The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 23, 1943, Page 8, Image 8

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Guild Party
Southwest Oregon
Counties Plan For
Post War Work
Red Cross Report
For This Week
Crdig Perrott Is
Now Fire Chief—
Other City Business
■■ e ’
* Coquille Red Cross, Unit 784, wiH
hold ita first regular work meeting
. (Cartflneed fteui page one)
on Friday, Sept 24, from 1:00 to 4:30
(Continued from Page One)
for the Community Building
the speaker, are expected to cooper- P m
ate with j “*1— and districts within cordially invited to come and sew or was accepted and the work ordered
counties and to urge upon them the hnlL or to take out work to be done done
In turning down Geo. Oerdlng*»
necessity of asserting themselves
home, if prefererd. There will also
toward Doet-war planning.
' be other types of work to be done, so offer of $1000 for the old Train build-
open ing, corner of Front and Hall streets. blank forms are being please keep Friday
furnished by the state highway de-J *nd ewne prepared with your scissors (he council pointed out that the de-
pertinent to all tax-levying units a,ld thimble, says Mrs. Kesnar, chair- liuquent county taxes against the
property now amount to $1,023.53 and
upon which to tabulate and report ,nan ot production,
A number
workers have if the city accepted the offer, it
contemplated projects covering con-
nl>mh»r of our
»traction, purchase of equipment and specified the desire to have a work would be out the $23.53 to the county
materials, and plans of ‘ finances, room where they may get to- besides losing the $803 owing by the
____ _________
of these reporta, listed gather and do their Red Cross work property for delinquent improvement
separately, will be made for a gen- as a group. If there is a sufficient aseessmenta, plus interest.
The council did, however, Instruct
eral report to Governor Snell for number present at these meetings,
the finance committee to go before
consideration in the statewide post- they will continue to be held.
war planning program
Mr». Phil Alborn will display the the county court and ascertain what
Visiting county officials Friday knitting that is being done at pres- kind of a settlement the county might
were entertained by Coos county ent- She exepcts a new shipment of be willing to make.
The offer of $48.44 for the north
with a baked salmon luncheon at the yarn within the next day or two.
county farm, where, under direction I Mr». L. A. Lundquist and Mr». A. 25 feet of lot • and lot 10. block 31
of Mrs. F. C. McNslly, matron, » com- N. Gould will cut out work to be of Elliott’s Addition—the former Alt
plete home-grown meal was served, taken home and Mrs. K. P. Lawrence Johnson home prqperty on South
and which was highly complimented, will receive finished articles and will Henry street, was referred to the fi-
nance committee. The sum offered
It was an unrationed Coos county check out new work.
meal. The salmon came from the Co- | On Sept. 17 shipment was made to was the amount for which the city
qullle river and practically every- Coos county headquarters, consist- foreclosed its lien against the prop­
erty something over a year ago.
thing «Jac was grown on the county ¡ng of the following: 4
f ; S Ta hl*
-__ .
■ - • •
3 Table coven {Af
Another offer was accepted, that of
- ■ — ——»
13 Housewives (sewing kits).
$22.00 for a quit claim deed for the
Officials attending the meeting in­
18 Ditty Bags.
¡east half of lot 12. block 41, on
cluded: Curry county, Judge A. H.
Heath street The tender was made
28 Prs. Bedaid« Slipper» (all ma- by Mrs. H. E. Anderson, who secured
Cope; Douglas, Jpdge D. N. Busen-
the property from her father, Mr.
bark. Commissioner H. B. Roadman; terial donated.)
Detwiler, and who supposed the city’s
Jackson, Judge J. B. Coleman, Com- ; From the knitting department:
improvements lienajiad all been paid.
missloners A. E. Powell, Wm. Perry,
43 Toe Sox.
County Engineer Paul B. Rynning; I 12
” Knee Banda.
There was no house on this lot.
10 Pra. Bed Sox.
Councilman Gray brought up a
Josephine, Judge W. A. Johnson,
Commissioners Pete Frederickson, j Mrs. J. R. Bunch, in charge of sur- matter of pedestrian protection at the
Luciua Robinson; Coos, Judge L. D. gical dressings, reports sending an- corner of Seventh and Henry streets
FeUheim, Commissioners Lars Peter- other shipment to Marshfield and where the pavement, widened a few
years ago, permits auto drivers to
son and P. W. Culver, Roadmaster. that work is going ahead nicely.
F. N. Robb; U. 8. Forest Service, C/
Mr». Kesner adds: “We are very cut across, endangering anyone cross­
D. Cameron, Tom Pierce; state high- , proud of our record to date and again ing the street. It was suggested that
way deparment. Engineers C. B. Me- I thank our faithful workers for their a pedestrian lane be painted and the
and vzwvma
Oscar Cutler.
consistent co-operation.
— week matter was referred to the street
Judge F. L. Phipps, The Dalles, j we thank Mrs. E. T. Stelle for her committee and engineer to do what­
executive secretary of the Associa- generous check of $25.00, also Mrs. ever would be beet. The same action
tion of Oregon Counties, acted as sec- , I. A. Elrod for $1.25, and Mrs. Pearl was taken in regard to the intersec­
retary of the meeting. Special local Kelley for her contribution at yam. tion of First and Willard streets, at
guest was R. H. Lawhorn, former ' “Mrs. Wm. Barrow’» group continue the Liberty Theatre corner, where
-------------- ~ C. H Coe
work on afghans and Mrs. Tom the widening of the pavement on
commissioner. Treasurer
and Secretary-Manager Arch Sanders Stevens’s new group of twelve will Willard is encouraging drivers to cut
of the Oregon Coast Highway associ­ do the same type of work for the Corners.
Sidewalk repairs were ordered
ation, attended the afternoon session ■ present.
“Despie the sudden warm weather, made by the city’s street department
to present their program of a state­
wide postwar highway »«construc­ ■ strenuous house work, etc., let us all and the costs aliened against the
tion and completion program. At re­ remember that the boys in camps at property. One was at Ninth and
home and fighting somewhere over­ Heath street, in front of Mrs. Prey’s
See Norton'! tor office and school quest of the Marshfield chamber, of
commerce, Frank »Skewis and Pete seas are warm and tired and have property; another at Seventh and
plenty to do at all times, too; often Henry, the lot being owned by B. W.
Lewis ef their post-war planning
under the most terrible conditions. Dunn, and the other on Heath north
committee, attended the sessions.
Gifts for all occasion, a( I
Surely there isn’t one of us who can­ ef Eleventh.
not spare an hour or two once a week
The city officials decided again to
at the very least to help provide the participate in the War Bond drive
needs of our own service men. If and left it to the finance committee to
we are not ready to do that small purchase $5,000 or $8,000 worth of
service, surely we are not worth bonds, whatever it was felt could be
fighting for.”
spared from the surplus cash on hand.
The complaint against the rotting
vegetables and possibility of mlce-
started fires in the old Dillard Market
on Front street, was brought up by
Total registration in the high school one of the councilmen. This brought
is now 343. There are 72 freshmen, a statement from City Attorney Berg
88 sopohomore, 62 Juniors and 41 sen­ that the local rationing board has
• St
taken cognizance of the conditions
At the assembly to be held tomor­ there and the owner, or hie agent,
row, yell leaders, both* boy» and girl», instructed to have the store cleaned
will be chosen.
out at once. The O. P. A. can take
The annual junior class play is al­ a hand in the matter because of the
ready being worked upon and Mrs. rationing points involved.
Ruth Beyer» is coaching the cast.
Mias Lunelle Chapin is again
faculty adviser for the Hl-Times
staff and the first edition is expected
to be out next week.
A gathering of unusual interest on
Wednesday was the* party given at
Ufi Guild Hall in honor of Mrs. Robt
Greene. Member» and friend» usu­
ally kept at home because of small
children in the family, were especial­
ly urged to come and bring the little
folks. As a result the attendance was
multiplied with most charming re­
sults. A big circle of mothers, grand­
mother», aunts and interested friends,
with proportionately in Importance
at least, almost as many babies of
varied ages presented themselves. .■
Small boys and dainty little girls
did their best to assist in presenting
Mrs. Greene with the many lovely
gifts which had been brought fol: the
Entertainment was offered by
groups of school girli. Mrs. Chas.
Stauff. »vsisted at the piano. .Bhrams’
“Lullaoy,” sung by Laura Emily
Ruble, Mary Anne Walker and Bonita
Miller, was an appropriate offering,
sweeting done.
A second group sang, “Light a
Candle in the Chapel.” This consist­
ed of Donna Rankin, Phyllis Lltxen-
berger, Vera Bishop and Jeannie
A clever sMj, planned by Mrs. Ed
Stelle, was given by Betsy Stelle,
Sully Bonney, Marion Moore, Carol
Jean Gray, Ann Harbison and Adri­
enne Eubanks.
There was a sand pile for diversion
outside and clever animal cookies
with punch inside.
Small enter­
tainers were Nancy Griggs, who sang
•»nd Gerald Gamier, who spoke a
Guests were Mrs. George M. Griggs,
Nancy Ann and Jean Lee; C. L. Tut­
tle; Georgia Hanson and Charles; Es­
telle Harbison and Bobbie; Mrs. R.
A Wemich and George Hennessey;
Madalyn Thrift and Clyde, Mesdames
Nora Rosa, E. N. Briner, F. B. Hickok,
Fred Eyingson, Oran Gamier, Ray­
mond Brownson, Walter Litzenberg-
er, O. L. Wood, Bert Folsom, L. H.
Hazard, Julius Ruble, L. W. Claver,
Elbert Schroeder, George Laird, L.
L. Bonney, Ida Owen, Mabel Goa­
lin, Annie Robison, Anne ManseU,
Nell Stewart, Gene Lorenz, Gertrude
Lorenz, Ethel Shaw, Susie Martin,
Vera Pook, Clara Stauff, Ruth Ak-
and Harold Withnell.
Auction Sale
Sunday, Sept. 26,1943
Tax Statements Not To Bo
Available TUI After Oct IS
sessor Forrest until Oct. 15, and that
statement» cannot be given or mailed
until after that date.
A. O. Walker, chief in the county’»
tax department office, aaya that the
Choice flower» and plant» reason­
rolls for the 1043-44 taxes will not be
turned over to that office by As- ably priced at Bergen’», a
i - jui -xiia. o.-
. in___
To All Holders
of “A” Gas
This is an Official
and you are invited to bring your car
in for a Tire Inspection before Sept. 30
the last day for Tire Inspection as
required by 0. P. A. rules and
Thornton Tire Service
Southern Oregon’s largest and most Complete Tire Service
340 W. Front, Coquille, Tel. 270
Broadway at Curtis, Marshfield, Tel. 052
1$ Dairy Cows
Other Stock
Commencing at 11:00 A. M., Will Sell at Public Auction
Sale on the ranch of Alfred Daniels in Lee Valley, my
whole Herd of Dairy Cows, other Livestock and Farm
Machinery, etc., a partial list of which follows:
■ ■ o
15 Head of Good Milk Cows .
5 Head of Good Coming 2 yr. old Heifers
1 Black Pole Angus Bull, 5 moa. old.
5 Good Calve»,
1 Jersey Bull
1 Team of Horses.
20 Head of Pig».
20 Head of Shoop
20 Ton Rye\Qross and Clover Hay
Farm Machinery
2 Mowers, 1 Hay Rake, 1 2-Horse Disk, S Plows, 1 Harrow,
1 Set Harness, 1 Milk Cooler, 1 Grind Stone, Ice Box,
1 Stock Trailer.
1 Chevrolet Car
1 Late Model 85-Horse Power Ford Pickup,
new rubber, stake, body, A-l condition.
Small Items Too Numerous to Mention
Anderson A Phillips Auctioneers
Mike Daniels, Clerk
The Eagles will give a dance thia
com inf Saturday night for their
/nembere and friend»; at the Ea«le»
gw a* JnmMEK
Mrs. Van Spores, secretary of the
Eagles Auxiliary announces that
| Christmas cards will be sent to ser­
vice men again this year. Brothers,
friends, sweethearts and husband* of
auxiliary member» will each receive
I a card if his name is given to Mrs.
Spores at once. Te) 123 R.
All membtrs of th* Eagles Au»i-
' lairy ar* urged to attend the meeting
Friday, Sept. 24, when another class
of candidaeea will be initiated. Birth­
days in September will be celebrated
C. S. C. Meets
Eagles Notes
Mrs. Jack Arnold
members of the C. 8. C. club on Tues­
day afternoon at her home on North
Taylor street. The ladies visited dur­
ing the afternoon while busy with
sewing and Red Cross knitting. Re­
freshments were served. Attending
.were Mesdames Ernest Perrott, J. J.
Stanley, Winegar. NeH-McGiivery and i
Maggie Simmons.
Oregon Journal Coquille Mgr
Is Noble Chowning, Jr.
Oregon Journal representative, ini
charge of morning deliveries and
subscriptions, is Noble Chowning. Jr..!
141 North Division street, Coquille,
phone 148M. Service complaints also: