■y: r.*'•*< i 4’,'. I b ... -A-.". lì J -Ê I PAGKSÍK ' W - 1 » ■" "J" »I JLJJU.JJJ____ !_■ ■...................................................................— m Have you seen Harbison’s fine dis­ this week. E Roseburg __ I________ hunting. 2.^,. Bob ELL Fish ‘ haa been Martin Schmidt is a very busy man ' driving the truck at North Bend for play of myrtlewoodT At Bergen’s. << I- r.._ „» * in his neighborhood with 'his corn Mr. Zeller while he was away. Mr. and Mr* pauu and chu- Choice flowers and plants reason­ Robert Moore was out of school then, C^nrlene and Marvlin- were binder and ensilage cutter, helping ably priced at Bergen’s. s 'Tuesday on account of the flu. 'Organization of 4-H club» for the last Saturday overnight'gnvrts-^rf Mi.. hit neighbors fill their silos. The Coquille Red Devils will play — la^—g — ------ John l.irupi— unable to attend their first home game a week from l 1943-44 pogram is getting off to a and ’Mrs. Harold Pribble of Norway, school Tuesday on account ofa slight this conung Saturday, on Oct. 16, the good start with the organization of; Mr. and Mrs. Elton Schroeder and accident to hia eye. North Bend Bulldogs beiijg^ the op­ eight health clubs with an enroll-I children, Mary Joe and Keith, were ment of 159 members, according to I Sunday evening callers op Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Verne Lundy of Myr ­ ponents. —- ' tle Point, were Sunday callers at the Tfifir fwsl game, played at Myrtle! Mrs. Dorothy E. Bishop, Coos county Mrs. J. H. McCloskey. Edward Rowton, of the U. S. Navy, home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burtis. * Pnin44iast Saturday against the Bob- home demonstration agent. Always a popular project, the I San Diego, a friend of Mr. and Mrs. The big issue now days Mrs. Gue Schroeder was able to be cate, resulted in a 12 to 7 loss for the seems to be how much gaso­ Red Devils, due to a couple of fum- Health club is proving extremely Harvey Gant, was a caller at their moved home from the Knife hopital line our coupons will buy. bles in the last quarter when the popular with busy teachers this year, home one day last week. The Riverton Chapter of Future last Wednesday after being confined If it is less, we will start Cats were putting on a power drive, being one of the easiest methods of i Mrs. D. L. Hall and son, Keith, of there for several months. Mrs. Anna Farmers haa just received a . letter figuring how to make It go Coquille had scored first, in the teaching health to get tangible re-' Sweet Heme, who came down to visit Richardson has been staying with her from Earl R. Cooley, state superin­ farther. second quarter, Dave Kline carrying suits. The project follows the state with her mother, Mrs. Martha June during the day time while Mr. Sehroe- tendent of agricultural education, congratulating them for being the the ball over on a reverse from the course of study and includes sug- Mullins, fgr a couple of weeks, re-;der is at work, c There is one sure way for T formation. • * gested activities for club members. turned home last week on the bus. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward first chapter in the state to send in those who don’t care to Tlie score remained 7-0 until near The Coos County Health Aasocia- - Mrs. Lilly Dement, qf Myrtle Point, left last Tuesday for California one hundred per cent state and na­ gamble — that is, to lot US the end of the third quarter when the' tion, under the direction of Mrs. Dal | and Mrs. Elizabeth Lett were Sun- where they went to see their son, tional dues for the schooj year 1943- correct the valves and seats these day afterpoon callers at the J. H. | Gerald, who is in training for the ser- 44. superiour weight of 'the Myrtle Point King, adopted the promotion of th«» in your engine. clubs as one of their county projects. The officers in charge of the chap ­ McCloskey home. viee. boys carried the ball to the Red Kritz Hull, brother of Mrs. Harold Mr. and Mrs. Walter Farrier moved ter this year are Jack White, presi­ to save ga Devils 20-yard line as the quarter At the completion of the'project in the Another way to gas sprang each club njay select one boy Simmons, visited with her last Sat- home from Reedsport last week end dent; Emery Thompson, vice presi­ and at the same time maKe ended. #• this community a safer one, The two fumbles, early \in the or one girl or both for competition in urday morning, coming from Campion account of Mrs. Schroeder’s dent; Jack Giffen, secretary; Rex Pierce, treasurer; and Elvin Fetch, would be to STOP running fourth stanza, finally put the ball the County Health Contest, the win­ i Perry, Calif. He left Monday morn- , health. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Glass and reporter. ; after the fire equipment. on the one-yard line, from where ners, a boy and a girl each receiving ing for an overseas destination. The boys have harvested 28 sacks Mrs. Lyle Pauli and daughters rnd daughter, Elaine, of Portland, ar- There .was some talk of Sutphin carried it over but the try a full scholarhsip to 4-H Club Sum­ for point missed, leaving the score mer School in Corvallis, one-half of Mrs. Harojd Pribble and sons, Billie rived at the home ~nf Mr. and Mrs. of potatoes from their chapter vic­ turning in the licenses of all which is provided by the County and Jimmie, were Sunday dinner Glen Griffith last Friday. They came tory garden since school started. cars other than firemen to 7-6 in the Devils’ favor. guests of Mrs. Pribble’s parents, Mr-out to Arago Tuesday and spent sev- the ration board. After more fumbles, two by Co­ Health Association. . a We carry a complete line of V- Clubs that have been organized ‘qye and Mrs. Roy Robison. eral days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. quille and one by Myrtle Point, and Rosabel ,'i , Mrs. T'r:. Vernon Trigg left Wednesday ‘ ‘ , Charles Griffith and family before re- Belta for all makes of Refrigerators, Dora, Mrs. Rosabel with less than two minutes to play, as follows: AMZY UNIE a 12-yard pass, Sutphin to Belloni, Brown, leader; ; < Colleen Shepherd, of this week for Eugene, taking Mrs. . turning home. Mrs. Glass is'a sister Washing Machines and other equip­ 385 W. ’ ment. Washer Service Co., enabled the tetter to cross the final president; Doyle Dorry, vice-presiGuy Grant to Dr. Bogan of that city ' of Glen and Charles Griffith, 16tfs Ward Evans was a Friday caller at Front, Coquille. Phone. stripe, and the game ended a moment dent, and Forrest Easton, secretary, .for special x-ray treatment. . Dr. Bo- later, Coquille 7, Myrtle .Point 12. - Sunny Hill, Mrs. Ethel Siestreem,' gan is a dental specialist. Dr. J. R. . the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Remember—Norton's for office, i One of the outstanding players on leadqj-; Betty Jo Iveans, president; Bunch advised her to go as she has i Felsher in Myrtle Point. school and home supplies. 37tfs Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish drove to the field was the Red Devils fullback, Julia Keady, vice-president; Darlene been having some ver^ serious i J1-—' I I ,B! Hurst, who stopped many of the Bob­ Sherbody, secretary. Eastside, Elvira trouble with wisdom teeth all sum- Bandon Sunday and visited at the home of Mr. and -Mrs. E. B. Fish. cats* plunges at the line or back of |t. Olsen, leader; Kenneth Humphreys, mer. president; Eldon Leaton, vice-iresi-^ Mrs. Ellis gbuthmayd has been Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fairchild, The line-up: Myrtle Point dent; Willavis Wright, secretary, helping out at the Myrtle Point Union Richard, Billy and Rotha, of Scotts- Coquille Ramey Fairview, Mrs. Iris Holverstott, lead- High School community cannery the i burg, visited at the home of Mr. and Porter C Floyd er; Lulu Lindsay, president; Dorene past two weeks. The canenry has an i. Mrs. Wm. Knabe from Thursday last RG Kelly > Epperson Frye, vice-president; Ruth Palmer J electric tomato juicer now, which can week till Sunday. Stone LG Reed secretary. Myrtle Point Union High (handle a bushel of tomatoes every RT Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl visited at Kinsey Over 25,000 cans of the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mart School, Mrs. Neva Church, leader of! 15 minutes. LT. Ulett Dement four clubs; Aura Sheedy, Maxine fruits, vegetables and meats have Schroeder ip Myrtle Point, Sunday. DeNoma re ; LE Bargett Wilson, Jerene Bell and Betty War- ' been canned. Some 240 families have Mr. and Mrs. Melden Carl and Alborn QB Sutphin ren, president; Donna Ward, Myra availed themselves of this greatly DoOglas, were Sunday guests of Mr. Howe Weekley Wyrick, Barbara Brooks and Bonnie appreciated asset to the community and Mrs. W. E. Cross ot Coquille. Kline LH ~ ' during the two and one-half months Belloni Wise, vice-presidents; Irolene Floyd, RH Ladies Aid met Wednesday after­ Train Deaver Delores Barkley and Thelda Huff, of its operation. FB noon at the church with the follow­ Hurst secretaries. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Monroe return­ ing attendance: Miesdames O. H. i One Cooking III Club has been or­ ed one day last week from California Aasen, Albert Lillie, Albert Gul- Fatal Traffic Accidents ganized at Sunny Hill with Mrs. Myr* and will make their home here. strom, Ward Evans, J. L. Burtis, Increased In September ! tie Wright as leader; Bill Ready, pres- Harold D. Simmons took his five- Tyrrell Woodward, Werner Plaep and Traffi ■ accidents claimed a life for ¡dent; Julia Keady, vice-president, year old son, Duane, to Portland Clarence Butler. There was election and ¿«tty Jo Iveans, secretary. every day during the first 26 ■ Monday of last week for the purpose of officers as follows: President, September, Secretary of State Bob of consulting an asthma specialist, 'Mrs. O. H. Aasen was re-elected; Farrell disclosed today in warning n l M expecting to return Tuesday ot this vice-president, Mrs. Albert Gulstrom, Oregon citizens that traffic fatalities Douglas MacArthur Corps week. to succeed Mrs. Ward Evans; secre­ already were 30 per cent ahead of the Met Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robison and son, tary-treasurer, Mrs. J. L. Burtis. They death toll for the entire month of The Douglas MacArthur Corps, No. Harold, were last Tuesday evening will meet again next Wednesday, September last year. 56, met in tegular session Oct. 6 dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Owen of Coquille Oct. IS at the church. Of the 26 persons killed in traffic with a potluck dinner at noon. Guests Wilson. *“ Pamela Evans spent from Thursday * by fU ptember 26th, four were pe- were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fern, of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robison were till Sunday last week at the home of destvians, two of whom were young Grants Pass. Mrs Fem is assistant business callers in Marshfield Thurs­ Mr. and Rra. Chester Willson in Myr­ children. There was one bicycle fa­ field Inspector, and is visiting the day of last week. tle Point, while Mr. Willson was away tality, two grade crossing deaths, ten different corps. Regular business Mrs. Howard Hancock and two on a hunting trip. deathsfrpm motor vehicle collisions, was ----------------------- ----- ---------------------- conducted. One new member enuoren, children, i^unna Donna ano and vmoe, Chloe, ca..eo called on on /V Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ballinger and nJ ..»111 InUUtAj __ seven from non-collision accidents was balloted on and will be initiated Mrg R A Thompson ’_ Monday eve- Mary and James, of Coquille, visited and two from, motor vehicle collisions next meeting. | nlng of week. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles with fixed objects. ? ~ I Mrs. Fern gsve a wonderful talk M1M Anita Tedlen and her couiin, Griffith last Saturday evening. September is the first month of' on Relief Corps work and told of the 3janche Detlefsen, accompanied by Mr and Mrs Glen Griffith, Robin, 1943 that the traffic death toll strong- ; Grants Pass Corps. We were pleased | steve Aasen of Arago, left Tuesday Iv exceeded that of the corresponding I to have her with, us and hope she|morninl thei'r junior year Buddy and Sandra, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cameron, and Mr. and Mrs. ^^4 ...til ___ Aa.___ _____ month of 1942, Farrell declared. will return soon.—Pres Cor. ¡at Oregon State College. Merrill Glass and Elaine, of Portland, “WALLY” March ot this year recorded one more Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bennett and all enjoyed a weiner roast at the home Phone 46 Bas. 22BJ death than March of 4942, while in Mrs. Julia Leep called on Mrs. Lilly of Mr and Mra Charles Griffith January and August, the death list Fish and her sister, Mrs. Ella Leep Tuesday evening. was exactly the same as a year ago. T-TT-T -J'JI? Braker Sunday afternoon. Mrs. F(sh Rev. G. A. Gray, of Coquille, con­ Sept. 29 — Ernest LeRoy Zwicker With the advent of fall, traffic has been quite sick the past two ducted the regular Sunday morning hazards increase increase due due to to slippery slippery |and Muriel Ann Froer’ both of hazards assart were wva v married iiiaincv here isvsv weeks with a heart attack but is church service. Sunday school fol­ streets and inclement weather, Far-j “*rshfield. They last Wednesday by Rev. M. D. Rempel much improved, though not able to lowed with an attendance of 39. After rell pointed out. Thus, as Oregon en 1— ­ I 11, about AM«» «» m 4 walk any nA as yet. the services a group of the Arago ters the most critical period of the ■ at his home. Mr. and Mrs'. Walter Schroeder folks drove to Coquille and enjoyed a i Oct. 1 — Raymond W. Woods and year, so far as traffic accidents are made business tripe Friday and Sat­ pot luck dinner with the Baptist concerned, the state has the worst Gorgena M. Bensell, both of Marsh­ urday of last week to Roseburg and group. After the dinner there was a field.* They were married at the Pi ­ record of any month this year. *, while there visited their daughter, short program in the church which oneer church parsonage here last Greater obesrvance of traffic reg­ Mrs. Severt Iverson. was grealty enjoyed by all. Mrs. ulations, reduced driving speeds and Friday by Rev. C. G. Brown. Mrs. J. H. McCloskey and sister, Werner Plaep ahd Mrs. S. C. McAl­ Oct. 1—Ellis L. Nagle and Dorothy consideration of the rights of others Mrs. Z. C. Strang were in Marsh­ lister sang a duet and Mrs. McAllister ► will enable the state to hold down Mae Manual, both of North Bend. field on business Wednesday of last sang two solo numbers, and the men's They were married by Rev. T. J. Benham’s Transfer which makes retail delivertoe for this traffic toll, Farrell said. He week. chorus of Coquille sang a song and urged drivers and pedestrians to co­ Pryor at the Methodist church par­ Williams Cash Grocery, Henninger’s Market, Thrift The pupils of the Norway school are also Mr. and Mrs. Knight favored the sonage last Friday./ operate in keeping traffic in'Oregon Grocery, Farr & Elwood, and Vernon W. Emley, of Rear- enjoying lively arithmetic matches on audience with a duet. Those attend­ Pacific Feed A Seed Oct. 1 ____ ___________ - safe i dan, Wash., and Ann T. Schaefer, of Friday of each week. ing from Arago were Mr. and Mrs. Eaton’s Feed Store, to comply with O. F. A. Mrs. Della Hutchings, of Portland, Nile Miller, Mrs. Ida Myers, Mr. and 1 Priest River, Idaho. ulations, will make but one delivery a week starting Oct. 2—Delbert Erwin and Eva M. came down Wednesday of last week Mrs. S. C. McAllister, Mr. and Mrs. ! Lyons, both of North Bend. They ito visit her sister, Mrs. Mike Daniels. Werner Plaep, Ridhard and Bobby, October 10. The usual monthly meeting of the Mrs. Ward Evans and Maureen and | were married at his home here last IDEAS », ' Pleasant Point Needle Club was held Geraldine Holycross. Saturday by Rev. G. A. Gray. Ward Evans and Ton> Cook made a Oct. 2—Chas. J. Cotter, of Marsh­ ■ at the home of Mrs. Ella Bryant Wed­ Great ideas come when the world needs them. They surround the field, and Marjorie E. Todd, of Oak­ nesday of last week. It being a per­ business trip to Broadbent Monday world’s ignorance and press for nd- land, Ore. They were married on fect day for an outdoor picnic, the evening. usual potluck dinner was served on Steve Hemstreet and daughters, Saturday by Rev. T. J. Pryor. mission.—Austin Phelps. the lawn under the spreading Julene and Beverly, of Portland, The changing glow and full efful­ branches of a large apple tree, the visited at the home of Mr. and Mra. »< i gence of God’s infinite ideas, images, following persons being present: Mes- John Widmark one day last week. Mr. mark the period^ of progress—Mary dames Belle Lewellen, Frank South­ Hemstreet returned home but the two I Baker Eddy. _ evening _ Tuesday of ___ this mayd. Julia Leep, R. R. Rackleff, girls remained at the home of their A healthful hunger for a great idea Townsend Club, No. 1, met in regu- Ray Epperson, Harold Simmons, R. grandparents for an indefinite time. is the beauty and blessedness of life.. lar form to conduct the business of A. Thompson, J. Lewellen South­ Miss Sylvia Sumerlin was ill Mon­ ¡the club, President Tilghman in the mayd, A. R. Bennett and the hostess, —Jean Ingelow. • day and unable to atteid school. .chair. There were about 30 mem- Mrs. Bryant. The meeting was called Events are only the shells of ideas; ; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Myers and j ben present. to order by the vice president, Mra. family returned home Sunday eve­ and often it is the fluent thought of ages that is crystallized in a moment | Qn Sunday, Oct. 24, the caravan of A. R. Bennett, followed by the re­ ning after being away for a few days. . It k a pleasure to announce that I have become associated by the stroke of a pen or the point of I c*iuba wiU meet h. ~Bbb Cats Take...... Coos 4-H Clubs The First Gamq H Sf*- Norway News Item« Arago News Items » Howdy Folks: Riverton F. F. A. Chapter Notes / ■ I I I I b | * í I I • / M&W Auto Service » f The Industrial Repair Co. 4, MACHINING METALLIZING WELDING PRESSING BLACKSMITHING ♦ Repairing Aids Victory Marriage Licenses f I Benham’s Will Deliver Only Once a Week... . Gems of Thought Deliveries will be made on TUESDAY ONLY Townsend News At Your Service F I 1 ■ any on? on his.insurance needs, and recommend a Great «-Ntfrttottn -Life policy to fit the situation. There will be no obligation, of course, and I am—at your service. ... .,s..1-.iww.. 8^JMg!FWWBr- - - are mightier than armleCf Prin< have achieved more — victories than »TODOre /**..._& ­ horsemen or^hariots. W. M Paxton. LOUTl i I aim temS r ;• * u I i 1 . . _ _ Ji A petition was filed in probate Norton’s have a few new Rand court last Friday for letters of admin- McNally globes and Atlases »fl».« in In stock. rtnek igtration in the estate of M. McKeown, If you want any for Christmas gifts, who has been missing for seven years you should buy now. s and is believed to be dead. The es- tate is estimated to be worth $2,000. OUTSIDE HOUSE PAINT—We have It FARR & ELWOOD. a Gifts for all occasion. at Bergen's, L 1 ■ ■ <- and useful "Things. Mrs Pat Davis and children, of GraVelford, I Chester Willson there, and and Miss I were visitors of the club. 1 Pamela Evans returned home with Rodney Halter started to o school them, test week after recovering 1 fron^ an J- Mrs Ward Evans attended the appendicitis operation. ' » J Royal Neighbors lodge |n Myrtle Many of the Norway school chil­ Point Monday evening. dren are buying defense stamps The regular monthly missionary The Victory Literary Club of the meeting will be held at the church Norway school will hold its first Tuesday afternoon. meeting of the year on Friday of Glen Zoiler spent the wee- out near « Fred R. Bull district agjmt GREAT NORTHERN LIRE INSURANCE CO. 43« W. Front Phone S3-M COQUILLE I i i *.A 1 », r - 'í-jOr