» Makes Record Sales Leonard Ensele Slightly Injured The War Department wired Mrs. Oerding. This locker plant was- the Mae Ensele yesterday that her son, «rst successful locker plant in Coos Technical Sergeant Leonard C. En- county. Mr. Thompson came to Ban- sele, was able to return to duty on don from Albany in 1034 and started Aug. 25 after being hospitalized since the development of the plant and con- Aug. 15, when he was slightly wound- tinned to build it until it became a ed in action in the European area. ver> successful venture. Mr. Thomp- Leonard is a radio gunner on a fly- ««Id It in order to enter the shark ing fortress, baaed in England, and llver business which is becoming a Mrs. Ensele pad already had word big industry on the Pacific Coast, from him that he had a hand injury | He wiU buy shark livers from Mexico but that it would not interfere with Canada. The new owners will his violin playing when he gets home. take possession immediately and Mr. Notwithstanding, the Wire gave Mrs Thompson will aasist them for a abort Ensele a shock before she had read tim< in order that they wiU become the contents. acquainted with the working of the on Friday, Sept. 17 at 8:30 p. m. Mer­ chants finding it impossible to at­ tend tills meeting should phone or write for a copy of this new regula­ Soroptimist Club Met Tuesday tion because it becomes effective at The Soroptimist Club enjftyed a full hour of unusual and interesting once. entertainment on Tuesday when the group met for their usual luncheon at the Coquille Hotel. Edith McNelly, program chairman, requested that •embers tell what the influencing factor was which led them into their present business or profession. The short business session which opens every meeting was ptesided o«r by the president, Mrs. Florence Barton. Mrs. Jewel Noble, a guest of her sis­ ter, Hattie Lee Holimon, visiting here from Arkansas, attended Cludwick lodge No. 18 Extra Gas Coupons are available for those who will pick CRANBERRIES this season. Ap­ ply now to your local ration board. Chas. Oerding Sent To Detroit War industries have absorbed many of the usal cranberry pickers. This is a vital food crop »nd if it is to be harvested many who have never picked before will have to help this year. O.P.A. Seta Date For Meeting With Beer And Wine Dealers O. P. A. announces a special meet- ' ing of the wholesale and retail dealers J of imported and domestic wines, ; spirits, cordials, liqueurs, and special- ( ties. The purpose of this meeting ia to present Maximum Price Regulation [ People of other communities have harvest­ ed THEIR crops, and our cranberry crop can be harvested by our local people if everyone lends a hand. Growers have no way of supplying trans­ portation so please get your gas coupons and be ready for the harvest which will start the last of this month. No. 445, which establishes new ceil­ ing prices at retail and wholeasle. The meeting will be held at the Co- Reilley, ia here Farm-Fresh Produce GRAPES Malaga CANTALOUPE FRESH COCOANUTS We have a Complete Line of FRESH FRUITS For Canning Rationed Food Values GRAY HAIR Thousands Use GRAYVITA H m «, writ. W «»II •• BARROW DRUG CO. GRADE A. A. SIRLOIN STEAK Lb.............. ROUND STEAK Lb............. ROAST Lb................. ’............ VEAL CHOPS—A. A. Grade Lb. ........... ................ r.... COFFEE Whole roast — grpuad to your order when you buy! EDWARDS *• ** 27c NOB HILL'“«24c Miscellaneous Items