­
The time has come when real dras­
ever. that the proceedings of any of daughter, Dolores, came from Eugene tic action should be token to put a
them were actually kept secret. As last Wednesday afternoon to visit. stop to needless slaying of hunters. It
a matter of fact, I did not hear or see They are staying at the T. H. Ben­ appears that the gas chamber or a
anything at any one of the three ses­ ham home. Mrs. Zenor has had two life term are the only logical solu­
sions—barring perhaps some specific services st the church and those who tions to the problem and in our opin­
statistics—that could do any damage knew her as their pastor here surely ion they are none too drastic—for af­
i appreciate hearing her again.
in print..
ter all, when everything is taken into
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holverstott and consideration there is no difference
The first of the off-record ses-
sions was a meeting of Republican daughter, Lindy Lou, were Sunday between shooting a man down in cold
I believe dinner guests at the Glen Richardson blood upon the streets of a city than
members of the House
some 200 members were present to home.
there is of slaying him in the woods.
Harold Norris writes that on Sat- Just how long are the slayings going
hear Senator Brewster of Maine tell
about his trip around the world and urday, October 16, he made his first to continue before drastic action is
to the various battle fronts this sum- I j solo flight. He is in training to be token?
mer with the party of Senators. The I 'a pilot at Thunder Bird Field at
If a man knew for a settled fact that
reports of the five Senators have Phoenix, Arizona, and will be in he would be executed or given a life
been covered at some length in vari­ school several months yet.
prison sentence for shooting a fellow
Word has been received from the man by mistaking him for a deer, it
ous press reports.
Brewster spoke
frankly but in so far as giving any Beck family. They are now living at would make him think twice before
additional “inside dope” was con­ Kelso, Wash., and Mr. Beck is again firing the fatal shot and it would
cerned, I failed to hear much along in evangelistic work.
serve to keep a lot of rattle-brained,
Mrs. Clara Kibler was in Coquille nervous, irresponsible hunters out
that line.
The second “off the record” meet­ Saturday to trade and visit the of the woods.
W *
ing was our 78-Club session Tuesday physician for treatment after an
Are these annual killings going to
night. The new Republican members operation on her face a few weeks be permitted or is something going
—new members of the 78th Congress ] ago.
I to be done about it?.
- get together for dinner every Tues- ' Charlie Holverstott slipped and fell
day evening at the Continental Hotel, last week injuring his limb that had in to the physician Tuesday.
" Juat dropped by to tell you, Frank, I had a
Raymond Norris of the Navy in the
s one fine fellow and the Army he’s
one of the hotels in the vicinity of been broken previously. He is about
fine letter from your eon, Joe, this morning.
South Pacific is now coxswain, mak-
the best disciplined, best behaved in
Union Station, and quite close to the feeling his old self again.
Mighty nice of him to take the time to write
Grange met last Saturday night for ing the grade after being ip the navy
Just last night I was reading
an Article th« quofcd aSeport signed by
,*?a. ".S’:. -
me ...I know how Hbsy they keep the bdyv
Mrs. Sarah j but one year.
speaker and have had many nfn of their'regular meeting.
- J- ‘
That's a fine camp he’s been transferred to
five chaplains in the very camp where Joe
Mrs. Lloyd Teagarden has returned
prominence before us, including Sec­ Wertz, of Coquille, spoke on Farmers
up in New England.”
is now training. I remember their exact
retory of the Navy Knox, Admiral Hospitalization. With her as a guest I home after visit of several weeks in
“Yea, Catherine and I had a letter this
words which were "there is no liquor prob­
Yamall, Harold Stassen, Bob Patter­ was Virginia Park. Also a guest Cheyenne, Wyoming. She states she
morning, too. Said he was writing you...
lem at this Post.” And I understand that's
son, etc. Our committee on .programs was Lyman Chezem’s sizjer-in-law left in sunshine and ran into rain as
he’s very fond of you. Judge. Catherine is
true in camp after camp all over the
long ago decided to have every po­ visiting them. She is lecturer in soon as she arrived home. Mr. Tea-
certainly proud of Joe and proud of the great
country. And if Catherine would like to
tential Republican presidential can­ bar grange in Lane county. The H. E. garden has been relieved as chief
Army he's a part of."
see that report, I’ll drop it off at the
didate appear so that we could look committee served refreshments of air observer, a place he has filled
"She has gdod reason to be, Frank.
house tomorrow.”
faithfully for several motnhs.
them over—ao to speak. We expect doughnuts and coffee.
to hear Mr. Bricker of Ohio, Mr.
week. He waif ill last week but st- , See Schroeder's Jewelry Store in
Dewey of New York and any others
school Monday Tuesday t he
—( Coquille for Diamonds and Watch
prominently mentioned. This week
was sick again. Mrs. Buoy toqk him , Straps.
/f. Mr. Willkie spoke.
Ellsworth Letter _____ ___
Washington, D. C., October 23, 1943
—Apparently the fuss that has been
so effectively stirred up by the mem­
bers of Congress from the states of
Oregon and Washington regarding
the development of a domestic source
of alumina-frofr»-ctay plants may be
approved in the .near future. The facts
are so compelling fn favor of this de­
velopment. however, that it seems
also a certainty that this report, un­
official as it is, must be correct.
(Since,the above was written in
Washington the project has been
given an O. K.)
' X
It is unfortunate but true that de­
cisions both for snd against the pro­
duction of aljunlna-from-clay have
been kicked around Washington for
more than six months. When the
various war agency committees snd
the light metal division of WPB had
finally been cleared, the question was
up for final decision by the WPB
itself. In June, the three proposed
plants were approved. Then, during
the summer came word that the pro­
posed plant for the Northwest was
denied because of the manpower sit­
Back in Waahington after the re­
cess, members of Congress were in­
form«! that the ;nanpower trouble
was not the real reason for stopping
the alumina-from-clay development.
It was then stated that all three
plants were denied because they
were not needed. Mr. Wilson (Act­
ing WPB) told us in the heat of the
discussion last week that the plans
had not only been denied once, but
three times, by his Production Execu­
tive Committee. The members of the
committee were present when he said
it, by the wa^. Now they have ap­
parently seen the light. I hope so.
Driver Salesman and Clerk
Consolidated Freightways, inc.
4-H Club Leaders At
Conference Nov. 1
Fairview News
£.4. I 3