i 1 Minor Mett where Mrs. Dorothy Welch Meets •’ ’pe"1 •u.i. ... „ u . „ . the hall. Present wei • their Her Son, Harold, In New York M„ j A Moor., it and Mrl Dorothy Welch write, her Green«, Mansell, Ow *° father, Albert Maiden, here that the Rejner had arrived safely in New York and . H«°‘ u* d T ? not Vay< yet *^ home from Africa. He k had no0fled whether he would be 'discharged from the Navy or not. After a trip to Washington they will start for home, stopping in Iowa for a visit, as Harold has a leave of some length She found his condi- It tion to be somewhat worse than she nounce had thought. Dietins pieting • their at day. Motors reside ■ 11" 1 ■■ ■■■■ ■“ n."11 ■ 1 1.■ cleansing creams „ ., Club _ rr,"y evening There will be a me Elk Duck Clut? Frl< st the J. A. Laml members are urged 1 ————- Choice flowers and ably priced at Berge _ Big-Top To Show Splendid Groups Of Artists And Menagerie In Coquille, September 12 Fuhrman's Pharmacy from where I sit Sam Abernethy*! the Chief Rumor-Splker in our town. If a stranger gets off some­ thing like-“I hear they’ve sunk the S. S. Bumblebee,” Sam starts pinning him down. Did he really see It? Where’s the evidence? Because Sam knows, like the rest of us, that nine-tenths of the “inside news” passed around by careless folk Isn’t rumor—It's lies planted by the Axis to destroy American morale. Take these itamers aboat drinking in oar Army Camps. Ao. 67 of a £;riet Monom MICKEY RITA HAYWORTH IN MATINEE SUNDAY 1:45 Mat ilcnSc Eves. ilc*5fc