Fairview News The G. B. Dow family received last week a birthday greeting telegram from their son, Warren, serving in the United States Navy. The tele­ gram was sent from his ship while at sea. Mr. and Mrs. Dows birthdays are only a few days apart. Mr. and Mrs. Albert West and daughter, Joyce, of Powers,.spent the week-end at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Isaacson. They The Polly Anna Club met last left for their home on Tuesday. Thursday at the home of Mrs. Belle Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Edwards, of Laird at Sitkum. Those present were Eugene, left for home Monday morn­ Mesdames Ivan Laird, Elmer Strode, ing after spending nearly two weeks JuHus Benham, Winn Nickason, El­ visiting at the W. J. Wheeler home. mer Wilson, Rr.y Gebean, Ernest While here Mr. Edwards had the good Krewson, Kenneth Laird, of Sitkum, luck to get his buck. Mesdames Reuben Brown, Clarence Oscar Harper, deep sea fisherman Churchill and Severus McCarthy of from Charleston, spent the weekend McKinley, and Mrs. Ed Abbernathy at the T. H. Benham home. of Dora, one visitor, Mrs. Nickason of Much improved is Fred Dow, home Sitkum and the hostess, Mrs. Belle on leave. He has recently been made Laird. The club voted to send Christ­ chief gunners mate. mas boxes to the boys in the services, Wm. Byerly presented the church to those boys who are Grangers or with a lovely oil painting of the whose parents are Grangers within "Head of Christ” Sunday- TW church our grange territory. Club chair­ voted to have it framed as well as man Mrs. Clarence Churchill gave purchasing a linoleum tor the pastor’s accounts of the dance, bazaar and apartments and purchasing plumbing ( supper for Oct. 2. Club netted about to install the new sink presented $22, grange $125 or more, off of the to the church toy several members. baskets and Juvenile Grange netted G. B. Dow was again taken, to $8 or more from thtoir fish pond. Keiser hospital in North Bend as his A pot luck dinner was enjoyed by ' condition seemed to turn for the all and a stork shower was presented worse. for Mrs. Milford Mast who was un­ Verne Kenison was a visitor at the able to attend, so Mrs. Reuben Brown Dow home Saturday. Mr. Kenison delivered it to her that evening. ¡and Mrs. Dow are brother and sister. The Jolly Garden Club met at the He Ilves at Monmouth. home of Mrs. Clarence Churchill Fri­ Mrs. T. H. Benham and Mrs. L. L. day evening. Those to attend were Buoy were business callers in Marsh­ Mrs. Nellie Brown, Miss Oerding, Mrs. field and Charleston on Thursday of Milford Mast. Mrs. Lee Mast, Mrs. last week. Reuben W.-Brown and Alice and the Mrs. L. A. Ryan, Jr., spent the hostess, Mrs. Churchill. Cluj> voted, weekend at the Ryan home. She to send Christmas cards and letters makes her home in Marshfield with her mother, Mrs. Perry Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Neal and Mrs. Harold Neal were visitors at the L. A. Ryan home Sunday. They live in Marshfield. Mr. Dow was reported somewhat Improved Monday evening by his folks, who spent the day with him at Keizer Hospital. Mrs. Lillie Johnson, of Coquille, spent Monday and Tuesday at the Ray Deadmond home. Mrs. Melvin Kenyon and children, of Eugene, are at the home of Mrs. McKinley News _ BUY I*«** synthetic TIRE *** , BACKED SERVICE TEST! i *■ - ¿’ V ‘ * d . I Shellubrication Now. Point, morn­ school of 29. To save your «res... to save Thornton Tire Service Coquille Auto