The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 23, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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    Out-of-Doors Stuff
r E
». It
All for one and one for all,
Working hard from sun to sun;
We have heard our country's call;
, Washington, D. C, Sept. 23 -The Battles must be quickly wok.
recent death of Judge Bert Haney of Rhythmic songs of work ,and work,
Oregon, one of the seven judges that Fight and fight—no slackers now;
comprise the ninth United States cir­ Working, fighting, none will shirk;
cuit court of appeals, in all probabil- Peace hangs ripe on time's high bough.
ity means another Oregon appoint-
Work and work, and fight and fight;
met to the court which has juriadic-
Feel the mighty pound and beat;
tlon over the western states. The late
Victory is now in sight;
Judge Haney was the only membar
Work and fight—our foes defeat.
of the court from Oregon. California
has three a^its citizens on this high
federal tribunal, Washington state,
Idaho and Arizona one each; Mon­
tana and Nevada none. Letters and
wires are being received here by the
democratic high command urging the
appointment of an Oregon man to
the vacaney.
No. candidates from
either Montana or Nevada have so
far appeared on the horizon. Senator
Wheeler is persona non grata with
the administration and it la not
thought that he will even take the
trouble to suggest a candidate from
his state, although his colleague, Sen­
ator James Murray, will do so. It is
not thought Nevada will have any
candidate seeking the post, may
be this juicy lifetime job will go to
an Oregon man again.
The Industrial Repair Co
of Coquille
I ..
Reoairing Aids Victory
Phone 4C
by Joe Marsh
At Jeb Crowell’s the other day,
we were havin’ a gla>:s of beer
or two and talkin’ about the
kind of world there’d be wheh
Peace came.
“Hear they'll have trans-Atlan­
tic airplanes flyin’ regular as
taxi service," says Ed Carey.
“Yep," says Will Frost, "and
television and plastic cars and
air-conditioned homes and
super-duper highways.”
Finally, Doc Mitchell chimes
in. "You know,” he says, "we’re
talkin’ about the future in terms
No. 69qfaSaw
The wine industry of the Pacific
coast, is booming. California,, with its
of luxuries-like alr-eonditloned
houses and television.
“But what really wiU shape to-
morrow's world is what goes on
in men's own hearts ... like tol­
erance and understanding."
And from where 1 sit, Doc’s
right Whether it’s tolerance of
another’s politics or respect for
a neighbor’s right to enjoy a
glass of beer occasionally, toler­
ance is a mighty good founda­
tion for a peacetime world.