Junior Woman's Club Enlarging National- Business Women's Week October 10-16 Soroptimist Club v - The Junior Woman’s Club is fulfill­ The Soroptimist group while lunch- ing all expectancy as waJ given e«i- —ing-a4-the-botei-Xuaada|i-wac*^jQc.-_ Women all over the United States dence last Monday evening at the tunate in having a chance to hear have this week been celebrating Guild Hall when thirty-one new Saidie Orr Dunbar who talked to them Business Women’s Week, sponsored members were initiated. An inter­ , on “Woman’s Part in the War" and by the Federation of Business and esting candlelight ceremony was on Post War Planning, raising sev­ Professional Women. Here In Co­ carried out. The meeting took' the eral very vital question« which left quille we have a group of particularly form of a potluck dinner. The long the group with plenty about which to busy women in this club because tables were decorated with autumn think. "* ' such a majority of them have their leaves and arangements of marigolds Mrs. Littler gave a report on the hon es to keep up as well as their and candles. There was assembly Kenny Treatment Institute, which jobs. This bears out a definite mean­ singing led by Yvonne Kern. she attended in Portland, giving a During the business meeting fur-, most Interesting summary and also ing for “Living on the Home Front,” a subject on which Clarence Osika, ther plans were discussed for the anM^rfng many questions. popular public speaker locally, has Sadie Hawkins dance on Nov. $. The total sales for the drive selling consented to talk at B. P. W.’s next Prizes are to be given for “the best bonds and stamps amounted to $10,- meeting and which is the slogan or Sadie Hawkins and Lil*< Abner cos- 940.00. theme for Business Women's Week. Itumes. Dressing in costumes will be The club, whose quota for soll- During the last two years the club > optional. A pole dance will be given citating for the Federation of War has stressed war work though far­ during the evening with a prize to be Philanthropies in their designated ther back and still the chief activity awarded. territory is >«75, voted also $25.00 Announcement of the district con­ from the club treasury and added aside from this has been its scholar­ ship loan fund. ,TMe fund enables vention Oct. 29, at Eugene was made $20.00 made up of one dollar dona­ worthy girls, without means, to con­ Two delegates, tu be named later, tions from each, member, making a tins • their education beyond the high will attend club pledge of $45.00. i Vi McBride, captain of her team in school stage. The Venture Club, a junior grouo( A total of $11,750 was the result the memebrship drive, was the win­ of the Soroptimist movement, ware ■if (the recent wai bond drive of ner of a defense stamp corsage. Menu guests Tuesday with their new presi­ this organisation The club aims at for the dinner was baked beans, rolls, dent. Jean Bryan. r- ad, relishes, apple pie and coffee, one hundred per cent war effort for mmittee in charge consisted of its members. The committee is now Public Health Nurses Busy Mary Stevens, Yvonne Kern, Beverly at work on a survey of women at Mrs. Ethel Littler and Bernice work and particularly, women replac­ Price. Attending were: Ernest Batty, Bes­ Smith, both public health nurses who ing men in the industries. Miss May’s Shop window shows a sie Burrell, Margaret Wylie, Grace attended the Kenny Treatment In­ display of club scrap books which Withnell, Ardith Sherwood, Beatrice stitute in Portland, gave a demonstra­ v n first prise at the May state con­ Oderkirk, Beverly Pflce, Yyonne tion last Monday night. There were vention in Eugene. Kern, Mary Stevens, Vi McBride. three doctors present and about Lunelle Chapin, Ione Winkey, Ber­ twenty others there, al) intensely in­ All eligible American Legion men II. F. W. Notice nice Molthu, Ruth Dey, Eileen Dur- terested Mrs. Littler gave a talk in Douglas to attend th« /district meeting to be ”he Business and Professional i rand, Alta Matejka, Dot Harris, Vi Women will Meet next Monday eve­ Connam, Helen Winegar, Jean Wil­ county to a group of women on held at the I. O . O . F. hall Monday, ning at the Guild Hall. Clarence liams, Lucille Walker, Eunice Howe, home nursing and emergency baby Oct. 18, at 7:30 o’clock. The support Osika will, speak on the subject, Frances Detlefsen, Veryle Hurrell, birth care. She has given courses on of every man ia needed thia year. If yt>u have any axes to grind, don’t “Living on the Home Front.” The Helen Sinko, Jean Alderson, Mar­ home nursing already at Powers, miss this meeting for there will be meeting will be in charge of the Leg­ gery Throckmorton, Ruth Creager, Myrtle Point and here. some well informed speakers. islative Committee and Publicity Marie Silverton, Oertrude Swinney, Cars with C ration books must have Committtee, chairmen respectively ■ Lois Medley, Mary Lou Culver, Ana- Harbisont myrtlewood for Christ' being Irene Hartwell and Florence I bei Martindale, Claudia Varney, Ro- tires inspected every three months, i Barton' I berta Stonecypher, Doris Sayre, Ruth B books every four months; A books mas gifts. . S - FREE LECTURE On Herschel F. Nunn. C. 8. B.. of Portland^ Oregon Member of The Board of Lectureship of The Mother Chureh. The First Church of Christ. Scientist, in BoMoo. Mass. CHURCH EDIFICE, 73© CENTRAL AVENUE MONDAY EVENING, OCT. H, AT I O’CLOCK You and Your Friends Are Cordially Invited to Attend \V jf f/ ‘V 5 1 1 Cpf Ï1 Wanted IT’S EASIER TO QIALIFV A BIKE • • • Unde Sam knows that thousands of adults and children need a “bike” for essential transportation. That’s why he’s relaxed the restrictions, made it possible for so many more of you to have bicycles like the handsome, light; fast Wings Liberty Model shown here. We’ve cut the weight and “trimmings” but not the quality. Everyone who rides it exdaims over the “extra miles per pound of pedal power.” It’s a streamlined beauty built for years of hard use. Come in today and let us help you with your applica­ tion for a certificate to buy this most modern type of bicvcla iw« tuivis W .CONIfOR™BltSWSH KROEHLER POSTURE* TOR M Sturni $179.50 Well-Mad« Brightly-Colored CROQUET SET ALL-METAL LACKING GAS TANK CAP $229 Furniture ■1, , .■