OOQtttMA OREGON, THURSDAY, Beulah Chapter's 60th Anniversary High School Classes Ask 45-Mile Limit Select Officers .. For Buses Red Devils Vs Bobcats At M. P M. 1*4*. fi One Divorce Granted Remember—Norton's for school and home supplies. office, Judge Kin«, in euxwt cuurt . tier* Tuesday, granted a divorce to Gwen­ Calling cards. W f« *1-00 dolyn Wygal, separating her from r '(Coquille Hi-Times) ' I How the bus Industry could serve Thomas D. Wygal. iContinued I>< m > page one) I The opening game for th* r wartime travelers better if the 35- Wednesday, Sept. 34 — All the class ­ is this coming Grand Ruth; Mr*. Viol* Bentley, Wor- < Devils football team thy Matron oLDoric Chapter, Marsh- Sa‘ur mittee The class elected DeWayne itatlons were ea»ed, Mitchell as president, a* their presi­ said. led by Mrs. M. O. Hawkins at the dut pn Tuesday of this week: Pick ’em when they have dent, Allan Moore, ha* gone into the ‘ Many «of the restrictions which' piano. She sang, moot delightfully,j ■ . , begun to turn white and, The other class officers as hampered the bus operators in meet- ' two lovely solus: ‘Thin* Alone” by A probable starting line-up which army spread them out on a warm Victor Herbert and “My Hero" from 1» quit* .hardJrjtell time is: elected last year are: Vice president, ing wartime transportation demands floor, if you have been A reading Center, Roy Porter; a boy with ex- Ben Barton; secretary, Louise But- have been partially overcome, the lucky enough to get wood. "The Chocolate Soldier." .. ...... , - ---- ...I. entitled, "When M* Rodgers Broke perience at Myrtle Point; Guards Joe ler; . treagurert Mary Lou Newton; association paints out, but the Indus-' In a few day* they will try could make a greater contribution wiven bv Mr* Florabel Stone, one year* experience at C. H. representative to the student council, ripen. Bor ber Last but not least Mia* S., and the other guard is Bob Kelly, Fritz Kunz. A committee to pick out if the highway speed limit for inter­ It is just as easy to save Dee’s violin ensemble, composed of' with no experience, but lots of prom- the senior announcements is Ralph city carriers was raised. The asso­ Ronald and Maurice Williams, Ger-Ji*; Uckles, Gerald Ulett. a one year Meyers. Mary Lou Newton and Jim ciation’s report shows that the re­ costly repairs on your car if SPORT FISHING duction in maximum speed to 35 you just start in time. , aiHitif, Oerdina and Ben Howe, were letterman and Jim Kimsey, with no Peart. BOATS FOR RENT a soecial treat with an excellent ren- experience, from Myrtle Point; ends The Junior* met in room 24 yith miles per hour ha* failed to produce Even the squirrel, “in the Catch your own, but if ‘you nZ "Always ” and “Believe me «1* Floyd DeNoma who gave us j Mrs. Watson a* advisor where they appreciable saving* in either rubber 1 eXrinXtiS^I” ail a thrill at Maxfield .nd Bob Al- discus^ this year. Junior play and woods, ” plans ahead! don't hav* any luck, we sell or motor fuel so far as the intercity They SXSXMk.Dta'to«. one year lettertnan moved| elected . committee to pick out a bus industry is concerned. On the | SALMON FOR CANNING And remember the auto­ Following the program* about 100 from tackle to end. The brains of the number to be voted on by the class. I other hand, the slower speeds have' LICENSED DEALER mobile tree may not bloom Following p a adjourned . ------ will u.. be Jim Howe. i.t. Mr*. Beyer* will be the Junior play [interfered with the efficiency of bus members and uw guests to a ¡grid machine l*t- Place your ordep. Phon* 5-R-14 for a few more seasons. beautifully decorated banquet room, terman and all-wu^y quarterback of advisor this year. The Junior class operation, by requiring jnore man­ AMZY ERNIE H. T. MILLER which also carried out the platinum l*»t year. In the half back position, officer* ar* president, Gerald Ulett; power in driver and mechanic per­ PARKERSBURG and ruby motif. 'Attractive gates we have Dave Kline, one year letter- vice-president,’Don Wolgamont; sec­ sonnel, and causing undue wear upon % mi. north of Bear Creek store and screens, covered with Virginia man and Harold Train, who played, retary, Wallis Cross; ticket chairman, I engines, transmissions, and clutches. on the River road Leaders of the industry contend creepers, formed a lovely setting for fullback last year. Last, but not least Art Tripanier; representative, Joe i that if intercity buses were allowed' the beautifully appointed tea tab*l*. we have “Big” George Hurst in the Stone. The sophomores in room 15 with to operate at a maximum of 45 miles The table, covered with a lac* cloth, fullback position. George is Vie was centered with a large birthday i heaviest man on the squgd and has Miss Chandlee as adviser, have per hour on the open highway, a cake in th* shape of a star, and a lots of power. He is also a one ypar th« following officers to guide their substantially increased number of large mirror The cake, in the East- ‘ letterman and played tackle last fall, j spohomore year: President, Deve passenger* could be carried without ern star color*, was Inscribed” 60th Other fairly outstanding player* Kline; vice-president. Bob Allwrn; I additional equipment or personnel. corner were Wayne Chezam, DeWayne Mitchell representative, Bud M*ek; secretary, anniversary. At each ------ ----------- I smaller, cakes, star shaped, each one and Frank Woodward. Two other men Gordon Stem; Sgt. at arms, George Unemployment Payments representing the individual color. that cannot be overlooked ar* Hurst; Yell leader, Bill Kistner, and Near The Vanishing Point Antique silver casters, red taper* and Trepanier and Nichol*, our managers, 1 Gerry Oerding. Only 25 persons, less than one one- ; Last, but surely not the least, the silver and red flowers completed the for without them out team would be hundredth of one per cent of Oregon's lost. Of course, the man who de ­ Freshman held their first meeting a* setting. covered workers, drew unemploy- { Those who poured were: Mes- serves th* credit for all is Coach high school students and elected Bud ment benefits last week, totalling 1 “ Spike ” Leslie, one of the smartest Hickam their class president; Fred dame* Jennie Ro**, Henry Lorenz, *420, the lowest amount ever paid Gertrude Lorenz, Imogene Neal, Ber­ football men in th* stat*. The team i Vogt, vice-president; Marian Gfeog- 1 out by the State Unemployment Com­ consider him asigood as Jerry Lillie ory, secretary-treasurer, and repre ­ tha Smith, Emma Pierce, Susie Fol----- . . . . .. .. pensation Commission in any week. 9 ; of Granta School in som and Catherine Ruble, all past'of Grants HiaK HlglTBchopl In Portland, sentative, Bill Sage. ■ ,■ With harvests, canneries and other I matrons of Beulah Chapter. Mr*. Ramsey of Klamath Falls and Vic 1 war-time production running full tilt, Flora Compton and Mr*. Camilla Adam* at North Bend. The coach prospects were that this "irreduci­ ftietman, also Past Matrons, cut the has experience this year and with ble minimum” might go still lower as I I student body co-operationg we should birthday cakes. _ new records hive been set almost I be able to have a fine season. *■ —J------ 1 every week since early summer. Of ~ _______ ____ See you all at Myrtle Point, Octo ­ We carry a complete lino of V-j the *219,834 paid so far thia year,! (CoquiUe Hi-Times) Belta' for all inakM"of Refrigerators, ¡her 2, for the opening game ot the The Camera Club met last Wednes­ j two-third* went out during the sea- I Washing Machines and other equip- 'Red D*vil* against the Myrtle Point day after school in Mr*. Beyer* room. {sonal let-down in the first quarter. I ment. Washer Service Co. 365 — W. Bob Cat*. Some permanent committee chair­ A recent statistical study showed Be there for the kickoff. iati* Front, Coquille. Phone man were appointed. The program that the number of covered worker* committee chairman, Wallis' Cross. reached 334,600 in June, comparing Contest committee chairman Ronald {with 296,513 th* previous June and I Williams. Finance committee chair­ 1200,617 in Jjune, 1940. A slightly ' I Geo. D. Smith, of Coquille, under­ man, Ed Stevenson. Dark room com­ ' higher peak probably is being estab- { went * major operation and Frank, mittee chairman, Louis Pinkston. lished during the fall months, the1 a 1 study Indicate*. ¡the nin*-ye*r old son 'of Mr. and Literature, Gordon Lawrence. Temporary appointments are Bul ­ I An analysis of average annual earn­ Mrs. Fred Christensen who live two miles out on th* road to Myrtle letin board, Ronald Williams; mem­ ings for the base year that ended {point, underwent an appendectomy, bership Ed Stevenson; publicity. September 30, 1942, put shipbuilding Gerry Oerding. - - in th* lead with *1,329 for all em­ both last Saturday. Mrs. E. E. Cook and Mrs. Lloyd I Each meeting there will be a raffle ployees and *2,475 for those who Shepherd, both of Coquille, under­ where the winner will get one 8x10 worked in all four quarters. The average for all covered workers was went major operation* on Monday sheet of enlargment paper. The club is going to specialize in *661 but those with earnings in all and Mr*. Anna Stephan, of Bandon, quarters average over *1,800. submitted to an operation- on her enlargement* this year. For a program, Wally Cross brought Nearly 60 per cent of the half-mil- foot the same day. _________ lion whose wages were __ reported dur- Maxine, nine-year old daughter of two home-made photo flood light____________________ bage year ^ad earnings les* It is a pleasure to announce that I have become associated Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Parrish, under­ I reflectors and explained how they ¡ng gi.ooo, but only 11.4 per cent went a tonsilectomy on Tuesday and work. Mrs. Beyers gave a short talk • with the Great Northern Life Insurance Company, as Dis­ Janice Kent an appendectomy yester­ on light and it* use in photography of these worked in all qaurters. trict Agent. This Company is an old line legal reserve com­ Anyone who wishes to join th*'About 125,000 new worker* were day. pany with a long record ef service to policyholders. It Camera Club Should write out an ap- dr Bwn from other states, from agri- Dismissals have been: Mr*. Fred writes both Life Insurance and Accident and Health In­ Winter, of Bandon, and Mia. L. L. i plication and give it with five cent* i culture and governmental bodies not Any Magazine Listed arid This Edwards, last Saturday; Mr*. Dorothy to either Ed Stevenson, Gene Johnson, c6vered by the law, and from house- surance (income protection). I shall be glad to consult with Newspaper Both for Price Shown Hicfcok on Mbnday and Mrs. Annie I Gerry Oerding or Mr*. Beyer*. I wive* and other* just entering the any one on his insurance needs, and recommend a Great The club Wil meet each Wednesday labor market. Schroeder, of Arago, yesterday. Northern Life policy to fit the situation. There will be no {after school. Howdy Folks What a Fish M&WAuto Service THE TOWN CAFE Will Open H. S. Camera Club Organizes Friday, October 1 Every day in the week Belle Knife Hospifal Mrs. Gertrude Menning, Mgr At Your Service ★ Wkail^fiu ßfiuf Wiik Homes* Gardea* Life............ □ Christian Herald □ Colaina Digest ., □ Country Gentlem □ Dog World.......... □ Ferai Jri. * Frais Wife □ Flower Grower............ □ Flying Aces................... EJ Household ••••«••••• □ Hygsis............................ □ Liberty............................ □ Natur* (10 las, 12 Mo.) □ Open R d(121**, 14M.) □ Oucd r* (12 bs, 14 MoJ □ Patena' Magasin* .... □ Path&ndar........................ 5-Magazine Special Boy Scout Food Production Efforts Pile Up The Work Hours Coo* County's War Bond subscrip­ tion* have been boosted *12,000.00 by the investment of the Federal Land Bank of Spokane, R. L. Strickle, sec­ retary-treasurer of the National Farm Loan Associations, announc.u today. The Land Bank, which serve* the four states of Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington, has just invested •3,000,000 in bonds, of which »500,- 000 has been credited to each state and *1,000,000 to Spofcane, home city of the bank, R. E. Brown, bank presi­ I dent, advised Mr. Strickle. I porting to date»4he total now stands The state allocation, in turn, has ¡at over 75,000 hours of work, K. A. I been credited to each NFLA group of­ ___________________________ I Wells, Scout Executive, said. fice county on the basis of th* num­ Well* urged Boy Scouts who have ber of land bank borrowers. not mailed their reports to do so at "W* are pleased to be able to back I once so that the final total may be up the war effort through this bond secured. purchase,” Mr. Brown told Mr. Strickle. "In addition to helping our 1 Amy Britton represent* Utah government finance the heavy cost Woolen Milla with Jack Frost Blank - of war now, we consider these bonds 1 eta. Specials on hand. See her at 512 a sound investment for the bank.” West 6th St., or write Box 38, Co­ quille. Also see her for Real Silk Chaplains and choral leader* ar* wearing apparel for . ladies and found on the larger ships and even men. It**' abroad in thé Army center*. Millions of hymnal* hav* been dis­ tributed to the men and women of Oregon Journal Coquille Mgr. Howard Hayes, arrested last Thurs- all service* and you may rest **- that a portion of the aavta« {Is Noble Chowning. _ wning, Jr. or............._ was turn** oyer to the aherUf ire placing into War Bonds is ; Oregon Journal representative, imof Polk county oa Saturday. 41a had, you are ----- --------------- used for their spiritual welfare. charge of morning deliveries and been working down here in Coos ¿7. fan»ry DrMrrmrwi subscriptions, is Noble Chowning, Jr.,' county and while he was gone from 141 North Division street, Coquille, home his wife had sold some mort- Norton's have a few new Rand phone 148M. Service complaint* also gaged cattle. McNally globes and Atlases in stock. taken. i Robert Farmer, of Bridge, was re- ! If you want any for Christmas gifts, ------------------------- leased on Tuesday after he had you should buy now. * Choice flowers and plants reason-' posted *500 ball for*his appearance, ably priced at Bergen’s.------------------a The charge of assault and battery was Don't forget a corsage for that spe­ made by his wife and ho was bound Blank Warranty Deeds for sale at over to the grand jury by Justice E cial date—roses, gardenias and or­ chid* at Bergen’s. * this office. A. Dodie at I.fyrtlc Point. WAR BONDS Reports now being tabulated show ’hat Boy Scouts of th* WaUament i Area Council will surpass their goal of 110,600 hours of work in food pro­ Service* duction. This figure was set last On Sunday morning as you sit in spring after the Boy Scout* of Ameri­ church and see the vacant places, ca pledged to the government a mini­ in th* choir and wonder where the mum of 100,000,000 hour* of, labor war has taken the young people during the summer of 1943. from your community you may feel The Wallamet Are* Council con­ certain that they are attending di­ vine services if circumstance per- j sists of Lane, Benton, Douglas, Lin- j coin, Coos, and Curry counties. With miti. j less than half of the Boy Scouts re­ New Names On Sheriffs Blotter USE THIS COUPON SKNDÂLL ORDÏRS TO Coquille Valley Sentinel obligation, of course, and I am—at your service. Land Bank Allocates *12,000 To Coos County Bond Quota « Fred R. Bull DISTRICT AGENT GREAT NORTHERN LIFE INSURANCE CO 4M W. Front COQUILLE