The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, October 14, 1943, Page 4, Image 4

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The Sentinel
"*» '■i'zvr» ,7*T*
I, the North Bend municipality
should not be expected to lose its
identity by becoming a part of Marsh­
field, even though the name of the
merged cities would be “Coos Bay “
The Sentinel stands with Edgar
McDaniel of the Coos Bay Harbor
who has "been waging a single-handed
newspaper fight against this selfish
merger attempt.
ij^psoditted in iftTYcolumn over a
Just why the Portland press, daily
'month ago, Prentiss Brown’s resig­ and weekly, think H ia up to them
—------ -
nation as chief of OPA has been yrit- to help force the consolidation of
(Taken from The Sentinel of
for the first mentioned and > ten and will be sent to the president in North Bend and Marshfield,_whieh is
Bowlqs, Who to be decided by the voters at a
Mrs. Leo J. Cary for the second.
I the near
~ future. Chester -
i has been running the whole show for
Is Solved—Alton
special election next month, It is a
Covell Confesses Killing His Step­
Mr. and Mr«. Gao. N. Battey were ithe past several months, is expected little difficult to see. Neither ia it
| to be named to succeed Brown. Ru­
Three Months.---- - ---- - ------------- JO mother by Suffocating Her with Am­ last Friday named by the county
Coquille’s fight^bqt, knowing what
No subscription taken unless paid' monia—His Uncle Was the Directing court as superintedent and matron mor has it that the president will ' particular private interest is to be
tor in advance. This rule is impera I Head Who Planned the Method for of the county farm.
I offer his good friend Prentiss Brown most served by the consolidation if it
Committing the Deed—For a Month
another important pi st in govern­ goes through, the people in this end
Fifty fighting planes can use up
A report reached here thia morn-1 ment, which he may not accept. of the county are pulling for North 300.000 rounds of small-arms am-
Entered at the Coquille Postoffice as the Entire Family Has Been Close
Mouthed and Kept the Details of the ing that the southbound Shasta Lim­ Cloak room gossip has it the popular Bend, where it 'is certain a majority munition in one minute, This is as
Second Class Mail Matter.
. Killing of Mrs. Covell Entirely to ited was held up by robbers in the Mr. Brown will go back to his home 1 of the voters are opposed to the mer- much as 10,000 men in Napoleon's
Office Corner W. First and Willard St Themselves—Arthur Covell, crippled 8iskiyou last night about nine o’clock, in Michigan and. look over the po- 1
army would have used in a day's bat-
J brother of Dr. Fred Covell, and Alton, and the engineer, fireman, express litical situation very carefully before ger.
•g y ¿-¿J? • ^a B sae-
Always having been a live and en-
the sixteen and a half year old son messenger and a mall clerk were making any future moves. If things
, look right, Mr. Brown will be a
n . of Dr. Covell, have both confessed to killed. ,
candidate for some elective office.
«TIIN their part in the murder of ’ Mrs.
I Covell at the Covel ranch below Ban-
The new gym at Arago will be dedi- I
1 don on the morning of Sept. 2.
cated next Friday, Oct. 12. There
Beet guesaers aroupd here believe
will be a basket social, Atl are in- the present 16-point rationing on
The plasterers - are* considerably vited.
butter Will be lowered in the next
Buy Your
over half done with the second floor
few weeks to around eight points,
State Senator Marshall Cornett, of of the new hotel, the upper floor be­
G. Russell Morgan, who was out :.n where it was last summer.
Kinmath Falls, is being talked of
ing entirely dune. "The work of hang­ the Fairview section Sunday, brought armed services and other government
candidate for United States senator ing the windows is also in progress. in one of thp biggest of the s?as.>n*s purchasing agencies, which have
to oppose Rufus Holman in the iRe-
John-Manville roof is all laid, kill of bucks. It was a three-poi iter been taking a large amount of the
publican primaries next May. As and ^oon all outside openings will be and dressed out 125 pounds.
1 nation’s output, are out of the mar-
giving some idea of the public policy c]Osed.
ket and will not make any more pur-
lines along which he is thinking, the
. <>. .
Petter Paulson, 81 years, six months chases of butter until next spring,
following is clipped fruin the Lake
In citecking up the amounta already and 25 days of age, died here at the This move will-divert at least 30 per
County Examiner, following his re- pledged for the Community Building, residence of his daughter, Mrs. Hans cent
__ 1____
____ for
__ civilian
more butter
cent talk before the Lakeview,Rotdry y wag fOUnd that over |7,000 has Gisholt, last Sunday morning about Just as soon as a reasonable stockpile
been signed for and that those who nine o’clock.
is . built up it is expected the point
“Two doors are open to u> in the have not yet been seen are lifted for
* ; rationing will be lowered. The armed
world cf tomorrow, that of world a total of 84,000 or 85,000.
t Those who went from Arago to i forces now have a large, surplus of
peace through the medium of world
p- ,
Corvallis to college were Norman most all foodstuffs. If they stay out
civilization and a federation of Eu- I • AU neemben of the Coquille Health Halter, L. Woodward and Emily of the market for a few months it
ror»- ..i states,” Senator Marshall Association met in the city hall Mon­ Schroeder. Miss Rachel Woodward' may mean reduced' ration points on
Cot “it told the Rotary club at its day evening and elected a secretary went out to the University at Eugene ' other foods, especially meats.
weekly luncheon Wednesday. Citing and treasurer for the local organi­ and Miss Evelyn Woodward went to I
Don’t Forget that this Offices Secures
se necessity of raising the standard «ton, Mrs. M. O. Hawkins being Monmouth.
| American industry has repaid 82,-
Birth Certificates for Y1
of humanity rather than the standard
■ ....
i -141,38«,000 to Mr. Whiskers on war
of living, the
»1« speuxer
speaker aaio
said that
m hi the
Two yean ago we could take no! contracts through renegotiation in the
musa urea
in rtesnanzvi
we ara.
cannot Vu»
be nlnnnuA
cleaned -im
up I 1^7
delight in a bright moonlight night' 16 months period ending August 31.
at the peace table. While the United •
Fragment» Of Fact
because we knew it meant devastat­ On top of that, price reductions on
States has made the most progress •
and Fancy
ing raids on England. Now we still work already on order, but not yet
with a democratic form of govern- A • •
can take no delight in a bomber’s delivered, will save the government
ment, we still have a great share of'
moon but we prefer that those who an additional 82,262,742,000, making
our population going hungry in a
When one speaks of the Oreat
started the killing of civilians by the I a total of well over four billion dol­
land of penty, he said, as he empha- Artist it is natural to think of His
rain of death from the skies should be lars. These figures do not include
sized the fieed to fi 1 st practice dem- masterpieces such as the splendor of
ncracy before we can teach it.
a sunset ^vhen He paints a multi­ the ones to suffer rather than those the benefits received by the govern­
who stand between us and the enemy. ment in the form of lower prices writ­
Senator Cornett lias made a wide colored picture on the western sky, or
Moonlight may spell romance far ten into new contracts that manu­
study of peace plans, and is sold on the architecture of the Grand Canyon
lovers of the future but for us there facturers of war supplies now know
a Federation of European States af- may come to mind with all its immen-
will always be the tinge of sorrow in because they have found out what
ter this war. Since Europe has al- sity and rainbow hues.
Dan Miles allows he’s swim­ for yean, and 75% of us dig our
remembering that it lighted the path their manufacturing costs will come
ways been a breeding ground for
However, one may find beauty
ming right in Style these days. own graves with our teeth.*'
of destruction when min «hade war to.
wars which have spread to other ns- f everywhere for the looking. Take the
From where I sit, thia new
Dan’s glways made a point of
on women and children.
While a large amount of money
tions, he believes that a European filbert nut before it ripens and turns
style in eating may lead to mod­
saved would have gone back to the
council should be established to brown. Its smooth whiteness encased
put before him. “Don’t make eration, and moderation has
government anyway in the form of
sense to waste food Jest to be never hurt anybody.
handle the affairs of European coun­ in the rough greenness of its hull has
taxes, it is estimated that at least
stylish,” he says. ■
Ia fact, you find moderation
tries undar a plan advocated by such an appeal, remindful ot treasured
30 per cent of the amount would have
■Now oat comes an etiquette and tolerance go hand In hand
learned men as the editors of Time playthings of childhood. Its blond-
been retained by the contractors and
authority who says it’s wartime ... whether it’s what you eat or
and texture is like that of
and Fortune magazines.
what you think. ... Or whether
fashion to take only what you’re
Senator Cornett believes that
white wood but its shape is
savings will be made before war’s
going to eat—and finish it up one man prefers a moderate
to the filbert nut which re­
sia will dictate the terms at
end and at the present time nego­
clean—because “Food Fights for glass of beer when you yourself
peace tabfo, with the balance of sembles nothing else in the world.
tiations are going on with seven dif­
would rather have a soda.
Another common thing of great
power lesting'with England and the
ferent contractors in the northwest
As Doc Mitchell says, “Most
United States, in that order.
He beauty is the silk on green corn. The
tor refunds which, if made, will total
folks eat too much Anyway. Man
stated that England and Russia were silvery sheen of the pale green silk
close to 830 million.
and boy, I’ve watched tn is town
at present working for national in- ■ is of the most beautiful color imagin
imagin- ­
tereets, while our leaders in this coun­ able and, like ao many lovely things,
Norton's now have Christmas cards
try were still hazy on their plans as it fades quickly and is too delicate to
No. 72 of a Strut
Copyright, 1943, Brewing Inquiry FouwUjfon
in stock. Choose yours early.
they concerned the interests of the last long.
entire world. But he believes the
day will com« when a European
After more than a • year'of Jap­
brotherhood will be formed and we anese rule the people of Burma, many
Washington, D. C., Oct. 14—Senator
can look forward to a peaceful world. of whom welcomed the invaders, are Wheeler’s fight to defer pre-Pear)
ready for a change. They refer to Harbor fathers continues to turn the
the British as “the Government** light on some very interesting facts
With the airing of many postwar and blame “the Japs’* for the spread concerning draft deferments which
rehabilitation recommendations, it be­ of smallpox and lack of trade. “Asia have been granted government em­
comes increasingly evident that there for Asiatics* has proved to mean ev­ ployees. A tabulation of the number
is a certain unanimity of belief among t erything for the Nipponese and noth- so deferred by states has been made
our various economic camps.
i , ing for the rest of the Mongolian race. available by the selective service
board and shows Washington and
In the confused aftermath of any J
The liat
such mass conflagration there are, We wonder how vegetarians will California in top spots.
bound to be differences in judgment I react to synthetic meat. A new food shows a total of 115,397 eligible for
concerning the disposition of govern­ is made from yeast which can be the draft but deferred because they
ment owned properties and materials, flavored to resemble various kinds of are essentially employed in some one
the wholesale creation qf jobs, pay- 1 meat. That will be a boon to thoee of
ment of the war debt, and other major who
dislike -the idea of eating another agencies.
The majority of the entire total ao
1 animal and, if the industry is« de-
But, it is encouraging to note the veloped sufficiently it should avert deferred are under 34 years of age
consensus of opfoion concerning the ' the threatened meat shortage.
This and thousands range between 18 and
need, not for a “stop-gap” or “made- new food is loaded with vitamins, too. i 25. California stands in No. 2 spot
work” program, but a release of the j However, this synthetic meat to be 1 with 1^,249 deferred, led only by New
economic forces that will correct the acceptable to American palates will I York state, which Is in first position
have to
many dislocations
dislocations of
of war
war if
if allowed
allowed have
to be
be more
more like
like the
the real
real thing
thing I ! with
to function at maximum'efficiency.
than some of the ersatz clothing now st*nds ln Fifth place with 6,275 de-
*»’■—* •»
At a recent meeting of the execu- on the market are like the old de- 1 ^err** because of their essential gov-
tive council of the American Fedyra- pendable materials. When lingerie
tion of Labor a recommendation was fabrics give away on the first laun- down of this total of fR,275 from
made that the War Production Board dering, it makes thé housewife long Washington shows them* listed in the
“be directed to begin plans now for for the fine but sturdy muslins of following age brackets: 4,815 are be­
• Steam Clean
tween ages 18 and 21; 1,204 are from
reconversion, industry by industry her grandmother's day.
rvm as
and plant by plant, so that we can all ' While on the subject'of imitations, 22 to 24; 1.685 from 25 io 20; 1,638
set fcr action the moment the war it might be noted that synthetic but- from 30 to 34, and 703 are from 35
• Paint
(ter, under the label of oleomargarine to 37. Oregon stands 'way down the
• Fender A Body Work
In the revitalization of industry for or any other trade name, is bound list with a total of only 943 so de­
iieace, the first step, the Council main­ to become a staple Item of diet on ferred, which breaks down as fol­
• Insto Ulne Glass
tained, “is to make advance plans for most of our tables, due to the scarcity lows: 91 from 18 to 21; 123 from 22
rapid conversion from a wartime to a and high ration point value of the to 24; 29« from 25 to 29; 288 from
peacetime basis.
real article. If a large number of 30 to 34, and 145 between the ages
On aur new Bear Frame Checking and Straightener, we can straighten a
“The second major step must be the our people .learn to eat this butter 35 to 37.
car frame, also front end corrections.
encouragement of capital investment substitute uncolored, they may never
and--industrial expansion for peace­ return to butter when war-time re­ employees, 51,875 are employees of
On our new Bear Wheel Balancer, we can add many miles to the life of
time production. The Council be­ strictions are lifted. Now is the time the navy department, 30,423 are em­
your tires.
lieves that the government should not to relax regulations and allow mar­ ployees of the war department, 7,409
only permit, but stimulate opportuni­ garine to look like butter so that an of the shipping administration, and
Have your Headlights adjusted to comply with the State Law on our new
ties to make a reasonable and fair acquired taste for the white vegetable 4,309 of the maritime commission.
Weaver Headlight Machine.
In industry, as of July 31 this year,
profit for firms that are willing to fat does not become permanent.
1,553,000 are deferred because of
increase production and employment.
Come in and arrange any or all of these Vital Services on a Budget Plan.
Furthermore, these business firms I Home makers who have gone all their occupation.
must be given assurances that they out on victory gardens and canning
The very peculiar part of this re­
will not be taxed to death,”,.,
of foods may.have to practice a little port is the wide spread
tl'lri ïhe'lphg run.'the best incentive private lend-lease Uuthoae not ao in- Washington and Oregon iiT tCnum
for bigger and better business under dustrlous or thoee less fortunate, ber of thoee deferred because of their
our free enterprise system is a a good-neighbor policy is as worthy essential government employment.
chance to make a profit. No better between individuals aS between Washington has over six times the
way can be found to promote con- hemispheres
number so deferred as compared with
fidence and stimuate business activi-1 ’
__ ______
In the next few days
I The harvest moon has been in its tive service will make available the
full glory this week. That it is also names and addresses of the whole
Hand-carved Myrtlewood for col- a bomber's moon, Germany is learn- list, according to Senator Wheeler,
which will also designate those who
lectors at Harbison’s.
Service and Protection
Accident and Health
• •••••
Rom where I sit
iy Joe Marsh
Have Your Car Overhauled
on a Budget Plan
Pay For It By Week or Month
The new equipment we have added to our well-equipped
shop makes ours the
in Soqthwestern Oregon
M Coquille,