Minor Mention Mr. and Mra. Orville Wood left last Friday for Portland, stopping at Corvallis for Doria Ann, whom they took to enroll in Northweatem Busi­ ness School. Doria Ann was fortun­ ate to find living quarters at the Martha Washington Hotel. , The Woods returned home on Saturday. Mrs. C. J. Itelan, of Portland, sis­ ter of Mrs. Dick Slater, and their mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Davis, are visiting here this week, having ar­ rived last Monday. Mr. Irelan will be here this week-end to spend a week at the Slater home. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Skyles who ia giving up Mrs. Irelan have two little children. her position aa deputy county clerk the firat of November, returned Tuea- day evening from a trip to Portland on which ahe left last Friday evening to be with Mr. Skyles over the week if you would be pungent, be brief; fl| it is with words as with sun­ beams -the more they are condensed, the deeper they bum. — Robert Southey. Harbison's myrtlewood for Christ­ mas gifts. a Chadwick lodge No.68 a . r. a A. M. Special Communication Work in E. A. Marilyn Sage, of Coquille, was one of 222 women who pledged different sororities at the University of Oregon during fall rushing. She pledged Pi Beta Phi. Tuesday, Oct It, 7:JS F. M. Visitors Welcome PLUS 1 A. Elrod left on a bualneae trip to Portland taut Saturday. AlWWf FUR A RIM... i m t— Mrs. Auror^ Willard returned last week from a visit with her daughter in Reedsport and the week before from a pleaaant trip to Eureka. IEILTH SERVICE Jas E. BROWN • • /a, i dwj f My v tim i At. J—. CANOVA /,/ 1 if /n «MU. HMumn Fuhrman's Pharmacy' Open every night vnîü 8 Wednesday Benefit Army Relief All Seats Reserved PRODUCTION