The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, October 07, 1943, Image 1

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E8DAY. OCTOBER 7, 1»41.
C. of C. StressesHeed
Of Healing Plant In
Community Building
Kenneth C. Hultin
Killed In Camp
Those Who Left Here
Council Learns
W. P. B. Turns
Bldg. Heating Perm Tuesday ThisWeek
Coquille Unit
Red Cross Notes
Annual Report
Of The Coquille
Public Library
Coquille Red Cross, No. 784, will
hold its regular work meeting on Fri­
day, Oct 8. from 1:00 to 4:30 p. m„
in Guild Hall. There will be various
The following is a list of registrants kinds of work provided for everyone
With Mayor Wood out of town and
The annual report of the Coquille
At the meeting of the Chamber of
Councilman Stark unable to be pres­ who were ordered to report for in­ who attends, so please come prepared City Library, for the fiscal year end­
Commerce board of directors, in the
ent, the city council held a short duction by Coos County Local Board, with your scissors, thimble, knitting ing June 30, was presented at the city
hotel Tuesday noon, a communication
session Monday evening. Following No. 2 at Coquille, on October 5, 1843. needles or crochet hook, No. 1, if pos­ council session Monday evening. It
from the Kaiser Shipbuilding Co. at
the transaction of all business on It to the largest number to go from sible, according to the type of work showed that 2,545 were listed as bor­
Portland, was read, tolling of the in­
hand, Recorder Leslie was given a this board in many months:
you wish to^do, says Mrs.
D. Kee­ rowers the year before to which were
tention to name tankers turned out
Gerald Spencer Larson, Myrtle Pt. ner There will also be block cut­ added 189 adults and 104 children the
cuurse in reading, the material being
up there for places of historical in­
lvaun Johnston Maxon, Myrtle Pt. ting, pressing and filling sewing kits past year, for a total of 2,838.
furnished by Claire Gray and Mqri
takes! in Oregon. “Champoeg” is to
Lester Walter Hansen, Broadbent. for those who prefer it.
Pettit. Probably the draft and army
The number of volumes erf fiction
be the name of the first one this
Delbert E. Starr, Coquille.
experience recital in one of the com­
month and “Coquille” was designated
More large-eyed needles are still loaned the past year were 9542 to
Ludwig Godfrey Scharfer, Coquille needed and use can be made of many Children, 2923 to adults; of non-fic­
munications, and the operation ex­
as the twelfth on the Ust.
Walter Andrew Commons, Powers more 10, H or 12 inch squares cut tion, 1054 to children, 187 to adults;
perience told in the other, could have
shipbuilding company asked to be
Fred Lancaster, Bandon.
been secured for publication but the
to children
from good parts of old Turkish towels. unbound magazines
given data and facts about the early
Jackson Claude Ford,* Coquille.
Sentinel’s suggestion is that any one
Coquille history for the christening
These will be used as wash cloths. 11,413, to adults 3,278; making a total
who wants to get a laugh ask the M Henry WJilliam Gilbert, Powers. • They may be turned in as they are, of 14,689 loaned.
occasion and J. P. Beyers was ap­
Nuzbart George Brueggeman, Coq. or may be simply crocheted around
councilmen mentioned for a copy.
At the beginning of the fiscal year
pointed by Pres'. Gep. Oerding to as­
Cnyde Fernando Brown, Coquille.
One of the bills allowed was for
semble and transmit such items as
the edges and can be white or colored. ; there were 4812 volumes in the li-
Filbert Boyd Moore, Myrtle Point.
This week the ladies thank Mes- [ brary, to which were added 81 pur­
»50.90 for 25.45 acres of land near
would be interesting.
Howard Edmond Hoffman, Broad­ dames E. Hook, Hall and Rodgers for . chased volumes and 42 gifts, and sub-
the Rink creek reservoir, the last
The first of these Oregon-named
piece needed to make all thè land o& bent.
a fine collection of wool materials trading the 15 lost or withdrawn,
tankers, the Champoeg, will slide
Samuel Asdale Booher, Bridge. ' • and yarn.
that watershed city owned. The to­
; leaves a present total of 4,920.
down the ways at the Swan Island
Charles William Wilson, Sltkum.
tal acreage now owned by the city
In percentages of loaned volumes,
shipyard this coming Saturday, Oct. 9.
At present the workers are in­
Robert Stanley Donald, Myrtle Pt. structed *to concentrate on making >80 per cent were of fiction; the cir-
there is about 300. This last tract at
Mr. Beyers was also asked to es­
Milton Milford Amlin, Myrtle Pt. apron-type kit bags and housewives i culation per capita was four plus, the
»2.00 per acre, was secured from the
tablish. if such a C '
‘ ----------
Dean Vincent Weekly, Myrtle Point (sewing kits). These items are need­ circulation per volume was three plus
from historical data.B
Menasha Woodenware company, and
Harold Adelbert Does, Broadbent. ed in large quantities by our service and the circulation per borrower, 5H.
is quite a bit less than the »1400 for
the name “Coquille.’’ It is a moot
Raymond Harry Cotton, Myrtle Pt. men.
20 acres adjoining this piece, which
Receipts for the year were:
question and whether anything more
Patterson Chaney, Coquille.
the city bought some years ago in
City funds, »999.96.
definite than has already been pub­
The yam sent recently is to be
Lack of a quorum at the annual
William Jessie Pullen, Bullards.
developing its source of city water
Fines and rentals, 9147.17.
made up into V-neck, sleeveless
lished many times, as to the reason
stockholders’ meeting of the Coos supply.
Donald Earl Wolgamott, Coquille. sweaters and gloves. "I sincerely
Gift funds for new furniture,
for the name, can be dug up to doubt­
Electric Co-operative last evening, in
Harold Aidin Reed, Myrtle Point. hope your knitters will accept yam »364.45.
A communication was read from
ful. The most likely reason for the
,the office here, means that the board
Jack Clinton Parson, Coquille.
the War Production Board office in
Coquille Woman's Club. »187.63.
selection at the name is that there
for gloves as it is necessary that we
of directors will hold office for an­
Harvey Leon Barklow, Myrtle Pt. knit 18 pairs within a short time,”
Portland, denying the city’s applica­
B. P. W. Club. »55.00.
wax a tribe of “Coquelle” Indians in
other year. The meeting to hear an­
Bryce Elton Evernden, Broadbent. states Mrs. Keener. Mrs. Alborn will
tion to purchase a boiler and heating
Pioneer Church Society, »10.36.
the Coos section, and that Indian
nual reports, etc., will be held later.
Ted Clifton Hall, Coquille.
units for the Community Building.
Church of Christ, »10.00.
be happy to keep anyone in need of
word was the origin and *•» Isler
The board, however, met and re­
Harald Horace Bartlett, Myrtle Pt: assistance and directions are pro­
The denial was a form letter and the
Library Tea, »17.41.
changed to the Coquille (pronounced
elected the same officers of the Co-op
Oliver Clarke Maat, Myrtle Point vided for both sweaters and gloves.
councilmen expressed the hope that
Victory Tax, 90 cents.
Ko-keel) by the early French settlers.
who. have served the past year—Ivan
Elmer Edward Innesa, Coquille.
a personal visit at the board’s office
Total, »1,988.59.
More new Red Cross workers are
There was discussion as to the re­
Laird, president; M. C. Miller, vice
WiHiam Gayion Strong, Coquille. needed in order to avoid putting too
and an explanation of how vitally
Expenditures the past year were
fusal of the War Production Board
president; Rosabel S. Brown, secre­
Clarence Lloyd Ireland, Coquille. heavy a load on the regular work­ for:
necessary the heating plant is for
to grant the city a permit to buy a
Myron Delbert Gurney, Bandon.
Books »161.30, Periodicals »103 15,
the protection of Coquille’s handsome
heating unit for the Community
ers as th« unit is now required to
There were several members pres­
John Oliver Dalrymple, Coquille.
and valuable community building
Building, and Mayor Wood was re­
complete certain articles promptly in Library services »839.10, janitor
ent from the Port Orford section who
wilK bring a reversal of this first
— ....
X, Rent room and typewriter
order to
fill quotas w
by specific dates. . —
quested to take it up with the office
expressed interest in the Co-op and
So if you aro not now doing Red Cross , »40.00, Floor Lamps »129.65, New
in Portland where previous indication
its affairs, and it was decided to hold
35, ***
Mrs. Annie Robinson's tender of
work, won’t you tend a hand to help Furniture
*■—“— $318
’—*- —
» **
had been given that the project would
the next board meeting, on Nov. 18,
»52.01 tor redemption of the north
bi? approved.
our boys get these requirements Stationery and supplies »34.38, Mis­
in Curry county, at 2 p. nt., probably
half of a lot she owns, and on which
This makes a
The floor and building will deteri­
promptly. For any further informa- cellaneous »50.36.
in the Sixes Orange hall.
the payment had been overlooked,
orate rapidly this winter if there is
Bard Keener, 163M, or call at 290 total of »1,743.44, leaving a cash
There were brobably 5000 hunters
was accepted «and the mayor and re­
no heat there and all civic organiza­
E. Second, if unable to attend Fri­ balance on hand of »245.18.
in the southern Oregon country, east,
Mrs. Pearl Ellingsen, the librarian,
corder J nstructed to sign a quit-claim
day afternoon meetings.
tions are to be requested
Klamath Fails, and
deed for her, Issued by the ertjr.
puts in 30 hours per Week in the li­
if more than the
The same Instructions were given
three deaths, due to men being mis­
Mrs. R. A. Jeub to president of the
for a quitclaim deed to the former AU
the building with
* One of the most interesting pro­ Johnson home on Henry street, which
board of trustees, other members be­
winter rains set la
ing Mrs. Stanley Ayers, O. C. San­
The only other business transacted grams given at a high school assem­ Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Barton have
One Coquille party, consisting of
ford, Mrs. Geo. H. Chaney and Mrs.
was the allowing of a bill for lumber bly here in a long time was that yes­ ownted for several years.
O. L. Wood, L W. Claver, Goo. P.
Iris Elrod, who received an hon­ Clarence Osika.
for enlarging the boat house at the terday morning, given by Rose tender of »48.44 cleared up all the
Resnick, a blind graduate of the Uni­ delinquent improvement taxea owing. Laird, Geo. R. Johnson, Theo L. Clin­ orary memberhsip in the Bachelor
city docks.
ton, and Harry Dement, of Myrtle Girls Club in the recent auction bond
versity of California. It was an edu­
brought home five doer, four drive, had the entire club as his
cational program featuring the Braille
does and* a spike. Mr. Claver was guests at the Rotary Club luncheon
system of instruction for the blind,
the goose-egged one, he being in the Wednesday. The girls present were
and the lady rendered a number of
same category as F. L. Greenough. Yvonne Kern, Lunelle Chapin, Mar­
piano selections of her own arrange­
Southwestern Motors here to just
Goo, H. Ctymey, J. E. Axtell and Fred garet Stewlrt, Eunice Howe, Glenda^
ment besides giving a demonstration
The drilling equipment with'which Bull, who also were out there when
“This to the Army,” the motion of how she taught her dog, who dis­
Clinton, Elsie Forrest, Phyllis Bel- completing the instalation of new
picture which is being shown all over played unusual canine intelligence. the Phillips Petroleum Corporation the season opened. Dan Brown and loni, Alys June Fox, Maxine John­ precision equipment which makes it
will put down Its first test hole for Ed Lorenz brought home one.
the United States for the Army Re­
son, Margaret Belloni, Norene Mc­ one of the best equipped garages and
gas and oil to on the way to Coos
Mr. Axtell says that there were 30 Keown, Aloha Allen, Dorothy Coffee automobile service plants in southern
lief Fund, which is for the benefit of
Bay, having been started by freight hunters In the camp where he and
the widows and orphans of Army men
i and Lydis Holstein. Each one of the Oregon, and there are no bettor in
this week from Bakersfield, Calif. Mr. Bull were and that, when they
killed in this war, to to be shown at
girls also received a lovely bouton­ the state.
The start of this operation which may left, the kill for the entire camp was
This new equipment, which has
the Roxy Theatre here on Wednesday,
niere and during the program sang
mean so much to Coos county was three bucks and five does. As soon
been installed in their display room,
Oct. 20.
Tomorrow, Friday, Oct. 8, is the delayed somewhat while negotiations as the hunting started the bucks all
Frank W. Martin was named as
Other guests of the club were Clar­ where it can be watched from the
last day on which the Coos County on a federal court suit and leases left for the higher epuntry.
Coquille ticket sales chairman by
Barton of the U. S. Army, Al street windows, is a Bear frame
Cannery at the county farm will op­ were pending, but It Is certain that
Quite a number of the Coast deer Collins of the Roseburg Land Office straightening and axle adjustment
Major Cody, who called him from
erate this year, and no one will be drilling will be started on Davis have been brought in, C, V. Smith
piece of machniery which can do
Portland yesterday, and he is* to be
able to get any canning done, even Slough, a short distance back from getting a 140 pounder the first morn­ and Rotarian E. W. Hughes of Grants pretty nearly everything but talk.
assisted in the sale by Mrs. Jack
by doing the labor as has been the the highway, very soon nbw.
ing. Leo Call, printers' devil in the
Dolan, C. M Gray. Wm. H Barrow
President Lundquist urged that all After an auto is placed on the rack,
practice this year, after tomorrow.
Sentinel office, upheld the honor of who could be out Sunday morning to powerful jacks can take out any bent
and J. E. Axtell.
The season for canning fish, fruit and
this office by getting a buck on Sun­ help finish the waiting booths for or sprung condition of the frame and
Gene Norton Did Not
All proceeds from the »a1» go to the
vegetables is about over anyway so
axle irregularities pan be quickly
Army Relief Fund and all seats are
service men at the Community Build­
no one will be hurt by the closing.
corrected. It alsA aligns knee action
to be reserved, with throe prices
Even though he to still confined to
Those having canned goods at the
for the easiest and best in steering,
scheduled—»3.30, »2.20 and »1.10.
county cannery should call for them his bed at his home three miles west Mrs. Nellie Whereat
to give the maximum tire mileage.
this week, before Saturday,
of town on the highway to Bandon, Returning To Coos County
Jim Stevens Beats The
Another part of the equipment will
J, E. Norton did not miss his birthday
Mrs. Nellie Whereat, who left here Fire Department To It
straighten any kind of sprung wheels,
party this year. In previous years several years ago to make her home
Baby Born To The
and a Bear wheel and tire balancer
The fire alarm about eight o’clock
he and J. A. Lamb and their wives In Salem, writes to have the mailing
to the latest in balancing equipment
«iff Gulseths At San Diogo
have been guests on this birthday oc­ address of her Sentinel changed to
and its use will add many miles to
Cliff Gulseth yesterday wired Mrs.
Frank Carrillo, who was coming in
Judge King, in Circuit court here Outoeths parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. casion—October 2—at the J. P. Bey­ North Bend, saying: “I have enjoyed on the Fairview road with a deer the life of any tire.
The three it out here at Salem and have made
In the safety lane, in addition to
Monday, ordered that the grand jury E. Matney, from San Diego where he ers’ outdoor fireplace.
The oil around his engine had caught
drawn February 24, following the is in the Marine Corps, ’’Rose and men' «re practically the same age, many fine friends -but there to no fire, possibly due to over-heated the brake and steering tester, the
_ _____
___ old
like __
old Coos and the
shop now has a headlight tester by
February term of court, be continued baby boy feeling fine. Bom 8:30 with birthdays close together. This1 place
year Mrs. Norton invited the others'I ifietidsThive there? I hope to join brakes and he went into the J. L. which the lights can be absolutely
to hear cases coming before that body this morning.”
to come to her home and the three the Piofleer Association when I get Stevens house to turn» in the alarm. adjusted to the requirements of the
for the October term and that the
The yopng man missed by one day «couples, and Mrs. Jennie Williams,
Mr. Stevens, however, had the blaze
back as I came to Coquille from San out with his fire extinguisher before state law.
grand jury convene at 10 a. m. on being bom on his mother's birthday,
enjoyed an evening together and the Francisco in IMO, Corning on the old
Southwestern Motors now has 25
Wednesday, Oct 18. Members at that which was October 5.
lunch served by the hostess last Sat­ «ailing vessel, ’Ralph J. Long.’ so the fire truck arrived.
employees here and two more will
body are 8. M. Nosier,« foreman; Dora
urday evening.
be added soon to handle the new
H. Oerding. R. T. Newton, Josephine
you ses the Coquille valley and the
Mr. Norton was feeling consider­ Bay aide mean lots to me.”
Divorces Exceed Marriages
J. Culver, all of Coquille; Robert H. Son Born To Captata
ably better than he did a oouple of
From now on there will be nothing
Hunt of Bandon; Harold J. Hicker­ And Mrs. H. F. Beadner
In September
in the line of frame, body, engine,
son, of North Bend; Earl K. Littrell,
Five Divorces Granted By
Ap announcement received from weeks ago,
The comparison of divorce cases
lighting, or other automobile correc­
of Marshfield.
Capt and Mr» H- F- Beadner gfte
Judge Dal King On Tuesday
filed in circuit court in September,
tion needs that cannot be handled
............. > —--------- -
nounces the birth of a »on, weighing
Divorces were granted Tuesday to with the marriage licenses issued is promptly and efficiently by South­
Six pound», four and a half ounces,
at the ratio of six divorcee for each
the plaintiffs in the cases of:
western Motors.
at Alamogordo, New Mexico, where
Clarence H, Bracey va. Margaret five wedding licenses. The divorce
he to stationed, on Sept. 81,
cases, at »8 for filing, brought to the
C. Bracey,
Wm. J. B. Head arrived home Tues­
young man has been named David
The annual Lion« Fish Derby, ori­
Genevieve Knokey va. Howard county coffers »240, while the wed­
Louis. Mr». Beadner to the former ginally scheduled to be held this com­
ding licenses at »3 per brought in »75. day morning on a ten-day leave from
Pye to the need of deer «kina and Irone Bandon, daughter of Mrs. L. ing Sunday, has been postponed for
the hospital in Walla Walla, where
i Cathryn E. Erickson V». Thus. F.
elk hide» by the federal government P. Fugetoon of this.pity,
he has been receiving treatment for
r , - a week, until Oct. 17, according to
Dr. and Mrs. Glaisyon
...... some months past.
forjssrther fpf toe Army, it to urged
. *
Geo. A, L'lett, chairman of the <;om-
Geo. Thoa?Russell vs. Elma-Russell
that all hunters—those lucky enough FatElk Pack Club »To
mlttee on arrangement«.
Hazel E. Orndorff vs. Reuben E.
to make their kill—turn |i) their hides
Clarence A. Barton, who is in the
Meet Friday, Oct. I
A card from Mrs. W. V. Glatoyer
’ "*■.......
Orndorff, t
as soon as possible after skinning
this week, written at Redmond, says Army and stationed at San Francisco,
the animal and that they be careful
day for Beettie to see Mr. Watkins.!
F. S. Emery came in last Thursday that she and the doctor moved Mon­ came in last Saturday on a 15-daya
iq removing the skin from the car­ members havWthe exclusive right to
furlough. He is catching up on his
hunt on the lowlands of the former who to in the hospital there. He was evening from Elgin, where he to man- day to Portland, where they will be
fishing and hunting while home.
Tne vregon
o«« --------------
The Oregon
8tate Game
Commto- , RUM ranon aeries the river, will meet
sion to conducting the campaign to St the J, A. Lamb Co. store at 7:30 Pacific and later suffered rheumatic and left Friday noon for the return thy. Their address is 4805 N. E. Ala­
Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Rietman re­
get these hides in promptly, accord- p. m. tomorrow, Friday, Oct. 8. Mat­ fever. According to a phone call to trip. Mr. Emery has purchased a meda, Portland. 13. She also states
in« to a letter received by J. L. Ste\ - ters pertaining to this fall’s duck their daughter. Miss Jean, here, he home over there and Mr*. Emery that ‘the doctor is improving, but turned Saturday evening from a
very slowly."
f ♦«
week's fishing on the Rogue
is getting along all righ^,
went with him
* season are to be considered.
Kenneth Clyde Hultin, a nephew of
Jack Hultin of thia city, was instant­
ly killed at the Morris Ray camp on
Bear creek last Monday when a “c»t"
stalled, got out of control, and rolled
backward, mashing him. The warn­
ing had been called and it was
thought' everyone near was in the
Graveside services, with Rev. Rob­
ert L. Greene officiating, will bp held
at a Bandon cemetery, but announce­
ment of when is awaiting word from
two brothers in the Army, Ted at
Tucson, Aris., and Marvil in Alaska.
The deceased was born on the low­
er river, March 22, 1913, and was
six months past 30 years of age.
He to survived by his widow, Leola
Long Hultin and their three children
—Marilee aged 4, Janet 2, and* Tom­
my one and one-half months: also
by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph
Hultin. of Bandon, and two other
brothers, Jack and Donald Hultin, of
£7h.\ÏÏTnboi Co-op Officers
All Re-elected
Some Have Luck
Others Do Not
to bomber* Blind Performer
Interests Students
Elrod Entertains
Co-Club Members
Drilling Equipment
Is On The Way
"This Is The Army"
To Be Here Oct. 20
County Canney To
Close Tomorrow
Jane Grand Jury
Continued On Duty
Deer and Elk Hide»
Needed By The Army
LionirFish Derby
October 17
S. W. Motors Adds
To Its Equipment