Phe Sentinel a mm m » u ia a « m » tew« TWENTY YEARS AGO ‘ (Taken from The 8entinel of Friday, October 26, 1022) I An addition of fourteen in the Co- !!? quille schools is reported by Supt. JO Parr this week. With the congested paid' condition in the schools the board of pcra directors took prompt action toward ____ relieving the situation by sending an ce M inquiry to the state normal for a .primary teacher. District Attorney Fisher has given as his opinion to the Tax Conserva­ tion Commission that that body has no authority to insert an item of $3,000 in the Coos county budget for the maintenance of cpunty agent work. This project will therefore be dropped for another year. Fragmenta of Fact and Fancy There were light frosts here in Coquille Tuesday and . Wednesday mornings; the second day it was .heavy enough to blast cucumbers, Personally we have been a great squasHlbs and tender vegetation, admirer of Winston Churchill and ' have thrilled to the majesty of his ; The Ladies Aid of the M. E. Church oratory but when he presumes to I South, which held its meeting at the enter United States political squab­ home of Mrs. M. O. Hawkins yester­ bles, he is getting off oq the wrong day afternoon, made it an event in foot. His first public reference to • the honor of Mrs. J. P. Messer, who the U. S. senators who returned yesterday celebrated her 80th birth­ home unsatisfied with some phases day. i jj ii g iii a i.ii it......... . . of the administration of the Lend- Lease did more to set Americans against Britains that did the report of the senators itself. If there is any foundation for the senators’ story that the British are outsmarting us on1 1,’oods loaned them and are building up their foreign trade with these goods relabeled as from Great Brit­ ain, then the Prime Minister should have promised an investigation and correction of suoh mistaken zeal. None of us Were worrying much about j it until we knew how extensive the practice might be. A few isolated eases could not amount to anything compared to the billions of dollars! worth of goods we are giving all our [ allies, near friends or grasping j neutrals. What does irk us, however, is that! Churchill criticized our senators fori revealing facts they had learned when ! he should have denounced the wrong Î they discovered. If he intends to! enter the political fields of America, he will find his popularity here rap­ idly diminishing and he will help to create a schism between the two English-speaking allies which would , be unfortunate for both of them. It is not his place to fight Roosevelt’s battles on our home front. From where I sit /y Joe Marsh Calling cards. So rar »1.00. At the request of its many Patrons the ROXl FOUNTAIN will be open at 7 o'clock each morning except Tuesday, to serve BREAKFAST The new hour of opening goes into ejfect Friday, October 29 Occasionally we have to smile at some of the quirks of the Roosevelt personality. The president worries about the integrity of some of his suc­ cessors. When the library to house official papers on his home estate at Hyde Park was built with govern- ment funds he put the U. S. on its honor to provide money in future years for its upkeep, yet his was the administration which spent thou- sands of dollars to change all docu- Menu will include the money back. In other words, the Coquille Valley taxpayers are asked not only to give up their equipment for use of U. S., which they were very glad to do, but also to pay for the privilege of doing so. This is true because it has become certain that all of the funds received from the sale must be spent to rebuild the same equipment. Any kick-back to U. S. Thia departure from our previous achedule ia becauae of the constant demand for thia aervice. It ia an experiment on our part and if it doea not work out aatUfgctorily the Breakfaaf feature of Roxy Fountain’a aervice will be discontinued. politicians. Restrictions and régula tions are such that it is very diffl