euloh Chapter , Following the meeting several in- ^Ivited guests joined the group for wr‘ 1 dessert. They were Mrs. J. E. Bel- or loni of Myrtle Point, mother of the 1 honor guest; Jean Bryan, Kay Lit- lar" tiefield, Alberta Brandon, Boris um’ Sayre. Leila Rochell, Salma Caughell, V* I Birdie Summers, Allie Beast and “ ' 1 members attending were Norene Mc- ar"1 Keown, Lunelle Chapin, Maxine Johnson. Aly» June Fox, Dorothea . Coffey, Margaret Belloni, Elsie For- ’nX rest, Glenda Clinton, Jean Williams, Margaret Stewart, Eunice Howe. In Essential Industry - Driver Salesman and Clerk Birthday Colobrated Sane Oerding. jjaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oerding, came home to spend last week-end because it was her birthday. Jane is attending Northwestern School of Commerce 1 In ' Portland and has just pledged Gamma Nu Chapter of Alpha Iota sorority. She returned to Portland Sunday, leaving from North Bend I after spending the day there with friends. On the evening of October six­ teenth, Jane's birthday, her mother entertained the members of the Youth Fellowship group in the Pioneer Hall at '(the Pioneer church in honor of her daughter. Everyone had a de­ lightful time and decorations and re­ freshments were in keeping with Hallowe'en. See u* tor photographs of Venture Club Holds Dinner Meeting The Venture Club, Jean Bryan president, met Tuesday evening for dinner at the hotel. It was a social meeting but plans were discussed for a Christmas dance and also for ths next luncheon meeting. A program planned for Tuesday was postponed because the dinner had to be in the Meeting Of Cornerstone . main dining room. Dorothy Harris Club Last Thursday was a guest. Members attending were Cornerstone Club of the Church of Margaret Belloni, Maxine Johnson, Christ met Thursday afternoon at the Yvonne Kern, Eunice Howe, Dorothea home of MnCTaul Sitdpson, when Yarbrough and Georgianna Perrott. devotionals were by Mrs. Clarence Fiser. After the business meeting, con­ ducted by the president, Mrs. Don Farr, the girls spent the afternoon crocheting on an afghan for the boys in the service, to be used while they are convalescing. Hair bows were brought to send to the girls at the Children's Farm Home. Taney socks for the boys at the Home will be Others attending , brought to the November meeting. Howard Taylor, I „Refreshments were served to Mes- ack Hultin and dames Marvin Davidson, Berlyn Bill­ ings, Tom Stevens, Alan Rhay, Bill Earls, Ernest Benham. Don Farr, Henry George, Clarence Fixer by the 1 hostess. Only Kroehler, world’s largest manufacturer of furniture, could build and design a suite like this. You get new com­ fort through the scientifically designed seats and backs and your body is completely supported. “Sreamllne” your home with this newest furniture creation. Beautiful covering fabrics. Davenport and Chair $129 50 & $139 50 Kroehler's Swing Rockers . $45.00 Miscellaneous Swing Rockers $27'95 to $50-00 PURKEY FURNITURE „ FOOD Truck o^ner: P roduct * PEANUT BUTTER Garden WAX PAPER Limit 125 Foot Roll SUB CAFE Coffee , 1 lb. pkg. Substitute BEEF STEAK SAUCE Heinx bottle 27,59c 20c 10c 25c ROAST BEEF Perry’s 7 ox. TUNA FISH . CRISCO 1 lb. i 1 ■ i»;' ■ ' ' Pkge. SNACK Morrell’s ’FIRST 45c 8 pts. 35c s pts. 27c <,<. 45c » pu. JUICE No. 2 SERVICE' Sunbrite PURE LARD Morrell Pride CODFISH No Points 3 Pts. lb. 20C PORK LIVER 39c FRYERS Colored No Points 25c 3 Points a 49c WIENERS Grade A AMMICA'S MOST MMÓMS ' ofAim Th«« Grocery Coquille For Thrifty Buyers Myrtle Point snvici organization SFMD YOW WAD BOND rWOWU-STUD TUB DAY OF WCTORtt Southwestern Motors ^Coquille | Myrtle Point Bandon