I MGI MIN» CLASSIFIED ^¿¡ Penney Stores Beat Bond Quota By 400% St or phone 242M /It* ___________________ _ ________ ! Secretary of the Treasury Henry J. Cranberry Pickers Wanted ! - Morgenthau hasjust telegraphed the cent more in bunds and stamp* than J. C. Penney Company congratula­ Cranberry picking at the Sumner WEANER PIOS FOR SALE—Inquire tions on the magnificent job of bond Ftehdxtg, a mile east of Bandon and B. J. Olsen, Fat Elk. 35t2* selling which the company's 1810 half a mile south of the highway, will PERMANENT WAVE->~50c. Do your start next Monday, Sept. 27. Pickers, storqs turned in during the month of own Permanent with Charm-Kur) at good wages, are needed—women July. In July, 1842, the Penney Com­ pany sold 8% million dollars in War Kit. Complete equipment includ­ or men, girls or boys. s Stamps and Bonds to set a high rec- ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy HELP WANTED — Oreognian agent , ord for the chain and department tn do, absolutely harmless. Praised for Coquille, man or woman. . Sal- «tore business. This year, in an at­ by thousands including June Lang, ary and commission, full time not tempt to surpass the 1842 figures, a glamorous movie star. Money re­ required. For information phone ■ quota of ten million dollars was set funded if not satisfied. Barrow 301, Coquille. It The complete report for July, which Drug Company. 35tl0* was forwarded to the Secretary of the FOR SALE — 1 Pole Refrigerator, WANTED — Water wells to drill Treasury last week, announced the 815.00; 1 Parlor Organ, 815.00. J. amazing total of $42,335,818.85, or Have new and up-to-date equip­ E. Quick, 361 So. Henry, Coquille, four times the quota set for the cam­ ment and heavy pipe where needed. stf Fred C. Loe. Route 1, Marshfield. paign, and very nearly five times the 30t4*tf WANTED—Pint Jars or will trade figure of the preceding year. In this quarts for pints. Call 42L, Co­ one month, Penney «tore» sold 25 per FOR SALE—Purebred Chow Puppjps, quille. five weeks old. Can bo seen at Bandon. J. W. Ice, east of Eleventh WANTED — street, Bandon. 36t2*s Automatic shot gun — all kinds of — -- ■ —, ■ , ■ Shells — Wash tubs — Boiler Lid. ELECTRIC WASHING Machine and Farr A Elwood. Radio For Sale, on account of no electricity. C. L. Alford, Box 17, PAPERHANGING, Katebmining, Coquille. It*s I Wood Finishing, Interior and Ex­ I terior Painting. W» buy cotton WILL CARE For Child, over one i Herbert E. Wood, 275 N. year old, in my home, either or! rags. Henry St. Phone 286. tfs both night and day. Call, at 361 East Ninth street, Coquille. It’s SWEET CORN For Sale — Golden FOR SALE—A few more New Hamp- 1 - Bantam, first place on Arago road across the bridge. 82.00 per sack. shire Rad hens, for locker or can­ Guy E. Mullin. 38t2*s ning. Average 6 lbs. In lots of I _______ ________________ 6 or more, 30c lb.—Guy C. Torrey, FOR SALE—Weanar Pigs, around 30 Next to Coquille 'Auto Camp, Mfld. pounds. Lester Mayse, Sitkum. Hiway. ’ < ' 35tte Phone Sitkum line. 36t2*s ONION SETS—Plant now for green FOR SALE-One 6-ft. McCormick onions in mid-winter. 25c lb. Daify Grain Binder. Can ba soon FARR A ELWOOD. a at Burgess Bros, place on Johnson Mill road. lt*s PAINT UP— CLEAN UP—Wo carry a full Line of High Quality Paint WIRE FENCING—Woven Wire Fenc­ for every purpose, including Mir­ ing and Light and Heavy 4-polnt acle Wall. Be sure and get a copy Barb Wire. J. A. Lamb Company, a M our New Paint Styling Booklet —Free. J. A. Lamb Company, s WANTED TO BUY—Ranch around 100 acres from private party or FOR SALE—29 K acres, lying on real estate company. K. Grggg, Marshfield Highway, three miles 1250 O’Farrell St., San Francisco, from Coquille. House and barn; Calif. S5U*s good dairy ranch. Mrs. Sarah Mc­ Adams, first house aerósa bridge on Bandon highway 36t3s AUTO PAINTING and Body Work. Bring your car in—we can atari work at once. Southwestern Motor Co. r Si -I J, ■ BUILD A FIREPLACE—No priority restrictions, we have brick, lima, cement. FARR ft ELWOOD. S WANTED TO RENT or Might Buy— 4 or 5 room modern house, unfur­ nished. Adults only, for Coquille people. Walking distance to Smith Wood Products. By the 1st of November. Write A, in care of the Sentinel. 34t3* CAN SEALER FOR RENT—Farr * Elwood. a DS LAVAL (SEPARATORS and Milk­ art, Parta and Dairy Supplica. Get them at Pacific Feed ft Seed Co. tit Coal Rationing Started Monday in merchandise. In terms of war equipment. Uris means 500 fighter planes, 300 light tanks, five destroyers I Through their National Farm Safe­ and five submarines. ty Program, practically all 4-H club News of this July achievement, to- members in the nation's largest vol­ gether with the Secretary's telegram, unteer youth organization—which of congratulations, were released at n.iu, u a Ume when the Penney Company was engage in an all-out endeavor j ?rt? ‘T* to go over the torf .gain this Septem- i wh^h u, i^L bar in the Third W.r Loan Drive. prSX^^iJSl. * ELECTRIC WIRING—Limited stock I of copper wiring available for sale, without priority. FARR A < EL- I WOOD. • For Refrigeration Service phone L88J—write Box 397, Co­ quille. O. H. Onanier, auÜieiÿxad Frigidaire Service. ÎTtfs FOR RENT—Furnished 2-room Apt., Bath. Adults, only. No animate. Inquire Flora E. Dunne, 351 So. Henry St. tfa roofino — 104 sq. ft, tar, nails, in­ structions, only 11.40. FARR ft ELWOOD. ALL MAKES ft MODELS 1M1 Ford DeLuxe Coupe IMS Ford DeLuxe Sedan 1333 Ford Tudor 1931 Ford Model A Tudor 1M1 Mercury 5-Pass. Coupe 1938 Lincoln Sedan 1M1 Buick Station Wagon 1M1 Buick SedkU 1939 Buick Seda« 1M1 Chevrolet DeLuge Sedan 1M0 Chevrolet Bld, Coupe 1939 Chevrolet Std. Town Sedan 1838 Frymouth Sedfn 193T Plymouth Coupe ' ÜR1 Royal Factory - Built House Trailer MANY MORE Phone 83 Night Phone 27» Southwestern Southwestern MotoVs Coquille, O to . * Th* improvement of the under­ standing is for two ends: first, our own increase of knowledge; secondly, to enable us to deliver thst know­ ledge to others.—Locke. Records of all participants in this i activity are being considered for spec- I lai recognition in the form of county, state and national awards provided by the Bennen Company. They Include medals to county blue award groups, I and a 8100 War Bond to the outstand­ ing safety champion in each state. An ail-expense trip ib the 22nd Mrs. Leldnd McGilvery underwent National 4-H Club Congress, Chicago, a major operation last Wednesday af- ¡Nov. 28, Dec. 1, and a |300 acholar- temoon. I ship also will be presented to each of * On Friday Mrs. Ora Belle entered the four members of the national blue for treatment and Mis. Jay Jeffries award group selected from the state underwent a tonsilectomy. She left winners. the hospital Saturday. A five pound baby boy, named George Oerding Sella Nicky Leigh, was bom to Mr. and Home On Fairview Road • Mrs. Don Sonneman, who recently came to Coquille, on Sunday. The home of Mr. and Mm. Harry eity Mrs. Mary Winters entered on Krantz, located just outside the _____ _ Sunday and Mrs. Alta Dishner on .limits on the Fairview road, conaist- Monday, both for treatment. Inc of one and one-thirteenth of an Mrs. Myrtle Nichols, Mrs. Bertha acre, was scM by George E. Oerding Nye and Esther Hatcher underwent ' to Mr. and Mrs. Adrian C, Wertz. The major operations yesterday and Jerry new owners expect to move into their, Howell, and* Johnny Trigg of Myrtle purchase in the near future.' Point, submitted to appendectomies. Dismissals the past week ’were Don't forget a corsage for that spe­ Alicq Brpwn last Friday, Rodney cial date—roses, gardenias and or­ Halter of Norway and R. V. Kleinfeit chids at Bergen's. of Port Orford on Saturday, Mrs. Ag­ nes Hoke on Sunday, and Betty Jean Apllng of Denmark on Monday. Mrs. Clarence Osika and baby A . F. * A. M. were able to leave the hospital Sun- Special Communication TUESDAY, SEPT. 38. 8:M F. M. We carry a complete line of V- Belts for all makes of Refrigerators, Washing Machines and other equip­ ment. Washer Service Co.. 365 W. Front, Coquille. Phone. istfs See Archi« Buehnnll at Southwestern Motors Coquille First Church of Christ, Scientist Coquille, Oregeu Sunday School at 8:30 a. m. Sunday Service at 11 a. as. Subjec^Csr next Sunday, “Reality. Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock. Free public Reading Room at 255 W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every day except Sunday and holidays from 12:30 to 5:00 p. m. Church ef God Comer off Henry A Seventh 8ts. Pastor, A. L. Perry All are Invited to attend. If your child does not go to Sunday 8chool elsewhere, we urge you to send them, Sunday School, 10 a. an. Preaching service II a. m. . Young People's meeting, 4:45 p. m. or better still bring them. Preaching service 7:89 p. m. Norton’s have world globes now, Just released by Rand McNally GANO SERVICE Werk in M. M. Visitors Welcome GANO FUNERAL HOME Attention lio Details deaf- NOTH1NG OVERLOOKED NOTICE Oregonian Subscribers: help your carrier by having paper money ready at his first call. Remember tee must pay Ms paper obligation before the lOtft of the month. Thank yon. The Oregonian Agency Ear! L Schroeder Phone Ml Coquille, Oregoh I cense ef the County Court of Coos County, Oregon, made and entered on the 21st day of September, 1843, in the Matter of the Estate of Charles Heller, deceased, I wtTl, on and after Friday, October 22nd, 1843, proceed to cell, at private sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand and ‘object to the confirmation ot said Court, all of the right, title and in­ terest of said Estate, and those claim­ ing under it, in and to the following described real property, to-wit; AU of the merchantable Umber now standing, lying qt being on the NEK of the NWK of Sec­ tion 34 in Township 27 South c Range 11 West of the Willamett Meridian in Coos County, Orc SCHROEDER BROS MORTUARIES, ¡M Uk|«i!ie Reception room JoiuUj with Dr. J. R. Bunch Itandon 1083 MISS INEZ ROVER I net ructor of Piano High Scheel <—- ii to Buy-LateM 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion. 8:45 a. m. Church School. 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer with Sermon. Wedneedny: September 8Mb 10:00 a. m. Holy Comipunion. 2:30 p. m. St James' Guild. I_________ __ _____ Justice Court Cases « Ernest Wilson Evans was sum­ moned by the state police last Wed­ nesday and again on Thursday to ap­ pear in Justice Bull’s court for hav­ ing a combined overload on hia. log­ ging truck. Three men paid fines and costs last Wednesday th the local J. P. court, $8.00 in each Instance. Bruce Allen Briggs had a driver overload; George Leroy Kultin and Robert Everett Parrish, for overheight loads.' Lionel C. Baker paid 88 00 on Thursday for a trailer unit overload, while James Paris Heath was sum­ moned for having a combined over­ load. Episcopal Church Rev. Charles Goodwin Brown, Pastor While the Company average of, That the 4-H'ers are helping to re­ Sunday School hour, every Sunday Bond sate, for July amounted to 125 duce the annual farm fire losses of per cent of its merchandise sales, in- } 3,500 " ______ .....__ ~ of dollars in morning at 3.43. lives and ; millions dividual stores and Individual states BOw in^placeabie ~buiidi^ Sunday morning worship hour. _______ i and turned in far greater percentages. equipment vitally essential to'the war Sermon subject: "The Wisdom of Following is a copy of the tele­ program, is reflected in the clubber's God." 11:00 O'clock. The Youth Fellowship group meets gram sent the company by Mr. Mor­ records of achievement in the current gen the u: National 4-H Farm Safety Acitvity. every Sunday evening at IM o'clock. Among the aims of the prqgram are Noble Chownlng, J/., leads the devo­ to impress others to become safety tions, this evening. Sunday Wening worship hour, with .conscious to locate fire hazards and 'correct them, and to assist'in provid­ special emphasis on the music, 8:00 o’clock. f f ■ ing or installing simple home fire- Choir rehearsal hour every Wed­ ; fighting equipment in or near all [farm buildings. The youthful workers nesday evening at 7:30. have made big strides in carrying out i Mid-week services every Thursday .'at 7:30. • these objectives since the activity's Official Board will meet on Mon­ inception last January, byv giving talks, demonstrations and playlets on day, September 27th, at 7:30. Young Adults will begin now to accident and fire prevention at local plan for October 8th at Marshfield. meetings, by inspecting home prem­ ises for accident and fire hazards, and Ask your pastor about this meeting. "Many a sermon,” says Roy L. conducting community-wide safety campaigns. Their safety activities Smith, “has been carefully prepared, have called for extraordinary efforts but ruined through careless listening. tl»is year, due to the large number of Why not Listen in some church next Sunday morning? inexperienced workers on farms. Belle Knife Hospital A priority system on coal deliv­ eries—to assure a fair distribution of the available supply according to the need of consumers—went into effect last Monday, Sept. 20, in Washington, Oregon and the ten northern counties ot Idaho. “This is the same area now under firewood priorities and the coal pri­ BABY CARRIAGES—838.85. J. A. Lqmb Company. a ority system will operate in the same maftner,” James C. Scully, regional fuel rationing executive, Office of Price Administration, said yesterday. The action on coal was taken by OPA Co. at the direction of Howard Gray, , g ma un well <■, l i re n y a w - m a i '■ ■ ■"■ y i. ■■— Deputy Solid Fuels Administrator for FLOOR SANDER FOR RENT Farr War under Hat-old Ickes. A Elwood. The firewood rationing order which has been in effect in this same area Permanent all-year job open at since July 28, has been iwriud to In­ Sunset cemetery, Marshfield, Oregon. clude both wood and coal and becomes Outdoor work. Older man preferred. a new ration order No. 14-A, ltoocoe If you are looking for shipyard wages, A. Day, acting chief of the North­ don't apply. Address 8upt. Sunset west Solid Fuels Rationing Branch of Cemetery, Box 91C, R. D. No. 1, OPA, explained. Marshfield, Oregon, or call 1230J, "It was necessary to add coal to the Marshfield. 38t3*s rationing order because of the uncer­ tainty of the coal supply for thia FARM MACHINE REPAIRS — Re­ area,” Day said, "the shortages of place all broken parts with the fuel oil and wood have placed*a heavy new IHC parts before you put burden on coal, necessitating action to your farm machines away for the protect coal users. winter. J, A. Lamb Company. ■ “Multiplied war requirements, both FEED YOUR DOG the food Admiral military and industrial; greatly in­ Byrd’s dogs used In the Antarctic. creased population; shortage of man­ GAINES DOG FOOD. Farr A El­ power at al] stages of production and s •distribution; and the acute transpor­ wood. tation problem, both rail and »truck, FOR SALE—10 Purebred New Zea­ have cut coal supplies in the face of land White doe rabbits, 3H months a soaring demand,” he said. 'i old. Galen Kight, Riverton. lt*a FOR SALB—Gould's purebred Rom­ ney rams, yearlings, range raised, from Imported Sires, price reason­ able. Gould A Arnold, Gaylord, Ore. 30tfs State's 4-H'ers To Take Active Part In Fire Prevention Week NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN thet the undersigned has been appointed Administratrix of the estate of JOHN WALTER KONRAD, deceased, and that all persona having claims against swirl estate, should present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned, at the law office of HARRY A. SLACK, First Nat*l. Bank Bldg., Coquille, Oregon, within six months from the Mate of this notice. DATED: September 23, 1843 Benham’s Transfer Anywhere For Hire > S4ND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — 8TORAGE . MRS. HELEN NORTON. Administratrix of said estate., Agents for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight Office Phone Farr & Elwood Bide. W. Second St