The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 16, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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Timely Topics
the traditions of the party that they | system for that than we over could,
should choose a good Candida
çarry their banner in the coming
By R. T. Moore
tions and, should thrust aside any
An interesting editortai in current
dictiveness or ill will toward the J better for the experience of the past
issue of Fortune Magazine discusses
President. After all, even the moot ' decade or so. The war has taught us
the possibility of a fourth term for
rabid Republican must concede that a much needed lesson and has proven
Fishermen have been accused of
the President.
F. D. R. is doing rather well as a beyond a shadow j>t a doubt that stretching the truth so much concern­
The writer reasons that unless un­
military strategist even though he Fascism, Naziism or Communism, or ing their catches that the whole fish­
foreseen events completely reverse
appears to be bungling the domestic any other form of autocratit*'govern­ ing fraternity in general are regarded
present political trends the Republi­
situation. His is no easy job and he ment control, is not for us.
as down-right liars regarding their
can party is pretty sure to win de­
merits the loyal support of all Ameri­
fishing tales. When a good catch of
cisive control of the Congress but
cans at this time.
The present war boom is fraught trout is made, or a large salmon taken,
the President would likely, win his
with the gravest danger to our young it is necessary to display the catch ip
fourth term in office. The same gen­
Labor Day brings te the fore the people who are just starting tout to order to be believed; otherwise a per­
eral feeling throughout the elector­
question of whether the compulsory earn their living?
son is scoffed at when he tells of his
ate which elected him for the third
Because of the ease with which prize catch. But regardless of the
labor proposal of the WMC is to be
term prevails now is likely to send
needed or not.
large pay cheeks can now be acquired universal opinion that all fishermen
him to the White House for the foruth
Because of the propensity of the many of these young folks are getting are liars, we have found that the
term. It is the belief that in spite Administration to throw out trial j
the idea that industrial lite ia just largest percentage of them are truth­
of' his obvious shortcomings as an
balloons before launching any gen- , one long parade along a flower-be­ ful regarding their catches; in fact,
executive, the President is the best
eral'policy, it is probable that tins decked avenue. They are learning many of them being downright
man in sight for the job but needs
proposal is a feeler to test out public to believe that the physical and men­ modest corcerning them. And while
the firm restraining hand of Con­
sentiment. If so, it has received a tal labor is not i^ecessary in the pro­ a small percentage of them may boast
gress to keep him from running wild­
rather cold reception. Both Union viding of daily bread and that it ia the weight of their salmon a few
ly in many directions.
labor and the National Association of not smart to work too hard.
r pounds and the length of their trout
It is said that a strong faction of
Manufacturers are strongly opposed.
There is another fallacy that is catch a few inches, the majority of
the Republican party is anxious to
There appear to be two main rea­ wide-spread and has been for some them are sincere, good fellows who
have the President returned for the sons for this opposition to the propos- ;
time, that the world owes a person a refrain from stretching the truth.
fourth term so that he may stew in
al. First, that such a move is un- living. Just why the world ahould 1 Personally, we do not look upon
his own juice, so to speak. They be­
American and not suited to a Nation' owe anyone a living is not clear to (all fishermen with suspicion regard­
lieve that domestic affairs will be
of ragged individualists like our-; me. But reasoning from this false ing his tales pf the big one that he
in such a frightful mees that it would selves. We have an inborn antipa-1
premise one can get rather far afield ¡caught, or the big one that got away,
break the heart of any other candi­
thy for anything in'the way of com­ in distorted thinking with resultant while at the same time we do not
date to try and straighten them out.
pulsion that restricts our freedom of lowering of efficiency and general ¡consider ourselves gullible.
They feel that since the President is action and freedom of speech. We
I It ij usually the big one that gets
prone to yield to political pressure, resent any implication that we have
To subscribe to the theory thut the jaway and that is but natural. The
public opinion will hedge him in and to be compelled to support our Armed
world owes you a living is to deny larger the fish the stronger it is. It
force him to take the, to him, dis­ Forces at home. We dislike any and
the teachings of Christ that we are puts more strain upon your tackle and
tasteful corrective measures needed every form of regimentation.
merely stewards of what we are per­ is harder to handle, harder to play
to restore order out of a coming
Secondly, there la grave fear on mitted to possess and enjoy. It is to out and finally, harder to land. So
chaos. This is a rather spiteful and I the part bf both unions and employ­
I deny that we owe the duty to Society therefore it is but natural that the
somewhat narrow way of looking at ers that Government has now entered
to contribute to the aggregate con­ big one is the one that usually gets
things but it does have the advantage too far into the economic life of the
structive effort to build uq our Na­ away. _ And we sympathize with the
of combining the President’s popu­ Nation. There is danger that this
tion and to produce better things for angler who describes to us the bat-
larity with the good, hard common continued infiltration into business our people.
| tie with the big one that finally broke
sense that emanates from a conser­ will result in destruction of both
There is a wide difference between a leader, line, or bent a hook in es-
vative Congress.
unions and corporations,
In this the two conceptions. And our fore- caping
We have had such exper-
Whether thia sentiment will pre­ event we would have a socialist state
fathers religiously followed the teach- iences many times ourselves.
vail in the Republican party as a , similar to that of Russia. Possibly that
Ings of Christ as against the teachings
In stating that we behove a fisher­
whole is, in my opinion, very doubt­ ; is what advocates of this compulsory
of Marx or Nletsche who held anti- man’s tale of the one that got away
ful. The party comes from its Macki­ labor proposal intend.
Christ views and were influential in and of his prize catch, etc., we do
nac Island conference with a con­
The whole idea of compuslon and establishing the political thinking not mean that we swallow all the
structive and foreign policy that will rationing is very distasteful to me. I
that has led to the dictatorships in tales told us, for it la true amongst
appeal to a large portion of the elec­ have faith enough in the spirit of the
Europe. We would be foolish, in­ fishermen, as of any other profession
torate. It is only in keeping with American people to believe fully that
deed, if, after these years of experi­ that liars will be found in their ranks
all but a very few of them will do the ence, we rejected the gold for the —but as already stated,* the majority
needful, once the situation is thor­ dross, here is every indication that of anglers as a whole are honest, sin­
oughly explained to them. I believe the trend of public thinking is back cere fellows who are adverse to fib­
in their capacity to adjust themselves toward the Christian principles and bing about their catches.
to any situation which may arise be­ That the crisis in our political life is
More hunters are taking to the
cause of reverses or essential needs on well past.
marshes, to the hills and more anglers
the military front. I believe they
It is the combined duty of parents, are taking to the streams each season.
will support this war effort to the teachers, union labor leaders, and They have increased by the hundreds
point of actual starvation if it ap­ employers, to 'set Young America during the past five yean. Streams
pears necessary. I believe that the right in this matter. They must belare fished ten times as much jiow as
difficulties we are now experiencing taught that there is tfc easy way to they were a few years back. The CCC
are largely due to the fact that the success and that it is they who owe outfits have -opened up roads into
public is not being told the exact the world their living and their striv­ the hunting country and into the fish­
ing and not the world which owes ing country that has taken great toll
I certainly hate to think that Amer­ them. Only those who put forth ef­ from game and fish and more than
ican people have become so degener­ fort in full measure will harvest the natural propagation can catch can
ate as to need the lash of compulsion complete contentment and satisfac­ catoh up with within the next twenty
to induce them to perform what is tion that brightens old age This was years. Rare are the spots where a
their plain patriotic duty, I think the true two thousand years ago, It la <jeer hunter may now go and not find
Administration has missed the boat true today, it will be true two thou- other hunters. Rare are the streams
when they launched campaigns of sand years hence. Thia ia a serious indee(t
dP po|
y,, track, up.
regimentation, even though it be with matter and ahould not be lost sight on their banka of many anglers,
the best of intentions. -
of In these days of all-out war <c
We can directly charge the New
If we have nothing more to offer Uvlty.
Deal up with the final death blow to
the world in the way of Demoocracy
our game and fish, by the creation of
than merely the regimentation and
The resignation of Mr. Sumner the CCC outfits, for they retarded
restrictive control of the central gov­ Welles as Under-Secretary of Stat*
____ wild life fifty years at least.
ernment, we are fighting a lost cause. marks the return of the Jeffersonian
In the past we have expressed our
Herr Hitler organized a much better Democrats to power over the New opinion of the work of CCC's much to
the chagrin of New Deal lovers and
Deal faction of the Party.
Although Mr. Welles was a life­ have been "called" for our state­
long friend of the President and a ments, but regardless of this fact, we
fellow student at Groton and Har­ are again “sounding off’ and we as­
vard and had the same political phil­ sure you that we shall resent the in­
osophy, he was sacrificed on the altar trusion of the New Deal deepoilers
of the fourth term in order to ap­ until the end of our day—for, it was
pease the Jeffersonian stalwarts of they that converted the wilderness
the party. It would be interesting to trails into roads and opened wide the
know something of the faculties at door to isolated havens of our fish and
both Groton and Harvard tn view at wildlife. So to us' they will always
the fact that their graduates seem to | remain and be recalled as the de-
be strongly imbued with ideas of a spoilers of our wilderness retreats,
centralized government.
Because Their work could have been praise
Mr. Welles ia a man of means and worthy if directed along the proper
technical training. It is to be hoped channels and had they not been made
that he will consent to a post com­ a oat's paw of big Umber interests
mensurate with bis ability. He could and the Forestry Service. But they
be useful to the country if used in the have left behind them a monument
proper pjape
in our wilderness in the shape
An immediate result of the ascen­ of wilderness roads — a monument
dency of Mr. Hull to complete dom­ drenched with the blood of our re­
inance over policies of the State De­ maining wildlife, together with a far
partment is the strong' note gent to greater fire haaarg than ever existed
Argentina refusing them Lend-Lease before, Which ah may be chronicled
aid on the grounds that they have as another downright boner to be
not held up their end in protecting found amongst the many that have
, Mighty AmdWc«
the Amerioas from encroachment by been pulled by the New Deal.
Nazism. Mr. Hull really aooked the
b polMd!,., Will y«u I m «M u »• Miyi ”1 pm#««Uy
Argentines in the jaw and America diplomat and gets on with people in
put my full »truRfth ln*u IM knuck-uvt Nww *?
is sheering him on. He Is a tough general very muMi better than Mr.
customer in any kind of a feud and Hull. Each supplies the character
Strength into this dual punch!
HB Third War Loan Is on.
will whip the South American recal­ lack in the other and the two will
To carry the war home to
Your boy, or your no
r* s
citrants into Une if It oan be eco­ make an excellent team If thefci pull
our enemies, with killing fury, boy, knows what the
nomically done.
toegther. But both of them hke (to
calls for an added IS pillion this devastating Allied invasion
The comparison of Mr. Hull with play first fiddle in the orchestra and
will be—the months, the dol.
the President is an interesting study | like to run the show themselves. The
In contracting characters.
Both of | President will have to exercise all of
Your government merely asks lars, the American lives it will
them are good planners but poor ’ his talents for tactfulness and dlplom-
you to
your money. With save. And, across the miles, he
Mr. Hull is single- I ' acy to keep peace with Mr. Hull. And
every dollar of wealth In thia is pleading—bur more and still
more War Bonds— todeyl
richest of all nations as security!
minded and intensely loyal to h
- j if he does, the Nation will have
victlons. The President is an
- strength in its
jta foreign policy. But
Mother, Father—you can't
' •
tunist and readily changes his con- ' It will require a greet deal more for-
lose! But your boy-or your
vlctions to fit the exigencies of theI hearance than the President has
bt/n7em “yld Z
situation, itr. HUft is stratghf-foF»'shown to datef Time will tell wheth-
ward and blunt in his dealings with'er this rather unstable alliance will
every ounce of your inspired
other people. The President is in- I endure the testa pf the coming eveot-
clined to, flatter and to circumvent. ful
* * months. At any rata,
Mr. —
Mr- Hull will step right out and take is bese for the moment.
(he lead in carrying out any policy
Which ije thinks is right The Presi­
Harbison's hand-carved myrtle­
dent la inclined to wait and see wood animals and costume jewelry
whether the policy is to be popular at Bergen's.
before sticking his neck out as a
See Norton’s for office and school
Teilte. Orege. ; But the President la the
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