Minor Mentior. | Rationing Calendar use: Purch; from ration I (Clip and keep far bandy reference) ■* Ration Book No. 2 _ week Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Compton return­ ed Monday morning from a two days’ trip to Portland, where they visited their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Laws. Lafe says it is the only time he ever went to Portland that he didn’t call on all the leading hotels in the Rose city. Fuel Oil Period 1 coupons in new fuel oil rations last through January 1, 1044. Period 5 coupons (1942-43) valid Coupons through September 30. with gallonage printed on the face valid until expiration date shown on coupon sheet for gallonage indicated on coupon face. October 2.—Expiration date of red stamps X, Y and Z, last df the red stamps series in War Ration Book 2. October 20—Expiration date of blue stamps U, V and W (Processed Foods). Ration Book No. 3 ' (Brown stamps) For purchase of meats, fats, butter, cheese, oils. 2. — Expiration date of October 2. t,rown stamps A and B. October 30 —Expirstiön date of brown atampa C, D, E, and F. D become valid on Cara with C ration books must have tires inspected every three months, B books every four months; A books every six months Commercial motor vehicles — tire inspection every 8 months or every 5,000 miles, which­ ever occurs first November 21—Expiration date of No. 8 stamps in A Book, each good, for 4 gallons. Chadwick lodge No.68 A. F. & A. M. Stated Communication TUESDAY. OCT. U. 7:M P. M. Visitors Welcome Mrs. Hasel Hanna’s Mrs Gecrge Chaney returned home Daughter Married last Saturday after (pending a part The marriage in Portland last Sun­ of lait week in Portland, accompanied day afternoon of Miss Helen Hanna by her aona, George, Jr., and Pat­ to Ensign Cliiford P. Wolfsehr will be te raon. of special interest here because the bride is the daughter of Mrs. Hazel Mrs. R. A. Hennessey returned Hanna. Mrs. Hanna and son, Charles, Monday evening from a trip to San returned from Portland Monday, Francisco to be with her husband morning after having attended the stationed at Pittsburg, Calif. She states the Bay area was visited by the ceremony. The groom is the son of■ Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Wolfsehr, of Port- , worst heat wave in years, during the land. week of her visit. The wedding was held in the Com­ munity Church of Christ. Both bride and groom were graduates and class- . mates at Linfield College, as were also the minister who performed the ceremony, the bridesmaids and ushers. Other classmates of the couple sewed at the reception- which followed at the home of the g^oom. The young couple plan to spend a Chadwick Lodge, A. F. & A. M. few days at the beach before Ensign Stated communication of Chad­ Wolfsehr reports for duty in the east. wick Lodge, No. 68, A. F. 8c A. M., Mrs. Wolfsehr will take up her work Tuesday evening, Oct. 12. as assisan| professor of chemistry at Visiting brothers are invited to be the University of Oregon this fall. present. R. C. Johnson, W. M. “Back The Attack” Fuhrman's Pharmacy THUR, FRI Oil Burners serviced. Furnaces cleaned and repaired. C. E. Johnson. Oilmore Service Sts. Front St. It* SAT puny «tore. » ( FRI. II» SAI SB® " w —that leads hunted com to a brutal i spy gang and their beautiful victim I ] SUN. Those Merry Weavers Are Back ... Bringing You The Kind Of Motion Pic­ ture Entertainment That’s “American” All The Way Through . . . Music . . . Comedy . . . Romance . All Blended Into A Heart - Warm­ ing, Down-To-Earth Drama! NEWS DISNEY CARTOON BROTHERS MATINEE Sunday 1:45 Mat. lie . 35c Eves, 11c - 50c and OCT. 6 FOLK: One Day Only It’s Your Last Chance to see G. W. T. W. as the Picture will he withdrawn from service within the next few weeks. UNCUT! FULL LENGTH! EXACTLY A$ PREVIOUSLY SHOWN! ONE SHOW Starting — 7:30 Out At --------- 11:30 Children Adult« ADMISSION - - , r