■ V r AGE COQUILLE. OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1041. WANTED AT ONCE—Middle-aged «woman for assistant housekeeper. Apply at Goquille Hotel. It CLASSIFIED O m Cent •<’ No Aik. POULTRY MA ATTENTION— Senate inwMriy.tnr. in present feed shortage. I can Still supply you with a limited number of choice red pullets and cockerels, 2 to 5 montiis old. Zied- rich’s, 801 N. Taylor, Coquille, or phone 75L. lt*a 87 Annual Ass'n. ; Of Baptist Churches Notice is hereby given that the i pioyers listed below have been emplo. CANNING TOMATOM a I i la7-, termined to be seasonal employers i . TOS«ATOE8 at R1 M per wHhin the meaning of Section 128- bushel Leave orders at The Boot- 707 O. C. L. A. Any interested party | ery, Coquille, phone 158L. “ Forreet ■eat may request IQ—t a hearing hefatt.Ulfii belare the Ber r y T H M B. BNMdbwiT' 1 ■|5r-eommtssron within ten days after _ final publication of this notice. The I “off-season” (in calendar weeks) of THM WEEK’S S^EQUL each seasonal employer in Cooe Coun- 1 I have orders for several twu and ty as as stated below: three bed-room houeeq U you de- ____ ___ Cooe County Fire ______ Patrol Aa»’n„ 1 ....... - . S1.j. | sire a buyer for it. If you desire to!*1 -21; ................ Hallmark - Fisheries, I St UNEMPLOYMENT St. James’ Episcopal Church Pioneer Methodist Church Rev. Charlee Goodwin Brown, Pastor 8enday: Oct. 18th Sunday school an a.« Q n mfy m/ro: m^4hwttrScHöör " in* at 8:45. * 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer with Sunday morning worship hour. Sermon. “ ------- J — .. _ Sern»oh subject, "A Demandin* God." Wetaseeday: OeL 13th 11:00 o'clock. 4 10:00 a. m. Holy Qommunion. Youth Fellowship hour held every 2:30 p. m. St. James' Guild. Noble Chowning. ’ • • • evening at 7:45. 8:00 p. m. Adult Confirmation In- Jr., will lead devotions for Oct 10. i « . • ». ittructton. Sunday evening worship hour. { Music and songs feature the evening service hour at 8:00 o’clock. i Choir rehearsal meets every Wed­ nesday and mid-week services each Thursday at 7:30. Friday evening at Marahfield. the 9:45. Let us help you 'with your children in their knowledgg of the young adults meet for a special ser­ Bible. Bertha Byrd, superintendent. vice. When we fail to attend church ser­ This is Rally Day in the Sunday School Be sure to be present to en­ vices we are helping to slow up the work of the church. Have we been joy the program. 11:00, Morning worship. A warm slowing the work because of our atmosphere, the pastor will absence? 1' spiritual _____ , speak. , 8:30. Christ Ambassadors service, Church of Christ t I Arthur Hensley, president. East 4th A Coulter 7:30, Evangelistic, an enjoyable Liston Parrish, Pastor Thursday 7:30, Bib)«. Study and song service, special inflate. The pas­ Prayer meeting. tor will speak. I Bible School 8:45, T. Ralph Harry, Tuesday 7:30 Prayer meeting; prayer changes things and also peo­ Supt. We will observe RaUy Dey today. The children will present a ple. * Thursday 7:30-8:30, Choir practice, short program at close • of Sunday , school hour. Aileen Wilson, director. Morning worship 11:00 o'clock. Friday 7:30 Bible study; you will Special music. Lord’s Supper. A enjoy the freedom of discussion. ' i ............. *.. QI Rally Day message. "Untying ths Hands of Jesus." Emanuel Baptist Church Jr. C. E., 8:00. Rev. Menno D. Rempel, Pastor Intermediate C. E„ 6:00. Sunday, Oct. 18, 1843 I Young People’s C. E., 6:30. 10:00, Sunday School. First Sun­ Evening service 7:30. We cordially day after Rally Day and Promotion _______ ____ 1 invite you to this informal service. Day. Everyone be there! Comer E. 3rd A Ettiett SU. The Rev. Roheit L. Greene, Viçar The demand is good and prices are ------ -------------------- ------------- COMPENSATION COMMISSION PERMANENT WAVE—88c. Do your right. Dated and first published this 30th 1 own Permanent with Charm-Kurl; | y l^4^vaL oavoraJ i new listings of^Z 4of September, 1943. Kit. Complete equipment, includ- ranrtuM i.,«. LL.J'ZZfZn* wJZ ! I t> ate “*1 publication 14th day - a - ____ .n u... B« 1« °f <>f I last Ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy g J^ne “n,all:ubu‘ of October, 1941 37t3 to do, absolutely harmless. Prateed P5‘C*d ““ mo-t 04 . U may be purchased on 1 very easy term*. IN THE COUNTY COUET OF THE by thuusanda mcluding June Lang,] „ you 1ooWm for a on| 8TATE OF OMOON IN AND If you are looking for a loan cm, glamorous movie star. Money re- > funded if not satisfied. Barrow' that home or farm of your», tell me In the Matter of the Estate about it. I have, money available of John Kenneth Henninger, Drug Company. 38tl0*' ¿for that purpose. Deceased. J, 8. Barton. Realtor, Coquille, n OTICE*I s ‘ hereby ^?VEN, That! WANTED —'Water wells to drill. Phone 21 J. Have new and up-to-date» equip­ ■ the undersigned has filed herein her final account as Administratrix of ment and heavy pipe where needed. See Schroeder’s Jewelry Store in the Estate of John Kenneth Hen-1 Fred C. Lee, Route I, Marshfield. : Coquille for Diamonds and Watch ninger, deceased, and, that the above Charlas Ralker/erd 30t4»tf . T Straps. tfs entitled Court has set October 30th, _ . 1843, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock ' Returned India Missionary *who will ELECTRIC X. Limited HOME WATER SYSTEMS—A few A. M., M at the Cnuntv mnm tn County foairt Court room In 1 be at Baptist Church here this and Oregon, as the time and! .amount for sale without priority. tomorrow evenings on hand yet. FARR A ELWOOD, a Coquille, place for hearing objections to such FARR & ELWOOD. s final account and the settlement of I The ten Baptist Churches of the FOR PLUMBING Repairs and Ser­ said estate. ; Southwest Area of Oregon are meet­ Crystal Henninger, vice—call 2-L. J. A. Lamb Com­ ing at Emmanuel Baptist church to- Administratrix | I day and tomorrow for their 87th an- W. E. Woodruff, 507 E. 11th ... 81,750 I pany. tfs ! nual Association meeting. There will 580 10th 'St. .................... .s........ 2,260 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE 208 S. Taylor ..«„i___ '...____ 2,500 FOR SALE—32 Winchester Rifle in STATE OF OREGON IN AND 1 be the usual reports from the good shape and 15 shells, for 835.00. FOR THE COUNTY OF COO8 Davidson, 450 N. Beach ........... 1,800 churches, the annual sermon, the John. S. Sanders. Phone 123L. In the Matter of the Estate at state directors will report and meet 4th A Coulter Sts. .................. 1,800 Flora M. Laird, Deceased. 541 Weat 6th.. It*» 352 N. Taylor St._______ ____ 3,750 Notice of Sale of Real Property 1 for discussions, and business matters. 581 E. 2nd St. ...1____ L a , ...... 3,000 For Refrigeration Service phqpe NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,! The men and women will have their separate sessions and Thursday night Frank Greenough. 481 N. Taylor 5,250 . shop, 1SSJ, or residence 188J, That by virtue of an order, decree sen, and license of the County Court of Edwin Peterson, Terrace Add. 1,800 write Box 3S7, Co