! Rationing Calendar ]Z33 Até Now Pioneer Members Divorces Tuesday ’ Judge King ^ranted divorcee in Circuit court here Tuesday to the plaintiffs in the following cases: Myrtle Hoover vs. Adam K. Hoover WANTED Heaters Ranges Chairs Tables Bed Springs Used Furniture Phone 119L are staying close Marriage Licenses Norway News Items Sept. IS—Thomae E. Discoil. of St. Paul, Minn., and Evelyn M. Miller, <>f Marshfield. Sept. 16—Cleal H. Langenberg, of Sweet home, Ore., and Evelyn Oil- more, of Coquille. They were mar­ ried last Thursday by Rev. Chas. O. Brown at the Pioneer Chureh par­ sonage. Sept. 18—Kenneth D. Johns» n and Lilias Arlene Raymond, both of Hauser, Ore. Sept 21-v-Morris Anderson and Annfi Anderson, both of Empire, Ore. Sept >1—Clarence Ramond Lattin, of Empire, and Alyce Addie Lee Hoptonstall, of Marshfield. Sept, 22—Otto V. Peterson and Helen Audrey Kulstad. both of Port Orford. Oro. Sept, tl—John C. Merchant, of Eastside, and Easts May Gumm, of North Bend. ■■j.---------------- ».,i... -J ¿ i Probate Court Items Fairview News Gems of Thought A DIIAYH) ACTION BOMB! -more deadly than a Jap incendiary cvr«v rifir is AN AAIS FIRE! Frank Keefer, brought before Judge Dal M. King on a non-support charge, in circuit court Tuesday, pleaded guilty. He was sentenced to one year In the pen and was immedi­ ately paroled for a three-year period on condition that he support his fam- , Uy. A Self-Supporting, Tax-Paying, Private Enterprise