Ann Hawkins Wed At Walla Walla At a church wedding in Walla Walla, Wash., last Friday evening, Oct. 23 at 7:30 p. m., Miss Ann Haw­ kins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Hawkins, became the bride of L^ku- tentant Clifford £. Kamph, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kamph of Smith River, CaUf. The ceremony wus conducted in the presence of the en­ tire Tow target squadron to which the groom belongs. The wedding marches and soft background wed­ ding music were played by organist Mrs. Molter of Walla Walla. Lt. Ray Carlson wus best man. The bride, a graduate of the Co­ quille High School, attended St. Helen’s Hall Junior College in Port­ land and the University of Oregon. She is a member of Gamma Phi Beta sorority. The groom is a graduate of Oregon University and a member of Theta Chi fraternity. On Saturday night at the Walla Walla Officers Club a dinner dance was given in honor of the young couple. On Sunday there was a squadron dinner party of fourteen. For the past year the bride .has been a bookkeeper for her brother- in-law, Tom Dintmick, at Ophir. Lt. and Mrs. Kam0h will live for the present at Walla Wall*, where the Announcement Party Given By Parents Coquille Red Cross, 764, will hold At a party at their home last Fri­ its regular weekly meeting an Friday, day evening Mr. and Mrs. Clifford 2«, from 1:00 to 4:30 o’clock in Kern announced the engagement of • Oct. Guild Hall. As usual there will be their daughter, Yvonne, to Mr. Fred J. Marineau, U. S. C. G„ stationed at work provided for everyone—ma­ Bandon. Mr. Marineau is the son of chine pnd hand sewing, knitting, procheting. cutting, pressing, filling Mrs. Dora Goodwin of Portland. The day of the wedding was clev­ sewing kits, etc. Please bring your erly told on a blue flag bearing the own scissors and thimble and be­ date Dec. 4, which waved from the cause it is now Impossible to purchase must top of a boat, which reflected in crochet hooks in Coquille, it is sug­ a mirror the lgvely white crysanthe- gested that you bring for your own mums arranged to form a sail. Blue use or to lend to another. Nos. 1, 2 or and white larkspur were used to give , 3 crochet hooks are used. Because so many afghans are now the effect of waves. Arranged around the centerpiece were favors under way, colored yarn hi badly representing life preservers secured needed. Also needed are more large­ with a red, white and blue rope. On eyed needles, large safety pins and this was Dec. 4 and the names of the 110, 11 and 12 in. squares cut from old turkish towels for wash cloths. bride and groom to be. Mrs. D. B. Kesner, chairman of Yvonne was attractive in a black faile dress with corsage of gardenias pi-oduction, says, *‘We will continue Ito make afghans but because they and rosebuds. Refreshments were consume so much yarn, fall of whicH served. Guests were as follows: Mesdames must be donated), and because it is Harald Withnell, Allan Rhay, Lee blso necessary to fill our quotas on Collier, Donald Farr, Elda Ostrander, regulation items, we shall work on Sterling Wham, Edward Wham, them chiefly at our meetings and we Marlin Brandon, Bob Bryan, Gray- also ask our women who are now don Anderson, Chester Price, R. G. working on them in their home to McBride and Misses Eunice Howe, please accept some sewing or knit- Yarbrough. ,ink same Um* After “u w Jean Williams, DorotbM J------------ ------------------ Marybeile Yarbrough, Norene Mc­ do want to do the things that are Keown, Lydia Holstein, Dorothy Cof­ most needed for our service men fey, Aloha Allen and Glenda Clinton. first.” Kit bags and housewives (sewing kits), are still the most essential Visitor Entertains Prior and . Mrs. PhU Alborn. 1 items To Departure ¡chairman of knitting, is conpentrat- Mrs. Ala Ogdon Bunch, who has ing an possible on placing stump, been a charming visitor in tier daugh­ toe and regular sox in the'hands of ter’s home the last three months, is her knitters, in addition to the sweat­ planning to return to her home in ers and gloves nojv under way. Mrs. Hollywood the first of next week. Alborn is most enthusiastic over the Her daughter, Mrs, U. E. McClary, manner in which new knitters are will accompany her south. Last Sat­ coming to the front. urday afternoon Mrs. Bunch was a The appeal for new workers is luncheon and bridge hostess to the meeting with a generous response following group of her friends: Mes- and Mrs. Kesner is pleased to re­ dames Albert Powers, of Marshfield; port that Mrs. G. E. Stark and her G. E. Stark, M. O. Hawkins, George former group of workers have again Chaney, F. L. Greenough, Ralph Milne, Otto Zentner, Don McCune, F, M. Shaw, Jas. Brady, R. E. Boober, G. L* Maynard, T. De Li Rhue. Mrs. Zentner won high socre and Mrs. Boober second high. Dance at Bandon Townsend Hall every Saturday night starting Nov. 8. Also Armistice dance Nov. 11. Admission: Gents 75c, Ladies 25c and service men 50c. 41t2s SPECIAL New assortment of Venetian Mirrors Swing Chairs, Shag Rugs, Blankets Daveno without matching chair Royal Neighbors Initiate Mrs. Jane Burch, Oracle, presided over the meeting last Wednesday eve­ ning of the Royal Neighbors lodge. A pretty ritualistic ceremony waa^ con­ ducted for intiation of Mrs. "Dorothy ’Noble. Mrs. A. T. Erickson was wel­ comed as a transfer from Powers. An invitation from the Myrtle Point lodge to a rally to be held there some time next month was discussed and a vote taken to accept it Mrs. Logan, AMAZING! Coffee Saving! Silex 2-Cup Drip Model Easy To Clean OVAL GLASS ROASTER $3 49 15.45 l—IOft" Utili», Trey Southwestern Motor Car & Home Supply Store 325 South Hall If it is Insurance, see me. Bulli Remember—Norton’s for school and home supplies. 3-Way Glass UTILITY COOKER office, 37tfi $2.75 Modern Glass FRYING PAN Smokes Less $1.69 Biegger Furniture Co