;• » r agx eight . OCTOBER 14. IMS. f CLASSIFIED »1.75 WANTED — Help at the Coquille CANNING TOMATOES bushel. Furnish own boxes. On Hotel and Compton’s Coffee Shop. Rev. Charles Goodwin Brown, Rink crqsk. W. J. Bonnell. It Full or part tin ? work in the Cof­ Pastor One Cent a Ward Back Insertine fee Shop and up stairs. Any. wotn- 9:45 Sunday School hour. Enjoy Ne Adv. leas than 85 cents GULDEN BANTAM Sweet Corn for f apply at an wil At the regular meeting of Coquille Mrs. Win. fi. Barrow, who was the study of the Bible with us. . sale, 81-50 per sack, you pick it, it ■Kitchen—Tatrte, 11:00 Sunday morning worship first place across river on Arago Post, No. 36, American Legion, with chairman of the woman’s division in uencn; nanons in Hutches. nurnes. Al- ni­ roR RBNT_Furnished Apartment Bench; also Rabbits road. Guy Mullen, phone 13R14. Commander C. G. Stem presiding, Coquille for the house to house can­ hour. Sermon subject is “I Believe." ton Anderson, 270 West Sixth, Co­ some weighty and serious business vass in the third bond drive lsst 7:00 Youth Fellowship hour. suitable for two adults. Phone Op­ It* was transacted Monday evening. quille. It 8:00 Sunday evening worship hour. month, asks that her thanks and ap­ perman. References required. FOR RENT—Two-room cabin, partly Arthur Hooton was elected to the preciation be extended to al! those We feature the organ music and song 193R It* FOR SALE—Lot 50x100, with mod­ furnished. Call 408 S, EUliott. •» office of Sergeat-at-Arma. ) who took part in the house to house service. , ern two-bedroom bouse. Call at LOST or Misplaced—Ration Book No. Membership committee appointed solicitation. 7:30 Wednesday evenings, choir re­ HO N. Division St» Of phone 141L 3, at Riverton some week;* ago. HOME WATER SYSTEMS—A few consists of Amzy Minionye, chairman, She reported a total of 86550 was hearsal hour. It» ’’ on hand yet. FARR ft ELWOOD. Claire Gray, Art Hooton, «George E. secured during the campaign and that Finder please leave at Bean & 7:30 Thursday evenings, mid-week ________________________________ Martin's store, Riverton, till I come Oerding, Elmer Neely, Guy Kelley the territory in which W. ’ P. Laws services. FOR SALE—Nearly new Hoover Notice 1 down. Reward. Rev. W. B. Smith. ■nd Roy C. Morley; Sea Scout com­ is district warden, purchased 84,000 5:00 Friday and including Saturday Electric Sweeper. Call Mrs. F. C. It Whoever removed the small plat­ mittee, R. L. Stewart; District Con­ worth of bonds for high district in morning at ocean for all M. Y. F. McNelly, phone 603J. It ters and relish dishes from the metal ference committee, R. L. Stewart, : town. Mrs. Laws, vith total sales of officers. Miss Pearl Sherlock, of We carry a complete line of V- FOR SALE—4 months old Checker­ 1 drum at the back door entrance of assisted by P. O. Lund and Roy C. $2500 was block warden high. Portland, and Miss Ethel Jean Caln, board Giant Doe Rabbits. Inquire Balts for all makes of Refrigerators. ¡the Coquille Hotel kitchen, did so Morley; Sons of Legion committee, District Warden, Mrs. Minnie of Granta Pass, will be present. Here at 860 Mb. Carter Ave, Coquille Washing Machines and otter-«¡utp- without permission. They are the Ray Jeub and Guy Kelley; Armistice Liechty, stood'second with 82300 for is a miniature Fir Point. ment. Washer Service* Co, 365 W. 1 lt* property of Compton’s Coffee Shop Day breakfast committee, Frank I her district; Paul McNair’s district Not what I profess but what I am, Front, Coquille. Phone. 16tfs and are of no value except for res­ Martin, chairman, Dave Rackleff, Ilo ■ produced 8200 worth of sales and Mrs. counts. WANTED — Watei wells to drill.' taurant service and for the duration ¡‘H. Heaton, Dr. J. D. Rankin and Har­ Claire Johnson’s district, 850. Have new and up-to-date equip­ BRING Your Tire Trouble* 10 Thorn are not replaceable therefore the ry Hunt Mrs. Barrow was also chairman of ton ’ s, the most completely equipped ment and heavy pipe where needed. St James’ Episcopal Church An invitation was extended to the ! the Coquille women's organizations in management requests they be shop in Southern Oregon. Only ex ­ Fred C. Lee, Route 1, Marshflbld. ■ Corner E. 3rd A Elliott Sts. I Bandon Poet to be the guest of the ¡the same drive and reports that the perienced workmen. Best quality turned at once. Thank you. 30t4*tf The Rev. Robert L. Greene, Vicar ’ Mrs. Lafe Comptonn, Coquille Post for the Armistice Day Sorpptimist club, Mrs. Wilda Schroe­ materials and equipment used. AU Coquille Hotel. It breakfast and the Myrtle Point Post der, chairman, is credited with Sunday, Oct. 17th, Seventeenth Sun­ work fully guaranteed. Thornton PERMANENT WAVE—58c. Dojrour day after Trinity — will also be a guest at the breakfast 810,385 sales; the Junior Women's Tire Service. 23tf» own'Permanent. with Charm-Kui;) 8:00 a. m.. Holy Communion. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE in Coquille, Nov. 11th. i club, Jean Williams, chairman, is Kit. Complete equipment, includ­ STATE OF OREGON IN AND ELECTRIC FENCE CHARGERS 9:45 a. m.; Church Schodl. The committee on the District Con- ^credited with 8200 bond sales; the ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS AC and battery models, wire, 11:00 a. m.; Holy Communion 5 ference has gone Into action in full Woman’s Club, Mrs. Barrow, chair­ to. do, absolutely harmless. Praised In the Matter of the Estate of spools, klips, and equipment tor M. McKeown, Deceased , —All ex-service men and man, is credited with 318,942.75 in with Sermon. swing. by thousands including June Lang, installation FARR & ELWOOD, s Notice their wives and members of the Aux­ sales uf bonds and stamps,-and the Wednesday. Oct. 29th glamorous movie star. Money re­ . Of Application and Hearing (V. 10:00 a. m.j Holy Communion. funded if not satisfied. Barrow WANTED—Elderly man to work : NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVENThat, iliary are invited and urged to be B. P. W. Club, Mrs. Viola Newton, 2:00 p. m.;-St6dy Class, under the Thdre will be no charge, chairman, is credited with bonds arid Drug Company. 35tl0* around and help keep up Coquille the undersigned, Leo J. Cary, has’present. leadership ot-the Vicar. • Auto Park. Cottage furnished I filed application and petition in the and the place of meeting is the I. O. stamp sales totalling 811,750. ; County Court of the State of Oregon ¡O. F. hall at 7:30 o’clock p. m. OR SALE—10 heavy N. H. laying 2:30 p. m., St. James, Guild. rent free and wages. Easy work. - ! ---- for ---------------- Coos County, for the the appointment appointment Ay, tor hens, 82.00 each; 100 Parmenter 8:00 p. m.; Adult Confirmation A dinner conference is planned for g Wedne8day for Front St. Phone 17. tfs ♦ ----- 4 I persons give evidence pcraun* desiring urauu.| to mj iiv . cviuence, ., , , . . , . .. the Mediterranean, says Paul is well TOMATOES, by the bushel. Come to Church of God AUTO PAINTING and Body Work. concerning said matter may present loads on tneir logging trucks. Archie and anxious to get home as soon as the patch and pick thorn at 81-00 a the same/ ’ ■, Isadof Button was fined 825 and Bring your car in—Are can start Corner of Henry ft Seventh Sts. This notice is made and bushel. Bring your boxes. Folsom •nd given_pur given pur-4-cogts ¿( 54 on each of two > hunting it is all over. - ■ work at once. Southwestern Motor Pastor, A. L. Perry suant to an order of th< Grocery. Its One was ! _____ ____ Co. s of Coos County, State < Roy Huitin was issued a summons to All are invited to attend. If your made and entered on the 1st day of ' tor hunting without a license and the JUST RECEIVED — A shipment of October, 1943, by the Honorable L. D. other for hunting with a deer coupon appear, on the same charge on Fri­ child does not go to Sunday School LOVE BIRDS. Farr ft Elwood, s FOR SALE—40-acre farm above Felshelm, County Judge. day. Arbee Edward Freeman paid elsewhere, we urge you to send them, belonging to another. A ten-day jail ——------------------------------------------ ■------- - Fairview. Phone 5R24. J. O. Dated this 1st day of October, 1943. 89.00 for his overheight load on Sunday School, 10 a. m. sentence was imposed on each count WILL party who found child’s blue Beagle. lt*s Leo J. Cary, I Friday. - Preaching service 11 a. m. also, but it was to be suspended on (Seal) Applicant. sweater on First street on Oct. 11,' James' Arthur Watson was sum­ Young People's meeting, 6:45 p. m Attest: condition that he pay/the fine and please leave it at Sentinel office. STOVES—Ranges, Coleman Oil Cir­ moned on Monday to appear in court or better still bring them. L. W. Oddy, culators, now in stock. ' See us W. A. Earls. , 39t3s County Clerk. for having a. combined overload. Preaching service 7 >80 p. m. about New Stove Purchase Regula­ Robert Sanford Weekly on Thurs­ By O. Vaughan. Deputy 38U tions. J. A. Lamb Company. s day and Edgar Jos. Emery on Friday, PAPERHANGING, Kalsomining, ------------------ -- --------- t ------------ --------- ----- ■ y- ... 1.» IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE paid 89.00 fines and costa for over- Wood Finishing, Interior and Ex­ WANTED—Permanent position open STAT* OF OREGON IN AND height loads of logs, and George Le- Coquille Headquarters terior Painting. We buy cotton FOR THE COUNTY OF 0008 in-County Clerk’s Office November rags. Herbert I. Wood. 275 N 1st for a good typist with office ex­ In i the Matter of the Estate* NOTICE OF 8EASONAL See “Spike” Leslie for the best in Henry St. Phone 286. tfs of John Kenneth Henninger, DETERMINATION perience. Good salary if qualified. Liability, or other Insurance. Office, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the em­ ELECTRICAL WIRING* — Both ' See or write L. W. Oddy, County Notice of Final Account next door to Coquille Hospital, 141 No. Division NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That ployers listed below have been de­ Clerk, Coquille, Oregon. 38tf Weatherproof and inside, covered phonp 8; residence phone 95L. _________________________________ the undersigned has filed herein her termined to be seasonal employers Get your subscription Now wire, in limited quantities now MANDRELS for home work «hops, | «nal^areount, as ^Administratrix _of within the meaning of Section 126- 707 O, C. L. A. Any interested party available without Priority. J. A. the Estate of ' John Kenneth Hen ­ Phone 148M ♦ no priority. FARR ft ELWOOD, a ninger, deceased, and that the above may request a hearing before the Lamb Company. ’ s entitled Court has set October 30th, Commission within ten days after NOBLE CROWNING, Jr. _— For Refrigeration Service phone 1943, at the hour of 10:90 o’clock final publication of this notice. The FOR PLUMBING Repairs and Ser- I Coquille Mgr. shop, 106J, or residence 168J, A. M., at the County Court room in “off-season" (In calendar weeks) of vice—call 2-L. J. A. Lamb Com- [ each seasonal employer in Coos Coun­ write Box 307, Coquille. O. H. Coquille, Oregon, aa the time and ty as as stated below: pony. * tfs Garnier, authorized Frigidaire place for hearing objections to such Coos County Fire Patrol Alin,, final account and the settlement of 42-21; Service. 27tfs said estate. ------------ Hallmark „ ------ .. Fisheries, 31-3; HOT WATER TANKS — We have Richard N. McCarthy, 41-10. Crystal Henninger, them. FARR ft ELWOOD. s RANGE BOILERS—Fowler Porcelain 37t5 Administratrix OREGON UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION COMMISSION Lined. Guaranteed 20 years. J. A. I Dated and first published this 30th THI8 WEEK’S SPECIAL' Lamb Company. s IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE day of September, 1M3. I have orders tor several two and STATE OF OREGON IN AND Date of last publication 14th day FOR THE COUNTY OF COO« three bed-room houses If you de­ WOOD FOR SALE—16-inch. Phone of October, 1943. • 37t3 sire s buyer for It. If you desire to 2R22, Coquille. lt*s In the Matter of the Estate of Flora M. Laird, Deceased. sell, list your property with me now. t IN THE COUNTY COURT OT THE Nottce of Sale of Real Property STATE OF OREGON IN AND The demand is good and prices are | TOR SALE OR TRADE — 8-acre NOTICE IS HERRBY GIVEN, home; electricity, spring, nice lo ­ FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS That by virtue of an order, decree right cation, unencumbered, 81350. Ow­ and license of the County Court of In the Matter of the Estate of 1 have several new listings of Oregonian Subscribers: Please ing to diability, might trade for ■Coos County, Oregon, , made an vn- Charles Heller, Deceased. ranches, some large, some small, but Nollet of Sale of Real Property tered on the 15th _ day ' of September, _______________ help your carrier by having your good home in small town. Herman NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN? that all priced right, and most of them I 1943, in the Matter of the Estate of Brown, Box 3, Prosper Rt„ Bul­ Flora M. Laird, deceased, I will, on by virtue of an order, decree and li­ paper money ready at his first call. may be purchased on very easy terms. i lards. and after Friday, October 15th, 1943, cense of the County Court of Coos 1 Remember he must pay his paper 37t3s If you are looking for a loan on Sroceed to sell, at private sale, to County, Oregon, made and entered obligation before the 10th of the that home or farm of yours, fell me TOO MANY RABBITS—Let me sell le highest and best bidder for cash on the 21st day of September, 1943, month. Thank you. ' NOTHING OVERLOOKED about it I have money available 1 or trade you some. See Brooks at in hand and subject to the confirma­ in the Matter of the Estate of Charles tion of said Court, all of the right, tille Heller, deceased, I will, on and after for that purpose. I the Second Hand Store. s and interest of said Estate, and those Friday, October 22nd, 1943, proceed no matter how large and elaborate . J. S. Barton, Realtor, Coquille, Lucille Donnelly Phone 141M claiming under it, in and to the fol­ to sell, at private sale, to the highest HEADQUARTERS lor Crown Dairy the scale upon which the funeral Phone 21J. s lowing described real property, to- snd best bidder for cash in hand and Coquille, Oregon subject to the confirmation of said and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feed wit: arrangements are to be made That X- FOR SALE Good Milk Cow and one Court, all of the right, title and in­ The NM of the NEMi, and the A Seed Co tf» is our policy—that is our proud terest of said Estate, and those claim­ NE¥« of the NW ft of Section 9; Fat Hog around 200 pounds. T. C. ing under it, in and to the following the NW Mi of the NW Mi of Section Whitaker on North Henry, near ball CHOICE Dried Italian and Petltte claim after many years of experi­ described real property, to-wit; 10, all In Township 30 South of Prunes; also plenty of Choice To­ grounds. lt*s Dr. De U Rhu* ence A conference with us wil) All of the merchantable timber Range 13 West of the Willamette matoes. Bu. $1.00 at Ranch. Lind- now standing, lying or being on Meridian in Coos County, Ore­ be to your 1 advantage. LOST — Heart-shaped, yellow gold Eyesight the NEV« of the NW % of Ac­ gon. bloom, Dixonville. 38t3*s tion 34 in Township 27 South of Locket, with initial "L.” Finder I Bids will be received by me, as Specialist Range 11 West of the Willamette please return to La Verne Bellmore, ELECTRIC WIRING—A limited sup­ Administrator of said Estate, at the ! ply for sale Without priority. FARR office of J. Arthur Berg, in Coquille, Meridian in Coos County, Ore­ Eyse Examined - Glasses Fitted 857 No. Beach, Coquille. lt*s gon. Coos County, Oregon. I & ELWOOD. , S Bids will be received by me, as Frank Heath, Reception room jointly with WANTED TO BUY — Second-hand i Administrator of the Estate Administrator of said Estate, at my Dr. J R Hunch Bear Traps and Old Horses. Write BICYCLE For Sale—Call at Gilmore 35t5 of Flora M. Laird, Deceased. office in Coquille, Coos County, Ore­ l oquilie Bandon Laird Building Phene 82-J gon. C. E. Mullins, U.'S. Hunter, Arago, ! Service Station, Front and Willard, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IOSH J. Arthur Berg. 1083 Coquille. It’s its Ore. is hereby given that the Notice 1 Administrator of the Estate ,. _ - undersigned ed was on the 20th day of of Charles Heller, Deceased. J FOR RENT—3 Large Rooms, Fur­ FOR SAIJE- “Farmers’ Bargains” — _ September, _______ 1943, duly appointed by w 1« — Horses — Pigs — Weaner Pigs nished for Light Housekeeping: luc the VVUII7 County VVUi* Court Ml of VAJUW Coos VVMm/ County, Stoves, Bed, Couch, Chairs and 1 Light Plant — Grain Drill — Feed Oregon, as Administrator of the Es­ Morrow, deceased; and lit___ table. J. E. Quick, 351 So. Henry, i Chopper — Puppies. See FARR ft tate of A. J. niunruw, all persons having claims ___ agal ilnst said ELWOOD’S “Swap Board.” s Estate are hereby required Coquille. * tfs GRAY HAIR? High School ______ to I present Classical proper vouchers at- them to me, with proi Crédita WILL CARE For Child, 2 years or DAIRY SUPPLIES—For McCormick tached and duly verified, ■erined, at my office Given Deering Milker Parts and Dairy in Coquille, Oregon, within six elder, day or night, in my home. months from date of this notice/ Supplies—See us. J. A. Lamb Call at 361 East Sth street, Co­ Dated and published first time Sep­ quille. It’s Company. B» tember 23, 1943. O. C. Sanford, 36t5 Administrator of said Estate American Leaion ay MefeReportsO City Bond Sales f Oregon Journal My Creed GANO FUNERAL HOME Attention to Details NOTICE The Oregonian Agency I I SCHROEDER BROS. MORTUARIES, Inc. MISS INEZ ROVER ! mt r urtar of Piano c L • WANTED a Modern WtàtâRElr Phone 83 Night Phone 372X i I Southwestern Motors’ Chevrolet — Buick * ,D' I Ì to Buy-LateMòdel Trucks, Pickups and Cars. See Archie Bushnell at Southwestern Motors Coquille NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTIC? IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has bean appointed Administratrix of the estate of JOHN WALTER KONRAD, deceased, and that all persons having claims against said estate, should present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned, at the law office of HARRY A. SLACK, First NatT. Bank Bldg., Coquille, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. I DATED: September 23, 1943 MRS. HELEN NORTON. .3615 Administratrix of said estate. Benham’s Transfer uw4 in «bow l*t»> H.US 4 -O R. GRAY the vitamin io Mtkr on® f Ä VITA. necessary S m otat* » 100 diy -ppfr’ K°° Thousands UseGRAYVITA * _ - ■ BARROW DRUG CO Anywhere For Hire SAND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE Agents for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight Office Phone '"'jKFarr ft Elwood Bldg. W. Second St «N