The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 30, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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________ __
Jr. Woman's Club
Moving Pictures In
Lieu of a Visit
ndwiches and cake
>n ^*<,u, U *tting
m. The lace-cover-
is was centered with
illy Bonney, Marion
rried out the colors
ce,1 too*i char«* °f
,uckey Bonney and
e poured the first
-Mrs. Marlin Bran-
bert Schroeder.
per,ett 80 .
the south terrace,
fortable chairs and
den view.
•ommittee with Mrs.
man was in charge
Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Schram, Jr„ and their daughter, Mer-
rily Kay, were shown at a gathering
Wednesday evening at the home
e< Mrg Gladyg Gano at which Mrg
Oa,w and Mrs. Frank Schram, Sr.,
were Joint holteMes
The Frank Schrams jr., have been
rodents of Minneapolis, Minn., for
the past four years, Frtyik is an in-
atructol. there at Minnesota Univer-
Re u
present engaged in
Naval lngtruction work
The nlms
were i nthe nature of a substitute
visit with family and friends, inas-
much M the war makes travelling in-
W. P. Laws was the “movie operg-
tor/- and besides the films of the
Schram family, showed some beau­
tiful pictures of the Oregon country,
taken by himself, a* well as some
shots of a Shriners’ convention and
Coquille’s last Fourth of July cele-
icaster was the in- bratjon .
pisanr nt afternoon ■ DU1jng the Schram film, (in which
ly given by a group Frank Jr
certainly proved
the home of Mrs. model papa)( there was much discus-
ird. As a surprise gion ag
whether Merrily Kay has
lair, Mrs. Lancester reaIly red
does she?
Friend. invited were: Messrs and
ids of i ldge were Mcsdames Stanley Ayors, W. P.
™,n®nt8 were served Laws j p Beyers, Ray Detlefsen,
a dainty pink and Harold Dey, Denton Ellingson, Geo.
' WM *orked
Gilman, Eldon Gilman, Harry H.
was bright with Hunt_ yred Kunz, L. W. Oddy, Craig
zinnias fiom the.perrott, Frank Pook, Paul Snyder.
Attending were JogJl Ruble>
Swlnney Orant
J*¡f"’ ",
Wilcox, Ernest Purvance, Mesdames
k* Geo- Klo,ter, Inez Chase, C. H. Alder-
Norton, of Marsh- gon Nellie Prey Etu MacPherson,
ending gifts wer* Miranda Way, Frances Skyles, Bea-
leorge Norton and trice Rhuie, Hubert Ulrich, Mr. and
See us tor photographs of
•Copies of Pictures
othy Harris. Bernice Molthu and
Ardith Sherwood
Attending were
Grace Withnell. Dorothy Harris. Vi
McBride, Bernie Dorman, Frances
Skyles. Gertrude Swinney, Beverly
Price. Ruth Creager, Bessie Borrell,
Margaret Wylie, Mary Stevens. Letha
Summers, Marie Silverton, Lucille
Walker, Jean Anderson, Mavis Tyr­
Ernestine Batty,
Martindale and Lunelle Chapin.
Mrs. Edith Walton hands the Sen­
tinel a clipping from the Seattle
Tinies which tells of the marriage of
her son, Dudley, in Seattle on Mon­
day of last week:
Monday evening Miss Alice Ann
Harford became the bride of Lieut,
(j. g.) Dudley Campbell Walton, U.
S. N. A. R., the son of Mrs. Edith Sorpotimist Club
G. Walton of Coquille, Oregon. The
Mrs. J. S. Barton returned from
ceremony was held in the Mount
her trip south in time to preside at
Baker Park Presbyterian church in
the regular meteing on Tuesday of
the presence of friends and relative*,
the Soroptimist Club. It was Found-
with the Rev. Lorin'A. Ridings offi­
ciating. For her wedding the bride
wore a violet suit with brown acces­
sories and carried a bouquet of white
Mrs. Norman G. Morse of Mount
Vernon was matron of honor and
Miss Helen Margaret Codington,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Cod­
ington was bridesmaid.
Lieut, (j g.) Richard Glaspie U. S.
N. A. R., was beet man.*
A reception was held at the home
of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Harford. The bride attended the
University of Washington, where she
was a member of the Alpha Phi Sor­
ority. The bridegroom attended the
University of Oregon, where he was
affiliated with Alpha Tau Omega
Junior Woman’s
Club Expanding
The Junior Womans Club is already
giving good promise of a successful
year. With fewer social activities of
necessity in war time, organizations
of this kind fill a need peculiar to the
trend of the times.
Last Monday
Mrs. Raymond Schroeder, Mr. and
night Mrs. Grace Withnell, president,
Mrs. A. B. Collier, Wm. Lammey,
a few new Rand Mrs. A. B. Davis, H. C. Getz and welcomed several new girls at the
regular meeting held at the Guild
id Atlases in stock., frank Schism.
Hall. Vi McBride and Dorothy Har-
lor Christmas gifts,
I ris, captains of the two teams named
to contest for new members, are both
hopeful of an extra large increase in
During the business session plans
Glen Irwin Putnam paid a $9.00 were discussed for a Sadie Hawkins
fine and costs in Justice Bull’s court dance, Nov. 6.
last Friday for having a combined , M. S. Anderson, here from Chicago
overload on his truck when stopped | and connected with the local eran
berry Industry, showed films on this
by the state police..
The same day Harold Warren subject and interesting views of other
■Davis was summoned to\ appear for localities, as well as Myrtle Point
Rodeo pictures.
an overload.
Jeannie Griggs, accompanied on the
Elmer William Lander paid $5.00
on Monday for having an over-height piano by Lunelle Chapin, sang
Schubert’s “To the Moon” and
■'Stormy Weather.”
■ Refreshments were served by Dor-
’ ■“
Muriel Dae
Details of Dudley
Walton's Wedding
’ Three Truck Drivers
Before the J. P.
Large Selection of
Dovenos and Chairs
$99.50 to $134.50
Swing Chairs
Large Selection of
Pictures, Mirrors, Lamps
Coffee Tables, End Tables
Lamp Tables
Roxy Beauty Salon
Open Oct, 1st
Hours • to 5. Tues, and Fri. evenings by appointment
Closed Mondays and Thursdays afternoons
Ph. 90
Hazel Collins, Prop.
Bicycle Tires
Bicycle Tubes
Special Low Price!
10-Piece Deluxe
Brush & Broom Set
Thousands sold at nearly
twice the price! Every one
first quality, easy to use,
ruggedly built for longer
wear. Set consists of fiber
house broom, bath brush,
bowl brush, clothes brush,
kitchen brush, vegetable
brush, Venetian blind
brush, floor waxer, dust
mop, and wet mop.
Your iron will sing across
this super-thick, smooth waf­
fle-knit pad. It’s extra resilient,
extra fast in heat and moisture
absorbency, Heavy weight
cover and sturdily bound edges.
Electric Shavers
New! Sensational
Philco Console Radios
Goodyear’s gift to the working
girl or man. Pack it in the
morning with sandwiches,
Hquid, everything you need.
Eat your lunch, collapse the
kit and put it in your pocket or
Combination Radio & Phonograph
Sealed Beam Replacement Bulbs
(All sise«)
Child’s Upholstered and Overstuffed Rocker
Southwestern Motors Car &
Home Supply Store
II .79