The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, October 21, 1943, Page 4, Image 4

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- A
1 r
■ L
WAC Enlistment
Sougfi t Tn CoorCe.
tj I
Wear It To Work
And Work In It!
Leather Sur-Coat
Double Duty,
Soupt, LADIES’
ir» 25
Easy To Wear
Wear The New
Finest Qualitv
Reinforced Ler er
Work Gloves
Popular Men’s
lì z
. Timely Topics
i |v
. 1 '
peoples of the war zqneaT>aurbunt-up i husines*. jgoagnj ', keeping the geed
a potentially dangerous and unat- and rejecting the
luction of
talnable expectancy trtst will reect miniatraUons, the-all-out
a'SMk »*«» « * 6000 TWUI
against us in the future.
{taxes without affecting the consti-
~~ i The oil statement in particular tutional functions of government, the
One of the most intensive and gi­
** ¡irks both Churchill and FDR. Both nurture and encouragement of pri-
Oerding place on the highway, where
gantic campaigns in the history of
' fear that there will bo serious re- vate enterprise.
■it has been feasting on apples for the
October 10, 1023)
the United States army was intro­
sentment in Britain over this charge, As
r»» for foreign policy, they
«—7 advocate duced in Coquille today as Mrs. A. B.«
Accommodations for the ipupils 1« past two years.
.03 001 that the English ar* holding out on' placing the interests of Uncle Sam
Elbon, Marshfield, chairman of the getting to be a serious matter in the
Anyone wishing nice bear meat
in post * ­ Coos county Legion Auxiliary com­ Coquille schools.
' ^aS
ot <act' they reall> above
- ---------- those
-------- of * “
“— ---------
This year the
get it at either of the city market.
" „¿7, have not. The trouble has been lack war settlements, the co-operation
mittee, announced that her organiza­ school board has had to pavilion off
ipera oi tankers and refining Capacity. | with the other Allied Powers in the tion would sponsor locally the Wom­ a space in the basement of the high
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Leslie intend
Uncle Sam had to reach for the check setting up a military an<j economical en’s Army Corps' nution-wide "All­ school in order to provide the neces­
leaving In their car tomorrow morn­
----- L- and they had to stand aside and let {force of such overwhelming strength States" enrollment program which is sary recitation room.
ing for Cottage Grove, where the Eu­
lee as him pay the biU. . No other course as to forever prevent another war. expected to produce some 70,000
was possible.
They do not subscribe to the theory much needed recruits for duty with
A letter was received by R. H. Mast gene high school football team plays
¡L «
It i« reasonable to ask. and England that we should pass out our resources the WACa.
yesterday from Grand Secretary its first game tomorrow. Their son,
___ _ certainly intends, that she furnish with lavish hand to rehabilitate the
"Prompting the campaign," ex^* Cheney, of the grand lodge of Oregon, Earl, is the Eugene coach
her just pr/portten of war fuel. Our • world. They think it better to help plained Mrs. Elbon, “is the hope of A. F. & A. M., setting Saturday, Nov.
th* other peoples do their pwn reha
statesmanship would be at fault ifi*"
‘ ­ replacing army casualties, thus far, 17. as the date for dedicating the Ma­
At the council session Monday eve­
proper arrangements to distribute bilitating by furnishing them with the with women soldiers. It will be the sonic
ning John E. Parrott was named at
Temple here.
this burden were not made. So there tools on a long term financing basis. obligation of each county to recruit
fire chief to succeed J. W. Richard­
can be little harm done by calling They suggest a hands-off policy on ' as many of its women as it has suf­
Marshal Leach re­
Wednesday, November seventh, is son, resigned.
attention of the public to this situa­ all European political matters except fered battle casualties since Decem- the date of the first child welfare ported that half of the houses in town
tion. We are merely asking for our to make sure that the peoples in­ I ber 7, 1041. Some sixteen soldiers clinic
were numbered and the council set
to be held In Coquille. • -
rights and England will riespect us volved get a square deal and full op­ ’ from Coos county have been reported
Oct. 31 as the day by which ail build­
By R. T. Moore
I the more for it.
Therefore this portunity to express their desires
killed or missing. We must replace
Roy A. Wernich returned Wednes­ ings in the city must be numbered to
This philosophy may or may not each of them with a WAC enrollee."
Fortunately for Coos county, the criticism, if you could call it that, is
day evening from a month's trip up comply with the ordinance
reduction in gas coupon value did < constructive and no one is entitled to ; represent the wishes of a majority of
Another feature of .the drive will < and down the coast. He expects to
' Americans. This question will not be be the forming of WAC companies take a week's rest and before the
not come until th* logging season was resent it
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Robertson, who
about over. Lack of transportation I The extravagant promises and decided until the 1044 election ie- representing each of . the 4* states, j first of November plans to leave with 1 have been visiting their daughter.
for logging crews would have further plans for the post-war period in the ' turns are in. But it is worthy of the All women recruited in the county ] Mrs. Wernich and the children for Mrs. J. L. Smith, for the past six
and in- • 1 w**i
aggravated the present log shortage. war zones have been shushed up for j - party that produced a ....
will be aw>niwvi
assigned to <a a eÿrorosu
speical w»»-
Ore- their new home in Poughkeepsie, weeks, left yesterday morning fur
In spite of efforts to organize trans­ the present. But the harm has been dicatea a return to political vigor and
their home in Manhattan, Kansus.
N. Y.
fl ilonne» nf
the in
of »fwrffetic
energetic und
and able
able 1 7.
portation of men to work in the done and a great deal of delicate di- ♦h>
going by the southern route. Mr. and
the state on her uniform as well as
woods most loggers still have to use | plomacy will have to be brought into new leaders.
march under its colors.
The bam on Vance Weekly’s place, .Mrs. Smith took them as far as Grant.
_______ _____
their own cars.' Curtailment of gas ,play to set the expectant peoples
As part of the Oregon and southern a short distance west of the Masonic Pass in their car.
will thus directly affect their ability right on what Uncle Sam can ac- Ï Correction On Potato Prices
Washington recruiting district pro­ cemetery on the highway caught fire
to get to and from their jobs.
tually do for them. We have made a Frbm The O. P. A.
gram, a contest will be held for yesterday afternoon and although the
Coos county banks yesterduy re­
Remaining timber stands in the ¡good start In Italy by shipping in
school girls between the ages of 10 Coquille department was summoned ceived notices from their San Fran­
county »re becoming so scattered that • enough food and supplies to keep the
and 1*. Prizes will be offered lo­ the blaze had got too much of a start cisco correspondent banks that re­
it will take many small operators to'good will of the Italians. The task i digest on ceiling prices on spuds the cally and by the district for the beet to be extinguished by chemicals.
mittances from here were missing
produce enough logs for normal mill was not made any easier by the po- item should have read:
and on checking up it was found to
I "For white potatoes packed in 100-word essay on "Why I Would
operation rather than a few large UUcaily flavored speeches made be-
Like to Join the WACs and Replace
Geo. Burr has the framework up be those mailed the day prior to the
camps. „But for the present the larger fore the Invasion. A lot of nice prom- paper bags, the country shipper may a Battle Casuallty.”
for a five room house adjoining that Siskiyou train robbery.
logging units will have to carry the ises were made that our administra- “XX Cen?« P^_r.
, Although the campaign will not occupied by F. C. Hudson on Coulter
burden because adverse economic 1 tion can not possibly fulfill.' It will pound bags, 18 cents per hundred for end until December 7, Coos county
The score of 20 to 0 by which North
conditions have driven many small be much safer in the future to let 15 pound bags, and 10 cents per will endeavor to reach its goal dur­
Bend won the football game from
, • . f.
concerns out of business.
¡those who are on the fighting front hundred for 28 pound bags to the' ing the visit of the novel WAC Car-
Frost was reported on the Long Coquille last Saturday at the Bay
The current log shortage, which take the initiative. They know beet max»«“«’ P''h'e»
| nival Caravan 1
will be in
s_a___ ______ -1____________ ««J
...................... —
Bridge here this morning and early would indicate that there was a
will be felt later on, shows that the what can and should be done,
Marshfield for two
Nortons wish to inform their cus­ I Tuesday, Oct. 28 and 28. This travel­ comers from Bandon say there was a greater difference in the abilities uf
large logging units can not supply
..<> .
the two teams than is actually the
heavy frost there last night.
the amount of logs needed. Their
The learned and respected Kansas
ing unit was previewed at the Port­
production will have to be augmented (
wllUam Au^ whJU hM come they now have their full allotment of land Invasion Exposition and is now
Wednesday C. V. Smith and son,
by small units each season.
t wjth
startling prediction that Holiday books in stock. Buy now or touring the state in behalf of the
use the Lay-away Plan.
s important recruiting program.
See Schroeder's Jewelry Store in
Carlton, who live on the highway a
post-war period must witness the ro- r D R
not run for , fourth
mile west of town, trapped a good- Coquille for Diamonds and Watch
turn to the gyppo logger as a factor M ,veryone ,upp<)M.
sized black bear at the orchard in the Straps.
in the log market and conditions must | H.
hl, opinion on
Calling cards, N sue *14)0.
be made such as to encourage his\
FDRs love of power prompts
operation if our lumber industry is hJm
*lthhoW Bnnounewnert unU,
to employ its full complement of
« candl(Ut. and Democratic
party are both assured; that the
It is seldom practicable to haul duties of the office have become so
small logging crews by bus. The
densome that health is affected;
men usual live so far from each other th
’/• -X I
__ it . it would be fatal to the prestige
that th
n not be assembled for 1 of his office if even a hint of this
each day. Gas cur-1
were allowed to escape; that it might
tailment therefore means a continued affect the prosecution of the war by
lumber famine because it ia going to '■ causing ________
____ of the
confusion in the ranks
be impossible to produce the huge | Allies as to Uncle Sam's future course,
Just the coat for cod days
a I
quantities of lumber on order for the There is the further reason that FDR
Warm enough for Winter’s
—for looking your attrac­
Army and Navy from present and im- I
worst weather; roomy
tive best, rain or shine.
has lost some of the support that
mediate prospective log supplies. The
enough to be comfortable
elected him last time. Possibly the
Army may be forced to take over as loss has been great enough to defeat
on any outdoor job. Made
repellent cotton gabardine
a last resort if produetion drops off him but the Gallup poll indicates
of excellent quality capo­
in the popular three-quar­
much more. This would be bad for otherwise.
skin leather with button
ter length. Three grand
the taxpayer for the Army will get
front, two big pocket* with
There can be no denying that FDR
•hr logs, once they start after them, does love power. He has greet ca-
flaps, one upper welt pocket
sleeves lined with irides­
n<> matter what the coot will be. It parity for responsibility.
and attractive half belted
cent rayon, body lined in
He likes
could be better to release the needed
back with adjustable waist­
colnrfuInlaid. '
final say on everything and has
manpower to present operators. This caused confusion and delay in do­
line tabti
may be done later if necessary.
mestic matters because his desk was
Another salutary effect of -the gas a bottle-neck for policy matters. It
curtailment program will be the
is a physical Impossibility for any
elimination of the excess operation
mortal to circumscribe the vast quan­
of Federal Agency cars. When traffic
tity of detail accruing to" the presi­
was normal these cars were not so
If anything like reasonable
noticeable. But with civilian travel dency.
dispatch is to be had much detail
about stopped, these government cars
vy w
must be delegated. And FDR doesn’t
will stick out like a sore thumb and
n _ ... ___ .
.like to delegate anything- Neither
John Q. Public is going to heller tong doei he like
flre anyone
and loud. So only the barest mini-1
tie disputes calling for decision
Here’* the good looking,
■num of these cars will be operated.
long wearing, moderately
against one of the contestants. He ir
It looks so good, feels so
Next year is election year.
priced raincoat you’ve been
adept at kicking people up stain, at
good, wean so exception­
Those cars with extra rations used
looking for. Modern fly
using generalities to imply particu-
ally well. Costs little,
in essential war business will also be
front keeps out the rain
lan, at escaping criticism by throw­
weighslittie; but it’ll keep
very conspicuous. The public will
when you’re bucking a
ing out a smoke screen of ridicule or
you comfortable on cool
insist, and rightly, that such driving
breese. Back and under­
by sacrificing a supporter in sending
days, keep you dry on wet
be carefully budgeted and each trip
arms ventilated for greater
¡up trial balloons to test public opin­
ones. Made of carefully se­
amply justified.
The gas trouble
comfort. Two big flap
ion. He has rendered all but three
lected cotton gabardine in
seems to be about fifty-fifty, lack of j
poc'.rei*. Come and Me it
of his cabinet members mere figure­
Cpular natural shade. Se-
transportation facilities and actual
heads by taking over their normal
today I
:t one for yourself today I
shortage of the gas itself.
functions. These constantly multi­
The outlook for civilian driving for
plying burdens have taxed his rugged
the duration is bleak. Our great air­
constitution to the breaking point.
fleets and mechanized units are ab­
Note how much he baa aged when
sorbing about all of the fuel produced
you next see his face in a movie close­
by the large refineries.
But there
up and you will agree that a fourth
will be no complaint from the public
term will be a death sentence. The
for the welfare of our boys at the
important candidate would be the
front takes precedence above every­
Vice-Preaident running with him.
1 There are some Republicans who
¡hope that FDR will be re-elected to
Comfortable, roomy, good
The globe-trotting Senators who suffer for the accumulated mistakes
looking and long wearing
Sta Young-minded men Imme­
visited the war fronts for a first hand of hia previous administrations. This
diately spot the wearabil­
look-see appear to have ruffled some' rather unkind view is held by those
able, carefully selected
ity and desirability of thia
feelings by their frank report just j who see nothing good in FDR nor
leather. Strongly re n-
inexpensive, all purpose
made public. The motive for their any of hia works.
forced at base of thumbs,
coat It’» as brisk in ap­
going on this trip was undoubtedly. Others believe that Whoever gets
with reinforced welt at
pearance as the cool Fall
the lack of confidence the Congress the job wiU have an awful mess to
base of fingers; Dav v ,
days for which it ia excel-
has in the authenticity of official re- { clean up. They think it bad strategy
tinned finger an ’ r
lently suited; made of se­
port released by OWI and others. The to lot the Republican party be the
s. .•.•»lless •' -4. bee Ui«.ia
water repellent Cuv
Senators wanted to see for them- I goat and suffer Tr FoDR's sins. They
T t ?*-' ■ ’n
here, today I
ton gabardine.
selves just what was going on. Thanks think the next president will have to
to the newspaper training of Senator accept the rote of whipping-boy and
Lodge, they came beck with just they don’t want a*y Republican to
what they went after, a true and be thus imposed upon. They prefer
complete report.
letting Nature lake ita course
in .... 1944 '
„ ............
Arrfeng the Interesting items in the and
»nd prefer pointing (towards
towards 194*.
report three seems to stand out: That
But, I venture to say, a majority
Generals Eisenhower and MacArthur ' of the Republican party is playing to
The Sentinel
' ; -
are doing wonders with the means at
their.disposal and we yield to no one
in the excellence of our high com-
mand, that England has to date held
back her oil supplies in Iraq and
Iran while Uncle Sam has furnished
the bulk of the fighting oil, and that
lavish promises of what benevolent
Uncle Sam will do for the suffering
win in 1044. Jhey concede that the
next president will have a mighty
tough job. They
think their candi­
date'can do it best.
They believe
that the voting public is fed up' on
glamor, reforms, and high taxes to
_____ _______________
finance unnecessary
government ac-
tivitiea They think the time is ripe
for a return to common sense and
Made of care­
fully selected,
heavy, split
leather in gray
of green. Dou­
ble stitched,
I? '
325 So. HaU St
• /
îïiiSir’ Lk-'rfilm