The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 30, 1943, Image 1

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Coquille Red
Cross Notes
Job's Daughters
Officers Installed
Miss Jessie Sherwood was installed
last week as Honored Queen of Bethel
No. 15, Order of Job’s Daughters.
Doris Ann Wood. Past Honored
Queen, who acted as installing of­
ficers, was assisted by Margaret
Stewart, Installing Guide; Betty Em­
ery, Installing Marshal; Glenda Clin­
ton, Installing Secretary; Dorothea
Yarbrough, Installing Chaplain and
Senior Custodian; Mary belle Yar­
brough, Installing Musician and Jun­
ior Custodian.
Other officers installed were:
Phyllis Litzenberger, Senior Prin-
Gwen Elrod, Junior Prince»».
Donna Rankin, Guide
Marianne Rackleff, Marshal.
Pat Yarbrough, Recorder.
Laura Emily Hersey, Inner Guard.
Jeanne Griggs, Chaplain
Vera Bishop, Treasurer.
Shirley Slater, Musician.
Barbara McLarrin, 1st Messenger.
Robert Medley, 3rd Messenger.
Must Have Pickers
If Crop To Be Saved
Guardian, had been commisisoned by
the Grand Guardian to act as instal­
ling officer for the new Bethel Coun­
cil who are:
Ada Moore, Bethel Guardian.
Wilda Schroeder, Guard. Sec.
Margaret Stewart, Director of
Myrtle Clausen, Promoter of So­
cialbill ty.
Ruth Sherwood, Custodian Para­
Esther Litzenberger, Promoter of
Catherine Ruble, Promoter of Hos­
Estelle Harbison, Director of Patrol.
Thousonds of Cons
Cooked At Co. Form
in Rotary for the duration
name will be placed on the
honor % plaque, recently in-
together with that of Capt.
Big Exodus Of
Deer Hunters
Beginning Tuesday morning, Co­
quille deer hunters began to leave
for central and southern Oregon to
be on the ground when the season
opens tomorrow morning.
Notwithstanding the lack of precipi­
tation Gov Snell has indicated that
he would not postpone the opening
unless conditions became worse and
Bob Wandling
At Shell Station
It may have, probably has.