4-H Winners In -, 30.30 34.30 * COUNTY COURT Coos county winner in the Nation­ al 4-H Çlub Safety Activity Contest is Hazel Nelson of the Sunnyhlll Scitool. Her report has been sub- mitted to Harry Seymour, state 4-H Club leader, Corvallis, tot competi­ tion in the state finals, according to Mrs. Dorothy E. Bishop, Coos county home demonstration agent. Each contestant was to survey the (arm home and out-buildings, work­ ing conditions, driving conditions and school conditions. They were to list twelve hazards, correct them, and write a story of their accomplish­ ments. Reports from the various members who entered the contest in- The feNowtag bulletin wm celved by your local War Price and Rationing Board in answer to the numerous rent complaints received: WMtern^World, Suppitae for “According to the President’s de­ Western Union, Services for cree of October, 1842, rent ceiling* Asssssor* off. ........ . ............ were established throughout th* Louis J. Langenbsrg, Report­ ing Inquest—Jennin»* ------ 37.00 country^ but only in certain areas State Ind. A m . Comm., In­ known as defense-rental areas is dustrial Insurance Co. there at th* present time federal ma­ Bnpl, ................................... 40.40 Stonecypher Packing Co., mMt chinery for enforcement,” stated Dan­ — County Jail .................. 64.36 iel D. Gage, District Executive. H. S. Norton, Supplies—Ra- “When a county or city permits it* j lion board ............ .04 housing rente to rise sharply, feder- ; WMt Coart Telephone Co., al machinery may be installed with- | Services—Court House ___ 193.23 out notice, which action rolls back ‘ A. E, Simmons, Coupon for ribbon»—Clerk off. —..... —, 30.00 rents tb March 1, 1842 levels. Many Kllham Stationery A Printing citiM and counties in Oregon are ap- Co., rubber stamp .. ............ .50 Appraisal Ap- arating with a voluntary Fair Rent General c__.-------- ----------- Co., - praisement County Property 700.00 r n *Bre2d?ove StatedOr Committee in an effort to comply with I Capps tppe Motor Co., Auto _ sup- B.^L Breedlove, Salary, Or- _ the above Presidential decree. It is plies — County Car ........ 3.30 ' George Workman, Salary, Or­ possible for * small group of landlords .Coos County Defense Coun- derly ......................................... ito bring federal rent control enforce- 1' cil. Rant A supplies— Marshfield ----- -- ------------ - 131.56 F. C. Milton, Salary. Night­ Iment into their community by their watch ..___ __________ ....._ Cewaty Farm Reta Horton, Salary, Nurse ... action in totally ignoring the direc­ J. E. Parrott, tabor in Can­ tive to maintain the March 1, 1042, nery ........ ....... ................. ....... Mr*. C. M. Billing* ......... 15.00 Joel* Perrott, Labor in Can­ levels.** ¡Helen ............ Helen R. Grahem Graham 25.00 nery .....................—... Mr*. Erma Wise Wtae ....................... .... 15.00 F. C. McNelly, Cash sdv. for I Harvey Minard 16.00 Dinner OA C ....................... Mr*. Leona Hainey 50.00 Coos County Farm, produce Payroll ____ ___ ________ used on _ farm .............. __ j .-«-.. Marie Beliah, Salary Stenog­ Pioneer Grocery Co., groceries rapher __ ___ ________ __ 143.35 Thrift Grocery, Groceries .... lotti Edna Danielson, Salary, Dep. Gant Grocery, Groceries ___ Sheriff ...................... 3 137.10 Ideal Bakery, Bread».............. Devia, Salary, Deputy Hudson’s Drug Store, drug* Sheriff, Tax.......... _,_7..TZ7. 132.00 J. A. Lamb Co., Hardware .. Jullene Freeman, Salary, Dep­ Benham Transfer, Diesel Oil uty Sheriff, Tax ...... -_____ 125.40 Q. K. Werner, repairing type- Marie Clinton, Salary, Clerk, ivriter ...................................... Tax 117.00 Thornton Tire Service, tire Hrten Winegar, Salary, Clerk recape...... . ..................... . ..... 114.40 Union Oil Co. of Calif., gaso­ Emma M. Pierce, Salary, line ........ ;.............. ............ ,.... Clerk, Tax ________ ___ _ 114.40 Overland Coal Co., coal........ . Muriel Hrtman, Salary, Clerk, Coquille Service Station, tire Tax ........................................ •4.40 repair ...................................... J. W. Leneve, Salary, Deputy American Can Co., cans and Clerk ............................... . .... tope............. ....... :... Georgianna Vaughan, Salary Oregon - Nevada - Calif. Fast Deputy Clerk___ _________ 140.05 Freight, Freight on cans .. Frances Skyles, Salary, Depu­ A H. Krogel, prune* ............... ty Clerk ........ ,..... ' JTT. 128.55 Shaw Surgical Co., industrial H. C. Getz, Salary, Draftsman 10340 thermometer ......_________ Ellis Salander, Salary, Depu- A. B. Daly A Co., steam hoee, 14440 etc. L—-j._______ _ .......... Ensele, Salary, Deputy taler Sheet Metal Works, sheet 143.30 galv. iron A trays —.......... er, Salary, Clerk 111.90 OowAy Elda Ostrander, Salary, Clerk 11140 R. H. Mast, grubbing Cemetery ChM. Stauff, 8alary, Treasur­ Lot* -................... ................... er ....... ......... ...... ........... ........ 145.15 Catholic Charities, Inc., care Idyl* A. Godard, Salary, Sten­ of children .............. .. ographer _________ .'.JU... .. 112.10 Catholic Charities, Inc., care of J. N. Gearhart, Salary County children __________________ Surveyor .............................. 7640 Children's Farm Home, care Dr. G. E. Stark, Salary, Health of children Officer .................. . ............... 50 00 Leia Elrod, Salary, Health Nurse ...................................... 107.50 Ethel C. Littler. Salary, Health X Fair Trial by Jury! Nun*..... ............................... Carolyn Huff. Salary, Sten­ ographer ----- ----------- James H. Leonard, Salary, Probation Officer ........ Earl L. Schroeder, Salary, • Janitor ____ ________ _____ Cha*. Roberts, Salary, Jani­ tor A Jailer . Belle Whitsett, Salary. Matpn Cook .. . F. C. McNelly, Salary, Supt. Co. Farm _____ _ ______ -.. Edith McNelly, aStary, Ma­ tron, County Farm __ _____ H. R. Clark, Salary, Land Agent ................................... . SW. Off. Ed Peterson, Deputy Shf. at Fair ...................... ................ ... Alic* Perrott, Salary for Va­ cation time ............................. A O. Walker, Work in Tax Dept__________________ __ (On* at At fimeMtols of t Dntocracy) the everyday common right of all men is the right to a fair trial by a fair jury, t Fair trial by jury is the insurance we have on our live*, liberties, and our prop­ erty. That** why jury trial is one of the essential* of a Democracy. On this firm foundation of justice hat flourished our nation where a man has the right to work and save, and build for the future—and enjoy the fruits of hi* labor, with full confidence that hi* right* will be protected. M I I • A Self-Supporting, Tax-Paying, Private Enterprise From where I sit /y Joe Marsh » Ae. ft of a Str..i of fuss made over them, with formal celebrating and such. What they really like are the simple pleasures—one of Mom’s home-cooked meal*, visiting with friends over a glass of beer-enjoying thing* that mean home and comfort and security. job, apart frow war, is staking are waiting fai they come back UnrndL’. RXJ, /?.-<•»! WBSI -‘S •• ••■A luiutíry r, 10740 07.50 ChM. Stauff, Co. T ims , cash adv...... ,..................... ....... ........ 17840 Cooa Bay Stationery Co., sup­ plies ___ ____________ ____ nil MT Off. 1040 B. K. Werner, Rent of Type­ writer .................. ................... 58.50 Martha E. Mulkey^Tuieag* On Enmtoyom Mountain States Power Co Ned Buxton was home on fur­ lough last week. And you ought to see the fuss the town made over him. Seems like elmost everybody wsntedto give a party, or a testimonial dinner, or stage something special in the way of celebration. — Of eoRreej (fed acted gretefeL Det he told Me later,aB be reaUy wanted wm to alt dawn with a few old Meade, enjoy a giaa* of beer er twe, and talk about old times again. I guess that’s how many sol­ diers feel. They don’t want a lot 72.40 Court Proc. ........ .................. Valley Sentinel, pub- Court proc., etc. ___ Assoc of Co. Offi­ cials, Advertising In maga­ zine ..... viirtett (fitoM...... 200.00 Mrs. Phyllis Ingell, extra help The J. K, Gill Co., Supplies Dr*. Peacock A^Long, G. E. Stark. M. D. Mlfeage to pro- Portland ------------ - ------------- 2045 IN WAB ANY WASTE IS A CRIME. DO NOT WASTE ELECTRICITY JUST BECAUSE NO RATION TICKETS ARE REQUIRED. • 101 JO Health Dept In such an atmosphere of freedom and justice man can create effective tool* for war a* well a* for peace. That’* why our tools of war are streaming ceaselessly to help America win through .to Victory! ♦ 17430 100.16 ST 1 25.00 1.50 Coquille Medical Service Bu­ P. W. Culver, Salary, Co. reau, Hospital dues___ ___ •2.50 Commr. ....... ........... ........ .... Mutual Benefit Health A Acc yClreuft Court Assn., Insurance ................. 2.00 L. C. Sherwood, Bailiff_____ TMtav Cattle far TA Jail Dr. L. C. Witcoekey^ _______ 110.00 Cow Bell Dairy, milk......... *.... Court H mm Boy* A Girl* Aid Society of Coquille Wood Co, wood ......... Or*., Care of children ....... 15.00 Stevens Cash Hardware, jani­ tors suplies ........................... Nasburg Insurance Agency, John A. Martln^pruning^ahrube Addtf Premium __ .7..... 1.73 8740 55.00 4.00 740 12.00 145.95 04.70 Bullards Ferry .-—. .......... 10.00 Robert S. Fahy, Asst Bullards Ferry Op. ------- -------- —-...... H. Z. Young, Labor...... ............ 15.00 Arlyn Barklow, Labor ___...... Paulin* Dorland, Relief Opel Bullards Fry.......................... 130.00 Howard T. Carver, Labor....... lOO.Otl Gilbert Holbrook, Relief Oper Riverton Fy------ - ----- ---------- 80.00 A. G. Werth, Labor...... J_____ 25.50 Fred McCulloch, Labor .:.......... Ernest Peterson, Labor ..... .. 25.50 Howard T. Henderson, Labor C. F. Besses, Surveying........ . 50.00 Floyd A. Webb, Labor ........... 122.50 Gregg Hardware, material ..£ Smith Wood Products, Inc., Lumber .................................. 47.00 Cecil Harttey, filing mw *....... 35.00 Moore Mill A Lumber Co., LttnbOr ..................................... 31.95 Moore Mill A Lumbal Co., Lumber 55,00 C. F. B om **, Mileage ............... 182.08 Shell Oil Company, Shell Li­ 248 quid Asphalt -.............. —....... 11040 State Ind. Acc. Comm., In­ dustrial Ina. ........................... 10.87 39.10 City of Coquille, water ...... . 28.83 Peoples Water A Gas Co., water North Bend Shop ... 43.23 Mountain States Power Co., lights .................................. . Mountain State* Power Co., IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE lights and power...... .......... .. 18.55 8TATE OF OREGON IN AND West Coast Tel. Co., services 10,00 FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS West Coast Telephone Co., In the Matter of the Estate services ____ __ _____ ____ 31.50 of John Kenneth Henninger, 0.50 Coquille Wood Co., wood ..... - Deceased. Golder* Auto Parts Co., auto Netiee af Final Account suppiiM ......... ;....... . ......... 22.50 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That George F. Burr Motor Co.,' the undersigned has filed herein her auto supplies .......... . ............ 30.17 final account as Administratrix of Thornton Tire Service, auto the Estate of John Kenneth Hen­ supplies ................. ................. 191 99 ninger, deceased, and that the above Earl Littrell Supply Co., auto entitled Court ha* set October 30th. supplies ±.... —.................. 31.04 1943, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock J A J Tire Co., auto supplies 1058.39 A. M., at the County Court room in Coquille Service Station, auto 0.%0 Coquille, Oregon, aa the time and supplies ................................... place for hearing objections to such Capps Motor Co., auto supplies 0.10 final account and the settlement of C. X O’Neil, repair to Cater­ pillar ____ ZZ-................. 32.50 said estate. Crystal Henninger, Southwestern Motor Co., Auto 3715 Administra Supplies .............................. .. 31.00 Orchard -Auto Parte Co., Auto 113.13 Bay Motors, Chevrolet Coupe — 1503.52 Associated Oil Company, Oil 78.72 Isaac R. Tower, OU .................. 25.44 Union OU Co. at CaUf., gaso­ line A kerosene .................. .. J. E. Haseitine, material .... .. Loggers Supply Co., roller 0.75 Howard Cooper Corp., ma­ terial .......... 30.00 Contractors Equipment Corp., Shaft Gear ___ ____ _____ 24.54 Columbia Equipment Co., ma­ 70.W terial .................. ....... . ........... J. A. Lamb Co., material ....... 0.53 Stevens Cash Hardware, door gtaM ............. ... ....................... 4.20 110.10 NOTICE TO CUD8TOM Coos Bay Salvage A Steel Co., . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that plate steel . ........ . 140.30 th* undersigned has been appointed 150.00 W. P. Fuller A Co., prepaid Administratrix at the «stat* at JOHN 'freight expense __ ____ 41 WALTER KONRAD, deceased, and F. S. Slover Co., tool* and powder ................ ........... ...... 7048 that all persons having claims against 4044 A. B. Daly A Co., material ... 83.37 said estate, should present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned, at 20.40 Central Transfer Co., freight the law office of HARRY A. SLACK, on material ....... , 0.12 First Natl. Bank Bldg., Coquille McNair Hardware Co., hex within six month* from the nuta ........ ................ ........ ... .25 Oregon, 4.00 date of this notice. Pioneer Hardware Co., materi­ DATED: September 23, 1843. al ............ ......... ....................... 7.05 30.58 MRS. HELEN NORTON, 10.73 38t5 Administratrix of said 73.46 STATE OF OREGON County of Coos: as. NOTI« OF SEASONAL I. L W. Oddy, County Clerk of DETERMINATION 3.00 Coos County, Oregon, Ex-officio Notice 1* hereby given that the Clerk of the County Court of said ployer* listed below have been de­ County and State do hereby certify 40.00 | that the foregoing is a true and cor- termined to be seasonal . employers I rect statement of the amount of bills ™hln «*• meaning of Section 12*- 8.00 allowed on the various funds of the 707 O. C. L. A. Any interested party County as audited by the County may request a hearing before the Court of said County at the regular Commission within tan days after October, 1043, term thereof, as the final publication of this notice. The 22.50 same appears on the exhibits of off-season” (in calendar weeks) of claims and warrants in my office each seasonal employer in Cooa Coun­ and custody. ty aa as stated below: Cooa. County Fir* Patrol WI WESS my hand and the seal of the County Court affixed this 43-21; Hallmark Fisheries, 1.05 11th day of Oct, 1043. L W. Oddy, County Clark 3843 (Seal) Bv J. W. Leneve. Deputy COMPENSATION COMMISSION Dated and first published this 30th 134.53 day of September, 1043. in the cxjunty court or nu 5.41 STATE OF OREGON IN AND H. S. Norton, Stationery ___ William H. Wann, Acct, of West Coast Tel. Co., services School Audit ........................... 100.00 Vartom Off. Coos Bay Hm-bor^Sujjplim .... West Coast Telephone Co., Services for Ration Board . 23.02 Lou Blanc, Inc., auto repaii ir .... Oe. Car Credit Canto Southwestern Motor Co., Standard Oil Co. of Calif., Cleaning A Polish ...... -...... auto supplies ...„—.... -...... 33.88 Tom Thompson, Bounty 1 cat Co. Employem Marlon Lewis, Bounty 2 cat* Collector of Internal Revenue, Cha*. Stauff, Co. Tree*., Withholding tax for Sept. .... 707.90 Deductions from Payroll for ROADS War Bonds ...................... 237.25 1 Chea. Stauff, County Trees., Vari*« Off. Cash Adv. for Car License 3.35 Western Union, Service* F. A. Robb, Salary, Roadmaster 218.05 T. Ralph Harry, Salary, Chief C. E. Mullins, mileage ....... Clerk ...................................... ............. 100.05 I. G. Ca*tie, ^Buunty 1 cat Tom Evans, Salary, Shop Foreman ......... _______ ___ _ 132 85 Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff, Mile­ Alda L. Nosier, Salary, Asst. age ...... ................................... Clerk .................................... 11240 Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff, ex­ Cha*. Stauff, Co. Trass., De­ pense returning pria.............. ductions for War Bonds .... 332.02 Koke-Chapman Co., tax state­ Ore.-Nev.-Calif. Fast Freight ment cards ............. . ........ .. Freight on Tractor Parts ... 1.04 Isler Sheet Metal Works, in­ Collector of Internal Revenue, stalling steel shelves ......... Withholding Tax ................... 852.85 Oreg. - Neveda - Calif. Fast Mutual Benefit A Health Aaan. Freight, Freight on Calcula­ Insurance for employee* tor Coquille Medic*! Service Bu­ Clerk’s Off. reau, Hospital due*........ ....... Cartel* City Bindery, Deed Gunder Gunderson, Labor J. L. Lea, Labor-------------- L W. Oddy, Country Clerk, Wayne Goodman. Labor ....... Poetage, freight A express Mike Boone, Labor..... Trees, Off. Ernest Franson. Labor Ralph Hurlbut, 12.40 O. P. Smith, L* Henry Franson, Labor ..... A. G. TrendeU, Labor ---------- Harold Zeigler, Labor ............. C. J. MarteQ, Labor................. John B. O’Sullivan, Labor .... Carl Mathews, Labor L. C. Burner, Labor C. F. Hawk, tabor ... Orin Demarest, Labor ChM. Hofer, Labor Wm. Dinsmore. Labor 132.20 To Charles Baldwin Smith, th* above named defendant: — IN THE NAME OF THE STATE 155.80 OF OREGON, You ar* hereby re­ 181.40 quired to appear and answer the com­ 187.20 plaint filed against you in the above 70 90 entitled suit, on or before Friday, the 188.84 19th day of November, 1043, Mid 18142 date being after expiration of four 170.58 weeks from th* date of the first pub 5340 llcation of this Summons, and if you fail so to appear and answer said 1.00 complaint or otherwise plead there­ to, for want thereof, the Plaintiff will »Court for _____ relief _ prayed ________ _ 17140 apply to the 17040 for in her complaint, to-wit: For a decree diseolving the mar­ 147.00 riage and contract now and between the 50.30 heretofore t, for the sole 120.10 plaintiff and def care, custody and control of Dennis 20.68 Ray Smith, the minor child of the 58.15 plaintiff and defendant, and for such 22 84 other relief as to the Court may seem 14.32 iiixt and equitable. The grounds, upon which said re< 28.00 47.40 lief is based m said Complaint is 6.40 cruel and inhuman treatment. 38.17 This Summons is served upon you by publication thereof in the Coquille 53.41 Valley Sentinel, pursuant to an order 1145 of the Hon. Dal M. King, Judge of the Circuit Court of Coos County, 371.52 Oregon, made, dated and entered on the 18tl> day of October, 1043, and which order requires that the date of the first publication of said Sum­ mons shall be on the 21st day of Oc­ 421.M tober, 1943, the date of the last pub­ I lication thereof being Thursday, the . 550.11 day of November, 1043. 2.00 J. ARTHUR BERG, Attorney for Plaintiff 3.50 Residence and P. O. Address Coquille. Oregon 40t5 2.00 104.5* 11844 FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS In the Matter of the Estate of M McKeown, Deceased. Netiee IN.I"L.COUNTT COURT or THE ****» Of OREGON IN AND i J“ COUNT» OF COOS Of AppUeatteo and Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That J" tfle “"‘ter of the Estate at Charles Hellar, D e ce as r d. the undersigned, Leo J. Cary, has Notice at Bale af Beal T—\ NOTICE IS HEREBY GWEN/fhat for Coo* County, for the appointment ^virtue of an order, decree and li- of himself a* Executor of the Estate £fn,e. of «*• Count> Court of Coos of M. McKeown, which application County, Oregon, recites that said M. McKeown has on the 21st day been abeent and unheard from for In the Matter of 1 more that seven year« last past, and Friday. October 22nd, 1843, proceed that he is dead; T' i*/1’ ? Mle’ t0 «‘•highest Also Notice is Hereby Given tliat * hearing will be held by the County Bnd heet bidder for cash in hand and • ub J»d to the confirmation of said Court at Cooa County, Oregon, sit­ ting in probate at which hearing the Court, all of the right, title and in­ Estate, and those claim Court will hear the evidence pro­ terest of said Estai duced thereat concerning th* alleged «W “"de.r **• ln«nd to the following absence of the said M. McKeown, P’’0!*’’*, ’-»-wit; All of the merchantable timi and of the circumstance* and dura­ 1 I a now standing, F ' tion of his absence, all aa la provided the NEMi of th in Section 18-1401, Oregon Compiled Ron 34 in Township 27 South of on >4 Laws Annotated; which hearing will be had at th* hour of 10:00 o’clock 11 ' of th* WUlmurtte Willamette m “" 1 of Meridian Count« Ore- irtidtan in Coos County, A. M. on the 8th day of November, 1848, at which time and place all » 170.81 of Cooa County, State of 117.801 i mad* and entered on tl 160.97 .October, 1943, by the Honorable 20342 Fetaheim, County Judge. 18340 Dated thia 1st day of October, 1043. Leo J. Cary, 150.62 Applicant. »130, 181.34 | 140.35 1 181.73 j Griggs, Coquilla, Ora. 9 V