S“*' Letter From D. V Yeoman In Wash. inor Mention Mrs. Clifford Kern • And Frances Ann returned Sunday evening from Sutherlin after • visiting with Mr. Kern and their daughter, Eileen, in Eugene. Mrs. Kern called on Mrs. Woodyard, who whs rejoicing over a baby grandson, born to Mr. and Mrs. Powell Yarbrough. He was named William Ray after his two uncles. • —>---- ii R. E. Connarn returned Tuesday night from a R. E. A*. Co-op meeting, held at Redmond, Ore., last Thurs­ Mrs. Erwin O. Waite and children, day. Dick iy not reporting whether of Toledo, Oregon, arrived last Sun­ he got a buck over there or not. day evening to visit her parents, Rev Mrs Fred Vogt, the forme?- Audrey and Mrs. Charles Goodwin Brown. Judd, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Rex Doris Ann Wood, who went out to Cornelius and her parents at Fair­ Corvallis last week to attend O. S. C., view. Mrs. Vogt is living m Portland. had pledged the Sigma Nu sorority. Yvonne Kern and Jean Williams ent last week in Portland, shopping and visiting - friends. Three Births Past Week Reported By Dr. Rankin R. E. Connarn this morning re­ ceived the following interesting letter from D. V. Yeoman, formerly of | Fairview, who has been at Sunny­ side, Wash., for over a yedr, as an engineer in a government war plant. i He writes in part: I have been working as an engineer Revelation that Jupanese-Ameri- since last July, and have (believe it or not) withstood the keen competi­ cans released from war relocation tion and gone up three times since centers are buying land and settling in a rich region of eastern Oregon, signing up here. If anyone had told me two years today brought bitter protest from ago that I would pay the income tax Representative Lowell Stockman, re- I have been glad to pay, I would have publican of Oregon. said he was «lain nuts. Looks like j He declared the discovery probably I will be here another year unless | will mean a full-strength alliance or my health breaks and I weigh 170i the Oregon House congressional del- now. I am on the heavy end of the ' egation with the California and work as layout engineer and like it. Washington delegations toward the We get the Sentinel and a week discharge of all top War Relocation ago the Mrs. tried to talk me into ! Authority officials and a complete re­ wiring you to buy, beg or steal the ' form in W. R. A. policy. electric washing machine that was Representative Stockman «aid that advertised in the paper. 1 waited ion in Malheur county, Oregon, Japanese- long as it was not in this last week's Americans have bought farm land paper. One cannot purchase any- which the district had expected would thing like that here and we need one. be settled by young Oregon farmers very badly. Five of the engineers who are now in the United States here with me are very anxious to get fighting forces. most any kind of a washer that we The area is just outside the coastal all can use for the duration. strip barred to Japanese by the If you could, in your spare time, Army. Dr. J. D. Rankin’s office reports the birth of three babies the past week which he delivered at the Mast Hospital in Myrtle Point: To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Koch of Riverton, where he js instructor in the schools, a baby boy last Friday. To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foster, formerly-of Coquille but now living in Springfield, a baby bdy last Sat­ urday. Mr. Hobt. Zeigler is here frc To Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lancaster, Seattle on a visit with her parents. on Sunday, a baby boy. Mr. Lan­ Mr. and Mrs. Lee Collier are par­ caster is connected with the Krome x Sf ents of a son, born Sept. 27. He has Corporation? been named Raich Edward. Mrs. Collier will be rememebred as Jean­ ette Wheeler. Last Thursday Anna Arnett, of Co­ Lud Scharfer was one of those quille, and Marion Perrine, of Myr­ sent to Portland Tuesday by the Se­ tle Point, underwent appendectomies. lective Service board. After being On Friday Mrs. G. E. Sponsei, of sworn in into the Army Aviation Coquille, entered for treatment and Corps, he will be back for a time and Jackie, son of Rex Kelley, underwent before he leaves . for training will an appendicitis operation. take Mrs. Scharfer and their daugh­ Carol« DeAnn Groshen, daughter ter over to Medford, where she will of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Groshen, under­ live with her mother while he is in went. an appendectomy and Patsie the service. McEwen a tonsiiectomy, both last Friday. R. Vclkmar, pioneer resident of Dal Dalrymple, Coquille, enterted Myrtle Point and fob years engaged for treatment of an injured knee on in the hardware business there, spent Sunday. a few days here the past week-end On Monday Mrs. John B. O’Sulli­ at the home of his niece. Mrs. R F. van, of McKinley, entered for treat­ Milne. ment; Lucille McFarlin, of Langlois, had teeth extraction, and Jimmy Wal­ ton, Coquille, underwent a minor op­ erati on. Marian Ann Knife, daughter of Richard Knife, underwent an appen­ dectomy, and Ted Minor, of Bandon, a tonsilectomy, both on Tuesday. Garry Watson, a five-year old, submitted to a tonsiiectomy this morning. Dismissals the past week were Jerry Howell, Esther Hatcher, Remember—Norton’s for office, Frankie Christenson, Mrs. Nicholls, 37tfs Mrs. Viola Cotter, Mrs. Beretha Nye, school and home supplies. George Smith and two Powers pa­ tients, Mrs. Rowton and Thos. Ship­ Have you seen Harbison's fine dis­ man. play of myrtlewood? At Bergen’s, s Genevieve Dufer, on Sunday posted $10 cash bail, which she has forfeited, after being charged by the local po­ lice with being drunk and disorderly, i—.......... .............. Keys made tor all locks. Stevens Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore. tf Two Grand Hits! SPECIAL Belle-Knife Hospital THUR. FRI “Japanese fresh from the relocation centers have moved into the areas surrounding the towns o( Vale, On­ tario and Nyssa to such an extent that they Have additionally burdened restaurant and other facilities which already had been hit severely by war shortages," 'Stockman said- ' See “Spike" Leslie for the best in “Resentment is rising in the dis­ trict, yvhich- has made an unusually Liability, or other Insurance. Office, heavy contribution to the armed next door to Coquille Hospital, phone 5; residence phone ML. s forces. “It is a rich section and, in normal course, the American youths now in the armed services would return there, marry, take up the land and develop a great community. That is what the people there have looked See Schroeder’s Jewelry Store in forward to. I Coquille for Diamonds and Watch / "Now the whole section stands in 1 Straps. Us danger of being ruined by Japanese j —------- -—■—•— encroachment through the encourage- ( We carry a complete line of V- ment and assistance of a fatuous .Belts for all makes of Refrigerators, New Deal agency. • Washing Machines and other equip- “The Japanese are being given ment Washer Service Co., 365 W. every assistance in converting proper- Front, Cdqullle. Phone. 16tfs $2.00 Eye Emolient Cream Fuhrman’s Pharmacy Open Evenings until 8:00 SAT Wednesday October leave, in play-gay Manhattan' a«« What Thosa "Son« of Heaven" Really Are! A -a OB gat They force their k daughters into ^gilded Geisha palaces—man­ handle captive I wo m e n—wage ■ war on babies— -«Mg i i torture helpless prisoners—and more, and more Vilfand MORE! KILLER AMERICAN in I fight LATEST NEWS POPULAR SCIENCE lie - 40c Matinee Sat. Mat, lie » 38c Evesrllc Libert