U. IMS. I F AG« THSU T Were Wearing The 1 Red, White,-8hie Letter Tells Of Harry Gisholt Following is a letter just received from a buddy of their son, Harry, by Mr. and Mrs. Hans Olsholt of this city, one which they were very happy to receive and which was written from Texas: J At Yàur Service It is a pleasure to announce that I haVe become associated with the Great Northern Life Insurance Company, as Dis­ trict Agent. This Company is an old line legal reserve com­ pany with a long record of service to policyholders. It writes both Life Insurance and Accident and Health In­ surance (income protection)'. I shall be glad to consult with any one on his Insurance needs, and recommend a Great Northern Life policy to fit the situation. There will be no obligation, of course, and I am—at your service. myrtle­ jewelry DISTRICT AGENT GREAT NORTHERN LIFE INSURANCE CO. 43« W. Front COQUILLE Phone C3-M Meats Selected by expats, prepared by experts and Safeway Store by modem, streamlined metho quality, regardless of price—guaranteed to fee aU your money backl —----------- Veal Sirloin Steak Ray Rowland Now At Corpus Christi V Veal Shoulder Steak GRADE A BEEF SPECIALS Sirloin Steak * Fccrfs SQUASH SPUDS Hubbard Wash. No. 2 CUCUMBERS SWEET POTATOES FRESH COCOANUTS ötfF WMT yOU MY MR «la for service Unrationed Items