MW*»' ■■ > - : • — ». -------------------------- ft, yifrW « I 1 p L ' - . '■ -I'««' k. ■ ? I THE PAPER THAT’S LIKI A LETTER FROM HOME ✓ L * -r Cranberry Canning Plant Is Having A Successful Season ■ _____ ■.11 u .."s* mui i hi ii'.WifTweaw* '... j . jj _ . ..'—i n,_ COQUILK POOR COUNTY, OBMOOM. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1968. ms HillahTempleStage| A^ Most Successful Coos Republicans Shrine Ceremonial Here Last Saturday Hear Portland Speaker AfMdrshf 'Id Will Start Drilling Soon Drilling for the Phillips Petroleum Corporation by the Bell & Loughlin firm of contractors from Los Angeles, Calif., is expected to start Saturday, or early next week. The site of the drilling is two miles up Davis Slough from the Marshfield highway. The derrick is practfbally finished and the powerful rotary drill, with which the crew will punch down to 6,000 feet or more if necessary, is in place and ready to being burning. ■ The Coquille Gas 8c Power Co. is furnishing the butane gas for oper­ ating the machinery and lighting the location at night, it being a 24 hours to the day operation. The weU Roy Rhodes had drilled In that neighborhood two years ago struck a 50-pound gas pressure at some level of the 1450 foot hole drilled at that time. " ’s This “wild-cat” drilling is attract­ ing attention of many of the major oil companies and many of them are securing leases as near to the West- port Arch as they can. * Champion U. S. Visits Coquille About forty Republican Party members from different parts of the - Following the lead set by the Ro­ county attended the dinner last eve­ Oscar O. Klatt, the champion hitch­ tary cjub last Wednesday noon, the ning held at the Chandler Hotel to hiker of the United States, 43 years RdsntinAl Sentinel scribe accepted ♦ has the inx/idn- invita­ hear Mrs. John Y. Richardson, vice of age, and a veteran of World War I, tion of M. S. Anderson, manager of chairman of the State Central Com­ arrived in Coquille last Thursday the Coquille plant of Cranberry mittee. Mrs. Richardson is a muni­ and stopped here until Monday, vis­ Canners, Inc., to see how their Ocean cipal Judge in Portland and maintains iting his friend, Velorous Cail, with Spruy cranberry sauce is made and her own office as an attorney. She whom he became acquainted a few packed, and Mr. Anderson extends a attended the two-day meet called by years ago by correspondence. He had cordial invitation to anyone who is National Chairman Spangler and was hitch-hiked from his home in She­ interested to come to the plant, across the representative of Oregon in the boygan, Wis., in eight days, coming the S. P. tracks from the depot, and western conference recently held in by way of Denver, Salt Lake City go on a personally conducted tour. and the desert, and Sacremento, Montana. Nine western states were The cranberries are first emptied represented. coming from the California capital • - 1 from their boxes on to a traveling, to Coquille in three days. The speaker discussed several endless belt, two of them, where six angles of “How to win the election.” Klatt is a taxi driver in his home people sort out the small from the Sixty per cent of the vote will be town in the winter and hitch hikes » large and pick oqt bad ones. in the summer, using the money cast by women at the coming election. From the end of the belt roll they The need fom strong organization Saved while at work to pay living Shriners pictured* above who helped the novices “hang on to the rope,*' are dumped through a chute to the work here in Coos county was expenses on his trips, but never ' floor below where they are thorough- stressed. Mrs. Richardson is a fear­ from left to right are W. P. Laws, M. F. Pettit Geo. A. Ulett. K. P. Law­ spending anything for transportation. - ly washed. Thence to the slicing-ma­ less speaker and talked fo< an hour rence and R. A. Jeub. The rest of the paint-daubed squad look like a This past summer he devoted his chine and from their to two large and a quarter, holding the interest to bunch of Indians Just off the war path. time to war work and was employed . ........... . ■ ...------------ ——------------------- vata, each holding 300 pounds, into a high point the entire time. She in Wisconsin shipyards. Coquille was invaded last Saturday . was that of the 47 Shriners who be- which 100 pounds of berries and 100 stated Neil Allen is the best state He has been hitch-hiking 24 sum­ / fl nooflv Ofifl ChrlnaM * AAmu la/ss olirmorl - o AB SlvA Qkrino by a horde of nearly 200 Stainers came life supporters of the Shrine pounds of sugar are pourned at a chairman in the country. mers, has been in every capital build­ from all over southwestern Oregon, hospital for crippled children, more cooking. The berries remain in the ing of the 48 states of the nation, in Mrs. Richardson is fired with an with some coming from the William- than half Of the class of 31 candidates vata for 12 minutes, at a tempera­ enthusiasm and understanding of some states five times, and has twice Otte valley and Portland. were included in that number. ture of 216 degrees, after which the party needs and talks easily and bril­ made 10,000 mile trips, once in 1932 It was a most satisfactory event . It required the setting of the tables slide in the bottom of the vat is liantly. She is a handsome brunette when he passed through Coquille and and the ceremonial, conducted by and the serving of the seafood din­ After the Jury, which heard the attended the national Legion con­ pulled, permitting the sauce io run type, born and reared in the south, Hillah Temple at Ashland admitted ner by the Rebekahs in I. O. O. F. hall case of Ella Reed Osmundson vs. the through tubes to the floor below educated at Wellsley College in Mas­ vention in Portland, and again in 31 novices to the secrets and mys­ « second time to teed all the Stain­ , New York Life Insurance Co., from where another crew sets No. 10 sachusetts, and with the years spent 1940. teries of the Shrine. ers in attendance and they wore Monday morning until Just before glass jars, holding just under a gal­ in this northwest has gained a com­ Klatt was in the Medical Corps with Many were the commendations moot enthusiastic in their praise of noon Wednesday, had listened to the lon, under the down pour, then puts prehensive national viewpoint. The a cavalry unit in the first World war given K. P. Lawrence, general chair­ the seafood dinner served by the testimony the defense suddenly asked a cap oyer the steam mass and the speaker stated she will return to Coos and his captain then, who is now in man in charge of all arrangements for ladies at 5:30 ocloCk. that a directed verdict be rendered by charge of a hospital in Australia, is steam pressure hermetically seals the county this winter and will then visit the affair, and one Past Potentate, When it was over there were two the Judge and the plaintiff attorney lids in place. It was to be noted that the Coquille valley to meet party i Lieq^-Col. Harry Holden. Klatt was Jerry Jerom,e, was the finest baked salmon still left In the kitchen then made the same request. when the sauce is at its hottest the workers. in the National Guard for four years event Hillah had ever enjoyed away and the ladies decided to raise the Accordingly Judge King gave his after serving eight months in the last pressure bulges the lid but after the Gas and rubber shortage prevented from the home temple. Rebekahs' credit for the sale of war verdict which was for an additional jar cools the lid resumes its flat, many from attending who would war. The Community Buildings was bonds by putting the two fish up at He has fought forest fires in Cali­ smooth condition. otherwise have been present. State highly praised for its beauty and it action. One of them brought a final 82,000 to be paid to the plaintiff and f^t 8500 attorney fees. At the tables where the sealing Representative Ralph Moore and fornia five times, has worked in was proved that Coquille can now ac­ bld of >1000—face value—in bonds, The case grew out of the accidental Yellowstone Park which lie has vis­ takes place a lady takes each bottle, Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Louis Felsheim. commodate conventions or large-sized and the other 8500. Joe Weinstein of death of the plaintiff’s husband, Nels ited five times. He has crossed the splashes it with cold water and then of Bandon, attended; also Mrs. R. A. state and district meetings of almost « places it on a traveling belt which Wernich Eugene purchased thè larger amount Osmundson, who disappeared some Salt Lake desert twice. state committeewoman any kind. years ago while fishing off the rocks carries the jar to the packing room from Coot County Central Committee. He made Ms first hitch hike in 1918, One of the outstanding items of in­ and Qus Anderson of Klamath Falla, below Bandon. His body was never and since then has traveled 150,000 Stella Cutlip was in charge of the terest in connection with the affair the 8500. recovered. His policy for 82,000 with miles. In 1930 ha met President The ladtee fill 365 of the glass jars gathering, introduced the speaker and the insurance company carried a Roosevelt who was then governor of an hour, and at this peak of the sea­ presented Mr. Moore, Senator Wm. Mew York. Klatt never walks, sei- son, they are handling ten tonsef Walsii and others. A musical treat I dom is delayed while seeking a ride, Meries a day. The larger berries was included in the program. Elsie the 82,000 for his death, claiming and carries an American flag and a are packed in boxes for aate as fresh Eyre, talented Marshfield soprano, that the double indemnity feature ' four-leaf clover. fruit and this season the company and the .young Coast Guard George Only three days remaining for you In 1930 he traveled 5,000 miles will ship out between two and three Goodall‘ sang their duets from the Mrs. Leona Foley, 67 years, nine did not held as it was not known thousand one-quarter barrel boxes, Desert Song and an encoTO, “Sweet­ to help get the Coquille quota of months and 22 days of age, passed whether his disappearance was due through 18 eastern states in two and 85350.00. It's a big quota but it is away at the hospital here at 8:30 to an accident or not, and also claim­ one-half months, and once went'from under the Mist Kist brand Of the hearts,’’ from May Time. needed. The committee, according o’clock Monday evening. She had ing that he had ventured into a dan­ Sheboygan, 1500 miles to Augusta, Ocean Spray sauce the company will to George E. Oerdirig, city chairman, been suffering with heart trouble for gerous place, unnecessarily placing Maine, in less than two weeks, and ship 12,000 cases, each containing six is working hard and getting results some time and had been in the hos­ himself subject to drowning. again 2500 mites from his home town jars, which will be shipped all up and It was for the double indemnity to Florida in ten days. because ■ the loyal people are re­ pital for ten days. down the Coast—Oregon, Washing­ sponding to the call of the combined Klatt has correspondence all over ton and California — to whoeesale Liston Parrish, of the Christian feature of 82,000 that Judge King charities. “May the help each of Church, will officiate at the funeral awarded the verdict to the plaintiff. the world and says people are gen­ dealers ahd to all Army and Navy A total of 7.77 inches of precipita­ and give, sometime come back to you services, which are to be held in erally hospitable and agreeable and Camps, also into Utah. mentions Coquille aa one of the places Ten thousand pounds of sugar is tion had been recorded at the weath­ and yours a hundred fold,” says Mr. Schroeder Bros, chapel here at 2:00 where they are very much so. He f used daily in making the 11% tons er observation station at the court Oerding. p. m. on Saturday. Interment will The soldier, who has returned and be in the Masonic cemetery. says he occasionally gets some hard of sauce a day, and the berries used house yesterday morning which, by the Cranberry Canners represent added to the .05 of an inch in Septem­ has seen the horrors, knows the knocks, too. Mrs. Foley was born in Kansas. He left Monday for Marshfield and a payment to the growers of this sec­ ber, makes the total for this weather truth and the urgent need for help— Jan. 8, 1876, and came to Hood River, Sam A. Malehorn, for many yean fiscal year 7.82 inches. ask him and you wouldn't hesitate to Ore., with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. a Coos county deputy sheriff, came in Portland, but left this original four- tion of $60,000 for this season The recording is made at nine do your part. Don't wait for the com­ Thos E Footer, while still a small girl Next year, Mr. Anderson states, Tuesday in connection with his duties line poem in the Sentinel office tell­ the company intends trebling its out­ o'clock each morning for the pre­ mittee to call, they canont see every­ Her husband, Abraham N. Foley, as chief of the Arson Squad of the ing his opinion of Oregonians: Here's to Oregon and the West, put, which means the putting of 36,- vious 24 hours and the heaviest fall one; make a voluntary donation for to whom she was married at Rose­ Oregon State Police. He was ac­ Pioneer people who pass the test. 000 cases of the sauce, besides the the past week was Saturday and that the cause at the office of George E. burg, passed away here more than companied by H. H. Pomeroy—both night when 2.02 inches fell. Other Oerding, to Hode Caughell, secretary, ten years ago. She came to Rose­ Here's to Oregon and the West, fresh berries. men from Portland — who is an in ­ Where Life and People are the best. This season the plant has pur­ "damp" days were for the day and or to Don Farr, the treasurer. burg tn 1912 and to Coquille, where vestigator for the National Board of chased 12,000 one-quarter barrels night of Saturday, Oct. l>th, one Give according to your ability to they owned a home near Patterson Fire Underwriters. , from the producers and the trebling is inch; Wednesday and night, the pay—figure it out yourself and be Grove, a quarter of a century ago. They did not state what fire and expected to be made possible by more 20th, 1.28 inches; Saturday morning's proud you and are an American and Her daughters, Mrs. Dewey Brown its inception they were investigating bogs in Coos county coming into reading was 1.06 inches fot Friday have the privilege and ability to give of Portland, Mrs. C. E. Patterson of here but, after consultation here with bearing and by shipping berries here and that, night. to this worthy cause, to promote hap­ Winchester, and son. Guy W. Haynes those who may know something There were 11 days in October piness, relieve suffering and perhaps from the Astoria, Ore., and Long of Eugene, arrived here Tuesday for about it, expect to go over to Marsh­ The second nationwide test for can­ save a life. Beach, Wash., bogs, just across the during which no rain fell. the funeral. Another ( son, Capt field this evening and back to Port­ didates who wish to be considered Columbia from Astoria. Lloyd Haynes of the U. S. Army, is land tomorrow. for the Army Specialized Training To handle the output this season stationed at Los Angeles. Both these men worked on an ar- Program and the Navy College Pro­ 18 ladies and five men haveB been Other survivors include her sister, son case here several years ago and i gram (A-12 8t V-12) will be held on employed at the plant. Mrs. Lyda Hpynes of Helena, Mont., after Mr. Pomeroy had grilled their, November 9 at the Coquille High and nine grandchildren.. chief suspect for some days the sus i_ ­ i School under the direction of Prin- d1 cipal The test will start Clarence Edmund Bland, arrested pect went to the sheriff’s office and eiPaI Osika. O*‘ka. The Coquille Woman's Club is par­ said, “I’m the man you want” 1 promptly at nine o'clock and end at last Friday at North Bend on the I ticipating in the Oregon Federation I 11. No late candidates will be ad- charge of rape, waived grand jury of Women’s Clubs program to "Buy "Why didn’t you tall Pomeroy so I mitted. Any high school graduate is examination and when'taken before a Bomber,” during the month of No­ before?” Mr. Malehorn then asked. 'entitled to take the test if he will The Roxy management offers a re- ' Judge King this week he pleaded “ He didn ’ t ask me, ” was the come- vember. The plan is for the Fed­ I have attained his 17th birthday but ward of 825 for inforipation leading guilty and was immediately sentenced erated clubs to sell 8360,000 worth of Ralph Harry, who has been chief (back. Since then Mr. Pomeroy says he , not his 20th birthday by March 1, to the arrest and conviction of any- y,^r8,,in ^*1’, .. bonds next month, for the purchase clerk in the office of.the county high­ 1944. (Date of birth between March Sheriff Howell took him out to of a bomber, and Mrs. Eunice Barrow, way department for the past eight'always asks a suspect if he did it. one who is guilty of mutilating the 2, 1924, and March 1, 1927, inclusive. Salem yesterday. He also took Mason chairman of the local club's bond sale years, has resigned that position and leather seats in the theatre. Students Who have attained their Last week-end 15 more seats were Ray, Jr., who pleaded guilty on Mon­ committee, asks anyone buying will move to Eugene where, begin­ 20th but not their 22nd birthday by slashed, bringing the total Jo 25 or day to larceny of an auto at the Bay bonds, not credited to any other ning Monday, he will be associated I March 1, 1944, may apply for the more which have been cuti with a and was sentenced to four years in organization, to make the purchase with the Ed Lorence Co. ArTTjy test, but not the Navy College the pen. A farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. knife, presumably by boys whose up­ through her committee, or at least Program. (Date of birthday between In the other criminal case coming Harry — he has been Sunday school give bringing has not taught them the that committee credit for the All dim-out regulations for the March 2, 1922, and March 1, 1924). superintendent and she the pianist— necessity if observing the rights of before Judge King on Monday Her- sale. Pacific coast end next Monday, Nov. For further qualifications see Mr. is to be held at the Church of Christ others. Their 8cta are as much a re­ stiey Arnold Loyal McBroom pleaded 1, according to a promulgation by ' Osika. All candidates should have guilty to contributing to the delin ­ tomorrow evening. flection on their parents as on the HOW LONG, O LORO, Lieut -Gen. Delos C. Emmons, head an application blank for admittance. Mrs. Elwyn Nosier will succeed Mr. boys themselves. It is as contempti­ quency of a minor. He was sen­ of the Western Defense Command at The test starts at nine o’clock, Novem­ HOW LONG? tenced to 90 days in the county Jail Harry as chief clerk in the highway ble a piece of vandalism as we have San Francisco, who states that the ber 9, in room 15 at the high school. with credit being given for the 58 The Sentinel urges its readers to office. seen in p long time and it is without need is past for the present but that days he had already been incarcer- read and digest Ralph T. Moore's the slightest excuse. No one but a tnc rules .would be reinstated at any New "Assistant For Local Timely Topics Th(y Week, wyen -- pervert would se -lower himself .in- «ted - • A Red Uevite Win E«>m. time thè nded ardsd. more sb than usuili, it points most Bank Comes From Portland hit own esteem. Reedsport Saturday, 19-0 The Eagles Auxiliary will initiate a I clearly what the Franklin Delano John Oscar Berglund came in class of candidates Friday, Oct. 29, . Roosevelt administration of profes- ' One of the worst days for football Margaret Stewart Sworn In Tuesday morning from First National Miss Billie Rippey To Be A and also will celebrate the birthdays i sional politicians is doing to each and he ever saw Is the way Clarence As A WAVE At Bay Yesterday Bank in Portland to take a position in Deputy Bounty Clerk of the month. Refreshments will be > every one of us. It points out clearly Osika refers to last Saturday's game its Coquille branch. He succeeds The First National Bank has loot what the bureaucrats and their between the Red Devils and Reeds­ County Clerk L. W. Oddy has se­ served. another employee and the WAVES Jack Buchanan, who expects to enter port High, which the Coquille team henchmen are doing to undermine the cured the, services of Miss Billie M. have secured another Coquille girl the service of Uncle Sam soon. Mr. In the Raymond Pepper “For Rent" ' foundations on which the United won, 19-0. Rain, wind and mud made Rippey, of Marshfield, aa deputy for iheir ranks, Miao Margaret, Berglund has been with the bank’s county clerk to succeed Mrs. Frances adv. on page nine, the address was in­ ■ States was founded We can approve running, passing and even kicking a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Stew­ branches at Klamath Fails and Hood 547 most difficult matter. ' F. D. R.’s conduct of our participation her husband correctly printed. It should be Skylee, who will Join ........................ This coming Saturday the Red art, who leaves the last of this week River previously. He will be Joined in the war, but his economic, internal Miss North Carter, Coquille. in Portland this week-end. Devils play the Marshfield Pirated at for her preliminary training at here by his wife and their three chil­ policies and regimentation stnell to Rippey enter on her duties next dren as soon as he can locate" a house. Hunter College in New York. the Bay. high heaven! I Calling cards. 30 fur 31.00 Monday. « as Mrs. Osmundson Wins Her Suit Chest Fund, Please. Help! ? 1’ * For Mrs. A. N. Foley Rainfall Nearly 8 Inches In October Sam Malehorn On Official Visit Here Training Course Test At H. S., Nov. 9 Two Taken To The Penitentiary Roxy Theatre Offers A Reward Help Woman's Club Buy A Bomber Ralph Harry To Leave Coquille Dim-Out Ends Next Monday % Í >4 ______ • M «