George Be Iloni To Enter The Service Hems About Local Boys In Letter From - < Sterling Gruenewald Sterling Gruenewald. now stationed at the Naval Air Technical Training Center at Norman, Okla., writes his' former employers here, Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Bull, about his service ex­ periences since joining one of Uncle Sam’s service group aeyeral months ago, as follows: CASEY'S “Bud” Newton Gets Home For Three Davs “Bud” Newton, son of ptr. and Mrs. that helped his contingent the train at Billy Mitchell O. L. Newton, who is taking a Navy officers’ training course at Wash- near Milwaukee. bume College, Topeka, Kans., sur­ prised his parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Knife, by coming Lieut, and Mrs. Earl Hamilton, in on them unannounced Tuesday Mrs. G. R. Morgan Are Visitors evening. He has a ten-day leave but ! lively-yolume published on Island X, can only be at home for three days. Lieut, and Mrs. Earl Hamilton ar­ • “somewhere in the Pacific,” has been rived here Saturday -evening from the passed around since its receipt here Army camp at Marysville, Calif.,. Ezra Smith Likes To wheKe he is in the Medical Corps, I by Mrs. Muriel Ardath, the sender no one less than Seabee Bob larger. Hear From His Friends for a few days* visit at the home of Under the caption, "Scuttlebutt from Mrs. Anna Smith reports receiving her brother, Cyril McCurdy. Lieut. the Head,” is the following, "Will a letter from her son, Ezra, who is Hamilton’s mother, Mrs. G. Russell someone please tell R. J. larger that stationed somewhere in Alaska, tn Morgan, was visitingXhem at Marys- he does not look like “Panama which he sends his best regards th | ville when word of his furlough ar- ' Hattie. The same J arger is listed as all of his old friends in Coquille and one of the staff of ’Shore-Lines.’ vicinity. He says -he U feeling fine, ’ 'Mention is made of a Seabee movie enjoys his work and especially men- ! which has been completed and has tions how nice it is to receive letters been approved by navy officials in and papers from Ids Jriends here. I Washington. The production, the ¡paper states, is due for release by See “Spike” Leslie for the best in ;now or some time soon. Liability, or other Insurance. Office, I ..... , ;■ . . , - next door to Coquille Hospital. Iphone 5; residence phone 95L. s Safe ways Mr. J. H. Casey: Three years ago I suffered from rheumatism in my left elbow so bad I could not get my arm to my head. Rest at night was impos­ sible even with an electric pad. A very dear friend asked me to try Casey’s Compound, which I did. After taking six bottles I have never had a touch of it since. I am glad to tell my friends about Casey’s Compound. Yours respectfully, MRS«C. A. MONICAL, 5803 S. E. 115th Ave., Portland Mr. Casey: , . I suffered from Neuritis and Rheumatism several months, with severe pain in my shoulder, neck and left arm. After all other treatments had failed a friend recommended Casey's Compound. After .using six bot­ tles I have had no more pain whatever and my general health is much better and now can enjoy a good night’s rest. I cannot recommend your Compound too highly LA. 12 „..1229 GRACE O’BRIEN. 1220 N. E. Everett St., Portland YOUR DRUGGIST CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH <« E A CASEY’S COMPOUND. Bottle .............. ** I . JU Guaianleed — top value for your money Bif l'alu"! in Small Typa All Brands Soup sss“ Margarine^* (‘lackers Edwards • Nob Hill Enriched BREAD > lulls I-ee Wright’s ■JO W Hr FLOOR*! NA M ill « A tough, long wearing enamel for weed, linoleum and cement ■ | 2 BEST MB« RW VBLBE SWF In SWP, beauty, procee. cion and economy are combined to give you the most for your money. q rQ Colored Herd Sagar CANDIES Freeh from Ceba Ibpk 49c Dear. Mr. Casey: I wsii down five months with Neuritis and Rheumatism. Was given up to die. Found Casey’s Compound a life saver. I cannot praise your Compound enough. Since my recovery I have seen many of my friends helped and I am constantly telling people about your wonderful remedy. W. T. FORD, Baptist Minister, 3728 S. E. Morrison St., Portland. "My rheumatism has left me and 1 can truthfully recommend Casey's Compound, for it did the work.” SU. 5503 L. A. KRUGER, 4344 S. E. 29th St., Portland, Ore. MEATi L Mr. J. H. Casey: Dear Sir: For fourteen years I suffered from Arthritis. I took treatments and medicines of all kinds, but they did not relieve my case in the least. At last the druggist recommended Casey’s Compound. I still had hopes of some day finding something that would cure me. After eight bot­ tles I was completely well. Sincerely, MRS. A. A. Curtis, 133 N. E. 72nd Ave. Portland. GUARANTEED PRODUCE Ä