Becomes Bride Of Graydon Anderson Before a large gathering of rela­ tives and friends, Mias Muriel Davia and Mr. Graydon Anderson were united in marriage at the Pioneer Methodist Church laat Friday eve­ ning, Oct 8, at 8:00 p. m. The pastor, Rev. C. G. Brown, officiated. The wedding was very lovely with the impressive cpudlelight ceremony und double-ring service. The bride entered the church on the arm of her father. Warren Davia. She wore a white organza dress with finger-tip veil fastened in place with a cluster of stephanotis. The dress had been designed to give prominence to a handsome gold chain and locket worn by the bride which had belonged to l\er maternal grandrribther. She car­ ried a bouquet of large gardenias, centered with a purple orchid and in­ terspersed with stephanotis against a frame of Wide ribbon loops with a floor length shower, a most beautiful bride’s bouquet. Her going away out­ fit was a blue wool dress, fur coat, brown hat, brown accessories and or­ chid corsage. * The matron of honor was Mrs. Jean Bryant, wearing a long dress erf old blue and antique chain, also an heir­ loom. Muriel Herman and Eunice Hows were brie mnaids, wearing long dresses made alike of blue and peach embroidered organidie. Each maid carried old-fashioned nosegays in keeping with the colonial sytle of their gowns. * Dainty little candlelighters, dressed In white floor length dresses were Marilyn Purkey and Sandra McCur­ dy. Rodney Creager acted as best man to the groom. Ushers were Gus Gailaa and Edell Bryant. The Industrial Repair Co of Coquille MACHINING METALLIZING WELDING PRESSING BLACKSMITHING The background for the asaembled wedding party was beautiful. Large baskets of mixed white floors spotted with pink gladioli were be­ fore the altar. Glittering groups of candles twined with asparagus fern threw a soft light In pleasing effect. Aisles were marked with graceful streamers and bows of white ribbon tied in with sprays of pink roses. The beautiful wedding music, played by the organist. Bobbie Burns, deserves very special mention. “I Love You Truly,” played with chimes and effects, was given first, followed by “Liebestraum” and “O Promise Me." Lohengrin and Mendelssohn marches were used. An interesting Innovation was the singing of "Be- Repairing Aids Victory Suggestions from S herwin -W il l ia ms MMT HMVQ.lMR7tR$ Uncle Sam asks you to use your electrical equip- ment wisely! Ann Miller, Rochester, Martin In Filmusical At Roxy Thursday, Friday, Saturday Gregg Hardware S herwin W illiams P aints