The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, September 16, 1943, Image 1

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267-Acre Russ Ranch
Across River Sold
To M. Greenwald
Meeting For Post­
War Planning
, Post war county and highway plan­
ning 1» the object of the meeting to
be held in jth* court house here to­
morrow. Officially it is the South­
M. Greenwald baa been here this western Oregon district of the Asso­
week from his home in Oakland, ciation of Oregon counties and all
Calif., to complete toe detail* of his three member* of the county court*
purchase of the 267 acre dairy ranch, of Coo*, Curry, Douglus, Josephine
which belonged to Mr*. Edith Rus* and Jackson counties will be present
Connick, which complete* the sale of as well a* the county road engineer*
all the R um properties lying across or roadmaster* from each of the five
the river from Coquille and include* counties.
Judge Boice, of Curry county, a
the land on which toe large barn and
the house occupied by Leland Peter­ member of the state association ex­
ecutive board, will be chairman of the
son stand.
The sale was made bp the J. S. meeting, which is scheduled to start
Barton real estate agency and Mr. at ten o’clock..
C. B. McCullough, state highway
Greenwald said thi* morning that he
bridge engineer, will be
had looked all over the Sacramento
valley and Humboldt county in Cali­ here from Salem a* will also be Mr.
fornia seeking a farm or ranch and Cutler, who is in charge of the state
he saw nothing which compares with | highway department post-war plan­
the ranch he ha* just bought.
I ning a* it co-operate* with the coun­
He had recently sold a large apart- ties' programs.
iftent house in Oakland and say* that | I Coos county will be host* to ths
if there are any more ranches in th* visitors at » luncheon to be prepared
valley which appeal to him as does jby Mr. and Mrs. F. C. McNelly at the
the R um property he will be in the i county farm at noon and Judge
¡Felsheim aays some of the young
market for more, i '
As far as worked out this morning lady employees in the court house
th* cattle have not yet been sold by will assist in serving the luncheon.
Coos County's 3rd
War Bond Drive
To Be Organized
Tax Collections In
& Coos Co. For August
Total $197,029,19
____ !"'J"
1 1
Wm. E. Stewart
Buried Monday
Funeral services were conducted
Monday afternoon for William E.
Stewart, who passed away last Thurs­
day at ttie hospital here where he
had been a patient. The message of
comfort to the bereaved family was
given by Rev. M. D. Rempel of the
Baptist church and interment was in
I. O. O. F. cemetery No. 2 here.
Mr. Stewart wa* born at Fairfield,
ill.,' May 28. 1879, being 84 year*,
three month* and eleven day* of age
at passing.
At th* age of 17 year*, the de­
ceased moved to Arkansas, where he
successfully engaged in farming and
in 1927 he and. hi* family moved to
Oregon. H* had lived in Coos coun­
ty for th* past 15 year*.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs.
Laura E. Stewart, of Alhambra,
Calif.; two sons, William A., who is
stationed at th* Army /Or Base at
Yuma, ArU.; Ernest, of Salem; a
step-son, Raymond Gamer, of Mem­
phis, Tenn.; one daughter, Mrs. S.
D. Warren, of Alhambra; a step­
daughter, Mr*. E. H. Riggs, of Eldo­
rado, Ark.; a half brother, Roy Stew­
art, who is serving in the Army over­
seas; a sister, Mrs. Lula Perrin, of
Little Rock, Ark., and a half sister,
Mrs Rose Irwin, of McClelland, Ark.,
and by eight grand children.
Woman's Club To
Stress War Work-
Large Attendance
The turn-over of taxes collected in
The Guild Hall was well filled
August by th* tax department to
Tuesday afternoon when Mr*. O. C.
County Treasurer Stauff this month
Sanford, new Woman’s Club presi­
totaled $197,092.19, which is unusu­
dent took the chair for the first fall
ally large for one of the later months
meeting. Strikingly attractive in an
|p the tax paying fiscal year.
unusually beautiful afternoon gown
was accomplished to a large extent
the past few weeks.
and hqt, Mrs. Sanford presided with
Mr. Stotts is a past president of the by th* policy pursued by A. O. Walk­
a skill which has come from her re­
Oregon Real Estate Dealers Associa­ er, head of the tax department under
cent experience ■* State Federation
tion, a live wire, %nd he 1* beginning Sheriff Wm. F. Howell, who sent
todaf to get the organization per­ notiee tar everyone that the new law
Up-to-the-hour method* of speed­
fected, with chairmen in each cola- i setting Aug. 15 a* the final tax-pay­
ing up the routine order of business
munity, so that Coo* county wil|
ing date for current taxes, without
resulted in keeping up interest
fail down in meeting its
ty, would be strictly adhered to.
through that part of the session
$2,103,900 in this third War
hdiita «Ito sent statements to all de­
which precede* the program.
sale campaign.
linquent taxpayers and the nearly
Lafe Compton was in charge of the
The Coquille chairman will prob­ $300,000 payment in August is the
program and she introduced Stell*
ably be named today and the Sen­ result
. .
Cutlip, republican joint Coo* and
tinel would like to suggest to Mr.
Mr. Stauff had ready to mail thi*
Curry’ State Representative, of North
Stotts that Ray Jeub would be
morning the checks for the tax-levy­
Bend. Mr*. Cutlip spoke briefly on «
fine a choice a* He could make
ing bodies in the county.
In this
“Women in the World Today.” She
Coquille and vicinity.
distribution $55,666.73 was sent to
told of the place women have made
schools, $29,302.85 to cities, $10,922.66
for themselves, replacing men and
to the Port of Coo* Bay and $1,209.32
their high standards of efficiency but
to the Port of Bandon. He also
stated her personal conviction that
ha* in hand $10,017.70 for toe Non-
Women with young children should
High School district and $11,930.18
Stay home and take care of the*.
for the county school fund, and with
Mrs. Connick. 'Mr. Greenwald is
Mrs. Cutlip presented the three
a few minor disbursements made,
also negotiating with Lee Peterson in
singers, Miss Elsie Eyre, Mr. Willi*
Coo* county Will have left from the
an effort to get the latter to continue
Higley and Georg* Goodall, with
$197,092.19, for it* treasury the sum
to operate toe dairy ranch which will
their accompanist, Mis* Margaret An­
of $70,150.59.
take care of several hundred head of
derson, director of music for KOOS
Of the amount* remitted Coquille
American Red Cross 746, Coquille
Radio Station, Mr.’ Higley, a member
city receives $3,939.34, and Coquille
The consideration and amount of Unit, announces its first work ses­
of the Coast Guard and stationed at
School District, No. 8, $3,360.94.
money involved in the deal wa* not sion to be held on Friday, Sept. 24,
the Bay. sang. “Little Mother at
in Ouild Hall, from 1:00 to 4:30 p. m.
Funeral services for A. J. Morrow, Mine,” followed by a second number
Mrs. Bard Kesner, chairman of pro­
a painter, about 65 year* of age, are and an encore, “There's a Gold Mine
duction, *ay* there will be work of
awaiting the result of Schroeder in the Sky.” The beautiful baritone
some kind provided for every woman
Bros.’ efforts to contact hi* daughter, vpioe of the very talented singer wa*
who attends thi* meeting a* sewing
a Mrs. Anderson who is supposed to enthusiastically received. Mia* Eyer,
electric irons, ironing
Rev. George R. Tumey, of Marsh­ Uve in Everett. Wa«h. Mfr made hi* who maintains a studio of music in
board* and table* will be get tip and
and formerly of Coquille, wa* home here in a room over the for­ Marshfield, told of meeting Oeorge
The Coquille softball team will
ready for action. There will be cut­
th* guest speaker at the Rotary Club mer Busy Corner Grocery and had Goodall, also in th* Coast Guard, and
play the Charleston Coast Guard for
out article for plain sewing, wool
•t their noon meeting Wednesday.
lived in Bandon for 15 years before how upon hearing his beautiful voice,
the championship of Coo* Bay Soft-
thereupon asked him to sing with her
Mr. Tumey, recalling that he wa* coming to Coquille^
ball Leagu*. Coquille won th* first i , squares to cut and press, crocheting,
toe duet* from the Desert
sewing together of afghan block*,
round robin of gtrnw and Ch*ri**ton I
day* to
after it* organization several years and Geo.*.C. Price, painters, and only t
won the ascond round.
| etc. Please bring your own thimble
ago, stated that it wa* always like Monday morning had gone to the A.
The gam* «HU be played at 1-J6
home when he visited B. Collier home to do some painting. the great delight of their audieme.
bring WM
•Mr. CMMer heard him talking to They were aceempanied by
siring yi
stressed the importance of the the dog in the basement and shortly derson. Interesting sidelight wa* th*
secure a*
should purchase it this city is to meet dub’« seeking up its splendid work after heard the sound of something fact that Miss EyT* stated ahe played
all-star team*.
Albonk k
quota. The second War Loan and holding to its ideal* during these falling. Mr. Collier went down stairs for one year in the "Ds*art Song,”
The league la eompoeed of ata
Those who cannot spare the en­ campaign In April went way above troublous times and also the urgent a little later and found that the fall in New York during 1925. At Mias
service team* and four civilian teams.
tire afternoon are urged to come for the $150,000 quota but there will have need of Individuals getting interested wa* occasioned when Mr. Morrow Eyre's special request Georg* Good-
The Coquille team is made up of
a half hour or so to see the work to be a much more intensive cam­ in some church, no matter what the suffered a heart attack and that life all sang, “The Old Refrain,”*a* an
“Chub" Allard and a bunch of old
that Is being done and, for those who paign, with personal solicitation, if denomination.
was extinct.
has-been*, who haven’t gone to war.
prefer to do their work ut home, the third loan quota 1* to be met in
Member* t<* the number of 172,
The team list* these players: “Chub”
material* may be secured, samples Coquille.
with more expected before the year
posed to be a Christian natiofi that
Allard, Floyd Chase, Ed Brown, Vern
is over, wa* the report made by Mrs.
only fifty-fiv* million out of a popu­
HeinUelman, Ted DeGroat, Roy provided, etc.
“Now that the peak of the canning
J. A. Moore, membership chairman.
lation of over one hundred and thirty
Cook, Bud Meek, Floyd DeNoma.
season ha* p*—sii we feel confident
Reports were given by Msg. D. B.
million were member* of any church
Goo. Hunt, Tom Stevens and S. F.
that many new worker* will join our
Kesner. Red Cross chairman and of
Stevens, who ha* sponsored and man­
Another Coquille pioneer, Andrew War Activities. Mrs. Fred Houston,
rank* and that our regular workers
Report* were made by Jess Beyer*
aged the team. *
J. Radabaugh of Myrtle Point, wa* head of sale* of war bonds and
will again see their way clear ,to in­
God. 'Ft Laird, local representative and Orville Wood on the district called to the great beyond thi* week,
crease their output,” Mrs. Kesner
(Continued on page eight)
of the Oregon Mutual Life Insurance meeting of Rotary at Salem last week. death coming to him at the hospital
The waiting stand* for service men
Co., has received a letter from head­
“Thi* week we extend thank* to the
quarters telling how the company is that are to be placed at three exits well fdr some time and had been in
following women for contributions,
making its policy-holder«' dollar* do from town, were reported nearly fin­ the hospital here at previous time*
yarn and woo) squares: Mesdame*
double duty. Those premium dollar* ished and would be in place before this summer, death being due to the
While the circus did a good busi­ E. T. Stelle, Theo. Clinton, James,
are riot only available to pay death the rain* began.
infirmities of old age.
ness here Sunday, the life is not one Sam Harmon, E. Hook, Geo. Thomp­
Rotarian guest* present were: J. E.
losses but the company la investing
The funeral services are being held
Under the sponsorship of th* Sub­
of roses. Recently, the manager son and Bessie Couden.”
them—two million dollar*—in War Richmond of Eugene, Lou Blanc and at the Schroeder Bros. Mortuariea in ordinate Granges of the county, a
stated, their big red ticket office,
Mrs. Earl Nosier, who occupies a
'Bond* in Oregon. The sum of $50,000
Myrtle Point thi* afternoon at two “get-acquainted” meeting will be held
which is hauled as a trailer to a position at a nearby look-out station,
has been allocated to Mr. Laird for John D. Carl of Myrtle Point. Father o'clock, Rev. J. R. Wiley officiating. at the Coquille Grange hail. Sept. 23,
truck, on a graveled county road at has now completed her second afghan
Coo* county and yesterday at Rotary J. Tomas Lewis, an Episcopal minis­ Intermpnt will t be in the Norway to which all farm resident* of this
the bottom of a steep pitch, skidded, and has commenced a third. Mr*.
club he added that amount to what ter of Hoquiam, Wash., was also a cemetery which was formerly a part area have been invited. The meet­
struck a huge pole with such force Edith McNelly has just turned in
the club member* ar* reporting for guest.
of the Radabaugh ranch.
ing, which will begin at 3:00 p. m.
as to break th* pole off, and not a 22 pairs of service men's bedside their participation in the third War I
Mr. Radabaugh was born in Web­ ha* a* its principal purpose that‘of
piece of the wagon larger than two slipper* that are really works of art,
ster, Ohio, Dec. 9. 1860, and waa nine acquainting new farm residents of
feet square remained. No one was and must be seen to be appreciated. JSvTX-’S
months and five day*,pa*t 82 years this area with th* Grange member­
Ethel Littler ha* just completed five
ship and the work of the organization.
While here some of the boys who blouses: she is knitting also, although SX’iSXi.Z'Si
While a small boy he had come
Although much of the evening will
had helped out at the circus ground* she holds a full time position. Mrs.
assigned from state headquarter* 1»
K t Cook, who advertlaad , pubilc with hi* parents to Coo* county and be given over to entertainment fea­
complained to Police Officer Mc­ Wm. Barrow's group of 12 have just
$2,103,900 for Coos county and there auctlon of hU farm
and hi* father homesteaded land in the tures under the direction of Mr*.
Mahan that they couldn't get their about completed their first afghan
is no municipality figure set up.
, _
lace len
valley, at Norway.' He had remained Edyth Bohnert, State Grange youth
The officer summoned the and proclaim it a beauty.
Fairview, last Sunday, say* Sentinel ¡on toe ranch unUl about 20 year* ago superintendent, brief talk* will be
manager, told him the boys’ story
“Although Red Cross work 1* vi­
adv*, certain» do the work.
He 'd*: he moved in to Myrtle Point made by Bertha J. Beck, State Grange
and »aid he would turn the case over tally important and we should deem
estimated that there might be 200 I and for several year* wa* president secretary, and local Grange leaders.
to the state police.
The manager it a privilege to be a part of it, it
or 250 in attendance but there were
th* Bank of Myrtle Point, now the Pomona and Subordinate Grange lec­
threw up hi* hand* in horror, said, may also be a friendly gathering
actually between six and seven hun- 'Security Bank. ■
turers are co-operating with Mrs
“Don't do that; we’ve had enough place, where a spirit of. happy com-
Mr. Radabaugh had never married Bohnert in the preparation of the pro­
O. P. A. regulation* and restric­ dred in attendance and everything he
trouble with the police,” and com­ raderie prevail*. Let u* join togeth­
and leave* no near relatives, the sur­ gram detail*. Refreshment* will be
promised (?) by paying th* boy* for er in Coquille to make it so and do tion* on milk, which have played h*d to offer was sold. Some of the
hob- with milk dealer* all over th* visitors had to go hungry, too, for he vivor* being the widow* of fit» two served by the local Grange*.
their work.
a work that we will be proud of."
brother*, Henry and Joseph, and the
country, have now hit Coquille in ■ had only provided food for 250.
The performance of th* circus waa
Mr. Cook has been there for toe past two »on* and two daughters of the Supt. B. W. Dunn Suffered
vital spot. These regulations and
attended both afternoon and evening
the impossibility of securing suffi­ five year* but plan* now, a* soon as latter.
Heart Attack Last Saturday
by crowd* that filled most of the seats
cient help, have caused the Cow Mr*. Cook leave* the hospital, to re­
and those attending said it waa a bet­
B. W. Dunn, Coquille achool su­
Bell Dairy to announce that after turn to the job he left with the tele­ Dorris Compton Taking WAVE
ter show than they had anticipated.
perintendent, while working at one of
tomorrow. Sept. 16, their retell milk
Officer Training In East
his placea in toe north part of town
Capt and Mr*. S. D. Warren, their
will be stationed at Canby in the
route here will be discontinued.
One Fined, Another
Mias Dorris Jane Compton, daugh­ last Saturday morning, suffered a
¡two children, and her mother, Mr*.
' W. E. Stewart, arrived here Saturday
heart attack which will keep him in
Should Have Been
His sale wa* in competition with ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Compton,
by the Cow Bell and can be secured
who is a Yeoman second cl*M in the the Mast Hospital at Myrtle Point for
evening from Alhambra, Calif., where
at the Dairy next door to the post­ the circus here also and moot of the
Joe M Pompeo, a Coast Guards­
WAVES and has been stationed at the next five or six weeks. When the
they reside, being called north by the
office but everyone will have to seat* under the big top were occu­
man from Pistol River, paid a dollar
Naval Air Station at Pasco, Wash., attack hit him he called to S. V. Ep­
death of Mr.-Stewart.
pied at both the afternoon and eve­
fine in Recorder Leslie’s court’ on
"carry their own."
« |-
„ ■ ■■ '
has been selected as an officer candi­ person and Mike Broad, who were
Capt Warren, who left Coquille in
ning performance*.
Monday for turning hl* car around
working In the street there, and they
1939 is conencted with the Station
The crowd at Cook’s was the larg- date in the WAVES and reported last
in the middle of the block on Front
H* was resting
Smith called Dr. Gould
month to the training school at SmC-
Hospital at mmp
Camp vanun
Callan in miuwi-
south- -— •’—-------------- ----------
Jrlu«. —.ii-A nospnai
, Mtaever to attend a public , sale in
- ' * ~ 4 ■ r
CollRjC Northhampton, Mia*. ' '— easy th* first of
^California They left thia mom-IWove From CaHfernta to »Oregon ‘ Co«i county
the same kind of a stunt on First
ing on the return trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hansen, of San
* —-----------------
street Tuesday morning but unfor­
S. H. Stockhoff wa* here a couple went up to Myrtle Point to see Mr.
tunately there were no cop* nearby
of day* laat week from hi* home in Dunn yesterday, reporta that he is
F. Colvard Returns From
looking over their acreage purchased
to nab him.
northern California, in .connection improving steadily.
Trip To St. Louis and Arkansas
Acting as superintendent as well as
The Coquille Central Labor Coun­ With the sale of Mr*. Connick'* dairy
F. Colvard, proprietor of the Co­ through George E. Oerding Agency.
Mrs. E. E. Leslie returned Sunday
and ranch’ acroa* the river, a part of high school prtncipsl, Mr Osika ha*
evening from Oswego, where she quille Studio, returned home last
the R um holdings here, which were had a most busy week since Monday
had visited the Keith Leslie family Thursday from his month's eastern chase of a home in Coquille where ■ dances Saturday, Sept. 18, which as­
largely disposed of a year ago. He and stated this morning that there
for a week. She accompanied Keith, trip on which he attended to business
left Friday for_home. He returned wa* nothing of new* value in con­
who is now spending a couple of matters in St. Louis and in Arkansas These San Francisco people like Co-(
again thi* week for further negotia­ nection with the school*, everything
week* in the valley while auditing the He found the weather pretty warm
tion* in the sale of the dairy ranch. i being under control.
they have ever lived.
*ure to be there.
In the Mississippi valley
city of Bandon's book*.
t': “z
Claude G. Stotts, real estate dealer
in Marshfield, was last night named
as Coos county's War Bond chairmen,
succeeding Sheldon F. Sackett, who
has been chairman for several montps
but who has been out of the cout^y
Red Cross Workers
Greatly Needed
Heart Attack Fatal
To A. J. Morrow
Geo. R. Tumey
Speaks To Rotarians
Championship Soft
Ball Gome, Sept. 19
A. J. Radabaugh,
Nice War Bond
Fund Allocation
Pioneer, Passes
Two Good Crowds
At Circus Sunday
Grange Schedules
Open House
Gives Sentinel Credit
For His Big Crowd
Retail Milk
Delivery Stops
Former Residents
Here For Funeral
i Bigger and Better