The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, October 21, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    James Richmond And U. of O.
Sweetheart Married Oct. 2
Hems About Local Boys In Service
Just after fheir marriage, at Ra­
leigh, North Carolina,' on October 2,
Mr. and Mrs. James Richmond called
his parents. Dr. and Mrs. James Rich­
mond, here to tell them the glad
Before his induction into the army
the groom was a student at the Uni­
Oregon as was his bride,
Miss Evelyn Mitchell, whose home
was in Portland. Her mother ac­
companied her to the AtlanUc coast
to be present at the ceremony.
Remember—Norton's _ for
school and home supplies)^
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Walker have
received word indirectly, that their
son, Richard, who is in the U. S.
submarine service, is based some­
where in the Pacific and thht he >lill
be based there for several months.
This reporter
is home from Camp performance of outstanding services
fifteen-day leave. He as a member of a construction party <
and says he is fine assigned the task of building an emev
ily had a bad streak gency airplane strip in midwinter on
s health since he left a small Island In the Aleutians. You
to start hie training ably and efficiently performed the
He says he got off to ! difficult task of landing personnel and
start in boot camp supplies under the moot adverse con-
hit with pneumonia, ditions of wind and sea on an- un­
low for a month. Af- protected beach, which under the
nth he started in on constant threat of enemy submarine
of rheumatic fever, and air action from an enemy base
now well again and less than two hundred miles distant.
Farragut next Satur- Your conduct throughout was in ac-
assignment to school, cordance with the highest traditions
..------- ..
f s.a, .. ...........................
It is • pleasure to announce that I have become associated
with the Great Northern Lite Insurance Company, as Dis­
trict Agent This Company is an old line legal reserve com­
pany with a long record ®f service to policyholders. It
writes both Life Insurance and Accident and Health In­
surance (income protection). I shall be glad to consult with
any one on his insurance needs, and recommend a Great
Northern Life policy to fit the situation. There will be no
obligation, of course, and I am—at your service.
Joe Don Estes, who was here from
the University of Oregon, at Eugene
the past week-end, said that he has
received his notice for call as on avi­
ation cadet candidate and expects ,o
be ordered to report at some school
in about two weeks. He also said
that if his father, Coquille's former
mail carrier, is sent across for service
in Europe, that Mrs. Estes will not
remain in Florida.
6 IDEAS for edd
weather lunches
.. ......
BREAD, Julia Lee Wright's 1
MARGARINE, Parkay (4)
1 . .......... "W"1
1 '*"
* ftrih-frtsii
. _ induct
APPLES F“*y Jonathans
lk 8c
PEARS 80801
2 «up« «nrichaS
..................................... ■ ■■ ■■
I i .w p
Pork Liver
Fresh Oysters
Southwestern Motors Cor &
Home Supply Store
32S So. Hall St.
At Your
has en-
'Joe Don Estes To Be
'Called In Two Weeks
radio technician on a Flying Fortess, has docked at San Francisco and that Home On A Furlough
stationed in England. The air medal , he will be able to come home on f Lieut. Jack Hunt left last Thursday
award is a correeton of the Sentinel’s leave the latter part of next week. to return to duty at Camp Rucker in
Alabama, after a five days’ visit here
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
nst-ad. .
Linwood Skelly Cited By
Hunt. He had a 15 day leave but had
received a picture of HU Commanding Officer
to spend two-thirds of the time travei-
was awarded the Pur-
, _
aid nothing she said of
Linwood Skelly, son of Dan
, ing. Jack is a first lieutenant in
ces m his letter but Gimmick of Marshfield, who was Artillery, a liason officer with the
d she received a tele- born at Johns<’™‘ Mill, south of Co- headquarters battery at Camp Rucker.
>st from the War De- qullle’ and who* Mother, Loveil After living in Oregon all his life he
ing her he was wound- sk«uX> la now in ■«•vice in the South doesn't seem to care much for Ala­
ictlon. It is for this Pac|fic> ha> been commended by Vice bama as a place of residence.
Heart is riven
Admiral T. C. Kincaid, commander of
__ ________ ’
the North Pacific Naval forces, for
Has Recovered
heroic action in the Aleutians The
__ __________________ citation said in part:
At nnagut
meritorious conduct in the