OREGON, THURSDAY. OCTOBRE JI. IMS. From Washington, 0. C BY CONGRESSMAN HARRIS ELLSWORTH PAGE FIVE the cry for a roles tax which, in turn, field Pres. County Division; Mrs. Eve­ to putting more starch into the b..ek- lyn DeMass, Curry Cbunty. bones of many congressmen , who , h a ve h e r e trifor e—be en ve ry —wtoby— washy on the subject Before many weeks pass a sales tax bill will be dropped in the house Innerspring $12.00 hopper. In the meantime the pro­ Cotton ponents are busy selling the idea to BED SPRINGS their colleagues, and make no mis­ BEDS take about it the bill will get plenty $1.50 to $12.50 of votes. The big question to, can It MATTRESSES muster enough votes at this time to RANGES pass. Beet guess to it can’t. That's $18.50 to $05.00 HEATERS the reason tiie buys are holding off UMBRELIA CLOTHES from introducing the measure now. WASHERS LINE In the meantime they are busy try­ $4.50 SEWINGS MACHINES ing to line up the necessary yeas. Some big shots in the administra­ ■ We rebuild Heaters and Ranges. tion who have always been against a We buy Mattresses, Cotton and Kapok sales lax are now mum on the sub­ ject—nothing to say for publication. Privately, they have come to the con- elusion that it's about the only way left to get the enormous sum re­ quired to carry on the war. ------- ----------- ..... ------ _ * <»«.,. y . sj M LI Washington, D. C„ October 18— more reasonable answer than has Another sesison thia week, thia time thus far been given officially—for with members of the Production Ex­ the fact stands reaffirmed and undis­ ecutive Committee of the War Pro­ puted by anyone that, if we have duction Board along with A. H. planes made of aluminum to use in Bunker, bead of the light metals di­ fighting this war'after three years— vision ot WPB. Wilson (acting WPB or to use in defending the country in chairman) pr esi ( tan t and did most of the future—the raw material must be ' the talking, with Mr. Bunker to fur­ shipped In from . South America (or nish statistics and technical know­ from the Bast Indies, when and if we - ledge as called for. The members of get control of them again)—unless I the PEC—including a couple of Army i WPB again changes its mind, back to k 1 Washington. D. C„ Oct. 21-The Generals and sonfe Admirals—said | its first decision, and permits the 1 hi«h command of both AFL and CIO n/viklna a_ .1 - -¿a! rtoiilwa Ini«, P.sll A m . tho nothing. further development of alumina­ are getting into full stride for the Labor has a Once more we were told that the from-clay within the boundaries of coming elections. blacklist of senators and congressmen three alumina-from-clay plants pre­ the United States. viously approved for construction— It will be recalled that the first it intends trying to liquidate either in one in Wyoming, one in South Caro­ objection to the alumina-from-clay the primary or the general elections. lina, and one in the Northwest— plant in the Northwest was because ®ntire Oregon delegation, with would not be approved now. of a shortage of manpower. The ob- the exception of Rep. Homer Angell There is • little bauxite left in jection has not recently been ad- of the third district, are op the list Arkansas —cnuuxii enough to vanned as the irfkin *nd “’v*ral Washington congressmen r».» 10 last iasi about aooui two . vanceo main objection. “ years. We have a small stockpile—| But the manpower problem on the are aUo *tated ior Political oblivion about one year's*supply. After that West Coast has not been entirely 11 labor ho iu way- au AH on 00 account -unless we can keep the sea lanes {settled. Last Saturday, just after 01 their vote the 8mith-Connally upes, we will have NO alumina at writing the weekly Jefter, I sat with anti-strike bill. ■ HGrC iMOVCIttDSr I ' all! I. committee of Pacifi? Coast Con- The labor leaders of the northwest . I face of these facta (which were 1 greasmen and we heard heads of "re re“lly organizing their forces for ' Following is the tentative program fully admitted at both meetings), I WPB, WMC, Army, Navy and Mari- U1U f'^1’ which is evidenced by some ior Coos-Curry regional teachers WPB to date refuses to consider daytime Commission explain the Nelson of th* mov“ tfl,y are making. Word ^terence, to b^_Md Jn Coquille manpower of September reached here that the teamsters’ hl«h' ■cho°l Monday, Nov 1; veloping a means of producing alum i- ! — ------- directive - - ■ Ina in our own country, The thing 118th and how it has affected pur- ,nd bottlers unions of Portland and A“® •J"” 9:15 “ chases and the letting of contracts on llk« organizations of Seattle are de-^««^«»bnarm, —Coqudie Sctvoi smells to high heaven. the West Coast. The hearing lasted mending that members register to Tkachers, directed by Mrs Ruth B-y- • M< O After the subject had been pretty from ten in the morning (Saturday) vote or “»«ir respective unions will ero, Coquille High......................... m. “ ---- Life in ^1!- 10:00 - a. - - - a well threshed over in the meeting, until six in the evening. The sten- refuse to accept their union dues ' wobld nivati mean miv they W' --- Hart, / , ’‘y - — World —Dr. Frank - - and we were about ready to leave (in agraphic report of the proceedings which, in turn, wuuru leaders know I— ----- .*. ctvtl v Aeronautics Administration. m " • — disgust), Representative Coffee (D„ ; for the day is a volume 24 inches ;couldn’t work. Labor 10:00 a. m. . 10:25 a. m. Busin* Wash.) asked Mr. Bunker, (who, by . thick (typewritten). It is on my they can’t get their men to vote if now ... in orginal form, _ __ so that c°unty—Mrs. Eve- the way, in private life to a top ex- desk ___ _ ___ ___ ____ ___ they are not registered, and that’s __ errors ___________ - ecutive for Alcoa), who owns the , I may correct __ any made in t exactly what happened at the last lyn DeMoss, Brookings, president. bauxite deposits in South America, transcribing my questions and com- , election. So this time they are at- Coos County—Ray Hunsaker, Marsh­ field, president. The reply was that the bauxite to mente. But briefly, here to what we tending to the matter, Thia early activity is la planned to i 10:25 a. m. - 10:45 a. m. Recess and principally owned by the Aluminum learned: This Company of America, but the British I Order of September 18th was def- give labor two shots at the blacklist. Balloting. 10:45 a. m. - 10:55 a. m. Depart­ Aluminum Company has some hold- inite and final. Stopped contracts The first shot will try* to beat those mentals: ings there also! ¡and purchases. However, Army, on the list in the primary battle. If Crib Mattress WANTED Cribs Dining Sets Used Furniture, Phone 1191 Coos-Curry Teachers ( Coffee then said: “Thanks gentle- Navy and Maritime Commission had that fails to work, then they will ___ _ ___ _ _____ ___ —— —r - ■»___ ___ ____ * - — Home Economics —1 Miss Bertha men, I think that gives us the answer not actually cancelled any contracta ' gang up against thé blacklisted can- Kohlhagen, State Super. Home Ec. or And the meeting or placed new contracts elsewhere— didate In of the the general election, political label re- his i or ilM - Oertiude Roslua, Ass. Supervi*- ........................ these *•- - Social Science—Miss Joy Hills, Su- {they apparently were waiting darifi- g«rdl opponent wears. Incidentally, -o cation or modification of the order, s voters registrations are runnlng running P*™1*01'. Curriculum and Publica - Why __ did Witoon and WPB previ- Our Httte into democrat ac- _______________ .On October 8th, committee aboutTO went per cent and close •_ Pre-Aeronautics— plants^Jid then 60 days later , the a supplemental - ously approve the some alumina-from-clay t,on services October received 5th. — _ — —., to 80 per cent in the Puget sound ¡ Math., ~ Physcis, rwano . order modifying and ctartfytng the ! district. In order to properly finance W- Siemens, C. A. A. / Junior and Senior High Curriculum tion-has . September 18th., order. Our second this political battle it to understood hearing was held on the 8th. the Washington and Oregon state —Dr. R, F. Hawk,,- prin.. Vanport Whether the activities of the com- executive boards of AFL and CIO Schools. rumors appeared thia week which, if mittee had anything to do with the will ask each and every member ot q Science Demonstration-Miss Tillie they are true, give an unofficial but second or clarifying order, which did all unions to contribute the sum of, Schlumberger, (grades 4-8), Demon- rather nasty answer: 32 by February ‘ I, which would ' trator State Dept, of Education. Rumor No. 1—Aluminum interests smooth things out considerably, no amount to better than 3250,000 if i Social Studies — Miss Florence one wilt ever know — but the dates have only VERY recently completed Beardsley. Elementary Super. State all members kicked In, and it's res- yr c negotiations for the purchase of some are interesting as a matter at co­ sonable to believe they will. ' Dept. . of Education. incidence, if nothing else. At any West Coast shipping facilities—as­ Prli Primary Arithmetic—Mrs. Lillian sumption is such a deal insures post­ rate, as matters now stand, pur­ Down Downey, Education Demonstrator, D. war importation of bauxite from the chases will be made as formerly and The long and loud squawks di­ 'la-He C. Heath Co. very rich Dutch East Indian deposits. contracts will be let as formerly- rected at OPA by western statesmen i; 4-H—Mr. Harry Seymour. Rumor No. 2—Aluminum interest with the provision that regional com­ seem to be taking effect. For several it Noon Hour Recess. mittees will pass upon such contracts DID NOT complete negotiations for months cattle and sheepmen have • I 1:30 p; m. to 1:50 p. m,—Dr. Frank control of one of the three proposed as may be open to question on the been bombarding OPA for an increase J W. Parr, Executive Secretary, O.S.T. alumina-from-clay plants, thus giv­ subject of manpower. of their slaughtering quotas. The 'i A ing them tittle or no interest in the cattle and sheep renges of th« west ___ 1:50 p, m. to 1:10 p. m.— Supt. Rex proposed further development of No action in the House again this are abounding with-llvrotook, which te”De'paZiment oOEd^ alumina from clay in the United week, but the program for next week. must be marketed now In order to i3,^ States. Just received, indicates resumption of rove livestock men from rorloua' 2:J0 p m’ . M0 p m _AU Slng_ These reports are passed along for legislative business after what seems losses. With stocks of winter feed at Mr Haro)d Wlu,n,n. Mu,(c Director, whatever they may be worth. We to have been an unreasonably long an all-time low. livestock men must Coquille. are entitled to a much better and period of inactivity thin out their herds or lose consider- — "Three in a 1:30 p. m, - 3:05 p m— we '1 JM e ' U •Me through shrinkage and dretruo- ¿j j g- -—"■!- r . ^tacfcal at i- , n - T- - — -- --------------------------------- * ’ mean that the beautiful herd of elk tion during the coming winter Van rt 8^^ that frequent Hunters Head will be months. • Army and navy require-1 3:10 p. m. - 3:20 p. m. Introduction endangered, for they roam over the menu, plus Jend-leese, are supplied ' Officers—Ray Hunsaker. Marsh- boundary of the state-park often. The from a huge stockpile of meat on lot J lordly old bulls that strode majesti­ hand, enough to last for many months, cally in that stretch of country hence a good part of the Increased At the time of this writing a howl (Hunter’s Head) will be laid low slaughter would go to civilian pur­ of protest has gone up from about by a L-'Jet, the chances are. Those chasers who are more than anxious every throat in Curry county regard­ same old fellows that looked with a to obtain more meat. OPA officials ing the opening of the elk season friendly and kindly eye upon the are looking with favor upon this re­ quest and If increased slaughtering down there. There are only an es­ It to not one whit different than quotas are granted it undoubtedly timated 100 elk in the entire county and the s ea e on has been -declared declaring an open season upon a herd will also mean an increase In value of domestic cattle. In fact, there are of meat ration points for the house­ open on any elk bearing horns. When it was known that the sea­ thousands of herds of cattle that roam wife. son was to be opened, the residents the open ranges that are a whole tot and sportsmen protested to the State more wild and harder to approach Slow but seemingly sure, the ar­ Game Commission. but that august than the bull elk of Curry county, guments for a aalea tax are gaining Buch herds of elk at the Curry momentum. This plan of taxation body turned a deaf ear, Just as they did when commercial, civic clubs and county—yes, and the Coos county elk was given a big boost when the treas­ sportsmen in general protested the as well—should be preserved. Game ury department brought in its recom­ opening of the elk season in Coos commissions as well as the sportsmen mendations for additional taxe*. should take pride in them. The which the house committee said were county last year. sportsmen have demonstrated the fact impossible and promptly kicked them As we understand it, (please cor­ that they do, but such cannot be out. The sales tax idea has been rect us if we are wrong), the mem­ said of the game cpmmiasfon. lurking in the minds of many law­ bers ot the state game commission _ co-operate __ are supposed to with the 1 Hundreds of tourists, as well as the makers for years, and this was Just srcrtamen'and make’laws that meet natives, have viewed the herd at the chance they wanted to bring it with the letter’s approval and not Hunter’s Head, for many, many years, out In the open With the heavy ad­ laws to their own selfish interest and They have become a sort of fixture ditions) coat of government for war which are put across with such bull- there, an attraction, and actual asset purposes, plus the inflation threat, headedness that they won’t change to Curry county. But many of them sales tax advocates believe their plan- their minds in spite of any protect have been sentenced to death by the the one and only safe way to raise the waged against IL i I*1”* commission by having an open additional billions the government At the time of this writing, rest- «*«"• must have. Many organizations all dents of Curry county are calling I The noble animals that have placed over the country are now taking up upon Governor Earl Snell to rescind explicit faith in man, after an aa- the law as the game commission has soclatlon of years, have been placed sportsmen, when there is no friendly stated that It to beyond their power on the slaughter block, so to speak, co-operation between the two, that to do so. However, we have not and by a body of men who are sup- such a commission has outlived its I heard of the members of the game posed to have the interest of wild- usefulness. We are hoping that the . » romrnisaion themselves* asking the life at heart. It is, indeed, a pity that governor reminds the opqpin£ of th® • t «wnmwen mem~* thetatfIf ♦ that Curry county season. If not, ft rovZro^to rescind th* . we can’t have a commission that .a ’ «»411 mro — xxsvsarotro fullv urlfh ths» annrla. __ a would" ask it. beyond a doubt the J wlil co-operate fully with the sports- that most of the elk in as that district governor would comply with their .men of the state at large. Not long will go the way of the buffalo. Thbir reouest, but to do so-to ask the gov- ago we lauded this same commission heeds wiU adorn the walla of city ernor to rescind the opening of the for opening the deer season |n the face sportsmen's deng—glass eyes.rqpiac- season-the commission would proc- of flppoeltlon. but now IM question tng the gentle brown ones that looked tJallv have to admit that they had gr|ges In our mind as to whether U with faith upon man. pulled a bonerinopening th« season , was the tact that they had the wel- The elk of Curry county are doing in Curry county in the flrot place, faro at the sportsmen In mind, or no harm—the residents wish them We feel that another boner chalked the money in view that was derived protected—so why should they be up uMnst them wouldn’t hurt their from the role of licenros? sold by the game commission at 35.00 * T tz __ Ja It appears to us that when a com- per head—the cost of an elk hunting ‘’SToJXnT of the season will ¡mission goes over the heads of the to our question.M broke up. Out-of-Doors Stuff S «, U. 8. Pte. oe . VahfM. Tool