CLASSIFIED Ose Cent a Word Each Insertion No Adv. Isas than 25 osata iXTISi Legion Conference Clorence Osika SPECIAL Hears Good Talks By Addresses B. P. W THIS WEEK'S I have orders for several two and . 11 r three bed-room houses. If you de-; VOmmOnder MCUOde Victorious Meeting At Church Of God Ends This Wook The third and last week of the re­ vival effort has now arrived. Attend­ ance and interest have been splendid and the bible has been preached in its fullness. Come out and see for selves. Sunday will be ing day, with a large attendance and basket lunch at 12:30. At 2:30 p. m. there will be an ordenance service. All are cordially invited to attend. Many have taken their stand for the bible. Be sure tb come this week end and hear Rev. H. B. Willson, our evangelist.’ Pastor A. R. Long.,’ Pioneer Methodist Church Rev. Charles Goodwin Brown, Pastor 9:45 Sunday School hour. Your in­ terest will determine your attendance. 11:00 Sunday morning worship on the per- tonality of Jesus. “The Obedient Christ’ 7:00 Youth Fellowship hour. A special program to which all young people are invited. 8:00 Sunday evening worship hour. An evening with organ and choir. Brief message by the pastor. 7:30 Wednesday evenings, choir re­ hearsal hour. Mrs. M. O. Hawkins directs. 7:30 Thursday evenings, mid-week service. Enjoy the study of God’s word with this group. Regardless of what we say, our faithfulness in attendance is where we are counted. (Continued from Page One) FOR RENT—Furnished Apartment, sire a buyer for it If you desire to i Mr. Osika always does, he opened up with garage. Suitable for two ___ fCpnM"*w»d b-ftn page one) ...... | ma nr channels of thought most in- people. E. G. Opperman Phone The demand is good and prices are tion of the Child Welfare program. teresting to his »listeners. | 193R. . It* ritftt. I The national department of the r “Music on the Home Front,” was I have several new listings of ! American Legion went on record at the subject of an excellent paper OPPERMAN has secured some elec­ I ! their convention held in Omaha last prepared by Chairman of Music, tric supplies; have those plugs ranches, some large, some small, but all priced right, and most of them September by denouncing socialized Inez.Rover. In her absence, it was wired while supply lasts. Phone I 193R. it*, may be purchased on very easy terms. medicines as a hindrance to the med­ read by Clara Stauff. It told of the If you are looking for a loan on ical profession. improtance of music in these thrilling, that home or farm of yours, tell me The Rehabilitation program of the vital, every-day houn, in building about it I have money available American Legion is not as yet thought morale and inspiration for our fight- for that purpose. out in detail for the post war condi­ , Ing men at home and abroad through J. S. Barton,‘Realtor, Coquille, tions. Tlie program will need to | use of the radio. Also of the millions n RANGE BOILERS-Fowler Porcelain Phone 21J. S dovetail with the programs of other the government has spent Installing • Lined. Guaranteed 20 yean. J. A. organizations and the actions of the Hammond organa, pianos and other umb Compact .. " s WILL who found child’s blue i^ the rZv.X/Z Mt* Frank ° COOper •ntered 010 states and nation. However, the men instruments in the camps to keep up,J. A »« .» * A > sweater on First street on Oct. 11, at the head of this department are ■h. .Wrtu a m. bon during FOR SALE or WiU Lews-4 Fur­ please leave it at Sentinel office. injured in a car accident far-sighted and have a general pic­ training of the present war period. 1 nished Cabins, and modern laundry W. A. Earls. 39t3s "Factories iong ago discoverSaturday Gladys Strain wu ad- ture of what conditions will be after • room, and tract of land occupied ________ L — mitted for a teeth extraction opera- !:cm, 100x126 feet, close to LARGE,_ Assorted Tomatoes for sale. this mess is cleaned up and the men music refreshes the spirit and even tion and Joe Shely underwent a ton- school, at 9451k North Coulter; W. J. Bonnell on Rink creek, phone | begin to return home and assume the the body of the worker.” St James* Episcopal Church silectomy. call in rear. Will sell or lease to Volunteers to solicit funds for the 4R14. lt«s routine ot civilian life. We are ?.ot Cerner E. 3rd A Elliott Sts. Violet Jean Evernden and David trying to kid ourselves nor are we War Chest were listed. right perty if taken at once, at The club Sharp underwent appendectomies on The Rev. Robert L. Greene, Vicar •'OR PLUMBING Repairs and Ser ­ hollering Boogy Woogy. Thic old , reasonable pytce. Maizie W. Foote voted a donation of *25.00 to the War SunAsy. Oct 34th: vice—call 2-L. J. A. Lamb Com­ democracy of ours will pass thrt.u^h Chest. Two new members voted into Monday. or contact Ik L. Foote. lt*a. On Tuesday Robert Mulder, son of 8:00 a. m., Holy Communion. pany. * tfs a crisis after this war which has not the cuib were Carolyn Huff and Mar­ Dr. Mulder of this city, who came DUCK HUNTERS, ATTENTION!—8 9:45 a. m.; Church School. Í tafen paralleled before. Every sane garet Snider. , down from Vancouver, Wash., for months old thoroughbred Water DAIRY FARM FOR RENT—W1U be thinking man and women is going to 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer with A visitor present was Mrs. Sarah milking 27 next year. Will the purpose, underwent a major oper­ Sermon. ■ Spaniel, very smart, looking for a rent on shares. Forty acres bottom. have to ait tight and hold on until Wertz, in town for two weeks on ation. The same day Mrs. James Wednesday, Oct. 27th: good home. Zledrichs, 601 N. Tay­ See Paul Prince, 290 Taylor St. lt*s things readjust themselves, which business as field supervisor for Farm Rice and Chester Anderson under­ lor, phone 75L, Coquille. > lt*a 10:00 a. m.; Holy Communion. will be a gradual and discouragingly Securities. Mrs Wertz taught Home went major Operations, and Mrs. Ed 2:00 p. tn.; Study Class, under the LOST PAIR T^n Capeekin Gloves in slow process. Economics in the local high school GRASS SEEDS—We hav? all kinds Brown submitted to a major opera­ leadership of the Vicar. Coquille last week. Finder please The legislation program of the in 1923 when she was Sara Hunting­ of seed fo? pasture, bums, or hay tion yesterday. » 2:30 p. m., St. James, Guild. call 42R or return to Don Pierce Legion is miaupderstood by too many ton. She was at that time a member crop seeding. FARR & ELWOOD 8:00 p. m.; Adult Confirmation residence, 441 South Henry. lt*s folks, who leek upon the American of the B. P. W., although it had not ’ Dismissals have been Mrs. Nolan Hartley and Gerald Bemheisel last Class. WANTED — Water wells to drill. Legin organization with a narrow yet been federated. Friday, Mrs. Howard Cooper and Thursday, Oct. 28th: Have new and up-to-date equip- BATTERIES—fer telephones, radio, view. They see us as a national or­ Refreshments were served by Flor­ lanterns, etc. FARR A ELWOOD. Mrs. Mary Winters on Saturday and 4:30 p. m. Youth Conference. ment and heavy pipe where needed ganization and cannot comprehend ence Barton, Ida Owen, Saima Shirley Van Fleet on Tuesday. 6:30 p. m. Dinner meeting of the Fred C. Lee, Route 1, Marshfield. WANTED—to buy—30-30 Rifle or t the ------ Legion as individuals of --------- their Caughell, and Mabel Wernich. Others _-------------------------------- Southwest Deanery, in the Guild hall. 30t4*tf larger calibre, before Saturday, own communities and territories. We attending were. Florence Hallock, Oct. 23. See Al Leaton at Thorn­ do try and cars for the, men of the Hazel Hanna, Martha Mulkey, Eva PERMANENT WAVE—59c.. Do your First Church of Christ, Scientist ton Tire Service, Coquille. lt*s organisation and the veterans in gen­ Stevens, Ida Oerding, Dorothy Page, own Permanent with Charm-Kur) Oct. 15—Pauline Shanai vs. Elvin Kit. Complete equipment, includ­ FOR SALE—Hobart Meat Slicer, eral but nearly ninety per cent of all Jennie Price, Edith Walton, Hattie the legislation that the Legion gets Lee Holimon, Inez Chase, Jessie Kay, p R. Shanai. Suit for divorce. ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. new, all aluminum. >125. Lataat back of is a direct help to the com­ Alenee Robertson, Clara Stauff an40. Inquire 601 North b> the legislative body chosen by to Coos county headquarters at Taylor, phone 75L, Coquille. lt*s the individual states. Marshfield, on Oct 19:” Membership in the American Le­ S afghans (all wool material and HEADQUARTERS for Crown Dairy gion cannot be bought by any bne nor yarn donated). and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feed LOVE BIRDS—Just received another 9 Bod Pan Covers. A Seed Ca tb can it be inherited. It can be ob­ shipment. FARR & ELWODO. s tained only by the honorably dis­ 77 Housewives (sewing kits). FOR SALE—Extra good milk cow, CHOICE Dried Italian and Petitte charged veteran of the United States 7 Bod Sox (cotton .flannel). Prunes; also plenty of Choice To­ of American armed forces himself. giving 10 quarts a milking. Freeh 78 Bedside Bags. matoes. Bu. 11.00 at Ranch. Lind- It is the object of the Legion tostep> two months. Also young heifer 22 Wash cloths (donated). bloom, Dixonville. 38t3*s in and assist the men who are return­ with first calf. Inquire Al Leeton 36 Apron-style Kit Baga. ing to civilian life to adjust them­ at Thornton Tire Service, Co­ Mrs. Albom, knitlng chairman, in­ FOR RENT—2 Large Rooms, Fur­ selves to the environment and con- cluded:* i quille lt*s nished for Light Housekeeping; ditions which they knew before they 1 Sweater Stoves, Bed, Couch, Chain and FOR SALE—Enamel Wood Range, left. Their war experiences have S Pra. Bed Sox help your carrier by having Table. J. E. Quick, 351 So. Henry, good shape, cheap. New heavy put them into a different world; 3 Pra. Knee Bands. paper money ready at Ma flrrt call. Coquille. tfs Chain Harness. Burroughs Adding things at home will not be what they 1 Pr. O. D. Gioves Remember bo nraat pay Ma paper Machine. Kitchen Drawer Table. ELECTRICAL WIRING — Both dreamed they would be; their ideas, 37 Toe Sox. obligation before the 10th of the Well broke Saddle Hone; 34 model Weatherproof and inside, covered their dreams, their anticipations will Mrs. J. R. Bunch, surgical dress­ month. Thank you. 1% ton Chevrolet Truck. 8 inch i NOTHING OVERLOOKED wire, in limited quantities now all get a mighty set-back when they ings chairman, reports that between Plow. Wm. McLaughlin, Powers, Mothers, wives and 13.C available without Priority. J.. A. return home. ,000 and 14,000 dressings have been Ore. 40t4e “ Domselly Phone 141M Lamb Company. s children will be almost strangers tojseni it in. Coquille, Oregon them; they will need a mighty flood FOR SALE—Flock of Black Brahma OUTSIDE HOUSE PAINT—We have ot morale builder. If they need mo­ Bantams. Jack Hale, Nosier Apts., it. FARR A ELW'OOD. a rale builder while they are in the Phone 167-J, lt*s CEDAR SHINGLES — We have a service in the mud and grime of India DAIRY SUPPLIES—For McCormick Oct. 13—Clifford E. Anderson and limited stock of No. 1 and No. 2'a. and Japan, in the stink and slime of Betty L. Jacobs, both nt Coquille. Doering Milker Parts and Dairy Dr. De La Rhv» Europe, they will need a double dose FARR A ELWOOD. S Supplies—See us. J. A. Lamb Oct. 13—Ray L. Ellis and Katherine STOVES—Ranges, Coleman Oil Cir­ of it when they come back to take Eyesight Mclntee, both of Roseburg. Company. • culators, now in stock. See us their rightful places at home. Oct. 19—Oscar F. Black, of Port The Department ot Oregon of the about New Stove Purchase Regula­ TOR SALE- "Farmers’ Barralna — American Legion should go far this' Orford, and Lena Mae Nelson, ot ■ras Fitted tions. J. A. Lamb Company. a Saddle Horses — Cows — Pigs — They were married year with a man like Commander Bunker Hil|. Horses — DC Motors — Used Sep­ Reception room jointly with AUTO PAINTING and Body Work. McDade in the chair. His personality Tuesday by Rev, Chas. 0. Brown arators. See FARR A ELWOOD’S Dr. J. R Bunch at the Pioneer parsonage here, Bring your car in — we can start is pleasing, his judgment is sound and "Swap Board.” * 0 Coquille n-j Oct, 19—Christian Norman Lee, of work at once. Southwestern Motor commendable, his determination to. Laird BuMing M«» If iosa Co. s make the Department of Oregon, Marshfield, and Kathryn LuctUe FOR SALE—One extra good Cougar Shelley, of North Bend. and Coon Hound; two well started v . i - ■ m WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We something to shoot at for the other . Oct. 19—James John Green, ot young Hounds. 81Q0.00 cash or state departments is quite contagious. service all makes of washers Fennton, Mo., and Glenna Mae John­ trade for good model A. Write H. Waaher Service Co. 305 West He does not command you to do this son, of North Bend. J. Hausotter, Riddle, Oregon. 39t2*s or do that; his slogan is “ we will do it Front St. Phong .17. tfs together." To be on the alert is not I ’* FOR SALE—Small sise Wood or Have you bought your Christmas ROLL ROOFING—108 sq. ft., tar, just a phrase, it is a predetermined Coal Circulating Heater. Good as nails, instructions. Only *1.40. factor, a condition created by the cards yet? It’s not too early. Nortons new. See Patterson at Southwest­ FARR A ELWOOD. commander’s sense of duty and the have a fine selection of Hallmark and ern Motors Tire Shop on Hall street seriousness with which he has taken j Volland cards suitable for imprinting. ' Buy now. his duties as state commander. The present rate of discharge from the armed forces of the United States |«d Americp is about egyeA thousand a i month, with the number being gradu­ ally increased until the rate of dis­ charge will be about one million a I year by 1944. I Belle Knife Hospital Circuit Court Cases Coquille Red Cross Notes Oregon Journal My Creed GÄNO FUNERAL HOME ÌAttention Ito Details NOTICK The Oregonian Agency Marriage Licenses MWJ INEZ ROVER Soutnwestern Motors Chevrolet Benham’s Transfer Tracks, Pickups and Cara. See Archie Bushnell at Southwestern Motors Coquille Instructor of Piano Anywhere For Hire SAND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE lOtfSj Agents for Oregon-Neveda-Califomia Past Freight Office Phone • Parr & Elwood Bldg 5 W. Second St