The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 16, 1943, Page 7, Image 7

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Mr*. Lilli*
- ' A. Warner, of Coquille.
man, Mrs. Elizabeth Lett, Mr. and ' J. f. Schroeder is putting a new
Mr and Mrs. Wayne Woodward, Mrs. Emil Peterson and son Donald. «hingle roof on the Bert Clever house
who iiav* been living at North Bend Mr. and Mr*. Gue Dietz, Mr. and Mrs. this week and Fred C. Lee, of Marsh-
fpr th* pest few weeks, moved back Norman McDonald and their daugh- field, is also drilling a well for Mr.
Farmers of Ooos and Curry ooun-
to their home in Arago last Saturday. ter. Mrs- Tom Adams and two littie Claver.
ltis* art shortly to have the oppor-
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Petersen re- tunityof considering a pre-payment
Mr. and Mr*. Lawrence Barklow girl* of Bremerton, Washington.*
eon, ' turned Saturday night from a week’s plan of hospitalization for themselves
came in from North Bend Saturday j Mr*. Mabel Barklow and
last Thursday evening vacation spent at Dunsmuir, Cklif., and their families, according to word
and spent the week-end at their home , Alden,
j dinner
of her sister-in-law and visiting his sister, Mrs. John Knack, received here from Henry Gustafson,
in Arqgp.
Mr* Caldwell Zeller, of Roseburg, j i family, Mr. aM Mr*. Roy Robison. and other relatives and friend*.
executive committee member of the
has been in the Aleutian Is­
arrived at the home of her son and ¡Alden
Oregon State Grange. Recognizing
family. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Zeller,
tire shortage of doctors, the United
and hi* mother left Saturday eve­
Saturday for a few days’ viait.
States Department of Agriculture
Mr. and Mrs. Ik* Miller, George ning tan Oakland, Calif., to visit his
Mrs. Clarence Deadmond, Mr*. G. through the Farm Security Adminis­
Melvin and Rodney Bark- B. Dow and granddaughter, Patty, tration is promoting a federal pro­
and Harold, of Bandon, and Mr. and brothers^
T' '
Mr* Lyle Pauli, Charlene and Mari- '
made a trip to Salem and Eugene last gram of rural health protection. It
lyn and Mia* Stella Hammack, of' i Frank Schroeder and Dev* Sumer- Wednesday. Patty entered school at is being orglmted locally by Leonar d
Myrtle Point, visited at the home of tin ar* doing some repair work on Salem. Mr*: Deadmond and Mr*. W. Rice. County FSA Supervisor at
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Zeller, Sunday. I the Nprway schoolhouse roof.
Dow returned as far a* Eugene and Coquille.
Mr . and Mr*. Harvey Gant left stayed all night with the Melvin Ken­
Rev. M. M. Steam, of Myrtle Point,
Mrs. Sara H. Wertz, Field FSA Su­
conducted the regular Sunday morn- I Wednesday evenfag for Oregon City yon family, returning home Thursday. pervisor, arrived in the Coquille of­
mg church service. Sunday school in response to a telegram, stating
Mis* Ethel Fish, of Coquille, visited fice last Thursday to assist in the
followed with an attendance of 49. that her father was quite ijl with at,the Harry Lindsay home Saturday. organization of a' local association
The annual church anniversary was pneumonia. They returned Sunday Mias Fish taught the upper grade and to aid in securing the necessary
observed with a potluck dinner at evening aa he was much improved. here last year and is now teaching membership. At least ISO families
A. R. Bennett helped W. W. Deyoe in Coquille.
age required in perfecting a Coos-
noon and a short program following,
at which time the men’s choir of last week to lower the. roof and
Mrs. Fred Byerly and son, Billy, Curry association.
Any farm family who lives on a
the Baptist church of Coquille fa­ do other remodeling on a house he of Chico, Calif., came up to visit at
vored the audience with a number of purchased some time ago on West ¡the Wm. Byerly and Ray Deadmond farm and derive* livelihood from the
hymns which were greatly appre­ Maple street in Myrtle Point.
homes. Billy ia in the air service farm is eligible for membership.
Mr*. R. Neuhause, ’ ‘
_ J’ “nt* «»!**<* to be sent out of the Twenty-one days of hospital service
ciated by all. Short talks were given
, .
’’ States
State. sqon.
»<K>n. al
J with them were for each memebr of the entire family
by Rev. G. A. Gray and Rev. M. D.
8 i0^
Chamberlain, of Stanford Uni- i* provided through an annual pay­
Rempel, of Coquille; also by Mrs. •ft?^day
had been in training ment of *12 a year.
Maud MacDonald and the members id Berkeley, Calif., and her sister, vergity
’’The United States Department of
of the men’s choir of Coquille. The Mr*. Herman Eickmyer and son. and flew w CWco from Shreveaport
Laird, who also were visitors at the
left ior hom, Saturda Agriculture is promoting similar pro­
program and dinner was one of the
gram* in each of the 48 States. In
best Arago ha* experienced for sev­
at Gearhart, Ore.
Ray Deadmond, Mrs. Albert Thorn­ Oregon, the FSA is the field agency
eral years, being very well attended,
M bs . Harvey Gant visited Tuesday men and Alma visited at the Walter designated to promote the program.
with a crowd of around 78 people.
of last week with her niece, Mr*. B. Nortis home in Garden Valley, north Oregon State Grange is sponsoring
Mr. and Mrs. Berl Cox came over
E. Jones at Fairview. Mr. Jones is of Roseburg, last Sunday.
the movement in Oregon," Mr*. Wertz
from Marshfield Wednesday and toqk
working for the Coos Bay Logging Co.
Grange met as usual last Saturday stated. “Last year the loss of work
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister to Ban­
Harry Druliner is painting the night. Mrs. L. A. Ryqp was hostess due to illness an<L acdtlent, ft meas­
don, where they attended the funeral
Cristie house now owned by Mr*. and served sandwiches, cake and cof­ ured to food productivity, caused a
services for th* late Mr*. Leo Cox of i
Mabel Laird of Myrtle Point.
fee. Walter Norris was over from loss of ten bushels of corn, 313 pound*
Isandon. Pvt. Berl Cox, son of the I
Mr. *
deceased, arrived in Marshfield Tues-
nu Mrs. "
ow“ru Leatherman near Dora to attend the meeting. of pork, and 14 bushels qf wheat per
h . v
Saturday evening dinner
The “Surls Sisters,” evangelists, are person A program that will sustain
day evening from Wilmington, Ohio,
guest* of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Trigg. holdihg meetings at the Fairview and improve health will help win
where he la stationed at thia time,
Guy Grant took his wife to Eur church, starting last Wednesday eve­ the war because well people can do
having been called home Sunday by
gene Sept. 5 to a specialist to have ning at 7:30 o'clock. The most cordial more, are mentally and spiritually
the serious illness of his mother, but
some wisdom teeth extracted. They invitation is extended to all to at- alert, and can meet and come through
she passed away before he could get
had been giving her a lot of trouble attend.
a crisis. The necessity for Improved
all summer.
Mr*. Rufus Rylander > Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krantz and services to health ha* been felt for
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Aasen, Mr*.
kept their two children while Mr. and family, of Coquille, Mr. and Mrs. Win. some time in rural communitie*. It
Stanley Halter, Mr*. Id* Myers, Mrs.
Mrs. Gant were gone. They returned Noah and Bonnie Ellen, of Lakeside, is now becomes more urgent since
Tyrrell Woodward and Mrs. Albert
Sunday evening. ‘
visited in the valley at the Johnson, the shortage of doctors exists in more
Lillie attended the funeral service*
Mr. and Mrs. Gloyd Hall, of Mc­ Buoy and Boone homes last Sunday I than 100,000 American rural com-
of Mrs. Leo Cox at the Baptist church
Minnville, are here visiting his aunt, and attended the auction sale.
munitie»,” according to Mrs. Wertz.
in Bandon last Wednesday.
Mr*. Thomas Weekly and Mr*. Henry
Mrs. Tf H. Benham and daughter. I Mr*. Wertz ha* organized more than
Mr. and Mrs. George Gillespie
Karen, and Mrs. Gordon Bell were in 200 farm famille* in Josephine coun­
moved home from Cainaa, whore they
Mr. and Mr*. Walter Schroeder Marshfield last Friday afternoon.
ty where she ha* been working for the
have been working on a lookout sta­
drove to Roseburg Friday, of last
Mrs. David Pike ha* been at her paat six weeks.* Her stay in Coos
tion Monday.
week and spent th* day with their ranch here freyn Marshfield.
She county 1* dependent Ufron the reac­
Mr and Mrs. I. W Carl and son,
Winston, of Portland, Halted , at the daughter, Mrs. Severt Iverson, up­ came over Wednesday of last week. tion of farm families to thé plan. A
turning in the evening and bringing
Friend* will be glad to hear Mrs. local board of directors will soon be
J. D. Carl home last Wa sh.
with them som*. peaches and water­ David Toston is steadily Improving selected to carry on the plân*.
Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Parsing, of Co­
melons. ’
since spraining her ankle early in the
■ -....... ............... ............. •
quille, were Wednesday evening din­
Mrs. Adrian Schroeder, of Ophir, spring. She 1* just now able to get
ner guests of Mr and Mr*. Nile
Meet With O. P. A.
cam* up bringing her mother, Mr*. around the house without
Casper Gasner, till Tues«iay of last crutches.
On Now Controlling Prices
Elvln Wldmark came in tram Far­
week and then spending the next two
A meeting to acquaint dealers with
Donald Thissell returned to hisl
ragut, Idaho, where he has boon in
day* with her husband’s parent*. Mr. home in Medford last Wednesday, the Office of Price Administration’s
training and spent several day* at th*
and Mr*. Walter Schroeder.
She after a two week* visit with hl* aunt, new over-all regulation controlling
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
returned home Thursday.
Mrs. L. A. Ryan.
price* of IS kind* of Used Consum­
John Wldmark. He left Sunday eve­
Paul Bunch cam* down from east­
John Beagle has returned to the ers' Durable Goods will be held in
ern Oregon Sept. 2, bringing his Navy after a week’s visit with his Coquille on Friday, Sept. 1T, at 7:30
Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Fry, of Powers,
mother, Mrs. Eva Bunch, with him parents and family, Mr. and Mr». p, m„ it i* announced by C, F. Jack-
visited at th* home of Mr. and Mrs.
for a visit with her brother and fam­ John Beagle
son, OPA District Price Specialist.
John Widmark on* day last week.
ily, Dr. J. R. Bunch, and sister, Mr*.
The new regulation. No. 429, pro­
Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Gray and Rev.
Word ha* been received that John
John Casper. He remained over for
and Mrs. M. D. Rempel, of Coquille, the Fair, returning home Wednesday Saylor has a furlough and was on vides s simple pricing formula and
were Friday visitor* at th* Nile
hi* Way home to vi*it his parents, coven* not only specified used articles
of last week and taking back a load
Mr. and Mr*. Alpha Saylor, of near but the same commodities when re­
Miller home. -.
of apples, prunes snd pears from hi*
Nehalem, and if there is time they built, reconditioned or renovated. The
father-in-law’* place, Walter Schroe­
expect to visit relative* in the valley articles include used furniture* bed­
der, as fruit in hl* locality is scarce
before John ha*'to return to trail­ ding, stows, flour coverings, portable
and very expensive.
lamps and lamp shades, miscellaneous
Mr. and Mr*. Walter Pribble and
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Brodie and her
hardware items, hand tools' and hard-*
Don Boone write* he ha* been hos­
mother, Mrs. Vesta Soaper, were bus­ Pet* Osborn, all of Coquille, ware
ware item* such a* shovels, wheelbar­
pitalized about two week* with penu-
rows, hatchet* and carpenter’* tools,
iness callers in Marshfield one day
'and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
kitchen equipment, beauty and barber
last week.
¡Pribble, at Norway.
Mrs. Mike Daniels accompanied her
shop equipment, store and office fix­
Mrs. Roy Enlund, of Marshfield,
husband as far as Eugene on Aug. 29 ( Sunday dinner guest* of Mrs. Fred
tures, commercial kitchen equipment.
visited at the home of her parents,
and from there took the bus to Port­ Yarbrough were Mr. and Mrs. A. O.
land, where she visited her sisters, Hughs, Mr. and Mr*. Roy Campbell Mr. and Mr*. John Beagle, Sunday. L. A. Ryan, over the week-end. She
Mrs.Earl Adams, Jr., visited at the makes her horrp In Coquille, where
Mrs. Della Hutching* and Mr*. Ernie and Mr. and Mr*. Jackson Brow^p, all
Spamer; returning Tuesday of last of Marshfield, and Mr. and Mr*. W. home of her parent*, Mr. and Mr* she is employed.
Arago News Items
Hospitalization Plan
For Coos Farmers
Fairview News
Norway News Items •
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Schroeder spent
most of th* day Saturday in Marsh­
field, having some repair work don*
on their car and taking dinner 'with
their daughter and huaband, Mr. and
Mr». O. A. Hugh*. Another daughter,
Mr» Wayne Hubbard and baby came
back with them as far as Coquille.
She plans to go on to Powers this
week to stay for an indefinite period
with her husband’s folk*.
Mr. and Mr*. OrvUl Hoeto and
little daughter, Gtori* Dianne, of
Reedsport, spent the week end with
her mother, Mr*. Martin Schmidt, re­
turning Sunday eevnlng,
Mr, and Mrs, Herman Detlefaan
and Mr, and Mrs. Tom Detiefaen were
Sunday afternoon visitors at th* Mar­
tin Schmidt home.
Mrs. Einer Neils«* who has been
confined to her bed and wheel chair
the greater part of the past two years
is wonderfully improved, being able
to get a she* on the afflicted foot and
walk about witl« th* aid of crutches,
occasionally bearing some weight on
that foot.
Mr. and Mr*. F. J. Fi*h. of Bancroft,
bushels pf’peaf-*.
gin; Ot|o ^eiharth and SO", Basil
pf Portland.
been visiting her
toother, Mrt Mertha Jane. Mtillin*.
•I Norway, the past two week*.
Mr. and Mr*. Bert Soaper have
moved into the Amelia Nelson house |
lately purchased by K. F. Brodie,
A bountiful pot luck dinner was
served at th* Z. C. Strang reaidence
in Coquille Sunday Guests present
were: Mr and Mrs. J. H. McCloekey.
baby carriages, musical instruments ; Key* made tor all locks. Steven*
except pianos, and coinroperated Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore.
vending machines.
Previously, such commodities were
held to March, 1942, sales prices un­
der the General Maximum Price Reg-
-u l a tion. - ----------------- -—————
T m , it ts tru«, there 1» * safe hena-
Under the new regulation, effective
September 1, dealers in used goods
thesewho followed eUapi* dlroo-
tlona and applied KUerex upon re-
will be given a simpler and more pre­
tlriag were amaSlncly surpriaod
they toudd their pimplee had
cise formula for determining price
ceilings, Mr. Jackson said.
are no lon*or embarrassed and ar*
The meeting will be held in Co­
now happy with their clear oompl«*-
ions Don’t taka our woo/jor if. use
quille, beginning at 7:30 p. m., the
f Klooros tonight. Only l*c. It on» ap-
OPA official »»id, at the War Price
piloation Joes not satisfy, you get
our money beck. There la no rlak ao
und Rationing office.
— —>
Will Be closed from
Sept. 15 to Oct. 1
In order that the management and personnel may
have a greatly needed rest
-- ------------- 1---------
----- "
, V ,<• .< zV
' ■ .*.r*4'
Fred R. Bull
43< W. Front
Phone 62-M
The Industrial Repair Co
of Coquille
Repairing Aids Victory
Phone 46
it can STILL happen here
c urtimi«»
wlasln* th*
end prepared. Our bey» on th* fight-
inq front* aren't quitting... nor can we.
•lock toe attack* BONDS and
ment of 'unconditional surrender'!
It 1& * pleasure to announce that I have become associated
with the Great Northern Life Insurance Company, aa Dis­
trict Agent. This Company is an old line legal reserve com­
pany with a long record ef service to policyholders. It
writes botl? Life Insurance and Accident and Health In­
surance (income protection). I shall be glad to consult with
any one on his insurance needs, and recommend a Great
Northern Life policy to fit the situation. There will be no
obligation, of course, and I am—at your service.
t..... '
MORE BONDS... right ug I» ihe mo­
*“** “**
* d°d by
ACMI »«twill**
Cream O’Coos lee Cream Co.
Distributors, Coquille