PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY COURT i Coquille Medical Service Bu- Cliildren’s Farm Home, care County Children __ .............. 208.12! reau, Hospital dues Mutual Benefit Health A Act, Boys & Girls Aid Society, care Insurance ........... ........ ..... County Children ...... ............ 15.00 11.01 West Coast Telephone, Ser- Catholic Charities .......... . ...... Treaaarer's Oft. vicott _____ t - - - - T__________ - 3.00 Peoples Water A Gas Co., H. W. Specialty Co., Staples I water .... „.... . .............. Assessor's Off. Shell Oil Co., Shell gas........... Addresaograph Multigraph 5.00 O. K. Rubber Welders Tire I Shop, auto supplies............... 30.00, Howard Cooper Corp., mater - t I extinguisher .......................... I J. E. Walstrom, cement........... 17.30 McGeorge Gravel Co., culvert pip* ............. rtf....................... 2.50 State Ind. Acc. Comm., Indus­ trial insurance ....................... < 5.00 Cecil Hartley, filing saws....... H. R. Godard, filing caws....... Coos County Fire Patrol Assn. 27.04 40 pieces of Umbers........ . A. Barrows, Royalty on (ravel 4.00 Southern Pacific Co. , storage - Of road oil ...... __ .... ___ 1.50 Southern Pacific Co., freight i on tank.........~.... £.m................. 4.41 1 Edwards Hardware Co., valve 1.10 20.00 Industrial Repair Co., repair work .......... 1.85 00.33 Bay Motors, auto supplies........ 1.74 George F. Burr Motor- Co., auto supplies ...................... 228.57 40.00 Capps Motor Co., brake fluid............ 35 Southwestern Motors, auto re- ’ 61.M pair and supplies . ............... <321.90 F. S. Slover Co., material....... 117.M 58.08 Stevens Cash 'r Hardware, ma- 00.00 terlal ....... A....... ....... 8.3R 80.001 Oregon Nevada Calif. Fast Freight, freight ............................ M 38.38 Farr A Elwood, padlocks ....... 3.75 48.62 Pioneer Hardware Co., mater- | tai ...... 36.36 50.00 Gregg Hardware, paint brush- 111.90 Alta V. Rogers, Administratrix of the Estate of Ro; L. Thomas, Deseaced. 34t Osaac R. Tower, gas and oil.... Contractera Equlpment Co. materiel ,............................... J. E. Haseltine A Co., mater NOTICE TO CREDITORS iai............ :......................... . 206.78'Farm & Industrial Equipment I Co., wheels .............. .............. 418.60 Columbia Equipment Co., ma- i tertal ..... .................. .............. W. P. Fuller A Co., paints...... 167.30' Coquille Fire Dept., Refill fire | Southern PaeffRTC67, fnSght on liq. asphalt---------------- McNair Hardware Co., brush axes .....----- —....... ♦........ A. B. Daly — Co., material . J. A. Lamb Co., material.__ Mountain States Power Co., lights and power....... Union Oil Co. of Calif., gaso­ line and oil .¿..x*....,’.u.¿..1 City of Coquille, lights........ Standard Oil Co. of Calif., shovel ................... Oregon Pacific Co., material Pacific Wrecking Co., speedo­ meter ....................... J A J Tire Co., auto supplies Coquille Service Station, auto supplies ...... .../*.............. Coquille Auto Co., auto sup­ plies ..................... Golders «Auto Parts Co., auto supplies ................................. Loggers Supply Co., roller chain ..... ;...._........ Earl Littrell Supply Co., auto supplies ......... 5.20 128.86 3.50 568.83 gon. Bids will be received by -me, as Administrator of said Estate, at the 5.75 office of J. Arthur Berg, in Coquille, Coos County, Oregon. Frank Heath, 38.41 Administrator of the Estate of Flora M. Laird, Deceased. 10.00 35t5 67.72 Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was on the 20th day of September, IMS, duly appointed by the County Court of Coos County, Oregon, as Administrator of the Es- ’ tate of A. J. Morrow, deceased; and > all persons having claims against gpid i Estate are hereby required to present i them to me, with proper vouchers at- * tached and duly verified, at my office in Coquille, Oregon, within six months from date of this notice. Dated and published first time Sep­ tember 22, 1943. * O. C. Sanford, 36t5 Administrator of said Estate 14.86 STATE OF OREGON C6unty of Coos: as. I, L. W. Oddy, County Clerk ol Coos County, Oregon, Ex-officio Clerk of the County Court of said County and State do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and cor­ rect statement of the amount of bills allowed on the various funds of the County as audited by the County Court of said County at the regular Sept. 1M3 term thereof as the same appears on the exhibits of claims and warrants in my office and custody. T , WITNESS my hand and the seal of the County Court affixed this 16th day of Sept., 1943. L. W. Oddy, County Clerk iSeaD Bv J W. Leneve. Depute S unny B rook H. S. Norton, Supplies...... 7.75 First Natl. Bank, Portland, With holding tax................... 708.45 Wm. F. Howell, aherlff, mile- Who says this is the age of metals? ",.. you can’t fight a war,, much less carve out ultimate victory, without wood,” states Rear. Admiral C. H. Woodward. . . Literally thousands of Naval craft are framed, planked and decked of WOOD ... fighting craft like the famous PT’s .., mine sweepers that lead sea-fiorne invasion fleets ... sub chasers ... floating dry docks I Altogether at least twelve well-known standard Naval craft are in the all-wood class. Add to this the vast quantities of wood needed for battleship and aircraft carrier decking, docks, storehouses, pulp for explosives and packages, crat­ ing and thousands of other items of war I MOW WOOD IS DESPERATELY NEEDED. There’s a shortage of saw­ logs. This shortage can slow up our Navy and Army ’round the world. Log­ gers I Don’t let ’em down I Keep swingin’I The road to victory is clear. But it takes that extra punch I ’