F • I F A ÛK FOCE N ..................... <2» The Sentinel Weekly Leiter From Washington, D. C. BY CONGRESSMAN HARRIS ELLSWORTH TWENTY YEARS AGO A. YOUNG Washington, D. C., September 25— ' effectively stalls our chances of hav- (Taken front The Sentinel of Friday, mously took a stand In favor of the county unit system of levying taxes September 28. 1823) ' ¡The Congress has not moved very ' Ing a plant for the production of alu­ The Sentinel is in receipt of tele­ for the support of schools in thia coun- I rapidly during its first two weeks mina clay installed ip .Oregon or Mr. and Mrs. Ubyd Oddy have Representatives from grams from J. L. Smith announcing ty- following the summer recess. Some Washington. sold their place on the East Fork to " ‘go of the new members are grumbling the two states are meeting on this that Coos county won the first prize Bill Otoean. . . Lloyd has a good Job . paid in the halls and corridors about thei subject, and are cooperating with in the coast division at the State B. or Wood came in from Eugene as bookkeeper in a veneer plant at Fair at Salem this week, with 29 Wednesday to take the position of rule to tmpera slowness with which we are getting the local interests. Marshfield. points over Tillamix.k. Although it pharmacist in the Fuhrman Pharm­ 1 under wdv but Oie Contre» ot» the Entered at the CoquEi/p^tofflc. « i United States is not a fast moving The concrete for the basement of It Is anticipated that the bill to did not win the sweepstakes, this acy Max Rietman, who lias been in Second Claes Mali Matts*. organiaztlon. Committee have been prohibit the drafting of fathers. In­ county was given the highest score the store all summer, expects to re­ J. W. Miller bungalow opposite the busy holding hearings and discussing troduced last spring by Senator in the state on appearance and effec­ sume his studies at the dental college court house was poured yesterday. Finishing lumber has been received legislation, and I believe we will soon Wheeler of Montana, will be up for tiveness of exhibits. Office Cerner W in Portland and John expects to move into the see very busy legislative days. debate in the Senate Tuesday. This Another pioneer of Coos county bill, S. 783, has had a peculiar his­ Sheriff E. P. Ellingsen returned house shortly. There is not a hand­ Tuesday, the House passed an ap­ tory. It was reported out by the passed to her reward when Mrs. Tuesday evening from a, two weeks* somer home in the city. propriation bill to take care of | Senate Committee July 2nd, with Price Robison of Norway died at Ban­ trip to California. He took his mo­ Work has been st a standstill on the ITIIR emergency maternity and infant card Sepate Report No. 384. It has been don last Monday. torcycle with him on the boat from new brick building being built by for wives of enlisted men in the ! on the calendar since that time. Since Marshfield to San Pedro and came A. N. Gould on Front street, for a The present court and all the act­ armed forces. The higher grades of the recess, however, hearings have back on it. FOB TAX RBCFUFICATION week or so. . . Gould A Gould expect non-commissioned officers, grades 1, been held on the bill. Ordinarily, ing members of the budget committee to move into it some time between Is there anyone today who does_____ 2 and 3, and commissioned officers. hearings are held before a committee at their sessions yesterday unani- L. H. Hazard is out again, though the first and middle of November. not feel the impact of the complicated were eliminated f.-om the benefits of makes its report, but that apparently mi . JSC— tax system? Can there be anyoneI this appropriation. Previously, a was noi on ------------- his costs, » which have ------ mounted in* piumiurc um case. At . — -------- --------- -r-—- not the procedure in this who does nbt feel the need for sim- The appropriation Just passed by the any rate, the bill comes before the 1 »«»W. with the result that 25 per plificatlon? the months of April, May and June. Senate during this coming week, and fent of the distributors of milk in Let these people take heart, for The »proriatlon Just passed by the indications are that it will not be Oregon ~ ’ have gone out of business in from Senator Walter F. George, House is for the fiscal year. Dtotribu- passed by the Senate. The Army and the last twelve months and numerous Chairman of the Joint Congressional tion of the benefits to those who are the Navy and Selective Service of­ dairy herds have been sold or slaugh­ Committee on Internal Revenue Tax- «,«4^ to them is handled by the ficials have vigorously opposed any tered. In holding the line, the dairy­ atlon, whose duty it is to investigate ltate,. The money, will be handled action by Congress that would pre- man has been required to take money measures and methods for the sim- in Oregon by the Oregon State , vent the drafting of fathers. If the out of his pocket and give it to some­ plificatlon of taxes, comes this state- j Board of Health, and I understand Senate fails to pass the bill, then body else. ' mmt: ! that Board has completed its ar- Chairman May of the House Military O m of ths best-liked farmers Folks are pitching in to help “Tf a statute is supplemented by rangemente for taking care of these Affairs Committee has a bill ready to In discussing the ceiling on apples in these parts is Bert Childers! their neighbors harvest grain, complicated regulations or technical caaea of the federal funds be- act upon, but has withheld action, before Fred Vinson this last week, And he has the best way of and trait, and vegetables - and interpretations, li|tle is accomplished ginning October 1st. pending the decision of the Senate. I noticed the same type of thinking beatin* the man shortage, too. are taking their reward in soci­ by a simple law. . i | Obviously, If the Senate will not pass going on with reference to that. Ap­ Come husking time, Bert In­ ability when the Job's done. "However, X believe that the first | The hardest problem, not only be- such a* bill, there is no use taking parently, the War Food Administra­ And from where I sit. that's a vitee all of his fanner neighbors step towards simplification which fore Congress, but for the whole the matter up in the House. tion and the Office of Price Adminis­ over to have a glass of beer. mighty healthy picture of Amer- -hould be undertaken by the Com- country, now, is the manpower abort­ tration are expecting the apple grow­ When they aak politely lean life —peo, iple working lo­ mil tec is to make the income tax law a15 Billion from War Bonds this month to ’’back rhe we found they were the sons of L.Un you learned lh school to these Frederick VIII of -Denmark and that months and realize their names in- their mother was the daughter of diCMted! they were the seventh and ♦ King Charles XV of Sweden and Nor- ^