The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, October 14, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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Harold Pribble, Mrs. Frank
mayd, Mrs. Mayre Laird. Mrs. Harold I evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan- j
kfr. and Mrs. Alden Mart and fam- 'Simmofu'
' B1»hoP «“» th* ley Halter.
ily spent the day Sunday with her jMr*. Don Schmidt. There. Oliver Myers visited at the home of
his mother, Mrs.' Ids Myers, last
(Continued from Page One)
^renU, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Haugh-
from Myrtle Point. Mrs. Min­
Mrs. Harvey Gant received a tele-, ' ner the meeting was called to order i Glen Zeller returned home from nie King came from Powers, besides
' by the president, Mrs. Don Schmidt,i his hunting trip out near Roseburg,
phone call early Thursday morning and turned over to Dorothy Bishop,1
others from out of town. Mrs. Dun­
Saturday evening.
her City,
Wm. pawed
M. Martin
bar has been visiting Coos county for
hai just
away. J—
many years and is generally very well
Mr and Mrs. Gant left Friday. The ful ulk on Building
acquainted and much loved through­
funeral 4 m to be held Saturday. They I
Strenuous War Time IMys.
out this section.
returned Sunday evening.
*cretary to
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chapman left
The musical part of the program
Mrs. F.' J. Fish and little Billie Fr~
'Tuesday evening for their home in was colorful. Miss Dae presented her
Walker were Friday evening visitors
-------- ---------------------------------
’ ------
Mr. Chapman is the quartette of young violinists, who
at the A. R. Bennett’s on their way G<®’ Gillespie, accompanied hm aunt lon ot Mrg
Kibler and had
gave a series of Spanish and Mexican
Mveral . monthl
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Tyrrell:^
home from Coquille.
The quartette and two
iVO<)lW,a,rd:JW^e."P~t‘ to'¿¿delT thdr“dd ‘home'in numbers.
J. F. Schroeder helped Walter
singers were in Spanish costumes,
for Oakland, Calif.i taking an aunt j
Schroeder Thursday and Frjday of
quite gorgeous in satins, velvet and
i of Mr. Woodward’s to her home in
Friends were very glad to see Billy lace. Miss Dae and Mrs. Hawkins,
’last week ¿h'ngle his house so Mrs.
Noah of the U. S Navy, home test
J. F Schroeder went along and spent
Mrs. Frank Southmayd spent the ¡week-end on leave from Farragut, piano accompanist, also were dressed
the time visiting with Mrs. Walter
in Spanish effect.
day Sunday night with her son and
Idaho. He states he is satisfied and
The first number, “Spanish Dance,”
not sorry he joined. Mr. and Mrs. by Granados, was the highlight and
Mrs. J. H. Laird and daughter,
Mrs. Barney Cox and her daughter, tnayd’ at Gravelford-
Wm. Noah, Billy’s parents, and sister, was played by Miss Dae and Mrs.
S-’idra, ail of Portland, were guests t
Bonnie Ellen, of Lakeside, spent the Hawkins. The stage had been es­
week-end in the valley.
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. ArOgO NfiWS ItCITIS
pecially decorated to lend a fitting
McCloskey from Tuesday morning
Mrs. Clarence Miller spent Monday background with the use of Spanish
Mr. and Mrs. Tyrrell Woodward ¡and Tuesday at the L. L. Buoy home, shawls, a framed picture of a Span-
'till Wednesday of last week.
’Combining business
with pleasure, and George Gillespie and Mrs. Ver- ¡assisting
(--------- ---------------
in fixing
„ up the house for i ish dancing girl and a foreground
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schroeder spent non Trigg, of Norway, and Mrs. Mary her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. j _____
____ _ pots
~ filled-
border __
of ______
the day Sunday with their son and Greenleaf left Monday morning for Noah. Mr*. Milelr and Mrs. Buoy are with bright flowers. The^osturries^
family, Mr. and Mrs. Adrain Schroe- San Francisco, where they went to sisters..
.,- -i
•---------- - —
■ music
' 1 ’
all contributed
der at Ophir. After dinner they all take Mrs. Greenleaf home, after she; The
~ home ot Mr. and Mrs. Charlie to tie into the speaker’s subject.
drove to Gold Beach and on returning had spent quite a number of months Holverstott was the scene of a family
Jeannie Griggs sang "Blue Night,”
Mr. and gathering last Sunday, the occasion a Mexican folk song, with violin ob­
home in the evening Mr. and Mrs. at the Woodward hope.
and ,
J being to visit w.
Mrs. .. Holverstott
Walter Schroeder brought the two Mrs.
...... Woodward, Mr. Gillekpie -----
u. «...
vitck /»■ ’s ligato'by Ronald Williams, followed
older grand children, Deanna and Mrs. Trigg will return home again at uncle. Sol Brownson, of Petaluma, by a duet sung by Jeannie and Arial
the end of this week.
Walter, back with them.
' Calif., home on a visit with his i Cook, a Mexican folk song, entitled
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Halter, Aten (mother, Mrs. Melissa Brownson of I "There is No One Like You.”
. M>-s. R. W. Haughton spent one af­
ternoon last week visiting Mrs. Leep ¡and Ronald, attended a family get- Bridge. A lovely pot luck dinner
"Malagueña” by Sarafate, played by
and Mrs. A. R. Bennett. Mrs. Haugh­ together and potluck dinner at the was served at noon. Those present the quartette, was skillfully done and
___ _____
____ __________
ton is feeling much better than she home of Mrs. Alma Halter in Coquille were
Mrs. ___
Brownson, ______
Mrs. pleasing to all, Geraldine Oerding
Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Halter , Carrie Benham, Harry Brownson, adding much beauty with her solo
was two or three weeks ago
I Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brownson and
Mrs. Julia Leep spent the day -joined them in the afternoon.
! part. A bit of the modern rhythm
Wednesday of last wa^at the P. E.; Jake Moomaw,
... vis-
of North Bend,
, sons, Clifford and ...
Wallace, all of , was introduced when Arial Cook
Breuer home visitink with Mrs. M. iled at the homes of Ben Moomaw Bridge; Mrs. Hattie Hatcher, of Myr- sang "Brazil, accompanied by the
B. Bennett, while Mrs. A. R. Bennett and Miss Nettie Halter Friday night, tie Point; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ben- orchestra, and Jeannie Griggs with
and Mrs. Harry Druliner were busy
Ladies Aid will meet Wednesday ham and children, Joyce and Leigh- the South American gourds. All of
the greater part of the day canning at the church for an all day’s meet- | (on, Mrs. Harvey Benham, of Co­
the quartette numbers were special
tomatoes at the Union High School ing with pot luck dinner at noon.
quille; Sol Brownson and Etta Davis, arrangements of Miss Dae.
f. immunity Cannery.
There were I Mr. and Mr*. Stanley Halter and of Petaluma; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ben-
Because of importance of the pro­
1554 sealed cans turned out that day. Mrs. Ida Meyers were Sunday dinner ; ham and daughter, Karen, of 'Fair­ gram and to save time, only chairmen
Saturday afternoon, after the sale, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence view valley; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hol­ of War Effort committee were called
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Daniels, accent- 1 Barklow.
verstott and Kenneth and Lindy Lou. on for reports.
pa nd by her sister, Mrs. Della Hutch-
Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Miller, Phyllis
Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Edwards, of
Mrs. Fred Houston’s remarkable
ings, drove to Roseburg. Mrs. Hutch- ‘ and Alice and Orvus, Jr., were Sun- Eugene, are visiting at the home of record of more than *54,000 total sale
Ings went on to Corvallis to visit her day guests of ■ Mr. and Mrs. Nile their daughter, Mrs. W. J. Wheeler. ¡ of stamps and war bonds was an­
daughter before returning home to Miller. They also visited at the home
L. L. Buoy and R. M. Noah were nounced by Mrs. Wm. Barrow, new
Portland, after a two weeks’ visit of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish in the callers in North Bend last Thursday club chairman of the bond sales. Mrs.
with Mrs. Daniels.
Mr. Daniels afternoon.
to visit a physician.
I Houston worked without a committee
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fairchild, Rich­
went hunting while Mrs. Daniels re­
Mrs. Roy. Enlund, of Marshfield, and though officially giving up her
mained in Roseburg visiting with ard, Billy and Rotha, of Scottsburg, visited at the home of her parents, chairmanship, nevertheless has sold
»■ friends. The Daniela expect to return were week-end 'guests of Mr.
| Mr. and Mrs. John Beagle, last Sun­ more than »6000 worth during the
¡Mrs. Wm. Knabe.
Tuesday of this week.
third drive.
Mrs. Virgil Halter and small sorf
Mrs. Martin Schmidt received word
Walt Norris, of Roseburg, spent
Mrs. AÍborn, head of Red Cross
from the War Department Monday of and Miss Marguerite Robison left the week-end at the L. A. Ryan and knitting, asks for more knitters, stat­
this week that her son, Charles Smith, Monday to accompany Mr. falter Ray Deadmond homes.
ing there ia plenty of yarn on hand
had shipped overseas from San Fran­ back to Miami, Florida, where he is
Mr. Mackey, of Qoquille, was in* and offering to teach women how to
i stationed at the present time. Mrs. jured Monday while bucking.logs qt
knit. Mrs. Bunch’s report on band­
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robison are mov­ Halter will remain there as long as Cal Ray’s.
ages la given in a separate item.
ing away from the Norway district Mr. Halter is stationed at Miami.
Russell Hill was one of a lucky ¡There are no more evening meetings.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Crawford, of party returning home from Lakeview
by the 15th of October. Mr. Robison
The club voted *25.00 to the Na­
has a brother living at Weed, Calif., North Bend, visited at the home of with a muletail.
tional War Cheat and voted to as­
Mr. an_
and ------
Mrs. ---------
John Widmark
so they are planning on going there nsr.
Bud Ryan writes his parents, Mr. sume responsibility for solicitation of
for a while to see if his health will be Friday. -
and Mrs. L. A. Ryan, that he is now *670.00 in the district designated by
improved any as he has been greatly | Mrs. J. D. Carl visited at the homes private first class. Bud ia stationed City Chairman Oerding.
troubled here for some time with of Miss Ruby Snyder and Mrs. Annie somewhere in England.
Mrs. George Chaney’s appointment
ve-y severe headaches. They have Robinson in Coquille Monday,
Grange met as usual Saturday to head the state committee on avia­
taken Aunt Ellen Robison to the1 Mrs. Theo Schiel returned home night, Oct 9. Several visitors were
tion under War Service department
Timmons Nursing Home in Coquille. Saturday from a trip to Lakeview, present among them Wally Mast of
in the Federation was announced by
Aunt Ellen celebrated her 97th birth- ' eastern Oregon, where she accom- Lee, and the musical program was put
Mrs. Sanford. A district convention
day Oct. 9 and is able to walk about1 panied some friends on a hunting on by people from Coquille: Mrs.
at Eugene is in the offing but th*
and enjoy life.
! trip.
Florence Hallock. Mrs. Pearl EUlng- question arises over getting the gas
Last Sunday Mrs. Emily Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jackson and sen, the Rover sisters and John Mar­
for delegates transportation.
was very happily surprised when her. Diane visited at the home of Mr. and tin,
Refreshments of sandwiches,
The board recommended and a vote
daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs.' Mrs. Frank Burbank last week.
cookies and coffee were served.
was taken to allow the use of the
Chalmers, of Portland, and another) Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela and
Mrs. Earl Adams, Jr., is visiting Juniors of the new "Sing and Be
daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. > Maureen, visited at the home of Mr. at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Happy song books. The amendment
V. R. Garoutte and son, Mark, of and Mrs. Harold McCue in Coquille Mrs. L. A. Ryan. Mrs. Adams ex­
pasted for the constitutional right to
Bandon, and Clinton Schroeder and!Sunday.
pects to leave Thursday for Camp transact business within the club
Mr. and Mrs. Morrill Glass and Roberts, Calif, to visit her husband
wife, of Bear Creek, and Mr. and
with twenty-five members present,
Mrs. J. F. Schroeder ot Norway came j Elaine left Saturday for their home stationed there.
f instead of one-fourth of the members
to spend the day with her, bringing in Portland after visiting at the
Ms. Perry Neal, of Marshfield, was making a quorum. This change was
with them a potluck dinner.
! home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grif- a visitor at the Ryan home Sunday.
necessitated for legalizing transaction
The Thompsons got a good burn fith for several days.
Mrs. Lillie Johnson, of Coquille, of business in case attendance should
on jheir hill land slashing last week
spent the week-end at the home of be low during the existing condition
ond plan to seed it soon, hoping conducted the regular Sunday morn­ ¡I™
her _
Mr. and Mrs.
__ J. A. Dead- of increased membership. Due to the
school | mond
1 hereby to have some early spring ing church service. Sunday
very large attendance Tuesday the
followed with an attendance of 34.
pasture for their stock.
The 4-H Victory Canning Club ex­ names of those present will be omitted
The heavy rain in the Norway dis­ There will be services again next __
hibited its produce at the Grange in this record, the number being
trict was quite acceptable as the at­ Sunday, preaching at 10:00 a. m. and Saturday night.
Three jars of about 120.
mosphere wm getting pretty heavy Sunday school at 11:00 a. m.
canned fruit were exhibited by each
Tea was served from a handsome­
with smoke.
The regular W C T. U. meeting members. Mrs Dorothy Bishop was
ly appointed table at which Mrs
Harry Druliner is working for Dr. has been postponed as there will be a ' judgt Tying tor firat were Jackie
Boober and Mrs. Zentner poured. The
De La Rhue this week calcimining W. C. T. U. meeting at the Pioneer ¡Hansen and Genevieve Berry. Sec­
decorations and tea were in charge
and papering.
Methodist church in Coquille on Oct. ond and third were Ruth Palmer and
of Mesdames Sanford, Lunquist, Par­
Billie and Jimmie Pribble spent 19, which some of the members wish Melva Richardson respectively,
rish, Wernich, Persing, Donated, A.
the day Sunday with their aunt and to attend. .Mrs. Tooze, state W. £ T. | Mr and Mra. Gordon Bell left Mon-
O. Walker, Mauney, McCurdy, Mc­
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Drake, at U. president, will be present and will i day for a week’, visit with their
Keown, Kesner, Schroeder and Her­
give a talk. There will be a pot luck I parents in Seattle, Wash.
Mrs. Julia Leep and Mrs. A. R. dinner at noon.
1 Visiting at the home of their par-
The next meeting will be to com­
Bennett visited one afternoon last
O. H Aasen made a business trip ents. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Dow, are
memorate the Oregon Trail. Miss
week with Mrs. Fraser Hoffman, to Parkersburg last week.
Mrs. Joan gcott, of San Diego, Calif.;
Eleanor Stevens, of the Oregon State
bringing home about a bushel of de-
Cecil Albertson, who wm Injured Mrg, £dgar AiUrH, of Walnut Creek,
licious tomatoes. Mrs. Hoffman took in a logging camp near Reedsport last 1 Calif., and their son, Freddy Dow, of Library, will talk on recent books.
nine bushels of her tomatoes to the week, died at the Keiser hospital at tj,e jj g Navy. The daughters ex-
------ - Monday
i pe<;t
a week or „ but preddy
North Bend Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Trigg attend-
Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela and has a 30-day leave to recuperate from
ed the wedding of Muriel Davis, a Maureen, visited at the home of Mr. a severe attack of malaria.
Graydon Anderson and Helen Mu­
second cousin of Mr. Trigg, at the and Mrs Chester Willson and also
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Felt, of Rose­ riel Davis, both of Coquille..
Pioneer Methodist Church last Fri- with Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Barklow in burg, were callers at the Benham
Oct. 7—Clarence V. Backus, of
day evening.
Myrtle Point Sunday evening.
, home last week. Floyd used to be North Bend, and Ella V. Brainerd,
Elden and Mrs. Harold Shreaver,
Ronald Halter, Clark Griffith, Don- truck driver at Kline’s and at pres­ of Marshfield. They vfere married
of Marshfield, were callers at the aid Petersan and Willis and Ruth ent is with the U. S. air force stationed by Rev. Edward Eklof at his home on
A. R. Bennett home Friday evening Wilcox were all out of school with • in Missouri.
__ I aj the Bay last Thursday.
colds the first of the week.
-nf last week.
Mrs. Harry Lindsay and Mrs. Ray , Pci?8— Waiter Aaron Cummings,
The regular monthly Missionary Norris, accompanied Mrs. Dorothy of Reedsport, and Alice Marie Baxter, j
The county health nurse took Wes­
— Marshfield. They were .married , !
ley Fowler, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. meeting was held Tuesday at the i Bishop, home demonstration egent, to,. of
. fowler
of Norway, to the Doern- church with Mrs.
O. Il .. Aasen ■■ dn ¡Millington on Thursday, where the'Friday by Rev..Chas, Q. Brown at ¡'
■ bkeher hospital tn Porflarfd one day ehargr'nrthe meeting Rev T. J. latter condticterf a meeting oni “Re- fthe Pioneer parsonage here.
Pryor, of the Methodist church in I covering Umbrellas.”
1 Oct. 9—Le Roy William Wilson and
last week to be treated for infantile “
Myrtle Point, was the speaker for the >
I Ina Rebbecca Hodges, both of Rose-
See “Spike" Leslie for the beat in burg.
The first meeting since last sprint aftemoon and gave a very interesting
l_Oct 13—George Willis Coons and
of the Norway Home Extension Unit talk on the Methodist missionary Liability, or other Insurance. Office,
Fannie E. Daniels, both of Grants
next door to
was held at the home of Mrs. Don
a Ip“»
Schmidt Friday, with the following ter gave a vocal solo, "The King’s phone 5; residence phone 95L.
. .
present: Mrs. A. R. Davenport and Business,” accompanied by Mrs. Wer. j
her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Lloyd ner Plaep. .
It wiU pay you to look at Bergen’s
It’s Chysanthemum season.
Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Barklow before you buy
Davenport, Mrs. Fred Schmidt, Mrs.
Bergen's for choice flowers
¿cord Attendance-[Erbate Court Items school and home supplies.
To Hear Mrs. Dunbar Margaret Mack was last Thursday WanUti/ H&rutnd
appointed administratrix of the *1500
Norway News Items
Fairview News
state left by Geo. P. Topping, who
died at Bandon Aug. 27. Appraisers
appointed were C. R. Wade, Carl
Lorenz and Forrest Norton.
Algert Johnson,; Fred Smith and
J. B. Bedlngfield haVe been appointed
appraisers of the *2,000 estate left by
Wilhelmina C. Erickson, who died
Nov. 11, 1929. Emma Kohler Masters
«ras last Thursday appointed admin­
istratrix of the estate.
Women Who Are
Hard Of Hearing
To make this simple, no risk heer-
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so many sa>
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You must hear better
------- _
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8. F. Goodrich now offers You the
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Southern Oragon** largest and most Complete Tire Service
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