X ____________ »AG« «VEN . ......... they knew nothing, will have to contain an average hour­ tlve factors that result in a minor years in college compulsory and the is attempting to change ly wage rate close to the current rate fender dent one moment may result rest voluntary. This applied only ■ * this ancient taw and proposals have of hourly pay, think the lawmakers. in a fatality the next moment ” to those colleges having military de­ By B. T. Moore been made to reduce the “informer” Naturally, the revision of any and all Accidents which occur in urban The The exemption of afc-lcultural partments with federal aid. cut from 50 per cent to 25 per cent, or postwar scales will be downward, areas must be reported to the police workers from Federal taxes was pre­ wisdom of thia move is manifest in even 10 per cent Even a 10 per cent and that’s the big wrinkle to be ironed department Accidents in rural areas sumed to solve the Aan-pbwer prob­ the fact that many of our present able slice of a judgment for a‘few mil­ out f must be reported to the sheriff of the lem on the farms by inducing labor staff of field officers received pre­ lion dollars would not be “hay.” On county in which they occur. These to move back to the country where liminary training in college. The in­ the other hand, there is a desire to Even Miner Traffic Accidents reports are required by law within “take home” wages Would be greater. adequacy of the program is evident retain sufficient features of the old Must Be Reported At Once 24 hours of the time the accident oc­ The harvesting of crops proceeded |n the fact that we are still woefully act to enable a person who by his curs. short of good field officers in propor ­ with a degree of success under this Oregon law requires reports on own investigation has “something” Farrel urged drivers in accidents to policy. Moot farming areas, except­ tion to the size of our Army. any traffic accident that involves be accurate in the information noted on an alleged crooked war contractor ing the dairy industry, have managed • •It is generally agreed that the and yet at the same time discourage personal*’injury, death or property ln the reports. Accurate information, to recruit enough tabor to get crops United States will have to maintain a damage In any amount. Secretary of analysed and studied, presents an the racketeers. t gathered. But, unfortunately, the powerful Army and Navy for years State Bob Farrell has said in re­ accurate picture of the accident sit­ As the situation stands, any war to come. We can not escape this exemption from taxes applicable to minding drivers Involved in accidents uation. showing the cause of acci­ contractor can be sued by an “ in ­ Washington, D. C., Sept. 30—One farm workers does not extend to burden. It will be necessary to in­ to file these reports within twenty- dents and indicating preventive former ” if some witness tells the sure an enduring peace. of the new rackets by some citizens cannery workers. Therefore much of four hours. measures, he said. Many thousands of our young men and- slick lawyers continues while Truman or other investigating com­ the produce harvested is now in There is tee minimum property '1 mittee that such-and-such shipbuild ­ will have to adopt the military as congress is attempting to curb them. joepardy because labor shuns the can­ damage clause in the Oregon accident neries in favor of other war industries their life work. Future generations This racket is the "informer” by ing company of Puget sound or Col­ reporting law, as there is in some Registration Dates At Ashland paying higher wages. Cannery oper­ must be protected from the re-oc­ which a "citizen" or lawyer, who umbia river hornswogglod the gov- states, he said. Newcomers to Ore- For Southern Oregon College eminent. The tanker “Schenectady,” J ators are prevented by ceiling prices currence of these past five years. The knows nothing about an attempt to which split and sank at the outfitting gon •omeUmM “»Ink they are not re­ All preparations have been com­ “n accident whleh pleted for the fall quarter registra­ from raising wages to hold their help. I traditional distaste of Americans for defraud the government brings a civil dock m the Vancouver-Portland Joi the military will have to be altered suit knowing that under an old law, So the food spoils and the harvesting tion at the Southern Oregon College i to the extent that large numbers of passed in 1863, he will receive 30 after its tost run, is now the subject ' he dama«e u *25 * under' bu‘ the goes for naught of Education. The registration sched­ of an “ informer" suit against the , law ln thU ,uu r « ’ uir * the r *~ At this This is another chapter in the long weft-trained soldiers and sailors must per cent of the judgment. Registration of accident, no matter ule is as follows: These I time there ____ are 35 such suits and they _ t Carnegie - Illinois Steel corporation yortln“ ot book of economy to prove that rigid ■ be available at all times. Freshman students Thursday, Sep­ which supplied the steel, in which the lo * m * n °r <*»• damage. control of natural resources is a prac- ' tr**nees 001 i* trained to the ¡nvolve millions of dollars. Two suits "No busines« man can compute his tember 30. Psychology test for all “informer” writes Senator Langor he - - ---------- ------ thorough extent necessary during I of thu character have been filed tical impossibility in spite of the Freshmen and transfer students Fri­ really valiant efforts of OPA officials. ! war. They shouid.be well founded I against a western railroad and an government. day, October 1. Registration of soph­ X Witho“‘ *U iacta in JMaMlilalfi tn tha rwxint u/hnro n ! _*•__._______ x___. - ___ st—« in essentials to thè point where a oil company (or a sum representing A gallant stand is being made against r o talntag to that business, Farrell de- omores, junior and students Monday, inflation but human nature goes right short Intensive training period will 81,200,000,000. .. _ ,___ . ____ _' dared, in explaining the reason for October 4. Stanford test to all Fresh­ Northwest members of congress are i h Oregon law “In the field of men and transfer students Tuesday, The department of justice is asking on functioning to circumvent It fit them for combat They should be History will record which of the two kept posted on all improvements In a curb on these racketeers, for on hopping mad over the so-called short­ i traffic control, we cannot intelli- October 5 Regular classes begin systems of control has proved the the. use of arms and the practice of the floor of the senate the activity age of'wood fuel in Washington and | gently plan a program of accident Wednesday, October 6. military strategy. of these lawyers has been called a Oregon. They can’t see eye to eye prevention unless we know all the more effective, the voluntary as in General Leonard Wood went about racket. It started back in January, with OPA’s Joe Dean, national fuel World War I or the compulsory as in facts pertaining to accidents, where Amy Britton represents Utah the land preaching preparedness in this year, when the supreme court up­ administrator, who predicts a critical the preseAt instance. they occur, when they occur and the , Woolen Mills with Jack Frost Blank­ It would seem as if our intelligent 1813. He succeeded in persuading the held a judgment of 8315,000. The so- wood and coal fuel shortage this win­ driver actions involved in them. ' ets. Specials on hand. See her at S12 and enlightened people could do a Congress to permit the establishment oalled “informer” receives half the ter for the northwest. Mr. Dean cites “Just as a five cent item must be West 8th St., or write Box 38, Co­ i of camps for* the yearly training of money under the law. But it is de­ the manpower shortage as the real better job if all of the cards were on considered in business costs, so must quille. Also see her for Real Silk the table and compulsion abandoned, i the National Guard. It was but a clared that the “informer” contribut- factor behind the coming fuel short­ minor traffic accidents be considered wearing apparel for ladies and gesture to humor the General in def­ ed nothing to the case; he had simply i age. The many lumber mills of the The dangers of inflation are fully in traffic control. The same causa- men. lt”s copied the indictment which had 1 northwest which are operating at ea- recognized. Public opinion will do a erence to his long and splendid rec­ ord of service in the Army. We soon parity have trainloads of slabwood, been drawn by the department of mighty effective job of policing once É mill ends and sawdust stacked around I it is aroused. Chiselers would get the regretted that his warning had not justice. ' been heeded. Let us not make the their plants waiting for customers. Recently there was testimony be­ same quiet but terribly effective same mistake again. It is too costly fore the Truman committee that a Many of these mills are located very treatment as that used by the Nor­ in lives of our young men. • certain wur contract firm had chiseled close to the larger population centers wegians to get the goat of the Ger­ There is danger that constant mil­ the government. The department of in both states, hence, the train, truck man. No one, no matter how cal­ itary drill and training will induce a justice investigated and found the or barge haul in many cases would loused, can take that sort of thing desire to make use of the things testimony was insufficient to bring a not be qver M miles, and seldom more very long. Let the burdensome regulations' taught, just as the purchase of a suit. However, based on newspaper than 100 miles. rifle makes the small boy want to reports of the Truman committee tes­ While the lawmakers admit trans­ that have caused spoilage of food be | go out and shoot something, quite timony, three different people in the portation facilities are not always relaxed and let the problem be put I himself. We must squarely up to the public I have a often °“en OTU"‘ guard «““ra against midwest filed suit. Beyond the news- ample to move thia fuel to the larger b—s ’«z «»" sr n*™eu : , cities on schedule, they can’t see the of citizenship, sound statesmanship, that the chairman of a committee is critical shortage angle as advanced by done some way. The excellent show­ and fundamental principles of dem­ apt\o do all of the work, get all of Dr. Dean. They also argue that there ing of the public cannery at Myrtle ocracy and non-aggresaion. the blame if thingk go sour and none is enough available manpower to do Point is an example to show what the of the credit if things turn out well. the transportation job if OP A would people can do when they pull up their A late wise-crack floating around Ask any one who has served as com­ adjust the price celling on wood fuel. socks and go after It. Fuel dealers would then be in posi­ Washington, that we should practice mittee chairman. tion to absorb the additional trans­ The idea that Uncle Sum should be The president’s message to Con­ Lease-Lend by leasing Churchill and portation coati and ample fuel would gress was distinguished by the ad­ lending Roosevelt, brings to mind the the leader In setting up a world-wide be available for every home. By the mission of some mistakes in domestic goings-on at Mackinac Island where democracy of nations is all right if he tone of the letters received here, policy. Though ho has repeatedly leaders of the Republican Party-met can avoid being the whipping-boy for lawmakers can’t see why a fuel stated that he would be the first to to formulate a foreign policy plank the rest of the gang. But to have mortage when the northwest is Uncle step in as umpire over the , admit It if a mistake were made, this for their 1844 platform. chock-full of wood. The brief text of the final docu^ ancient European squabbles is just is the first time, htt long while at < ■ * least, that an admission was actually ment was printed in one of the maga­ asking for trouble. It would seem as National postwar planning, now in for the public to read. It ad- if the Republicans hit upon the right made. It is indicative of the trend zines ----------- the l«p of congress, has many towards the right taken by his ad- vocates the relentless prosecution ot idea. The _____ significant ___________ thing _ to come _ from , wrinkles which will have to be ironed the war to a successful conclusion, ministration. No one can deny, or would deny, the disqualification of the Axis to the Mackinac meeting was not the 1 out before the bugle blows cease fir- that mistakes have been made, and construct facilities for the manufac­ foreign policy itself but the source tag. The one big wrinkle to any post- plenty of them. It is fortunate that ture of war goods, the maintenance from which it came, Our young Re- ‘ war plan is labor coals. Must every- agrees that industry not be seelng ____ the old 'one __ -_______________ _____ will — ____ they have been domestic and not mil­ of permanent armed forces at home publican governors, _____ wheel-horses about to fumble the. abie to return to the pre-war wage sufficient to Insure peace, the par ­ itary. The president, though trying to have bis finger in every pie at ticipation In a cooperative organiza­ ball, just grabbed it themselves and level for labor. On the other hand, home, has had the good sense to date tion among sovereign nations to in­ came up with this very sensible and industry can’t be expected to pay to let the military leaders carry the sure justice to all, and the doing of substantial declaration. It is a sign boom war-time wage scales, and ball. This has brought results with these things with careful regard for of health in the party when younger that’s where the unions come into the a minimum of casualties in accord the vital interests of the nation and men come through in the pinch with picture. Labor unions now have the largest mscabership ever attained and with true American tradition and the the bearing on foreseeable interna­ vigorous, determined action. All of this means that the Republi­ millions of dollairs in their treasury. tional developments. Nation is grateful. The thing seem* to be about the can party will sponsor a return of They will battle any move which But the weakness of the president ___ _ \ ' in trying to do it all himself on the most sensible that has come out yet. government from Washington to the would reduce the hourly wage of any home front has caused moot of the It differs from the idea put forth by several States and the restoration of craft; and on the contrary may even hopeless confusion in Washington. administration spokesmen In that local control in place of bureaucratic ask for more money. Unions now Finding himself in a bad predicament, it makes Uncle Sam a committee directive. The party will sponsor hold closed shop contracts with many Southern Oregon’s largest and most Complete Tire Service he has had to abandon his in-bom member but not the chairman. The private enterprise and the incentive lines of industry which will be in ef­ fect after the war. Wage increases system for labor and capital. It will hatred of industrial leadership in or­ theory behind the Republican declar­ der to obtain thp trained personnel ation i« that we should look after our base its hopes for succcess on do­ have been written into these con­ Broadway at Curtis, Marshfield, Tel. 852 with which to administer the war ef­ own interests first but at the same mestic rather than foreign issues al- tracts and also into federal and state Therefore, fort. The “wire-hairs” have had to time keep an eye on International though the latter will receive dose wage-hour regulations. any national postwar planning act It should be remembered attention. be shelved temporarily in favor of affairs. •Topics »■ * 6 I I To Alt Holders of “A” Gas Rationing Cards This is on Official TIRE INSPECTION STATION and you are invited to bring your car in for a Tire Inspection before Sept. 30 —the last day for Tire Inspection as required by 0. P. A. rules and regulations Thornton Tire Service 340 W. Front, Coquille, Tel. 270 trained executives and the order of the day is to march by the right flank. Let no one be deceived by this right-hand trend. It is merely a tem­ porary expedient. The president has the innate stubborness of the Dutch. Opposition causes him to bow his back and stand by his guns, right or wrong. He has not changed his ideas about “cradle to the grave” or “lolli- ! pops to lilies,” whichever you want to call it. He still believes In cen­ tralized government by decree, regu­ lation, and directive, rather than the slower and more cumbersome govern­ ment by the Congress according to the constitution. Because he finds the opposition too powerful, he joins It. He la the most astute politician ever to occupy the White House. Though it is not fair to deprecate his accomplishments nor to attack his motives, It IS fair to point out the | direction in which his pollices were leading us. The public has for quite some time been marching off to a totally different direction than that, taken by his administration. He has m»4S ■ great mistake to not■ > ing this before. Now he will hive W , run like the dickens to catch up and grab the flag. And he wiU shake off a lot of excess baggage in his admin­ istration while running. LIMS Bl ts 11888 * * * FILL fill Tl REMT \ - (latti"