F? Minor Mention Mr. end Mrs. Allen Belieu, who formerly lived here and In Marsh­ field, he being with the telephone company, were Coquille visitors last Friday after being over on the Bay. They now reside at Fort Klamath. Oregon One of the most familiar sights on the Canadian sector in Italy is “Bill.” | “Bill” has travelled the mountain roads, battled in the most difffcult spots, was shot at and mortared a dozen times but kept right on going. His fight is a fight against Ger­ man demolition» because “Bill* is a sturdy Canada-made bulldozer with his name painted in white behind a driver’s seat which is occupied by ( L/Cpl. Gus Whidden of Calgary or ' Mias Ethel Jean Cain, of Grants Pass, attended a retreat for the Meth­ odist Youth Fellowship officers, of Coos Bay area, held last Friday and Saturday at the Richmond cottage. She spent the remainder of the week­ end, visiting at the Rev. and Mrs. j Charles Brown home. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Foote returned ’ Mr. 5nd Mrs. Les Child, who came over from Grants Paas on Tuesday, left again yesterday. Mr. Child, who spent months and months on geologi­ cal surveys In Coos county and whose original reports were what caused the Phillipa Petrol.fum Corporation to »end its geologists to Coos county and which is-now about to result in a well being drilled on Davis Slough, is now making simitar surveys in other parts of Oregon. Mr%. •“’J**“* * , , " ss? »¿st ■- s? Mr’- .• Newcastle, PeniL. besides other i resign his position and come up and .. . ’ • . »<►»». - ¡sxgx, x" - - ■» ond operation she underwent recently in Oakland, and they may decide to remain in Coquille. _r Olie 01 COOS OlClCSt " a HYTMW / UKE/77 1 Spr. Mickey McGuire of Ottawa who have taken turns at the controls. “Bill" performed the usual job of cutting detours around demolished bridges. Important work taken- the caterpillar-tracked machine close to the front and within range of the Germans when they are not on the run. “Bill” has traveled nearly 400 miles,from Reggio and has been working ail the way.' Culling curai ac ror *1.00 si ---- i Pioneers Passes Erwin O. Waite, of Toledo, Oregon, drove down to spend the week-end with Mrs. Waite’s parents. Rev. and Mrs. Charles Brown. Mrs. Waite and children, who had been visiting here. returned home with him on Monday. Mrs. Mary J. Elrod, mother of, A. Elrod of this city, and one of oldest pioneers on the Bay, paa »w*y «t her home in Marshfield 1 Sunday. FRANK BUCK 1RANK BUCK BISMA HEX 50c Fuhrman's Pharmacy Open every night until 8 WED» T ONE DAY ONLY IRVING BERLIN’S MARY 0 HARA S . IIV FILMED IN TECHNICOLOR Lehman, be profitably and patriot!- cally employed by helping the cran- berry growers. If necessary, gaso- line coupons may be secured from the O. P. A. office by cranberry pickers. Fuhrman's Pharmacy , ( • ( I Admission lie