The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, October 28, 1943, Page 10, Image 10

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    Minor Mention
and Mrs. Fuhrman, were unable to
come up Sunday evening because the’
Sixes river was over the ryad where
the road from up the river goes un­
der Ute highway bridge but it had
dropped enough Monday morning so
that they could get through.
Mrs. Lin Swain left Monday eve­
ning for Corvallis, near which city
her parents land a sister reside. The
latter is to undergo an operation and
Mrs. Swain wept out to be with her.
Ralph Woodford, brother of Mrs.
Jennie Wililams and Mrs. J. A. Lamb,
who came over with the Shriners
from Medford for the ceremonial Sat­
urday evening, spent a part of the
time at the Lamb home while here.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jensen came in
Saturday from their home in Astoria
for a. few days’ visit with old friends
here. Fred, who was half of the
firm of Greene A Jensen in the El­
lingson building here until two years
ago, is now with the.Brookfield heavy
J. E. Norton is improving slowly
construction company at the mouth now. He has gained 10 or 12 pounds
of the Columbia—no connection with in weight and Sunday was able to
Brookfield cheese.
go out to the dining room for dinner
for the first time in months.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brown, of
iBuilardi. enjoyed a ten days’ visit
from Mi-. Charles Stallsmith of Ed­
monds, Washington. Mrs. Stallsmith
is the daughter of Mrs. Brown and
visited here last year when the fam­
ily held a reunion.
She came the
valley route and visited some time
with her sister at Saginaw and at
Sutherlin with her sister’s and broth­
er’s families.
Sadie Hawkins Day Dance
Scheduled For Nov. • ,
“Who is to be Lil’ Abner?" is the
question that is bothering many peo­
ple when they learn that the Co­
quille Junior Womens Club is giyiiy
a Sadie Hawkins Day danKe in the
Community Building on the evening
of Saturday. Novi 6.
plenty of members of the»Clult> who
could vie with Daisy Mae in charm
and beauty but to find a boy or
young man who will run *ro.n il;e
charms of these misses is on in-
• tlrely different matter. “Thar aint
'no sich animal I
There will be a door prize and
prizes will be given for the best ,
lady’s and best man’s'costumes, the
choice of costumes being optional.
Service men—no Lil Abner in that
category—are to be admitted free.
Admission will be 55 cents, includ­
ing tax.
Chadwick lodge No.tö
Chadwick Lodge To Hold
Social Evening Nov. 5
I Chadwick Lodge, No. 68, A. F. it
A. M., is planning a social evening for
Masons, their better halves and
friends in Masonic Hall here on Fri­
day evening of next -week, Nov. 5.
Cards, dancing, ^husic and other en­
tertainment features are on the pro­
Roxy Fountain Will Serve
Breakfasts Starting Tomorrow
Notice the Roxy Fountain adv. on
another page, those of you who wish
to have breakfast down town. Alan
Bailey, the proprietor, says he has
bad so many demands for serving a
morning meal that he will see how it
works out, starting tomorrow morn­
Grandpa and Orandma -------------
Aren't you going to ask Him to bless
your grandparents in California?"
asked grandma.
“No," was the comeback, “They
can wait till tomorrow night!*
If anyone doubts the veracity of
this sfcry he or she can get confirma­
tion from Postmaster M. O. Hawkins.
1 .
Bobbye Jean Harris had a birthday
on Friday. Her mother had plans
for her birthday party on Saturday.
Thursday night she didn’t feel too
well and by Friday the doctor found
an operation for appendicitis neces­
sary. The party will have to be held
later, though many present have al­
ready been received. She is getting
along nicely.
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Fuhrnpan's Pharmacy